Exploid Root Method for Xperia X10 [Tutorial]

Android RootDespite flagging the one-click root method for the Xperia X10 family over the weekend, there are still users that couldn’t get it to work. To help them out we’ve expanded on the original Exploid tutorial to make it easy for complete newbies to get root on their Xperia X10 handsets.

This method will work for any of the Xperia X10 family and is very easy to apply (take our word for it). The instructions are included below, please make sure you follow each step carefully. As always, this is done entirely at your own risk and we take no responsibility if anything goes wrong.

Exploid Root Method for Xperia X10

Preparatory steps

1) On your phone Settings –> Applications –> Development –> Make sure ‘USB debugging’ and ‘Stay awake’ are ticked.

2) Make sure that the ‘Quick Settings’ widget is installed somewhere on one of your homescreens. Use the icon to switch the Wi-Fi on.

3) Make sure that either PC Companion or Sony Ericsson Update Service (SEUS) is installed on your PC.

4) Download the Exploid file. Extract the zip file and move the ‘exploid_x10’ folder to the C:\ directory.

Apply Root Method

5) Plug the Xperia X10 into the PC. You should see two icons appear in the notification bar (the USB key and hazard key denoting you are in debugging mode). Scroll the notification bar down and connect the USB (DO NOT mount the card).

6) Now go to the PC: Start –> Run –> Type ‘cmd’ and a DOS prompt should appear.

7) Now you will need to enter the following red text into the DOS prompt. The easiest way to do this is copy/paste the text using your mouse. [Note: Ctrl C and Ctrl V will not work here.] I have included the output after each command below to give you an idea of what you should be seeing after each step.

cd c:\exploid_x10

C:\exploid_x10>adb push Superuser.apk /sdcard/Superuser.apk
1213 KB/s (0 bytes in 38823.000s)

C:\exploid_x10>adb push su /sdcard/su
1382 KB/s (0 bytes in 22120.000s)

C:\exploid_x10>adb push exploid /sqlite_stmt_journals/exploid
604 KB/s (0 bytes in 9672.000s)

C:\exploid_x10>adb push busybox /sqlite_stmt_journals/busybox
2016 KB/s (0 bytes in 1709832.000s)

C:\exploid_x10>adb shell
$ cd sqlite_stmt_journals
cd sqlite_stmt_journals
$ chmod 755 exploid
chmod 755 exploid
$ chmod 755 busybox
chmod 755 busybox
$ ./exploid
[*] Android local root exploid (C) The Android Exploid Crew
[*] Modified by birdman for the DroidX
[+] Using basedir=/sqlite_stmt_journals, path=/sqlite_stmt_journals/exploid
[+] opening NETLINK_KOBJECT_UEVENT socket
[+] sending add message …
[*] Try to invoke hotplug now, clicking at the wireless
[*] settings, plugin USB key etc.
[*] You succeeded if you find /system/bin/rootshell.
[*] GUI might hang/restart meanwhile so be patient.

8 ) Disable and enable Wi-Fi using the Quick Settings widget on your Xperia X10.

$ rootshell
Password (echoed):rootnow

9) The phone has now been rooted. However, you will still need to type the following commands.

./busybox cp /sdcard/Superuser.apk /system/app/
./busybox cp /sdcard/su /system/bin/
./busybox cp busybox /system/bin/
chmod 4755 /system/bin/su
rm /system/bin/rootshell

10) You have now exited out of rootshell.


11) You have now exited out of adb shell. Root complete.

Verify Root

Type the following commands:

adb shell

Look at the display of your Xperia X10. Superuser.apk will ask whether to allow the root permission. Click ‘Allow’. You have confirmed that your phone is indeed rooted.

Install Apps that require Root

Barnacle Wifi Tether – Turns your phone into a wireless hotspot/router.

To get it working: Install from Android Market and launch. Press Settings –> Interfaces –> LAN. Type athwlan0 in the pop-up box.

Titanium Backup – One of the most powerful backup/restore tools on Android.

To get it working: Install from Android Market and launch. Click ‘Problems’ in titanium and let it download the latest version of busybox.

Remove Root

1) Disable USB Debugging mode: Settings –> Applications –> Development –> Untick ‘USB debugging’.

2) Now run the Sony Ericsson Update Service or PC Companion.

3) When prompted connect the phone to the USB cable. Under Software Update, click on Start.

5) Let the software download and reinstall the latest update. Once finished your phone will be unrooted.

92 responses to “Exploid Root Method for Xperia X10 [Tutorial]”

  1. i tried but i am getting “Device Not Found” when performing:
    C:\exploid_x10>adb push Superuser.apk /sdcard/Superuser.apk

  2. @Rolland – Make sure of the following:

    – USB debugging is ticked as mentioned above
    – The SD card is not mounted
    – Ensure the extracted folder is within the C root location

  3. finally it worked for me instead of the one click root
    and i needed root badly becuase im from israel and i didnt had hebrew fonts
    know i can finally surf my local websites
    and very grateful for sharing your knowledge

  4. Hey Author,

    Thought I’d leave a comment….
    Perhaps it would be useful to blog about the pro’s/con’s of rooting the X10.
    What the purpose is? Why it’s useful? The dangers and known issues after rooting

    Could be a really useful article to the majority of users out there. Just a thought… 🙂

    Keep on bloggin!!

  5. Worked on my Rogers X10a as well.
    Took about 5-10min. Longest time was spent copying out the code.
    Doesn’t change anything that was already installed.
    Basically just provides root access and seemingly nothing else changes.
    This is great. I can finally stop useless apps from starting on boot.

  6. ROOT:

    Your phone is a little computer running linux. On linux systems, there are normal users which can use applications, but not change the system. And there admin accounts, which can do anything. On your phone you/the app you use is logged in as normal user. Thus, you are not allowed to do certain things, i.e. delete the preinstalled apps, or other things sony-ericsson or your phone company does not want you to do. This is also to prevent users from bricking/damaging their phone, as most users just want to use it in a normal way. Some users however want to be able to get rid of preinstalled apps, or to tether or to do other things. Rooting your phone means you/ an app you use has admin rights. So you can do all the stuff that was not allowed before. You can change things in the /system-folder on the phone, etc. You generally have more rights, which otherwise only the phone company or s.e. have. Your phone is your property, and with root you can exercise that right. But you can also damage it, so be careful and inform yourself before doing anything stupid, always back up original files, etc.

  7. you guys had to do all this. all i did was put my phone into usb debugging. connect my phone to my laptop. drag the apk file to my phone. disconnected my phone. installed the apk and clicked root. and it worked. i know its rooted because i was able to use titanium backup to remove moxier and also used barnacle for wifi tethering. it’s really simple

  8. After it’s all done, do I keep the ‘USB debugging’ and ‘Stay awake’ boxes ticked?
    Settings –> Applications –> Development –> ‘USB debugging’ and ‘Stay awake’

  9. OK SERIOUSLY i dont know if it worked or not but with this method does that mean i can get paid apps for free

  10. R…..
    Root of X10 has nothing to do with ability to install paid apps for free. Try to read and understand benefits of ROOT just Google it. If you want paid apps for free you should look in to APKtor apk on market and get some nice Repository sides.

  11. I keep getting this:

    C:\exploid_x10>adb push Superuser.apk /sdcard/Superuser.apk
    * daemon not running. starting it now *
    * daemon started successfully *
    failed to copy ‘Superuser.apk’ to ‘/sdcard/Superuser.apk’: Permission denied

  12. How can i install Barnacle Wifi Tether? Do i need to have wifi or just simply connected to internet (pc to x10) through USB? wahhhhh im sorry … i dont know how to install it in my x10 mobile.

  13. re message 12 above (jeunesse) – thankyou for a clear concise non geeky description of rooting.

    I grew up on DOS and will try this procedure out when I return from holiday (vacation).

    I have one question – will this rooting procedure work on a UK “3” X10? I read somewhere that branded phones can not be rooted?

    Many thanks,


  14. thank you very much for all the help.
    now i have HEBREW on my X10 !!!!!!

    god bless you


  15. I keep getting this:

    C:\exploid_x10>adb push Superuser.apk /sdcard/Superuser.apk
    * daemon not running. starting it now *
    * daemon started successfully *
    failed to copy ‘Superuser.apk’ to ‘/sdcard/Superuser.apk’: Permission denied

  16. 5) Plug the Xperia X10 into the PC. You should see two icons appear in the notification bar (the USB key and hazard key denoting you are in debugging mode). Scroll the notification bar down and connect the USB (DO NOT mount the card).

    I’m a newbie and it keeps saying that “device not found”. I think that’s because I didn’t follow the above instruction correctly. could you please tell me how to do it in more detail steps?

    many thanks.

  17. i have locked my phone X10 by entering incorrect pin. Could anyone tell me how to unlock the phone. Checked with SEM service center however they are not able to do it as the phone is from the UK. Cant access the menu option as well….Need help…

  18. Anyone I have a question!!! I love my new X10 Rooted but if and when X10 will get 2.1 update all this work will be to waste? And this method of rotting will not work?

  19. When I try to download exploid McAfee reports a trojan and deletes the download… Not good

  20. Richard Clements….
    Uninstall this shit McAfee and install the real thing Symantec endpoint protection. There is no virus in this file.

  21. Hi there,
    Thanks for the lovely post!
    I’d also like to know – would it be possible to perform the (official) update of SE once 2.1/2.2 comes out? and if yes – would I lose all the changes of the rooted X10?..

  22. Hi I am having problems getting barnacle to work. I used athwlan0 as stated but i get errors as follows
    setting address of athwlan0 failed: no such device
    getting address of athwlan0 failed: no such device
    getting netmask of athwlan0 failed: no such device

    could not get flags of athwlan0: no such device
    stopped unexpectedly

    when i try it without inputting athwlan0 in lan settings, it starts running but it shows no readings in traffic and i cant connect to barnacle from my laptop. Please any help would be appreciated.

  23. This is great; worked like a charm. Barnacle tether is wonderful.

    Actually, as it is now, my Xperia x10 is more useful than my iphone ever was IMHO.

    I don’t miss multi-touch at all. I can still listen to music, my GPS works great, I have a choice of a number of keyboards, I love the larger screen, and higher resolution camera. And now with root access, I can use the Xperia x10 to tether my macbook when I am traveling, and need to check e-mail on the go. I wouldn’t care even if I never got the 2.1 update. Who needs live wallpapers anyway. Thanks, sony.

  24. ok peeps for those of u facing the problem of device not found .. try doing the procedure on a computer that has a window xp or something , i tried and its working fine

  25. I went through the root successfully, now how do i delete the unwanted apps.

    i already tried arrange icons and going into the settings > applications > manage applications

  26. Remove Root

    1) Disable USB Debugging mode: Settings –> Applications –> Development –> Untick ‘USB debugging’.

    2) Now run the Sony Ericsson Update Service or PC Companion.

    3) When prompted connect the phone to the USB cable. Under Software Update, click on Start.

    5) Let the software download and reinstall the latest update. Once finished your phone will be unrooted.

    Sorry but the above instructions for unrooting the phone do not work for me. SE update service says my phone is up to date and gives no option to install anything just to exit the program.
    PC companion says the same “your phone is up to date” and when i try to do a repair i get download error.
    Does anyone know of another method of unrooting so i can download updates cos as things stand i don’t think i would even be able to update to 2.1 when its released.

  27. Wow this worked fine for me I was surprised coz I didnt have a clue what I was doing I just cut n pasted all that red text….

    So now I’m rooted ive done the tethering thing, and installed titanium, what else can I do?

  28. can anyone help with this commmand
    C:\exploid_x10>adb push Superuser.apk /sdcard/Superuser.apk
    1213 KB/s (0 bytes in 38823.000s)

    i dont get the second line but i get device not found. what am i doing wrong?


  30. i have set the athwlan0 in my x10, it worked, my macbook can find my x10 ,connected successfully the only problem is i still can’t connect to the internet, why is this? (the internet works fine on the phone by the way, so i guess this is not an apn issue)

  31. After I enter the ”./exploid” I got the ”Password (echoed):” right away, not after…and then nothing happens. I put the pasword ”rootnow” but still nothing.
    Any sugestions?

  32. My X10 was locked by AT&T and I unlocked it.
    I want to root it and will it lock back my phone?

  33. Works Gr8!…thanks Dude….can anybody help me to uninstall AT&T apps from X10a (R2CA016) model……

    Thanks In adv…..

  34. hey everytime I run this “chmod 755 exploid”
    I got an error saying that “Unable to chmod exploid: No such file or directory”
    So how is it?
    I’m sure I’m following all the preparation and previous steps.. -___-

  35. sir
    my wifi is not working , just finding and scanning but not connecting.

    please give any solution.



  36. Help Help Help

    ok im very tech savy and i am one of these few on hear that keep getting the error: “device not found” im at my last wits hear i feel like i have done all i can do to try to get this root to work what the heck is going on?

    running WIN XP
    exploid x10 is in c dir
    all the steps have been taken?? Im stumped.

    Help please i want to root my x10 🙁

  37. Same Problem:
    Plz help me: why

    $ rootshell
    rootshell: permission denied
    what is solution?

  38. ^ could it be because i just bought this phone and the new frame ware is more difficult to root?
    other than this rooting problem this phone is seriously amazing!!!!

    please help “device not found”????

  39. Hi, I followed all the steps although at the end I the message permissions denied in cmd, I installed Titanium Back up with root access so I think it is rooted. I back up an application, but when I tried restoring it, I get the following:
    Install Blocked
    For security, your phone is set to block installation of applications not sourced in android market.
    I keep reading this about clicking Unknown Sources under Phone Settings > Applications
    but there is not anything related to Unknown Sources to check/click, etc. I will appreciate your help on this, thanks

  40. will an update service from SE over ride this application message “install blocked”? And if not will the update from SE make my phone Rootable?


  41. i extracted it into my hard drive (c) and it wont find it i even made a new folder for it via win rar but it won open its pissing me off and it says i need permission to delete it so whats going on?

  42. my mission failed to root my x10 mini… sad sad…

    i managed to complete until this and it seems to freeze and no response already…

    any expert can help me out here?

    cd c:\exploid_x10

    C:\exploid_x10>adb push Superuser.apk /sdcard/Superuser.apk
    1213 KB/s (0 bytes in 38823.000s)

    C:\exploid_x10>adb push su /sdcard/su
    1382 KB/s (0 bytes in 22120.000s)

    C:\exploid_x10>adb push exploid /sqlite_stmt_journals/exploid
    604 KB/s (0 bytes in 9672.000s)

    C:\exploid_x10>adb push busybox /sqlite_stmt_journals/busybox
    2016 KB/s (0 bytes in 1709832.000s)

    C:\exploid_x10>adb shell
    $ cd sqlite_stmt_journals
    cd sqlite_stmt_journals
    $ chmod 755 exploid
    chmod 755 exploid
    $ chmod 755 busybox
    chmod 755 busybox
    $ ./exploid

  43. just got my xperia x10. it came with android 1.6 (build r2ca016). i’ve tried to get 2.1 (or higher), but everything i can use to update it says my phone has the latest updates. that aside, i tried downloading some games i found on websites but i kept running into “install blocked – not sourced in the marketplace”. so i do some research and learn i need to “root” my phone to get around it’s secruity garbage. i tried the “one-click root method” and had no luck – can’t run software not sourced in the marketplace. so i follow the steps above to the T, not one typo, nothing. everything went as the tutorial described, however i still can’t install anything not sourced in the marketplace. any ideas?

  44. Yeah what the hell i have rooted it says but all my shit says “install blocked” please help hear i cant get the 2.1 update either so wtf!!!!!!!!!!!

  45. Same Problem:
    Plz help me: why

    $ rootshell
    rootshell: permission denied
    what is solution?

  46. Ok can “someone help us” I have rooted with all the steps hear, supresuser is up, titanium backup installed, and I have the current busy box. Phone says rooted but still get install blocked message and can’t remog certain apps off my phone that I want to?

    Help help help! Please

  47. I’m quite savvy but I dont knw why this command chmod 755 exploid says ” Unable to chmod exploid: No such file or directory”

    Can you please help ?

  48. hey dude… I’m sure not many ppl are using windows & not linux… how do you use chmod on windows to change permissions ?

  49. i am having problem on the 8th step….! when i enter rootshell…. it says permission denied….! doubts : i dont have any wifi here, is that the problem ? 2. when you say disable and enable wifi… does that mean we have to keep our wifi enabled at the time of entering the rootshell command ? please help.. 🙁

  50. Ok sadly I am a newb I just want to be sure that if I make a new folder on my c drive or do I add it into a nother folder? I’m running vista home 32 I tried something like this before but I got no response and ad aware called it spyware and auto quarinteened and deleted it

  51. spent hours trying to root my phone last night. i finally came across this website today. took five minutes. THANK YOU!!!!!!!

  52. Wow this is the best, simplest and most complete instructions that really work for my xperia x10a. Thank you.

  53. Same Problem:
    Plz help me: why

    $ rootshell
    rootshell: permission denied
    what do i need to do?

  54. Dudes, can i root my x10 mini pro with 2.1 android and with 2.1.1.A.0.6 ?
    Please tell me?!?!

  55. Doesn’t work on Android 2.1. the file “rootshell” isn’t created by “./exploid”. Tried disabling/enabling WIFI /USB debugging for the hotplug option. Didn’t work though.

  56. “Device not found” error
    x10a from at&t android 1.6
    windows xp pc
    tried installing driver from sony website, won’t install
    any help?

  57. Okay, I have it done on my phone now. I replaced the adb file with the one from SWM and everything worked great. Good work gentlemen, and a great big thank you.

  58. Same Problem:
    Plz help me: why

    $ rootshell
    rootshell: permission denied
    what do i need to do?

  59. Same Problem:
    Plz help me: why

    $ rootshell
    rootshell: permission denied
    what do i need to do?

  60. i have entered command on dos prompt but i get the msg
    error:device not found
    i have allready connected my device with pc.
    any buddy help me online.

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