NTT DoCoMo’s Xperia X10 update hits on November 10

Xperia X10It appears that the Android 2.1 Xperia X10 rollout is gathering apace. Just yesterday we reported that the update commenced in the UK and later the same evening Rikard Skoberg from the SE Product Blog confirmed other regions have also gone live. This includes generic firmware in China, the Baltics, Belgium, France and India and branded firmware across Australia, France, Greece and the Nordic countries.

NTT DoCoMo has also confirmed that the Éclair update will commence from November 10th for Japanese users. To prepare customers, they have some very detailed instructions on their site already that shows how to perform the update. They also confirmed that the update with be via PC only, but the great thing is that if you don’t have a PC, the update can be performed in a DoCoMo shop.

Thanks Dylan!

142 responses to “NTT DoCoMo’s Xperia X10 update hits on November 10”



  2. Who really needs an update?

    Please I beg you to be patient. You have no idea what an effort it is to make the update

  3. Hi am from India. Got update notification today. Now updating using update service. Hope it will be successful

  4. Hurray!!! Update now available in India. Downloading in progress. . . . .
    Will write more when I’m through. tnx
    – Chennai, India

  5. please update your blog when SE starts rolling out update in Dubai , UAE ( Middle east ) or atleast some1 give me a tutorial on how to update 1.6 from XDA forum. Thanks.

  6. I hate you X10, even when I brought the news regarding the UK update you never posted my name 🙁

    I really like this blog, so it would be nice to get some credit 🙂

    Anyway, good news for Japan, at least they know exactly when will they be getting the update.

  7. WTF?!?!?!?!? Whats with Germany? How come some Asian lands get it,. Greece and France also get it,.. but Germany has to wait still ? ! And im gonna ask again,.. WTF ?! ?! !? !? !?

  8. Yeah no Germany again LOL – wtf are you doing?
    I’m vietnamese but i live in Germany so i can’t understand that such a great nation gets the update after Greece, the Baltics and some other “NOT-industrial nations”

    If they would get it just at the same time as us it would be ok – but WHY are they “chosen” before us..

  9. ok WHEN will america….latin america specifically….would get the update, i mean we are also important SE!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. Finaly the update in egypt .my phone notify me that there is a new update and requsted to be connected to PC .tomorrow i’ll update and inform u what happend. Ihope that the arabic font theway my phone is xpariax10i france generic

  11. Holland doesn’t get the update or something? I will NEVER buy a SE phone again, next time I will choose HTC! Good Job SE, never screw with your customers!

  12. @fact is fact – We try to be as open and transparent as possible when it comes to sources. We rely on our (small) team that’s always looking for interesting articles but also our fantastic readership. We will give credit if something is brought to our attention that we hadn’t picked up.

    The times that we don’t are when we have already started writing a story when a tip comes through pointing us in the same direction. Hope that clears it up, please keep sending tips through though as we’re increasingly relying on all of you, especially with the volume of news coming through! 🙂

  13. Belgium, but not the Netherlands (Holland) ????
    Some crazy decisions at SE.. I hope it has nothing to do with the Hyves (dutch facebook wannabe) plugin in TimeScape..

  14. Greece.. India… ect. Give me a break! I guess Germany has done it again. Like street view. They didn’t want it till google payed lots of $€ . Anyone think its the same kind of plan?
    I hope not, but I’ll say it again…WTF? Germany??? WTF??

  15. Still no update in the Netherlands??? WTF??? What a big pile of BS… I wonder if this is a SE problem or with the opperators (KPN in my case). But it shows that companies don’t take their customers serious. This kind of delay isn’t normal and will make a difference when choosing a new phone/opperator next time!!

  16. @ X10

    I understand bro, and thanks for the reply 🙂

    Let’s stick together to bring the best out of this great blog because this is what really matters. The more news the more the readers will keep engaged and also will benefit from other users experience.

    Have a good day,

    Cheers 😛

  17. Just finished my update for X10 Mini Pro here in Belgium.
    Done in 10 min. Still YouTube app is banned here in Belgium thanks to SABAM our copyrights organisation. I’m glad that Bluetooth can now send contacts! Now I can finally sync my contacts with my car handsfree system. So I’m happy 🙂

    Still no holland , but low income asian countrys get it earlier? WTFFFFFFF
    what about, germany, holland, belgium etc
    This is my last SE product
    gogo iphone or htc 😀

  19. hi all
    am in france n my x10 branded to sfr but till now there is no update via seus n 3g any informations plz

  20. @fact is fact
    Seriously. You got angry because you didn’t get credit for a tip, that you may or may not have actually been first at? Now I know you’re 14 years old, or at least under 18. You need some growing up to do.

  21. Im in australia and my phone says that the update is available and tells me to go to sony website (update section) but when i download pc suite, it says that i have the latest software. Whats going on there???

  22. Hello to all!
    X10 2.1 update is now available also in Croatia, which I can confirm it for T-Mobile provider, at least.

    A few notes:
    The phone is branded, nothing was modified and update is performed NOT via the PC Companion (although I’ve downloaded the latest version, PC companion stated that my phone already had the latest software), but via separate utility, “Update Service” (also available from SE web site).
    I tried this separate utility after I noticed that update checking from my mobile was not possible any more (X10 stated that update should be done by PC).

    Anyway, X10 was updated an hour ago and now it works with the expected results (minor lag in the beginning, as previously commented here and on another sites). More testing pending.

    Since we are sharing information about 2.1 update availability, I thought it might be a good idea to notify about current status here in Croatia.
    Best regards to all and I hope that 2.1 update will be available soon for all X10 users around the World.

  23. I aint gonna say nothing about the Japanese people ,. i like them ,. but its not fair! We are so close to The Nordic’s and we gotta wait in line for it? And youse are miles away,. and get it faster than us? Oh boy,….

  24. @ hotmeatballs

    Stop being racist and have respect for others !
    It doesnt mean that if your from Holland you are better.
    When ever Holland can built great technology like Sony and samsung
    Then maybe you can come here and complain, grow up ok.

  25. Ok…how does canada still not have an update??
    wasn’t the x10 released under the rogers brand in canada before anyone else? you’d think we would be one of the first ones to recieve the update

  26. Just to inform you… Greece has a population of about 11.000.000 and more than 20.000.000 mobile number. 😉

  27. Xperia X10 Android Update already avaliable for BRAZILIAN UNBRANDED PHONES.
    I just received the notification today, on PC Companion only.

    I go to recharge the battery and update!


  28. @ everybody crying about my comment.
    by low income country I didn’t Japan, never. Anyway I’ll get right to point what I’m trying to say is that the country’s with bigger names aren’t getting the update so early, like: japan, germany, holland, etc.
    so stop the crying, SE is the bitch, not me.

  29. Poios niazete gia tin Ellada,? Kanenas.. Kai aporo pou tha erthi stin Ellada protou kapoies alles hores megaliteres apo tin Ellada. Den pate na xehreothite prota,. kai meta zitate update….

  30. nov 10 for Aus!!!! bout time!! best news ive heard all week, just as i was just coming online to ebay my x10 hahah saved by the skin of your ballsack SE

  31. @Hotmeatballs
    WTF u bull shit…
    Count on ur words before u post… It not a place to show ur stinging racism..

    U M Fuckr fucking holland idiotic crap… who the hell u think u are.? ur country dont even have a size of napkin which girls use while menstrual period, and shouting like u r being emperor of the world?
    WTF dude….. u M fucker … How dare U shout racism here!!!!

  32. hey @Hotmeatballs
    Stop racism Bro…
    Just C any US guys.. they are being top in all techs and never shouts these craps…

    why cant u hide your hurting feelings?

  33. No update notification in kolkata yet ….. When will we have the update ???
    🙁 🙁 🙁

  34. No Update Notification for X10i in Bangalore, India. Any body updated from Bangalore for x10i, pls reply

  35. @kiran
    Hey, x10i update is not out still in India.
    I am from Bangalore.. even I am giving a try on every hr using Pc companion as well SEUS.
    One of my frnd updated his x10 mini pro. That is avail in India.
    May have to wait for one more day I guess.. Plz post here if you get the update 🙂

  36. Still no update in Belgium on Proximus network. How come anyway that a x10 mini gets the update before the x10 ? Anyone here from Belgium who received an update yet ?

  37. Please i need an answer.
    i have X10 from japan (SO-01B) unlocked and I’m in the Philippines how can i update my phone? am I going to have the update on Oct 10 since my x10 is from Japan or I’ll wait for the Philippines update.
    about my x10 i checked the “About Phone” Model no. SO-01B, Build no. R1EA029.

  38. Just U tried the repair option of x10i in India..
    No update yet..again came up with 1.6

    but finger crossed… may be at any time..bcoz x10 mini pro is out with update. My frnds enjoying it.

  39. @ilhan malaysia..??4 taun lagi kot..update are released according to the kits not where you live..maybe we still unfortunate to get the update phone is world generic but i still havent get the update..

  40. As I posted here a day ago including links to the appropriate DoCoMo pages,

    the update will also include a new more elegant system font that will render Japanese characters more nicely

  41. Racism? wtf? where?
    Ya’ll should grow up little tards
    I’m no racist or are you guys too dumb enough to understand my comments which makes me a racist all of a sudden? where’s the respect these days, I didn’t even insult anyone or a country why are you people so stupid.
    I kindly asked last time to stop bitching about my comments, this is about the X10 not about calling people racists etc. Fuck Holland, I migrated here I’m not even dutch I only live here, so how the fuck does that make me a racist, just saying it’s taking so long for country’s like holland and germany etc which makes me automatically a racist great!. Please stop -_- focus on this shit update that’s taking so long

  42. @Hotmeatballs take it easy, mate. Who accuses you of racism are indians, they are so insecure, that will charge with racism their own shit, if it gets out more clear than their skins. They see racism everywhere, poor idiots.

  43. @denis: yes I am on proximus. Bought my x10 mini pro without any sim as I already had a proxi sim. Just go to the SE website and use the pc companion to upgrade. I’ve done nothing special with my phone so no rooting whatsoever. Upgrade with Belgian phones should work. GOod luck!

  44. @mentro..u stupid fuck… Ppl like u shld b banned. And here, u r a racist nd am i m nt even frm india. Frm australia nd i still call u a racist.
    @x10, why do u take these things easy, mate?

  45. hampeh!hampeh!hampeh!
    stil no update in malaysia…..if tomorow stil no update i will sell my phone in…

  46. dear friend….
    anyone can tell me how to root this miserable phone…to get the new update….
    im using xperia x10 mini pro….

  47. @Mentro

    i ll fuck ur mom so HARD n guess what n my SON gonna come out from ur SISTER’s PUSSY n ll fuck back ur SISTER

  48. @ratterwalker you’re a bloody ozzy cunt lol go fuck a kangaroo or something lol
    @rat. go bleach your self you indian incest fuckface I bet ya fuck your own 9 year old sister every night, the only son you get is going to come out of our own sisters pussy

  49. @ Hotmeatballs
    i fuck my sis no DOUBT but it gives me more pleasure when i FUCK ur mom n ur SIS got no problem 2 carry my SON which she gonna let it out later till her PUSSY tickles …

  50. i came here to find out if and when we will be getting the update for EXperia X10 in holland instead, wat i find is a buch of racist going at it .pls sony trace their ip adress and report them for being racist, ive been waiting forever and been on this site like every day, (love this site) i want to see blood too but hey i’m an average user and the phone works well and looks awesome X10i White so i rather wait instead of turning racist like Mentro.
    p.s. i think Meatballs was only downgrading other countries and that doesn’t neccesarly make him racist .. but thats my opinion, lol 😉

  51. oh srry i didn’t see his other comments lol @ Meatballs why can you not argue with someone or call them names without spitting racist comments ?

  52. @Hotmeatballs
    Hey My Hot Balls, dont get upset!!!.
    Even I love to fuck ur sis if get a chance..
    But these poor Indians dont knw the fact that U even fuck in my mamma ass…
    Cool buddy we being such a gay together and shouting abt our secrets.. I don feel it gonna work out if you are gonna cont this..

    If you need my sis and wife to be fucked You are always welcome….

    But make sure you will have a well in advance call bcoz they might be busy with some other Hot balls in street… C you at my sis p***y buddy..

  53. well said @Suriname
    I agree with you…

    I love this site and even hit once in 30 mins for update…

  54. @Mentro
    Dear lord thanks for sorting that out, thanks for welcoming me, I’ll let ya know when I”ll come!
    @rest, lol FY like your digitally typed words can actually hurt me LOLOL

  55. @Mentro
    ha ha mentro… cool chap u got lost ur self? Do u need me to publish ur IP address and Mac address here?
    Leave it buddy else u may have to pay for it.

  56. Why cant i update mine mini pro?? Am from gurgaon….
    Should the update happenn from the phone it self or from pc???

  57. does it really matter if its nordic or uk or whichever regions version we have or are the updates pretty much the same?

  58. @yogi
    Hey U are lucky.. Connect the PC companion and click on the support and install through it… x10 mini pro update was released on Last Sat in India

  59. @hotmeatballs…lacks attention…be careful to what you write..never insult people whom you do not know and what they are capable of..threat!!

  60. UK, China, the Baltics, Belgium, France and India and branded firmware across Australia, France, Greece and the Nordic countries….
    Will my next phone be Sony Ericsson? :-S
    That depends on how long S.E. takes for next updates! :-O
    A Flash, FM Tuner and Infared Port (All on K790) would have been nice….

  61. No Update Notification for X10i in Kolkata, India.
    Whats happening? its 8th nov and still no update for my X10i

  62. Rick said the update will be released in batch… Not all the three in same time…
    Now x10 mini pro got the update….

    other two handsets are waiting… waiting … waiting….. & waiting…

    each & every hour we hit the seus or PC companion to check whether the shit has got released or not…

    its really annoying.. Damn SE if i get a Atom bomb ….. I never miss.. hit u fucking cheater

  63. still no update in Belgium for X10. Even called my provider Proximus but they don’t know anything yet about an update, but they told me that I could get it trough XDA lol. That means that the update is indeed depending on model, as Belgianfox had his update on a x10 mini… strange strange

  64. To all those who got the update 2.1 on xperia x10 congratulations i know you’ve been waiting just like me. I wont flash my phone i just wait for update. Cause after waiting so long 3 more days is nothing. (Trying not to rage) im in holland and i hope we get the update soon hrry up sony, you need to get ur ass kicked;)

  65. What’s going on? I treated last night and it’s still 1.6. Come on Sony, this is ridiculous, i’m in the UK surely we would be a priority or at least be given an explanation. Or is it my phone that’s buggered?

  66. I am from the UK and have a generic x10 mini pro. Everyone is saying the update is available but where is it? I keep getting the ‘Your phone already has the latest software’, I have tried SEUS and PC Companion but they both say my phone is up to date. Still on 1.6, when can I actually, for real get 2.1? I don’t understand how some people can get it and others can’t, I would understand if those who got the update were either all generic or locked to a network but it seems like it is random. Indeed what is going on???

  67. Hey Egyptians, did anyone actually install the update? I found a notification however when i connected it to the PC, the PC Companion said there was no update! Anyone having the same problem?

  68. hey , my xperia x10 mini pro cant download any apps from the android market . any suggestions on what to do ? i desperately need help .

  69. hey , my xperia x10 mini pro cant download any apps from the android market . any suggestions on what to do ? i desperately need help .

  70. @xAnomalous
    Go to application management and select android market..
    then uninstall updates
    then try again. It shud work

  71. xAnomalous…back up everything u can and reset to factory settings. i had the same problem on my x10i. no worries for paid apps, u can install them free of charge again.and copy ur contacts on sim ’cause i’ve lost them even with backup .
    still no update on orange uk.

  72. from holland: Alot of ppl died in the last few months i think, probably even ppl who was waiting for the update too,all i’m saying is, if i get the update at a time when it got no use my statement is: sony fu and the rest of ur family i hope u lose costumers big time. if i die before i get it it will still be the same statement+ the fact that i will haunt and sabotage sony after i die. most ppl like android and not the phone running it pfft. stupid move sony, its like anouncing HD and then releasing it when 3D is allready out wtf, pls sell ur software and everything else to BB htc or Iphone and stick to Playstation pls

  73. Rajneesh for real ur a stupid indian i hope the rest of india is not like u. did u get raped by an englishman or something?

  74. does anyone no when spain will get update for x10 mini .please help.???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

  75. Just got off the phone with Docomo. There will be no update today. They gave me a time frame of sometime at the end of December, to the beginning of January. That actually makes sense a bit since almost all businesses shut down for the New Year holiday. Everyone will be busy so not everyone will be able to update right away. That way they don’t put too much stress on the servers.

  76. Still no update in India (Kolkata) on my Xperia X10i .
    I am still waiting for the official update as I dont want to debrand my lovely X10.
    Any idea why the update is still not available in Kolkata , even though the main post says generic updates are out in India.
    Any opinion will be appreciable.
    Thanks in advance,

  77. This update went live almost 90 minutes ago at 6pm local Japan time.

    Devanz Fairz, make sure you do it from SEUS.

  78. No update in India for X10 yet, and the SE helpline is saying the update will be done in this month….Can you notice how far their imaginations is…this month… Losers…!!!

  79. got my moms xperia x10 mini pro updated 2 days ago in india… still waiting for update for my x10..!! hurry up please

  80. waiting for update for xperia will be available by 15 nov in india via pc. this se needs a solid fuckinf

  81. No update in Kolkata yet……..What the – – – – is SE doing ? U take 30,000 for a phone any u show excuses that this cant happen that cant happen….Delay update for ages….Seriously SE is a bitch asole….SE developers should be fired for being over smart …SE Idiots ends up with nothing….but excuses……

  82. got the docomo update yesterday at the shop…first impressions are that it has made my phone much quicker…no lag which is what i wanted…i was having problems with 1.6 and email when new emails werent coming through and there was no alert but that seems to be fine now…the 5 screens are good…i have gotten rid of timescape to the furthest on the left and get no updates on it so it doesnt bother me now, have my email,dailer,phonebook,browser,facebook and clock and the next one to the left and on the main screen i have nothing but one of the live wallpapers…it looks pretty sleek now i must say….finally got the fone i wanted..

  83. @x10 warrior
    My sl. no. is 1235-2964 Bangalore, India. Sony er product blog says this Kit has the Update on 11.11.10 but it is 12.11.10 and 4.00 pm IST but no update. What is your’s.

  84. Still f*cking no update in Belgium. Not via PC/wifi/3G.
    How long yet? Even Russia and Ukraine has update. Lucky Kalashnikov’s!

  85. Hello, I am from EGYPT(Middle east) I got my ohone from at&t US. and I downloaded the software simfree build number R2B0A026 firmware 1.6 .. Does the update to 2.1 depends on the country am in now or where I originally bought the phone or what software I have on my phone now!! I really can’t wait to get the new update!!

    Thanks alot

  86. Yeeeeeeeessss yesyesIm in holland and i got the update , i didn’t even get a notice on my phone i just updated my phone and i had 2.1 lol looks slick menu.etc, looks more advanced, facebook is now more fun. but now i got nothing to rage about or should i start complaining for 2.2, anyway thanks sony i only had the phone for a month so i dont really hate you that much but you still suck.’run when you see me or pay what you owe,

  87. Finally 2.1……..Lat night
    But whats the huge difference in it? waoooo man…everything seems better !
    Now what should i do?

  88. Hotmeatballs
    You have no class that is why you live in Holland. To make this comment
    (Still no holland , but low income asian countrys get it earlier? WTFFFFFFF
    what about, germany, holland, belgium etc) proves you are a low class citizen of an underdeveloped country who breeds blondes with no brains.