There has been much doom and gloom surrounding Sony Ericsson over the last few months, not only from frustrated Xperia X10 owners waiting on their promised Android update but also from the wider blog community. Just earlier this week, Gizmodo questioned how long the company will exist for.
The latest market share statistics also do not make for pretty reading, well at least on the face of it. Sony Ericsson’s overall mobile phone shipment ranking fell from fourth in Q1 2010 to sixth place in Q2 according to iSuppli. This is quite an important milestone as it is the first time Sony Ericsson has ranked outside the top 5 global brands in three years.

However, every cloud has a silver lining and whilst overall Q2 shipments only grew by 4.8 percent, this masks the strong growth delivered by SE’s (Android) smartphones. Sony Ericsson’s smartphone shipments grew by 15.4 percent, making it the fourth fastest growing smartphone brand during the quarter.
This change in strategy from low-margin, high volume phones to higher margin smartphones also led to a near doubling in gross margin from 12 percent in Q2 2009 to 28 percent this year. This trend continued into the third quarter with the gross margin hitting 30 percent and smartphones now compromising more than 50% of total sales. Sony Ericsson is likely to continue this strategy as they look to launch the next Android flagship by the end of the year. The real question is how many existing Xperia customers will be willing to give Sony Ericsson another chance.
96 responses to “Sony Ericsson’s Android shift already paying dividends”
alot…startin from me
Yeah.. me too.
They will sell high again if they upgrade xperia x10 to 2.2 / and Make alot fixes of bugs/issues/problems of ppl
After se’s attempts at not looking like bumbling idiots for failing on adequtely letting there consumers know about delays and other issues i doubt any of the current x10 owners will EVER buy another se product again!
I think the current BS approach SE have been taking with their c
X10 customers will be very difficult to forgive or forget. I won’t be upgrading my phone anytime soon but when I do I’d have to be insane to touch SE.
Exactly what overpowered said
Good now they might pull there finger out there arses and sort out the crap sw on there lattest high end devices. The satio was so laggy that the 12.1 mp cam an was useless k800 k850 die if u use them to much had to reflash evry few weeks and now the x10i is a lot better but still needs sw tweeks that take forever. I think this my be there last chance at the high end smart phones. Us geeks what a lot more than se can offer thats why they need to open the bootloader so at least we can play around with it after all thats what andriod was all about open source. Thats what i think anyway.
Possibly they will lose about hundred thousand geeks, and gain millions more mainstream users. I, for one, will buy their product again, for me, it’s the design that matters most and not the OS that runs it, unless there’s a major problem which I can’t solve…
@Gman, I personally didn’t have any issues with the K800 firmware, but K850 is another story. The xenon flash was wrongly timed, the phone restarted by itself, etc.
@anter it was the k850 i had most of the plobs with it wood freeze after any use atall.
HAHAHA. not me for sure!!! they lost a customer here.
I would most definately go for another SE mobile.
Got about a year left on the contract for my x10 and looking forward to what SE will have available for me come upgrade time.
I have stuck with SE phones for the last 7 years after endless troubles with nokia and motorola hand sets.
The issues with the updte delays are the only problem i have ever had with SE.
And considering the initial promise was Q4, had they not have been so silly as to change their dates, there wouldnt have even been an issue.
I am one for sticking to what i know so my custom will more thn likly sty with SE
I would give SE another chance. I’ve been using SE phones since 2002 and I have never been dissapointed. Sure, Xperia does have some flaws and it needs updating but I do not mind waiting. My phone is functioning, I use it everyday to check my email (it was hard to configure Moxier Mail but it’s heaven for me since I got it running), read attachments, handle my calls and SMS, to take pictures when I’m in the lab (I’m a physicist) and I need to quickly capture something and for music. I do not have any difficulties with these activities and I do not have a compulsive need for next update. Sure, it will have HD video and other cool stuff but the most important thing for me is the ability to handle my work on the go. And, of course, Xperia X10 looks really great.
I am not dissapointed in SE. And I think I know why. I make mistakes all the time and I’m not afraid to admit it. We’re just human and we should treat other humans with more respect.
I’m very contented with my X10 (eventhough it has 1.6 and doesn’t have any multitouch) and all of those update issues that people are ranting about doesn’t even bother me at all. I think they’ve done a tremendous job on X10. Remember people, Nobody force you to buy your x10 so stop saying that this has been your phone to date!
2nd Chance. Not a chance.
Good riddens
ill buy 4eva
men I love sony….
dis is one customer dat don’t give up…
used al brand from t610 to x10
wen it comes to functionality and user interface
sony rocks……
first android dis sweet d best is yet to come
and d slogan make.believe tight
…strongest fan in Nigeria…
bring it on…
I follow you on Twitter, and every single time I see a new post by you, my first thought is:
“Update yet!? :D”
Then I read the actual post and realize that Sony Ericsson is constantly disappointing me. 🙁
I like my X10i. But if I was buying a new Android phone today, I would go for HTC Desire. The sad thing about the X10 is that it has a lot of issues. Some of these issues don’t matter for the mainstream user, but for those people who bought the phone, because it was an Android phone, it does, myself included. Other issues are ignored by the hardcore fanboys backing up SE, but the fact is that SE promised something they couldn’t deliver. Just look at the way they changed their mind about multitouch and 16M colours.
It’s a gorgeous phone, no doubt, but SE seems to rely too much on this fact. Some of us want more than just a pretty phone, and an updated OS is a crucial part of keeping that group satisfied.
It is an Android device after all. If I only wanted a smartphone that was pretty and fancy and didn’t care about the OS and functions so much, I would have bought an iPhone.
For now I am sticking with my X10 though. I can’t wait to get the 2.1 update, and I have a sort of childish hope that we will see a 2.2 update some day.
I’d go for the Desire HD, even though the HTC Sense UI really isn’t working for me visually
Hey, I’m using swedish Telenor and it saying i’ve got new software to update!!
no troll i’m checking it out now!
Okay, let us know what you get
arghh nothings happening when i plug it into SEUS
Downloading a 144mb file! zomg!
well, they lost a loyal customer in here, I, for sure will NEVER and EVER and EVER buy another SE phone.
F U Se btw. _|_
Just need Flash and apps to sd so if we get 2.2 I’ll reconsider buying SE again otherwise hello Htc 🙂
Let us know if its 2.1!!! Because I love in Denmark, and I got an unbranded phone! I’m hoping that the update is here too! :DD
Please tell us Navvi! The wait is killing me with those new multitouch rumors, haha! xD
I would give SE a second chance :). SE 2009 was very bad and so many job layoffs 🙁 and appointing new CEO n so many other management changes so on and X10 was their 1st android phone. Obviously their Software release delay sucks always this happens.
But we should not forget that SE made lot of superb handsets K750i,P900,P1i,Walkman n cybershot series many more i loved them :D.
They have just got into a good profit Year 🙂 they don’t want to take too much risk 🙁 and they are settling in now.I am Quite sure SE wont disappoint us next time.
I believe this New CEO 🙂 he is working hard. Previously their where lot of delays in releasing handsets itself 🙁 now you guys can see they are launching pretty sooner than very late like X1 n satio.
Hope they will do the same thing to the software department too 🙂
peace cheers 🙂
Sorry guys, it was just a FW update!
FAAAARK what shitty phone company has a FW update just before the OS update!!
Sony Ericsson for life!!
Of course I’ll give them another chance, most of the people that said that they are not willing to give them another chance is because they are angry. But when they hear about a 12.1 mp camera phone with Froyo/ gingerbread and a 1.5 Ghz with a 4 inch Amoled screen and let’s not forget the sexy design!
You must know that I’m sure they will go for it hehehe, the problem is that se really have very reliable, appealing and attractive handsets, and that’s one of the major reasons why many people just ignore their flaws, but let’s be honest with ourselves, is there any company out there with out flaws??
SE= make.believe
dont reamind about k850 this was a biggiest sheet evver. I bought it was in repair about 10time+ some seus repairing by my self.
basicaly every single part in my phone has been replaced and more than 70% of year guarranty was out of my hand and anothor 20% was in seus software repair almost every day
Got damn hell
Got damn hell
Got damn hell
Got damn hell
Got damn hell
Then guarranty finish any basically went to the bin! after 3 weeks the main “”cpu”” fuck me
and i never have it again!
@Navvi: You’re an idiot!
over the year of ” using “K850i i made 1hour total talk time and 100 sms and 1150kb internet useage
Genius isn’t it !!
Navvi.. What version of FW you just got with the update?
@fact is fact
i agree but some flaws are not forgivable to the point not to trust again!
SE= make.shit
Navvi really?????? Are you sure ???
Tried as well.. only got PC companion update..
Duno, if it is todays update or a week old tho.. havent used SEUS for a week..
I for sure will stick to SE. SE is the onliest mobile brand i’ve ever had, and they haven’t disapointed me with anything but this software delay everyone is talking about. I cant really get why everyone is complaining and whining about the uppgrade. The delay probably means that it would have been bether if they released it much earlier.
Yeah, never again.
WOW! All you people who said you would buy another SE phone are either working for SE or just retarded. I bet I could sell you dog shit and then convince you it was the best purchase of your life. Dumbasses…
@fact is fact
Dude, common.. are you working for SE?
we hvn’t seen a single comment criticizing SE abt their shit on update…
I agree with u..
SE=make.customers sucks…
i bet on , if they go like this, they wont last than 2 yrs..
The software is damn outdated compare with other smart phones..go to hell..I swear i will never get a se phone again!
if some customers suxx, and just talking about shit, than SE dont have to do anything to make them suck…
you got your brains, you picked your phones … dont like – sell it, get over it…
if you like your phone as it is – stop bithing, just get some patience, to get it even better, and get a diff things to do in meanwhile
what the point if any topic is full of comments telling ‘i’m idiot, i bought a phone i dont like, time to swear, telling how bad phone they made me buy …’
did anyone really made you buy it? … turn your brains on pleeeease, and stop bitching at SE 🙂
Right now, i would definetelly switch from SE. But a year and a half down the line (when i plan on getting a new phone) I’ll see what SE have to offer, if its outdated in the slightest, there not getting my money.
Xperia x10 its not bad at all, yeah they take a lot for the update, indeed they should ship the xperia with android 2.1, but the hardware is pretty nice and works for me. i preffer a quality piece of hardware right there like x10, x10pro, x10mini than a bunch of shits desings hardwares like nokia, zte and lg. Samsung you go in the right way 😉
@ x10 warrior
Dude I did point that se made a mistake by delaying the upgrade
and I also said that I didn’t like that they changed the upgrade timing from q4 to q3
and then again to q4, honestly it was stupid.
However, this will never change the fact that the x10 is a great phone and that it has a lot to offer. Besides, most of the people in here agreed to give se another chance, so it’s not me
getting sick of being in a phone call and my bloody phone cutting out after 2 minutes!!!!!!!! this 2.1 update better sort that out cos im getting god damn sick of it!!! has happened evcer since i did the r2ba026 update not impressed at all latley
I can wait for an update becouse i patient but I have to see a reason to wait but in this case see did do much improvement. that the hell in this matter no 16 m colour no mulitouch or even the no flash so basicall that wast timing to even comment and sitting on that blog and waist time when it come it come and we will get notification calm down gays
There is no point of swearing.
business is business so they loss some customers and get another becouse everbody are talking about so we make a free advert basically.
Do you think they acctually care that 50 or 60 people get excited about late update? no they dont comparing to the whole world which basically have no blady idea about diffrence between android 1.6 or 2.1 less than 20 % know the diffrent
As long as it work and looks nice most poeple in average actually dont care and will buy
They know about that so they dont care about us even when you say that you dont buy it.
Try to see reality !!
We are a small part market which have more or less idea about.
Other dont know Mobile phone is just for year or two
so where the point of being so excited to day it is and in the crismas I guess will be another.
This one dont have but in two years time will have it.
Just wait and wait get old and they you will not care as most of rest part of this market.
sorry for english
Hi All,
Plenty of proofs have came here, I know by X10 SonyEricsson has cheated us and I and my memory is not too short to forget “false” promises by SE. Fuck you SE. X10 product is not a joke, you have ruined hard work of google by pressing this Timeshit and Mediashit and so forth. You are cheating customers, better show does not work you have to provide better and stable software.
I am waiting for Diwali and will definitely go for Samsung Galaxy S.
I promise….
Gimme my money back you cheat…
Neva buy SonyEricsson
Frustrated, Angry, Vengeance. (Last post)
fact is fact
the only reason why more people amongst the few who have commented on this topic say they will keep faith with SE is because most of the disappointed x10 users only care about news of android updates not market share stories that make no difference to them.
I was not even going to bother commenting here until I saw your comments.
Any where on the web you find large numbers of people discussing the x10, you will always find that it’s a majority who attack SE.
If you want to test this you can start a post about what people really think about the x10 and SE.
For me, I visit this site and xda for news of a cracked bootloader ( I can dream can’t I) and not for news about what SE has to offer because it’s clear to me that the x10 is not going to get much better than it is now if it’s left to SE.
@fact is fact
what f*cking planet r u on… why are u talking about some vapourware phone from the nineth dimension which is all about what SE ‘could’ do, when the whole point of this rating table is all about what SE ‘have’ done, how more importantly, their unit % of units shipped.
If you took your line of thought, HuaWei, ranked 10, will have a 20mpixel, gingerbread, folding screen, inbuild micro projector 5,000 hour battery talk time phone !
I would note, the table is largely ‘so what’….
% of units shipped does not reflect quality of units shipped, or technical content of units shipped. iPhone ranks low, compared to Nokia which still ship millions of basic phones, not SMART phones.
There you go the another blog….
gust get ur comments there.. let C if that reach SE
Ha! I doubt they will fuck up again or its over. People act like other companies never screwed up before. I will buy their next phone based on experience and reviews just like most of you babies should.
@fact is fact
I seriously think that you worked for SE. Keep it up and until the facts are:
– SE drop outside TOP 10 or cease gradually
– X10 2.1 update not on time (saw some SE official blog said UK gets it on 25/10/2010. Now is what time?
– no X10 user shift to next SE Flag”shit” even it comes with 24MP (upscale grade), Android 3.X with no multi-touch, no flash, 4 core CPU but speed lock at 528mhz, 32GB Built-in memory with apps allocation of less than 512MB(they don’t even bother to put apps 2 SD) Super AMOLED but with 65M display, 3500mah battery with less than hour life (em, 2.1 battery life big challenge to them), PS3/PSP not ready, GTS 490/ HD 5970 gaming level, 2GB RAM, Full HD video record, 7.1 THX certified Speaker to improve call/volume quality that support DTS-HD etc, Blu-ray.iso playback, walkman built-in, support google TV with china patent tv antenna
If it come out, i am pretty sure fact is fact is the only guy buying it.
^ that’s probably as close as we’re gonna get to that 2.1 update.
what’s this goddam 17mb file that my SE companion has just downloaded ? I am uk based.
Hey folks 🙂
Why all the anger and hate, just chill out. We all know that se rules, otherwise why are all of us are here, no matter how much you try to deny it, since you are here this means you still care, 😛
Anyway, stop the whining and complaining because it’s getting old news, the wait is almost over. Be men for god sakes and try to be patient and take full responsibility for your own decisions. Either you sell the phone if you don’t like it, or just wait like the rest of us, whining will take us no where ok? I’m not being rude and calling names like I used too so I hope you do the same.
Now for the good news, the second update has been approved today by PTCRB, check this out :
fact is fact you blockhead
reading your post reminds me of all those annoying religious morons I used to argue with when I was younger.
“We all know that se rules, otherwise why are all of us are here”
We are here because we were lied into buying a phone that has failed to perform as promised. And we are angry about it. HENCE THE ANGER AND OUR REASON FOR BEING HERE. IT’S NOT LOVE FOR SE.
“Anyway, stop the whining and complaining because it’s getting old news, the wait is almost over.”
It’s so obvious, SE pays for your hamburger, and in return, you spam the net with fanboy crap.
“Be men for god sakes and try to be patient and take full responsibility for your own decisions.”
Don’t you agree that SE needs to take some responsibility for their promises, or maybe in your world that sort of thing doesn’t apply to sneaky corporations. Instead we have to pay for their failure to deliver.
@burdie thanks for making me piss my self laughing was so funny keep up the good work and duck se lol
If you think that se are bad and that they don’t deserve your money than fuck off! Go find another place to hang in, no offense bandit but you keep contradicting your self but repeating how much se are liars and then your here 24/7 ?!
Usually if I hate a place and think it’s bad I never attempt to go there, for example the religious people who drove you crazy, would you like to attend their weekly meeting ? Hell no, because you hate them. Same here, if you didn’t like se you would not be here in the first place, but you keep giving excusing for your self to be here.
Please man this is getting boring, what I’m doing here is totally normal since I’m a fan, but what’s not normal is people who hate se so much to be here!! who knows maybe some of you even don’t own an x10 but come here to bash and troll, seriously, it make no sense what you and others are doing here. And trust me there are a lot of people who are fed up with your childish whining and complaining.
If you don’t own an x10, please stop trolling. And if you own the x10 please be patient because the wait is almost over. The only reason why you and others are angry from me is that you know I’m right, otherwise why are you so defensive, even when I’m trying to cool things down, you still attack me. This blog was meant for people who are interested in the X10, even the owner of this blog is called X10.
So if you hate the X10 and think it’s a waste of time, get out! If not and you still like the x10 and think it’s amazing, than be man enough to admit it 🙂
At least I’m clear enough to know what I want from this blog, but you and others are just confused. And I said this before, if you have problems go to a shrink not here, this place is not the solution for your psychological problems.
SE owns you all and that’s the reason you can’t let go 😀
se= make.believe !!!!!!!
so you must believe or you will be cursed by the lord lol, ok well I went so far but still you need to take it easy, after all it’s just a phone 😛
All the lovers and haters follow sony ericsson, wow sony ericsson are really amazing, they are the best thing that happened to planet earth since the dinosaurs 😛
If you can’t handle the facts, then you don’t have what it takes to argue with Fact is fact 😉
SE= make.believe
And yes I still believe!
@ Fact is Fact
Wow, so much anger. I bet its caused from using a frustratingly laggy, horrible keypad inputting, timerapeing mediashit x10. I mean damn, this phone pisses me off more everytime I use it.
@Fact is Fact
man you sound sick! you should go see a shrink!
well said!! that is exactly what i feel 🙂
Dear Hisham,
My shrink is SE only :>
Look dude I know we didn’t get along before, but seriously the update is coming soon, so let’s stop with all this negativity, I mean the final judgment should be after the 2.1 upgrade. All I’m asking for is a little patient.
Honestly did whining or complaining change anything so far? No, so let’s keep our finger crossed and wait for the best :>
There is no way I will be getting another sonyericsson. My phone locks up, The os is outdated, the plastic screen scratches too easy. Why didn’t they use glass like just about all the other brands!
SE is a joke.
lool fact is fact your kind of crazy, but I must agree with most of what you said, I think you are right people should be patient and stop whining like children. And regarding this bandit I think he is a f@g lool, just a Bangladesh f@g hehe, so he smells and he is also stupid, so just ignore him next time 🙂
loool bandit is a f@g loool he smells loool hes from bangladesh f@g loooolll
Poor kid. Incest does wonders, you star pupil.
i will and always buy sony ericsson product!
@fact is fact
here in india now theyt are saying there will be no update before december
they broke their promise again..
seriously here all are frustrated and on asking why december they have no answer!!!!
Yes Bandit I agree incest does wonders, and that’s one of the reasons why we have people like you, Bangladesh joke, your not even an Indian lol. Low class loser :>
Dear Sager,
Don’t believe rumors, I’m pretty sure you will get the upgrade before December. When ever the begin get rolling beginning in UK, it will be delivered in a matter of weeks to the rest of the world, specially if you have phone with no carrier. So if your phone is unlock consider your self lucky 🙂
There is a lot I like about the x10… however there are only so many times I can get stuck in a 2 year contract with a phone that has such poor in call volume. Given the terrible lack of customer service on this basic issue, I would not trust them with my money again. Never mind the android version….
@ fact is fact
These are not rumors these are official words
I had been to sonyericsson service centre yestewrday in my locality and these were the words of the employee
now what you have to say?
and yes i have an unlocked phone!!!
@fact is shit
Wht de hell…
Are u doing blow job for SE CEO?
Dont ever say these kinda dumb-ass things…if you are not sure.
Today I had asked Dubai customer care.. they are getting it after 2 months…
All the firmware in India was released on the same date as in UK.
May be because they hav the most number of customers in India dan anywhere.
As I had comment ystrday, whn I called up Bangalore customer care, the support told update will hit on Dec 1st week…(B’St guy, he dont know even wht is Android)
E’m sure its gonna be happen in the same date as UK. Coz we have CDMA here, which makes the manufacture co. more easy.
@Fact is Fact
Do you carry balls of SE?
If SE gives u a well polished Shit and tell u, its the latest dick of SE, I know U will keep it in ur ass… And say..
SE Feel.shit
Shame on U Crap!
got new update for PC companion in India….
Looking fwd for x10 upgrade
@x10 warrior
hope you are right
and while talking to the employee i felt the same that he doesnt know about the phone much
fingers crossed though!!
I’m a dumbass.
@fact is fact
There’s a fine line between liking SE and being obsessed! You’re just obsessed. Grow up and let other people express their opinion. If you like SE, that’s fine! But don’t start hating other people that hate SE.
Wanna talk facts big guy?
1.Did SE say that the update would be out soon after release? YES!
2. I’ve had my phone since april, i’m sure we’ll be getting the update somewhere mid november. Does 7 months fall anywhere in the “SOON” categorie? NO!
3. So was the soon update announcement a false promise? YES!
4. Do people therefore have the right to feel cheated by SE? YES!
They have the right then to complain. It doesn’t matter where they do it. This is a site/blog about X10! It’s only logical that they’re going to express themselves here. Where on this site did you find anything saying that this site is only for people who like SE? Nowhere! So if dissatisfied costumers want to come here and KEEP coming here to complain, LET THEM! It’s their right!
You’re “fact is fact” right? So accept that fact!
I am absolutely amazed with all the complaints about SE here!! Android updates, lies, postponements. Who cares!! Does your phone make calls. GOOD. Does it make SMS’s. GREAT. Can you do minor web browsing. BLOODY MARVELLOUS. I own a mini pro and could not be happier. Yes, an update may make thing better(read: prettier, more functional) but it will happen when it happens. All the people complaining would be baying for blood if the update was released early and had problems, so SE are doing the right thing by waiting to release until the update is stable. WE all crucified MS when they released the buggy VISTA, so they did the right thing with Windows 7. So let SE do the right thing here and release the update when it is ready. And before you all start bagging me, I am not a SE employee, Im a busted a** labourer in Australia that likes to be able to do the things mentioned in the first sentence so the phone is brilliant in my opinion. And we all know what they say about opinions. They are like a**holes…everybody has one! Can anybody say that they are completely lost without the update…..If they can well go and buy another bloody phone instead of whinging. As stated I am from Australia, where whinging is not tolerated, and if you acted like you do here in OZ then you would get told to wake up to you f**ing self!!
@The Game
Great comment that’s exactly my point 🙂
There are some kids here that need to grow up and be men 🙂
And regarding the retarded people all I can say to them is :
Yes by being a man you use your real nick when insulting me, not using another nick kiddo hehe :>
If you don’t have the brains to reply me, then it’s better to shut up! if you think se products are useless than why are you even here? If you hate toyoto for example will you be visiting their showrooms everyday? So if you hate se soo much than what are you doing here ?! When will you learn to be men and have responsibility for your own decisions.
@ JM
Dear Jm,
I can accept when someone criticizes se, but what I can’t tolerate is the 24/7 whining like some of the losers attempt here, it’s just sick and recently many people are complaining of the whiners!! Expressing our self is something, and acting like a 12 year old kid is another matter. But I guess the kids are learning now and hopefully they learned their lesson to be men next time 🙂
se= just wow, makes all the lovers and haters believe :>
Yet again, I’m a dumbass.
@ stop using my name, aren’t you man enough to use your own nick name? Don’t forget that the owner of the blog knows who you are, has your real email and IP number, so if you continue with this childish attitude, you are risking getting banned.
The dumbass is a loser who keeps using others nick names because he doesn’t have what it takes to argue with them 🙂
@fact is fact
I really don’t know who is this low life person who is using your name, but I guess he is angry because you got him from the balls lool.
I still have a feeling that it is Bandit the Bangladesh f@g hehehe.
Never give SE another chance. wish every1 is the same just to shown manufacturers they can not treated their customes like this.
Phone manufacturers & mobile providers are fu*king continually ripping us the public off all the times. First there were 12 contract then 18months and now 24months, I even saw 36months contract. WTF, noway, go to hell I say, couple years back there were, free 60mins talktime, then 120mins, then 200mins, then 300, 400, 800 and now bloody 1200 mins or even 2000. WTF, I got a job just to use up 100mins a month nevermind 1200 fu*king mins. I know some of you may say I used all that, but this is because it’s there and so you talk yourself to death inorder to use it all up bloody idiot. I now buy a PAYG phone and put in a contract sim card for £10 a month and have 200mins talktime anytime with internet and text, most I ever used is 150mins (BEFORE YOU SAID ANYTHING FYI I AM ON THE PHONE ALL THE TIME for what it intented for, COMMUNICATION, no fu*king Chatting). Let me reminder you ‘chat over the phone’ is a phone provider terminology and they like you to live it, this is why the contract time are longer and the mins are Higher and so is your monthly bill is bigger. Think about it next time you buy a phone, only accept what you need and more is a rip off.
People will look back on this after march 2011 and realise they were childish to act like a 1 year old that doesnt get his bottle in time. Used that example because my boy just got his bottle after 5 mins of screaming and you should see him now.
Try look at the big picture. Your phone will be 10x’s better then it would of been if 2.1 was released last month as obviously they found something worth fixing in the upgrade. You should as painfull as it is, be thanking se for making sure they deliver the best. They could of saved you alot of frustrations. At the cost of a shitload of hatred from all you pinup girls that just want your 10secs of fame.
Next time you complain atleast put up a photo of you in your pinup girl skirt so i can atleast get a good laugh as i read your complaints about your phone not doing what a phone does.
@ SE pinup girls, you all remind me of those sexy ass motherfuckers that walk around in front of the drvers at f1 or GC600. Bunch of fucking grid girls trying to soak up the fame. Give it up, you’ll get to race one day.
Got a question, do you pinup girls wear g-strings?
let’s get social with this claim!!!!!
we deserve Android 2.1!!!