New Xperia X10 firmware (2.1.A.0.435) brings Mediascape improvements and dual-touch

New Xperia X10 firmware 2.1.A.0.435Over the weekend, Sony Ericsson started to roll out its latest firmware (version 2.1.A.0.435 and baseband 2.1.54) for handsets running Global Generic X10a firmware. The improvements that this new firmware brings includes dual-touch and one-finger zoom capabilities, some Mediascape changes, a speedier keyboard, a revamped calendar app and also a video editor (only available for videos taken after the update).

The changes in Mediascape include the ability to use the player in landscape mode, as well as changes to the setting menu and performance improvements. For those looking for root access, fear not as it has been confirmed that SuperOneClick 1.5.5 still works in rooting the handset.

This firmware hasn’t hit X10i handsets yet, but it cannot be too long before it is released. However, checking the PTCRB page, the latest certified update is firmware version 2.1.1.A.0.6 (25 Jan), whereas this 2.1.A.0.435 update was certified on 19 Jan. Maybe Sony Ericsson plans to rollout 2.1.1.A.0.6 to X10i handsets instead in the near future. If you can’t wait, some X10i owners over at xda-developers are already flashing their handsets with this X10a firmware and seemingly everything seems to work. If you’re willing to take the risk click here.

115 responses to “New Xperia X10 firmware (2.1.A.0.435) brings Mediascape improvements and dual-touch”

  1. Why is it there is no mention of it on the Sony Ericsson product blog ?, already left the X10 and moved on to Arc, So much for a dead product. XDA Froyo is getting stabler is only a compliment.

  2. Apparently, there is something available for the X10 mini pro as well.
    120,1 MB. Updating as I type. Does not require a backup, user data will be carried over.
    I suppose my root privileges will get revoked, though.

  3. I plugged in my phone to sync some music with doubletwist and bam, new software available. X10i running X10a software in Canada, woop woop.

  4. What a joke SE, they say that they learned from their mistakes of the last year with the X10 range, but they obviously havnt. One of their big mistakes was launching their updates in stages over such a long period of time. Now it seems they have done it yet again.

    Japan got this update a few weeks ago, now X10a handsets are getting it, but X10i and im gussing the mini/pro handsets too, are still stuck waiting. This is just the Generic firmware versions too, how long do you think it will be before country specific updates get launched?

    What a waste of time this company is.

  5. Just finished updating my X10 mini pro, and now I’m stuck in a boot loop. Just a heads up to those who have rooted their handsets.
    Trying to restore via SEUS right now.

  6. Just updated my UK mini pro. Had to re-root to remove all the bloat again. Can’t see anything different so far. No dual touch or one finger zoom in browser or maps.

  7. is my phone data after update all lost??? all the apps, phone book, wlan-spots, …

    can anyone tell me plz?!?

  8. which code? si ? cda ?

    @x10i(germany) January 31, 2011 at 5:41 PM
    updates here on x10i germany

  9. @tiborh i sad its just a minor one what means it was another update a little one.Im waiting niw fir multitouch

  10. Just updated my x10a on world generic ROM.
    It’s very choppy upon first boot up but I guess this is normal because it needs to settle in.
    After a shutdown and reboot it works’s got some new apps like postcard,neo reader.. not sure what they are but i’ll check them out soon.

  11. Moxier Mail now has LED under settings (What is this for?)
    Moxier Mail under TimeScape is Great but no Pictures like Facebook & Messaging???
    MediaScape now has the following functionality
    Playlist (Add to Playlist)
    Library / Player Buttons
    Bigger Icons
    Pictures (one finger zoom)
    DLNA – Could not find it on the Market. I thought it was coming with this update. Anyone know what the deal is.

  12. Hey, anyone know if this will give us a camera flash rather than just a light? I know there are alternative apps, I just want it all as standard 🙂

  13. Thank goodness. It’s about time. I was stuck with 1.6 on my x10a for long enough. I couldn’t even root it because of the stupid AT&T death hold on it. And those x10i owners that are already complaining about the new update not coming yet, shut up. Wait til a few months after everyone else gets it like x10a owners did (unless they rooted, somehow), then you can complain.

  14. Hey Guys

    I was wondering if anyone knew how to check to see what rom I have because I never seem to get any type of updates since I’ve had the phone I’ve had to do them manually or from XDA…any idea whats going on…

  15. Interesting to note that it was just an outright lie then before when Sony told us that the Xperia was incapable of multi-touch.

  16. I got a PC Companion Software update today. Does that mean it’s available from Rogers in Toronto? Somebody please speak up.

    I’m having rooting problems.
    Also, did you get the update through SE PC Companion or SE Software Update program?

  17. already mount version 2.1.A.0.435 in my xperia x10a from colombia , i was waiting for the seus update , it never came, i took the risk and voala …. its running perfect

    thanks xperianet for the links and gods from xdA

  18. what the mother duck!
    They always fucking Gay.
    give some minor update.
    chop off your fucking head.
    I’ll never trust your mother ducking Xperia.
    just wait at your grave, the update will release over the air.

  19. Sory, but does anyone know what are the improvements on mediascape? would it add ‘print’ option to our p ics?


  20. can the x10 be rooted to perform an ota update? cuz i have a rooted phone and the update that is available via ota says it cannot complete update and it’s frusterating. so i was going to install a custom rom from xda but my xrecovery doesn’t launch when i prompt it so i can’t even do that. boo urns. anybody know what’s going on? i’m in canada on rogers network.

  21. @ CrazeCan, i’m in peterborough and i have not got any update messages from either seus or pc companion and i just checked.

  22. morgan you wont get the update mesagge you have to use flashtools and mount it yourself , the generic world update its in xda

  23. i got a software update from both seus and companion today but no update for x10 in toronto.. mother truckers!!!

  24. OK I’m in Canada and just saw this post and updated my PC Companion & Update Service programs on my XP and still saying I have the latest software (just got a new 2.1 update 1 phone from a 2 month delay because it was being fixed for a little charger issue).. it fell and they sent me a different phone basically but after like 50 days. Shame on the stupid Rogers store for keeping it 20 days until they sent it and then on the SE Flextronics repair center which took a long time as well.
    Anyways, so Canada still not updating on my X10a here.. i’ll try again in a couple of days maybe.. After this, Arabic letters support would do it for me.. Come on Google, put that on Android already!

  25. I’ve got the update (Saudi Arabia) last night. It’s getting even more and more faster particularly the Timescape and Mediascape. The one-finger zoom is quite nice in Mediascape and the pinch to zoom in the internet browser is wonderful. I was only a bit disappointed why the animination opening the Mediascape (music / video / photo) is gone. I love the animation before. One thing I cannot update is the PlayNow (Get Music Info). After downloading to 13 music update (275 in total), it stuck there and nothing happend. Anybody got this problem updating the PlayNow?

  26. Got the SEUS update last night, tried to download….it re-installed 2.1 and is still the original software update. WTF Rogers?? WTF SE?? Anybody in Canada get this new update yet?


  27. @J-ONE

    Hey, I’m on ROGERS Wireless too in Winnipeg, MB. Sony Ericsson Canada just updated their Twitter:

    “Hi, the new update has been announced globally. Stay tuned on timing for Canada. Thanks!” (

    I’ve looked around on the XDA Developer forums and such sites but no luck of the new firmware for X10a’s on ROGERS Wireless.

  28. Update on UK-voda is available,however,it is not OTA update,I found the update connecting my phone to se companion,then I turned on wifi/3g and it says no upd are available. So the update is only shown via pc people.

  29. Just updated my Malaysian X10i. Really hope this isn’t the promised UXP update cuz there really isn’t anything new abt the interface except the dual touch and a few Mediascape interface changes (quite minor)

  30. Never mind, just got the update over SEUS forr generic world. its not too bad but nothing special

  31. Thanks Morgan.

    Something else that pisses me off that SE really needs to address is when the images in the Phone Book become pixellated, for example during a call. This was mostly resolved in a 1.6 update but reappeared in the 2.1. While a pile of crap. I don’t know how you could let that slide and realease the product claiming its HD.

  32. Hey plz help i have two x10i both unbranded Uk but not got any update since 2.1 main. plz help me how to get dual touch. plz plz plz anyone expert help me

  33. Hi, Im from Malaysia… Managed to get latest firmware.. One of the improvement is tagged the pictures with your phonebook / facebook. Last time it was so difficult.

    Mediascape looks good. BTW, it now support Arabic. That’s awesome…

  34. I am very happy with this update (World Generic):
    1. No more blurry contact pictures when calling.
    2. Size of contact number in phonebook increased.(Easy to touch with multiple contact numbers)
    3. Improved keyboard, It can now go to new line with Enter key in messaging.
    4. Supports Arabic font.
    5. Calendar layout improved.
    6. New Mediascape layout with landscape view.
    7. One-touch zoom is awesome, it can also change playback speed of audios/videos.
    8. Noticed improved overall performace

  35. @ Kazuo Hirai

    Hey bro, any luck getting the update on the Rogers network in Winnipeg?

    Anyone else get this update in Canada yet?

  36. @Shoaib

    Dear why u also donot told me about how do u get that update. No one is going to help me why

  37. Yea still nothing in Canada. I tweeted Sony and asked what’s up… We will see…

    My main issue with Mediascape is the thing has the worst scrolling in tracks/artists etc. I hope that has been improved.

  38. @ shoaib

    dear give me ur email or tell me what brand do u have so i may flash to that to get the update


  39. I have noticed some people saying that SE lied about not having multi-touch because they have now rolled out a ‘dual touch’ update.. To those people: there is a difference between “Multi-Touch” and “Dual Touch”. haha

  40. Can someone who has the new UXP Update, can you post pictures or make a video of how the new Mediascape looks? I can’t seem to find any visual of how it changed. I only read the impressions. I want to see how the overall update has effected it. It would be really great if someone could! Thanks.

  41. Nevermind, I found a few videos recently posted showing the new Mediascape, landscape view, pinch-to-zoom, and one finger zoom. He shows the new feature(s) in Mediascape, Google Maps, and Android browser. (Videos are not in English) (If you want to see multitouch/dual touch in action on Angry Birds)

    * If you want to see Mediascape in landscape view, pause the video at exactly “2:07.” It is not the best quality as it’s a quick transition to the next app (Google Maps).

  42. Can anyone tell me when is the update released for uk unbranded x10i handsets ,its really frustrating ,and another question:my handset is rooted,is that going to cause me any problems when seeking the new update,i mean do i have to unroot before attempting to update?

  43. hello,

    i am using xperia10i, right now firmware version is 1.6 (based version is 1.1.31)
    when i try to upgrade the firmware by using update service & Sony Ericsson PC Companion 2.0. its showing “your phone already has the latest software”

    so please help me

    thanks in advane

  44. @sunil kadage
    You might need to update the latest PC Companion and then try again. I have no idea if PC Companion ver. 2.0 is the latest but you should get the 2.1 (Enclair) because 2.1 update has been available since first week of November last year. Updating is very simple and straightforward.

  45. Anyone?uk unbranded with 2.1 update 1 and when connecting to pc companion says phone is up to date ,the phone is rooted is it wrong to update while phone is rooted i mean do i hv to unroot first or is it ok to just plug it in and update without unrooting it ,please help

  46. Hi,
    Please give me detail info that how do i install this update in my xperia x10
    currently in my phone firmware is : 2.0.A.0.504

    Thanks in advance..

  47. Anyone knows if this update works with Swype or Shapewriter?
    Does the dual-touch or one-finger zoom break these “swiping” keyboards?
    If so, is there a mode to turn zoom/dual-touch off?

  48. @ amber – somebody told me that the generic world release of the update took place on 3rd Feb…so in India it will release 10-14 days from then…expect the update by around 15th…( i hope i am wrong and the update comes even sooner… 🙂 )

  49. here in italy x10i update is done… dual touch is not that cool that I was thinking about… no other uses than pich zooming, that’s only with web and apps… There is a very unstable dual touch…

  50. Yip, Rogers Canada customers should be able to download update via SE PC companion software.
    Mine is flashing now.

  51. you dont have to unroot to getting a new update “abe”

    i think its not yet availale for UK Unbranded

    SE always pisses me off

    SHAKE A LEG !!!!!!!!!!

  52. For UK users, bellow is conversation I ahd with online SE agent. It looks like network providers are delaying the deployment of upgrades to us.

    Please wait while we find an agent to assist you…You have now been connected to an agent.Jonathan: Thank you for contacting Sony Ericsson UK Chat Support, how can I help you today?

    Ram: I have X10, am from UK, want to upgrade dual touch, please help how?

    Ram: I tried upgrade using computer, but dual touch not working
    Jonathan: Where was your handset purchased and what network are you with?
    Jonathan: It only works on the browser or Google maos
    Ram: I am on 3 network
    Jonathan: Maps*
    Ram: It is not wirkong for me on anything
    Ram: Is this upgrade availble for uk phones?
    Jonathan: Yeah, but they are network specific, if its not confirmed by 3 it might not be available yet
    Ram: Please can you tell if it is avaibles for 3 users?
    Jonathan: You would need to check that with 3 unfortunately
    Ram: But upgrades are down loaded from SE web sites and tools.
    Jonathan: Yeah, but depending on your market/network is dependant whether you can upgrade or not
    Ram: If I unlocked the phone, will I be able to upgrade?
    Jonathan: 2.1.A.0.435 – Android 2.1 (Pinch Zoom update) – Latest available.
    Jonathan: Thats the version you need
    Jonathan: No cause its still branded
    Ram: Am I right that the upgrade will be availble on 3 web site then?
    Jonathan: No ts always on the SE site
    Jonathan: But if a network don’t confirm it straight wawy it will not work
    Jonathan: away*
    Ram: If it is from you site, it will be very helpful to list networks for which upgrades are available.
    Jonathan: Sadly we do not have that
    Ram: I looked at internet, every one thinks SE is delaying UK upgrades, it seems like it is network providers!
    Jonathan: Thats right, generic is already out
    Ram: generic? you mean unlocked phones?
    Jonathan: Yeah
    Ram: but you said I cant unlock my phone and get an upgrade
    Ram: Sorry for my ingnorance
    Jonathan: No becuase the update software can still see your software version and the braning on it
    Jonathan: branding*
    Ram: do you mean x10a can and x10i cant. my is x10i
    Jonathan: They are the same
    Ram: I am a bit confused, anyway I need to talk to 3, thanks for your help
    Jonathan: No problem. Thanks for using the Sony Ericsson Chat Support today.

  53. Well, in happy news for Rogers Canada users, the multi-touch update has hit the handsets. I got a notification last night and updated via SEUS this afternoon. I haven’t fiddled with it much, but I can report that Angry Birds has pinch-to-zoom (and according to SEUS so do the browser and Google Maps).

    It seems that a new service (Spotlight) has been added for Mediascape, that Sony is now collecting usage data and uploading it via your wireless or maybe Wi-Fi, but not while roaming, Timescape looks the same. Pinch-to-zoom also works in Dolphin browser. Mediascape seems to still use to long-touch/drag method for zooming rather than employing the DT. Facebook app seems to make use of the pinch-to-zoom as well, but it seems responsive only half the time.

    Firmware: 2.1-update1
    Baseband: 2.1.55
    Kernel: 2.6.29
    Build: 2.1.1.A.0.6

  54. One more thing to add: typing for text messages is much smoother, and the default keyboard is slightly changed again.

  55. *Rogers Canada East Coast user…

    Just updated and am very happy with the results. Even if this is the last update, I think I’ll be happy with it for awhile. Thanks for the constant updates people!

  56. I have already updated my X10i to this latest firmware (2.1.A.0.435) with multi-touch and pinch-to-zoom. However, would it still be possible to return back to my previous firmware which is 2.0.2.A.0.24?

  57. After updating my Xperia X10i, my calendar app is not working anymore. Anybody knows how to fix it?

  58. after update, when i take a picture and try to send by mms , the picture convert is too large to send.

    is anyone with the same problem ???

  59. I haven’t received the new pinch zoom update yet, I’m with the Global X10a Firmware, I think i flashed the Brazilian version but the Settings test shows Global . Anyone else on the same boat?. I thought X10a’s were the first to receive it. It’s almost crossed a month now.

  60. I updated Xperia X10i to latest 2.01.A.0.435 and since then any time I tap the calendar app the phone says: Sorry! the process has stopped unexpectedly. Help!

  61. You know what I noticed.. after the update.. When I send a picture message, or someone sends me a picture message. If I wanna view the picture, it asks me to complete action using Mediascape or other photoviewer apps. If I open it with mediascape, nothing happens.. before that update.. I can view picture message using mediascape now it doesn’t work anymore.. i don’t know if my phone has a problem or is it the same as everyone?

  62. Hi all,

    I had the 2.1 official SE firmware on my X10i and now I flashed with X10a_2_1_A_0_435_EW, I was not really sure if it makes any big difference to switch from X10i to X10a, flashing completed ! it seems to be working fine, my main concern was when I set up a contact picture it was displaying blurry but after flashing with this firmware it is clear ! infact I can also set up customized wallpapers with a better clarity.

    Thanks 🙂

  63. I’m from Brazil, I have a x10 mini that came from Miami, as I have put a software of Brazil, and by 2.1 android in it?