Sony Ericsson LiveView already on sale in select markets

Sony Ericsson LiveViewSony Ericsson’s LiveView Bluetooth accessory is already on sale across a number of European markets, including the UK, Germany and France. LiveView is a unique device that acts as a small remote 1.3-inch display mirroring the activity of your phone. This enables you to show incoming calls, calendar events as well as facebook and twitter feeds amongst other things.

You can pick it up from SupereTrader if you are in the UK for £48.97 delivered. The PhoneHouse in France has it for €59, whilst has it for €42 in Germany. We haven’t come across any reviews yet, but will keep you posted when they start to hit.

Via Eurodroid and Frandroid.

54 responses to “Sony Ericsson LiveView already on sale in select markets”

  1. Does anybody know what’s the difference between liveview and liveview MoDaco special edition in UK market?

  2. The Modaco Special is the same thing but cheaper if you become a member on their site (basically register your details for purchasing) Finally i can get rid of my Polar FT4 watch as im a fitness fanatic and i can get the liveview to monitor my heart rate etc whilst training, also i can change the music whilst training when my x10 is hooked up to the stereo! Perfect device for me hopefully, role on tuesday!!

  3. So there is no difference in their color or anything like that, any additional signs on it? you recommend to sign up for MoDaco?

  4. X10 please get info if it’s coming stateside here in U.S. I can’t wait to get this to also followup on Endomondo and workout modes!!

  5. Hey guys!

    I’m living in Denmark and have recently got the 2.1 update (Yeah!) but Live View doesn’t seem to be available for quite some time here. But I live close to Germany and could easily get my hands on it from there (probably even a lot cheaper as selling price in DK is rumored to be 649,-DKK (roughly 90€) whereas it would be 42€ in Germany. So here’s the question: would there be any differences in the units sold in DK to the ones from GER?! any restrictions like language or so? my phone is from danish provider TDC…

    Thanks in advance,


  6. Any word on how to get it over in the US? I can purchase it on their site, but they do not ship to US?

  7. Hey Nicholas,

    I’m from belgium (Dutch) and just ordered mine from the DE website…so I hope there is no difference or restrictions like language…and if so it should be easy to flash the unit with the correct firmware…right? :p

  8. Hey Jo,

    good luck with it anyway 🙂
    I think I’ll just order it… if it would be on German it wouldn’t bother me too much since I am German. It would just be a little akward to have the phone & live view in different languages, or god forbid if they wouldn’t want to work together ^^

    Well but the firmware would first have to be releas(k)ed 😀


  9. @Jo,
    I wanted to order it from the DE website, but the €42 is without tax and shipping. This made the price including shipping to the Netherlands (NL) €62 !!!
    So i decided to wait for dutch shops to offer the LiveView. I’m hoping to get it for about €50 ..

  10. @Lau:

    the 42€ is included taxes but why the are charging the staggering amount of 20€ to ship to the Netherlands i don’t understand !?

  11. my order from just arrived, Its really cool! it also has vibration, i recommend it but it looks thicker than what i thought.

  12. also it doesn’t look like being water proof, it doesn’t have any speaker so for incoming calls or notifications just a small vibration will happen, no beep, also there is no settings in the device so type of vibration or display time out can’t be changed. Gmail should update its app so it will be compatible with liveview. but totally its really COOL.

  13. actually, it’s better that it doesn’t make any sound, during a meeting you can check incoming calls and messages discreetly looking at the watch. but one of my favorite features is controlling the music player, so i don´t need to take my phone from the backpack.

    no need to add that i´ve been looking foward to this acessory, hope it hits the americas soon.

  14. Am in HK. bla bla bla same as you all… “WHEN” really need that for Dell Streak. Hopefully it wont crash with bluetooth handfree. 😀

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