Orange UK gets exclusivity on white Xperia X10

White Xperia X10We have already reported that the Xperia X10 will be hitting all of the UK mobile operators. All operators will be getting the black version, however if you’re after the chic white version then you’re only port of call is Orange. The company has managed to secure the white version as an exclusive, although at this point it’s unknown how long this will last. It will be available from early April.

Francois Mahieu, Director of Devices, Orange UK said “We’re really pleased to be working with Sony Ericsson to help bring their first Android device to UK customers. The exclusive white Xperia X10 allows users to make the most from their social relationships, whether over a call or online and is a great addition to our ever expanding range of Android devices”.

3 responses to “Orange UK gets exclusivity on white Xperia X10”

  1. Wow, I was just going to get the Black version but since it’s an Orange Exclusive, I may have to upgrade to get the White version now!

  2. Really want a white X10, not able to get an orange, voda, tmob, virgin or 3 signal at home which leaves it to o2…so not fair. Any idea how long this “exclusive” deal is going to last for????