Google announced Android 2.2 (Froyo) last week with some significant improvements over 2.1. I can’t be the only X10 owner feeling a tinge of jealousy knowing that we will only get the Android 2.1 update at the end of the year, by which time the next major version of Android (Gingerbread) would have been released.
As the Xperia X10 is the company’s flagship smartphone I think it is fair of us to ask what the company’s plans are (if any) for the Froyo update. Hundreds of comments have already been left at the SE Product Blog and now we have a petition to try and get some attention. Personally, I’m not a big fan of petitions as I’m not sure they have much impact. However, it can’t do any harm and will only take less than two minutes of your time to sign. Click here to make your voice heard.
Update: According to a SEUK twitter update, it seems as if they are considering implementing future Android versions.
44 responses to “Petition started for Froyo update on Xperia X10”
i really miss 2.2
You MISS the 2.2? Have you even had it?
lol pathetic…
Who mentioned missing it? You’re the pathetic one, making stuff up and posting it.
I let message on all andro forums in my country
Hope we wil have as many signatures to SE will cannot just ignore it
I hope we will get 2.2 soon. I did contact SE and have been told that the september update is 2.1
If it doesnt get upgraded to 2.2 this is definitely the last SE I buy.
Finger crossed for root !!
BH, are you daft? rami is talking about yasser’s statement “i really miss 2.2”, now look who’s the pathetic here.
Lets all hope Sony Ericcson will take note of this and respect its customers.
Chill out guys. Let’s channel all our anger towards SE and we should accept not all of us are that literate in the English language 🙂
we all pathetic heree without 2.2 =P
SE’s news focus mainly on Japan and Asia, the sales turnover better than their forecast. Since we already owned the phone, we are users but not representing the market anymore at least to SE. SE will take care of us by ASS – After Sales Service!
I really feel that SE should get their act together and push this updates fast, even the phone work as it is but as mentioned many times the OS is limiting the hardware capabilities and furthermore, other competitor like HTC has already released their comparable device like Desire which runs on 2.1 with similar specs. I really hope i don’t regret getting this phone. Too bad in my country, we are not getting returning purchased products policy, else off i go to Desire.
Perhaps we should be turning our attention to Google? Can you imagine the frustration SE must be feeling, they’re working to update their handset to Android 2.1, then 2.2 gets released and at the same time Gingerbread (2.3?) is announced?
Would anyone prefer it if the handset ran vanilla 2.1 or 2.2 without the UX interface customisation?
I posted the petition link on the Sony Ericsson UK and global Facebook sites and got the following reply from SE:
“Hi Mark, Thank you for your feedback regarding the Sony Ericsson X10’s Android upgrade.
We appreciate your feedback regarding this and have passed this on to the relevant department. We can confirm that this is something our developers are currently looking into and will provide further information once this is available.
The Sony Ericsson Facebook Team
Hi mark
unfortunatelly SE again had such a good answer which tells you nothing at all . It is one of the “maybe but do not believe it” answer .
I just hope that there will be root done on xda,
i am SE customer for many years, but now i can see that the time to switch is here . SE do not care about the customer anymore.
They have new strategy : sell and forget
Dude rami
Wht i mean is X10 will miss 2.2 instd of crappy 2.1 OS
its nithg lik i had 2.2v ..lolz rami
i=X10 😛
Ok, calm down, 2.1 is not really a “crappy OS”, it’s quite current by Android standards.
Now I would love to see 2.2, and I have signed the petition, but I’m ok with the 2.1 in the fall AS LONG AS WE GET 2.2 sometime.
If the 2.1 is the end of the updates, then I’ll be pissed.
I think what we should be concerned about is that there is no word from Sony on this.. They definitely need to communicate with their customers better. This has become a hugh !@itstorm for them and they need to at least resolve their intentions with customers.
Ive put my X10 back in its box and got the good old iPhone out. The X10 is a complete let down, mainly due to the pathetic keyboard
You can change to the standard Android keyboard by holding your finger down in any input field and clicking on change input method. If you select the Standard Android keyboard, it’s a much improved experience.
Don’t give up, Android is worth it in the end.
SE couldn’t even tell you guys whether the X10 supported multi-touch, even though they must have known that it didn’t, very early on, yet still they stalled and didn’t confirm or deny. They Let people carry on saying this and that. 2.1 will bring multi-touch… What on Earth makes you people thing that this will be any different?
I’ll be honest, I’ve not had a SE phone since the K800i.
It wouldn’t be so bad if they were charging people a premium for this phone too. Just what is the market for the X10 now anyway? In the states, you can get the HTC incredible now, or the EVO 4 G soon enough. Not forgetting the tried and tested iPhone 3GS, with the new iPhone around the corner if you don’t mind.
Such a shame. A great opportunity missed by SE.
@burty: Search for the htc keyboard post in this blog. After installing it typing is a whole new experience.
I love my X10, but alas it will be my last ever SE purchase. The reason being is that this is a repeat of their other more recent high end phones dating back the past few years. The particular examples I have are the P800 (support fine) P900 (support fine) P990 (support flakey) X1 (support atrocious) and the X10. The X10 was the make of break model as to whether or not I’d go with SE again, however with their poor lack of support, I will be switching on my next contract renewal.
p.s. The petition is pointless. Would be a great idea if it wasn’t full of idiots consuming page after page commenting with the likes “we love you SE 4eva!! x <3". Yeah that's really gonna get SE's attention and force them to make the decision we all want to hear…
Given the average phone contract for a high end smartphone like this is two years – SE need to provide Android updates, wether it’s 2.2 or Gingerbread, Vanilla Ice or whatever into March 2012 – two years after it was released, buy which point it’s hopefully rooted. SE need to be careful here – it’s a HTC world now, most online forums where negative towards X10 before it was even released due to the 1.6 fiasco… screwing this up will effictively kill their smartphone ambitions. Personally I just want something that will let me delete my playlists, because the ones I’ve created using Astro file manager, I can’t f**king well find on the SE Media Go thing and the phone doesn’t let you delete (or create) playlists. Same old Sony. Fantastic hardware / poor software – even my K800i could create / delete playlists!
Im gonna wait til the update to 2.x before I fish out the X10 again. I tried the standard keyboard but its still missing inputs, (perhaps I have a faulty phone). Its such a shame because otherwise it would be a cracking phone
join the FROYO facebook page
If SE wants to really stick in market they should do something for its customers.
Can anybody explain me why cant SE update to 2.2 OS?
even 2.1 update SE dev guys are developing it from scratch right then why cant they directly build 2.2??
Now, lets hope SE are, by some strange and sudden care for their customers, reading this. HTC Scorpion; running android 2.2 straight out of the damn box! I got my X10 on the basis of past SE phones, the fastidious attention to technology. One of the first companies to release a plus 3 megapixel camera phone. The company behind the ultimate audio interface on any phone; with the experience of the Walkman behind them. Yet…
We now have a company who are struggling to release 2.1 by the end of the year, who will procrastinate for who knows how long on 2.2 and as for Gingerbread, need we even mention that. It’s not an ego thing, wanting the latest OS to save face against currently superior HTC owners, but a principal point, of being a long term SE fan for the simple fact of them being one of the best companies around with a proven track record.
Someone mentioned Google being the cause, no, maybe if SE took their approach and put more effort into improving and advancing, this thread would be empty because we’d all be off updating our phones to 2.2.
Well done SE, ruining a perfectly good reputation, day-by-day.
Relax everyone, i work in mobile phones and have checked with my se rep the 2.2 upgrade will be launched on x10 as soon as they make sure there arent going to be any issues, dont want a repeat of the iphone 4 i guess, ps smart keyboard is a really useful app for getting rid of the keyboard issues and getting a compact/alphanumeric option. There is a free version on the market
direct upgrade to 2.2 froyo or else this is my last sony ericsson phone.
want the FROYO update directly by Q4 2010 cmon……
i own a x10 and love it if its battry time is ignored.
right the day i bought this phone it was something in my mind that SE will keep updating this phone since it is their very first andriod device otherwise i could not afforad having a phone with anriod 1.6.
good thing is we are getting 2.1 soon but the worst thing will be if we are not getting 2.2 in future. i will really be disappionted and will nevaaaaaaaaaaaaa go for SE again
want 2.2 right NOW!!!!
Dear All,
I Really Wonder What The Fuss Is All About. SE Xperia X10 In Itself Is Very Self Contained.
It Really Doesnt Matter If It Hjas Android 1.6 Or Any Other As For That Matter.
Its Just A Smart Phone. Be It , It Doesnt Have The Hd Video Recording/ Any Other , Which Am Sure, No One Will Use On A Regular Basis, Then What Is The Fuss All About, I Know Being Upto Date Is A Good “In-Thing” But I am Really content With My X10 with 1.6 I Can Run Most Of The Fun Applications I Need, Gtalk / Gmail/ Office Suite/ Nimbuss And A Lot More.
I Do Not See Where 2.1 Will Make Any significant Improvements In this Stuff, As This Are Not Related To An OS Update .
I See People Running After 2.1/ 2.2 As If Its Gonna Be A Big Part Of Thier Life, Or Maybe Everyone Wants To Boost Off Saying Their Uptodate.
Be Content With Xperia X10 .
Mine Is A Gem Peice/ And I Woudn’t Trade It For Anything. ( Just My Opinion)
But I Do Wish If Everyone Is So Into An Update, Then They Do Get It ASAP. 🙂
Last I Heard The Update Is Out Tonight Over Europe.
And Will Gradually Roll-Out To Other Regions.
Hope I Havent Offend Anyone. 🙂
Mohammed Ansari.
I just bought a Mini Pro.
It has some bugs, so i am really waiting for the update, and hope to see theese issues fixed.
I’m kinda lost. Android can do less than my G502 in a lot of regards. So SE should really get in to SW development this time. As this is the only way to rule the market on smart phones. I do not care if i have 5 or 10 Mpixel camera, or stufff…. but sending a file throught bluetooth is a must.
Please Sony!!! If we were not worried about the state that the x10 is in why would we make this petition? Flash is such a big part of the Internet don’t abandon us, people who pay good money for your phone (alot of money) c’mon people Sony need to hear you want the 2.2 update 🙂
i suggest skipping 2.2 froyo as we are approaching the end of the year,………. but just with the hope of getting gingerbread as soon as other phones get it …… this will be a very wise move from SE
We DESERVE to get FLASH on Xperia X10. GIVE ME THE 2.2 AT LEAST!!!
Recently juz upgraded my X10 mini pro to 2.1…….After so desperately waiting………..
And now they announced X12 for 2.2……..not even 3.0 or 4.0………..
Somehow, my feelings said that we’ll never gonna get it….*sob*………
2.2 im waiting…….
Hi ,
If they dont give update for 2.2 I will just switch to HTC. Sorry sonyericsson is your problem.
Im developer and I will develope applications but if no update for 2.2 I will switch to HTC. Sorry sonyericsson is your problem.
If you dont provide update to 2.2 my boss will buy me a HTC becouse I have to develope fancy things for market. Sorry sonyericsson is your problem.
At end is your problem and position you wonna take in smart phone market is your choice.
hmmmmm… HTC with 2.2
I ask you to remove this sad topic. Sony has used the reasons showed here to deny us 2.2.
This is a petition group for all Sony Ericsson Xperia users who wish to see a future release of Android 2.2+ on the Xperia series.
Notable features in Android 2.2 that will enhance the functionality of the Xperia series (Source: Wikipedia, “Android (operating system)”:
* General Android OS speed, memory, and performance optimizations
* Additional application speed improvements courtesy of JIT implementation
* Integration of Chrome’s V8 JavaScript engine into the Browser application
* Increased Microsoft Exchange support (security policies, auto-discovery, GAL look-up, calendar synchronization, remote wipe)
* Improved application launcher with shortcuts to Phone and Browser applications
* USB tethering and Wi-Fi hotspot functionality
* Added an option to disable data access over mobile network
* Updated Market application with batch and automatic update features
* Quick switching between multiple keyboard languages and their dictionaries
* Voice dialing and contact sharing over Bluetooth
* Support for numeric and alphanumeric passwords
* Support for file upload fields in the Browser application
* Support for installing applications to the expandable memory
* Adobe Flash 10.1 support
* Support for extra high DPI screens (320 dpi), such as 4″ 720p
By joining this group, you support the idea that Sony Ericsson should develop and release Android 2.2+ for the Xperia series.
Please, let’s do something! At least we can try.
Join us.
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