OtterBox are renown for the high-quality, high-grade cases that offer some of the best protection you could ask for from a mobile phone case. They have now released a couple of cases for the Sony Ericsson Xperia X10 – well they released them a couple of months back, but the news must have skipped us by at the time.
The Impact series offers a single silicone layer of protection and will set you back $19.95. The Commuter case has three layers of protection with a silicon inner layer with a hard outer layer. It also comes with a screen protector to keep the screen scratch free. This one will set you back $34.95. Click through for some in-the-wild photos of the OtterBox X10 case.

Photo credit: highaltitude from AndroidForums.
30 responses to “OtterBox release Xperia X10 cases”
now this id actually buy very durible id consider buying one if they had ones created like the iphone ones that are very durable
1st yeehaaaaaaa
3rd….. yaaheeeee
Looks pretty cool, but I like mine as it is :b
By the way, what is the widget in the right corner of the screen called?! MUST KNOW ๐
And the one in the upper left corner also. ๐
My only concern with these cases is that the case goes right up to the edges of the screen. How does that affect touching objects at the edge of the screen or performing gestures that go right to the edge of the screen (like dragging widgets between homescreens)?
The widget on the right corner is Gauge Battery Widget. I just got mine from the Market. Very cool widget!
I prefer ZAGG invisible shield.. had it on my X10 since may and no scratches on anywhere.. and the shield is in really good shape everywhere on my phone…
Phone still looks like its new ๐
Worth the money!
I really think it fucks up the looks of the X10. It looks crappy and cheap, while the Xperia looks quite nice designed. Elegant and smooth. This is just a bunch of rubber to protect it.
Even the buttons below the screens are protected. Cmon, let that sort of chrome shine your life. I just like those buttons and the silver shiney colour, now they are covered behind some bunch of rubber protection.
The only reason I’d buy this would be if I dropped my phone ten times a day.
Well after 6 months there is still no scratch and there is completely no protection on it. And I like it much more this way.
I rest my case
And cmon actually, it’s WAY to thick. a Otter itself is even smaller o.O (figurlarly speaking of course)
Man I put this news in the forum months ago. They just got some in for the iPod 4th generation also.
Well I don’t want to toot my own horn but I specifically asked Otter Box myself to make a case for the Xperia X10 before it hit the States. It took them 3 weeks(Mid July) for them to get back to me and mention that it was on its way. The following week,I got an additional email from a rep from Otterbox stating “We Do now!!” But as always in this CrApple Infested world, it only came with 2 options(Commuter& Impact) and not the one I was looking for (The Defender). I’ve dropped my phone and it has the upper left screen cracked/chipped and some plastic chunked off but it still works like a charm :). So in a sense I’d agree with Black vibes but at the same time it needs protection for the investment. Glad I have insurance ;).
I almost got an iskin for my X10, but I was too cheap to shell out $36+tax. Buttons worked fine underneath, but it had a very bulky feel about it. In the past I have used pda armor and it saved my devices from breaking numerous times. On my X10, I use urbanskinz and a screen protector. Protector saves lens from scratches and was installed day I bought phone. I would like to add that there are all kinds of options on ebay amd many of them are very inexpensive and include shipping in price. Protect your investment!
I bought this Otterbox and, even when it’s a bit bulky, it works beautifully.
I have dropped my phone three times, one of them from about 10 ft and nothing happened.
The original design is beautiful but, given the workload my phone gets, I am willing to go with the Otterbox.
Pretty cool design, but if you want a protective case, but don’t like the way this looks, like how its covering all the sexiness of the x10 lol, i’d recommend the Zagg invisible body shield.
And @Bandit, Fuck off.
I have had the Comuter model for the past two weeks now and it’s great.
Everything works just as it does without the case, it add’s very little bulk to the phone and offer’s a very high level of protection.
I also have the Defender for mu Blackberry Bold 9700, this add’s a lot more bulk but offer’s a lot more protection and also includes a belt holster, hence the higher price.
You do get what you pay for, whith these you get a whole lot of protection for a reletivly low price.
I love them.
that is ridiculous looking lol
1. I think the Capdase case looks better then this one. Judging by the pictures it is smaller and looks less plasticky, especially with the back panel made of metal.
2. You realise that that X10 comes out of the box with a screen protector on, don’t you? If you look at the side of the screen against a light source you can see it. Apparently it can be removed (I didn’t try) and replaced when needed, but the question is whether you need a protector for a screen protector. Well, I’m happy with Sony’s.
Makes it looks ugly. What is the need for scratch proofing for a scratch resistant screen?
I want one!!! when it will arrive at my country??
Whats the point of protecting the beauty of phone if no1 can see it.. not even you ๐
Its like wearing your best dress alone in the room without mirrors… ๐
I got mine couple months ago through Amazon. Works well, only problem is that the camera shutter button is very hard to push. I use touch screen function to bypass this. I payed only $17.00.???? I least I’m happy with OtterBox as my op sys is still 1.6(WTF)…..
ok, theres a line between beauty of the phone and protection, and this goes way too far. ok, it protects the phone but it looks shit!
a case in between looks and protection does me nicely
Another vote here for the zagg invisibleShield, excellent scratch/scrape protection.
My pocket is the best protectant. But yes the otterbox is beautiful. Bought it last week. It gives me piece of mind. I know my phone is protected. For those clumsy folks, go for this. Though it looks bulky, it doesn’t really feel like it.
Well, my X10 came with a soft leather pouch in the box, I always keep it in the puch unless I need to use my phone, its neatly tucked into the pouch with a perfect fit n then safely in my pocket…
if they made these like a real otter (waterproof) then I would be into it… I have an Aquapac case for my X10 and it works really well for the beach and swimming… nice to be able to take video and pics out in the surf.. (and the occasional call while relaxing in the pool, sound quality is fine through the plastic) but it lacks the abrasion protection of the otter… just need to find a good waterproof BT headset so I can listen to music while taking a dip.. oh yea! skanking!
Wer can I get dis in singapore….? Plz help…
Can someone please let me know where to buy the three layer case- I have tried the rogers plus store and bell world, futureshops in the oshawa region with no luck- Can someone please help me track 1 down- Pleaaaase!!!