TripNRaVeR, one of the well known X10 devs over at xda-developers, has released his latest TripNMiUI ROM that now runs on Android 2.3.3 (Gingerbread). It’s still at the early stages denoted by the 0.0.2 release and is based on the MiUI user interface. He says it faster than the TripNMiUI Froyo on stock kernel and the screen can even be rotated 180 degrees.
There is no working camera, and some lag from the hardware video decoder but you get most other features working including Wi-Fi, GPS and mobile data. An update is coming later today that will fix the Gallery and Music app so it’s probably worth waiting before you flash to this latest ROM. Click here for the full details.
56 responses to “TripNMiUI Gingerbread ROM released”
yea..been using it…insanely fast and gives a nice battery life too!…some apps like winamp cause reboot…but otherwise its fine for daily use!
it this rom with a custom kernel with the 32 fps cap removed?
Why is there no news here on this site about the bootloader being actually unlocked by SE? I would think that’s some major news…
im pretty sure thats for the new xperia line
All of the news regarding new Xperia handsets is being covered by our sister site (Xperia Blog):
Why would Sony’s unlocking be shown on here, its old news and its for new phones not our x10’s
Does not make sense to install or even wait for the fixes for this rom. SE will be releasing official gingerbread to our x10.
ya, is this a custom kernal too? or another rom off the same kernal?
true, sort of. knowing sony, they say late q2 or whatever so we think july or august. wouldn’t surprise me if it were later than that. once this gets crackin, i will look into installing this rom, especially if it is running off a custom kernal with certain limitations removed.
X10, you really need to put up a tutorial on how to flash custom Rom and how to revert back to normal se Rom, you did a great job doing it for jit.. please consider doing this
@ TheJattboss: Yes we desperatively need such a tutorial!
@TheJattboss Request understood. We will try and put something up in the next few weeks. It would be sooner, but Easter is coming up and our writer who does the tutorials isn’t around!
I’ve been using Wolfbreak’s CM 6.1.3 ROM for about a week now. I am hesitated to do the test before and finally decided. The customized ROM is a real beauty!! It is way faster and smoother than SE’s ROM. The UI itself is sexier than ever. For those who want to try, here’s the link:
Good Luck!
it’s just a waste of time! there are many custom roms BUT not even one perfect final rom!!
Check the custom ROM of Wolfbreak and judge it youself. Way better than Se’s default ROM.
Have been using Wolfbreak’s rom for almost a month and, there is no way I would go back to SE’s rom. It is fast, stable and looks so much nicer than SE’s 2.1 version.
i need more RaM!
Yes, exactly! Not to mention the numbers of themes you can install by using this ROM. The responsiveness alone is more than enough to keep this ROM for a long time in my device. Got bored with my x10 these past few weeks thats why I took some chances installing the ROM.. Its worth wasting some time…
that sounds very tempting, i think i switch to that rom in the nxt couple days after exams. i’m using a generic se 2.1 rom (.504), can i upgrade straight to Wolfbreak’s CM 6.1.3 ROM from mine or do i have to install another version first?
The problem iwth the Wolfbreak CM ROM, is that video doesn’t work 100% (when continiously focussing (which is a great feature on the X10) the framerate goes down alot… And I’ve heard GPS isn’t working, and I use GPS a lot.
@Topher I installed that ROM a week ago and it FLIES! It is incredibly stable. No shutdowns or FC’s like I got with SE’s ROM. It’s also very pretty.
@Morgan Read the first post of that thread that Topher posted; it gives all the info of compatibility and whatnot. DO NOT upgrade to v06. See if you can find the v054 patch, but v06 is very buggy.
I am a x10 flash junkie. I’ve tried almost every custom rom available via xda. All in all the best ROM for is zidhu’s free x10. Its as close to stock froyo as you can get, is very stable and all everything works perfect for daily use. In fact, the 1 and only thing that does not work on free x10 is the auto brightness feature.
Oh btw trip never finishes a ROM. dont expect any suppprt outside of the first 2 weeks for this one
Your Baseband should be either of these three: 54, 55 or 58. I suggest to update your phone to the latest SE rom using PC companion or SEUS. After installing the fresh SE 2.1, you can start installing with Wolf’s custom ROM. Procedures are a little way too many but im telling you when you’re done, youll be spending some more quality time with your x10 🙂
Agree with you about z’s Free X10 and have to say all the custome roms are far better than SE. Although I was happy with free x10 I can’t help trying out new ones and currently using CM6 scamble which gave me a quadrant score of 1271 when tested. Flashing the rom is definitely not for novices but 2 months ago I hadn’t got a clue what I was doing but using the links in various posts here got me to a point where I felt I had to try it (the guide to installing jit compiler was what really hepled). So to those who aren’t sure install things step by step but go for it and really see how good your x10 is. Or keep waiting for se to release 2.3. And waiting. One day…
@X10: thanks, I didn’t realize you had a sister site. Bookmarking it now 😀
I had an Arc, Neo and Play in my hands this weekend at Mobile Meeting 2011 (Budapest, HU). What awesome phones. My X10 feels like a brick, after touching the Arc 🙁
Xperia™ X10 support news
Android 2.3 soon available for Xperia™ X10
The Android 2.3 software will be available for the Xperia™ X10 non-operator customized phones at the end of Q2 or early Q3. This upgrade will only be available via PC Companion.
The final scope of the software is still to come, so more information to come closer to launch.
great news.. 🙂
@Topher, Quick question regarding Wolfbreak’s CM 6.1.3 ROM. Does it have 3g/mobile internet. I have signal on the rom and i have wifi, but i cant seem to connect to mobile internet without wifi connected? Is there anything i can do?? Thanks in advance x
Try enabling the 2G/3G in the power control Widget. Long press on your screen, press the widget then choose power control. Power control setting window will pop-up, there you can enable the 2G/3G capability. Hope it helps..
Screw all those who say they will not go back to the SE rom. Im sure once the gingerbread update comes, you’ll be crawling your way back to Se.
@ rine
the gingerbread update doesn’t interest me whether it be a custom rom or the SE rom. Now I’m on a stable custom 2.2 it does everything I want it to and I’m sure that’s the case for many others. The people looking forward to the SE 2.3 are those still stuck on the handicapped SE 2.1 full of the bloatware that comes with it and the lack of flash player that I really needed
Yeah right.y
@topher i was going to repost this morning to say that i had figured the problem out. For some reason my settings hadnt been saved. so i just had to manually input the setting save it and set as default. Simples dunno why i didnt think of it first haha thanks anyways bud x
@topher i forgot to ask are you running custom kernal? i havent flashed it or even looked into it. i was wondering if you had flashed it is there much more benefits to having the custom kernal installed with this rom as it seems to be running pretty smooth on the norm kernal 😀 Cheers again
Well, you can also turn your screen 180 degrees in CM…
*There is a tutorial on XDA about flashing ROMS, plus if you use Flashtool by bin4ary n androxide it is easy, to revert your phone to SE rom just use SEUS and it will be done in no time.
No probs buddy! I’m using the default kernel on this rom since I didn’t get any issues. Its a pretty stable rom. I just checked the forum today at xda. They are working on the ver 7 of this rom. No specific release date till now. The guys are really working hard on it. Thanks to Wolfbreak and the rest of the xda team.
Just installed. Works really well. Will stick with it for a bit.
Works pretty well, however the contacts are not correctly sorted for nordic users (i.e. the contacts starting with letter A are positioned last, at the letter Ä). Changing language to english corrects this, but when using nordic languages it´s annoying.
thanks for sharing, i want rom froyo for xperia x8
nothing here.. bye
well….first of all thanking se for announcing the 2.3 update but though i know that its too much to ask, can we do something to let se release the 2.3 version earlier than scheduled coz end of q2 is too late am already growing impatient.
will it be the most up to date version, 2.3.3 or is it 2? which ever is the newest, can anyone elborate on this??
thanks in advance
(the orginal goku)
it will be the newest version, 2.3.3 as far as i know its going to be a stock android rom, so no S.E extras on it like SE camera and timescape.
gotta get me some more RaM, its like, so cool here,
Will the RoMuLeN emulator work with a big gig syStem?
thanks, will the camera have auto flash?
no idea but i think not as its a ‘l.e.d photo light’ not a ‘xenon flash’ as such, i find it strange that SE didnt fix this in any of their updates as alot people have mentioned it. lets just hope!
blog dead?
froyo final for x10 mini pro is out at xda,
Works fine, video camera suttering though.
almost dead
Maybe because the X10 is dying…… Check out the sister site.
Come Q3, the gingerbread update. Sure this blog will be as hot as hell!
thanks, yeah lest just hope its better than the 2.1
hey guys, it is normal to see that the sensor of the screen always respond slower than the speed of your finger slide over it? i feel it’s so slow… even cant really play ninja fruits well… any idea? thx
@ rine –
Screw you’re self. custom or SE ROM’s who cares as long as it work’s. nothing’s perfect – just like you. Developer’s doing their best to push SE phone to its full potential. not that SE ROM’s all SUCK its just not that GOOD. (Its like having a dog that only know’s how to fetch, but if you teach it some more trick’s like how to bite your neighbor then it’ll be more fun)..same goes with the phone..either we upgrade it (teach new trick) or we go for other phone (blood hound sounds nice).. ya digg?
Dont you think it time to revisit this article? The link’s bad since Trip took his ball and went home. That would be worth a read, though.
this is the very best rom ever built!
Congrat for dev.
– with advanced pulldown menu,
– with dnd- white list,
– with in-call recording,
awsomeeeeee !