It was a matter of time before the Android ROM system dump from the Sony Ericsson Xperia PLAY was made available to all. The Xperia arc’s system dump gave us X10 owners the Xperia arc home launcher, but it’s unlikely the Xperia PLAY dump will give us anything significantly different.
There are a number of game apk files included, but the only one that appears to work reasonably well is Tetris. The other games require the hardware controls of the Xperia PLAY. Click here to find for the full system dump.
24 responses to “Xperia PLAY ROM system dump now available”
The Xperia Play is still just what every PSP owner wished it was… way back ago in 2005. Thanks SE, but I’m still more than satiqfied with my X10 waiting for Gingerbread to feed with my beloved smartphone.
And maybe first?
i have an xperia play and it is by far the best phone out atm. The x10 is still weak as ever and no matter how much you tweet it, its still a very poor standard phone compared to the rest of the market get a new phone lool
Check out this review of the play.
This may be your personal opinion of the smartphone, but most of its users were angry about it because of bad and sluggish SE support of its newest phones. Now that Gingy is to be released, we’re more than happy with it. Anyway, it would be interesting to know what exactly makes you say X10 is a weak smartphone.
ya, with the tweeks and rooted its great!
don’t be too proud with your XPlay..
human wants cannot be fulfilled… we will wait for yours protest.
we was experienced with our x10… now..we proud with our X10.
@xplay,,, the play has only 380 mb ram. That’s a bit crappy for the best phone out atm right?
The x10 has 4 mb more ram :O, has a better camera and looks way better
WAY WAY better 😀
aa==eeeyw the PLAY has 512 RAM
hello, my name is raz quami, i like the play phone just wondering if its a brick of a thing like, didnt want anything too big, i have a mini at the moment and its so nice.
Does the play have a big gig processor? and what about the RaM?
how long will the battery last?
raz quami
@raz quami: go here for a comparison of the Play and the “big” X10:
check this out: maybe it’ll work on x10??
Really, no news in 6 days? Does anyone know another site supporting the X10?
je vous remercie de partager, très gentil de votre part
yeah… he just abandon us for his new blog 🙁
Guys, i need you opinion:
I visiting Malaysia in few days and planning to buy Sony Xperia X10 as its costing less as compare to my country( INDIA)
Now matter of concern is, will it work in india .. as I-phone does not .. So tell me is it good to buy from Malaysia ….
Hope to hear a soon reply from you ppl
@D fizz
there is news the custom kernel has been worked into alot of the modded roms with only gps not functioning.
@ pak ya
i hope not!
yeah it too many custom ROM available on XDA page.. im considering that as a news to makes X10 user happy… but why moderator don’t supply that information at here..
i know many x10 users like to visiting this page… 🙂
c’mon MOD.
i need a rom ughhhhhhhhhhhhh!
@pak ya
Patience my friend, xda devs are busy on roms not x10 blog! Which is better for us. Give them some time they ate still way ahead of new Sony Tom.
sony will not support this phone longer than 6 months if don’believe us check out this link to there forum and there treatment of the last xperia phones:
i need a poo
Ok, this is a joke now, The last update was ages ago. Im bored of this website!