X10 mini pro gets unofficial dual-touch fix [Video]

X10 mini pro gets unofficial dual-touch fixThe X10 mini handsets were unfortunate not to receive the dual-touch update that its bigger brother the X10 received. Whilst some may question whether it is needed on such a small display, we would personally like to have the choice.

Some keen devs (doixanh and slade87) over at xda-developers have finally managed to get dual-touch functionality working on the X10 mini pro. To take advantage of this you’ll need to make sure you handset is rooted. Cyanogen 6 for the X10 mini pro has been updated to version 2, which includes this dual-touch fix. For more details click here.

Via XperiaMiniCyanogen.

Thanks to MrD4rKn3sSyS for the video!

47 responses to “X10 mini pro gets unofficial dual-touch fix [Video]”

  1. dual touch is completely useless on this phone, only people who have been moaning about updates would need this to satisfy their need to moan lol

  2. Why the hell is the dual touch so much better than the x10’s official one? I’m so freaking jealous right now

  3. Yea the dualtouch doesnt have a problem,maybe because they made custom drivers.

  4. YEAH it’s true i currently experience that on my x10 mini pro and it is AWESOME 😀
    And no,it isn’t useless,not at all.

  5. Cool, wasn’t expecting that one! Wonder why Sony didn’t just release multi-touch themselves? I can understand them delaying it for my X10 as it isn’t 100% but it looks perfect on the mini pro..

  6. @hmm, what kind of troll hands do you have? I can fit five of my fingers on the screen and still move them around. Very useful for goole maps, angry birds, gallery… So I guess you don’t have an X10 and you don’t know what you’re talking about, or you really have a problem in your hands.

  7. Finally, there is dualtouch for the mini pro! It’s freakin awesome! And like Nick said, it’s not useless at all. Like my mini pro now even more! 😀

    @ lolqutz=?: yeah, slade87 and doixanh found a way to unload the stock driver and load there custom driver 🙂

    @ Max: the big x10 is using a clearpad2000 screen which only supports 2 fingers…and not that well..but mini pro uses a cypress truetouch gen 3 screen which (theoretically) can support up to 32 touches simultaneously o_O that would be bomb in ass xD

  8. So. Sony Ericsson updates x10, we all have dual-touch. BUT there is just one tiny problem: when you cross your finger near the X or Y axis, it fails hard. The devs over at the xda developed dual-touch for x10 mini. And they didn’t have the SE problem, with the axis. Really? I mean… i thought SE was a company that respected itself, but now i see they can just deliver partly modified or ported (from other companies) software. I`m so happy devs exist and the xda community is offering their help for this kinda forsaken xperia line. SE really mocks us. Hopefully they will get rid of the fps cap limit, they’ll enable 16M colors and make dual-touch work as it should on their gingerbread update.

  9. Dual touch, multi touch, who gives a flying fuck. Only weird as fuck petty little internet freaks care about dual touch. I will touch all your mums on update v2 if theres anymore shit.

  10. In the video, the home and the apps screen, how do i get it? i have recently rooted mine, i would like to get that app screen, anyone point me the right way?

  11. @ Max: that’s true…the x10 will always have problems with the x or y axis…unfortunately

    @ fat mother******: Your post is that useless..

    @ thlf: probably its a home replacement app like launcher pro oder go launcher or sth like that..if you play a little bit with the settings in the app, you can get a homescreen and appdrawer like in the video

  12. x10 not only problem with dual touch when crossing two axis…but it’s also has the problem of slow respond toward your finger speed as when you slide over the screen… i.e like you cant really cut the fruits on time in the ninja fruits game… does anyone of you having this kind of problem?

  13. I got dual touch and multitouch on my Xperia X10i…. but for the mini and mini pro,. the phone is too small for that action…

  14. yup true but still people wants MT for easier like using google maps where in the past because of lack DT/MT and use full feature like rotating and such… now its possible… MT doesn’t mean only for MT games

  15. now that there is a wider choice of roms for the x10 it would be very interesting to see which rom people are using.
    @aranny2001 I think your talking about the FPS cap.

  16. still using SE X10 Mini Pro with ÉCLAIR (because of many unstable unofficial updates). with this new feature which been tested & works fine in X10 Mini Pro I decided to take a try. MANY THANKS to the unofficial developers.

    Here’s my MIDFINGER to the embarassing SE team!! FUCK YOU SONY-ERICSSON!! you guys don’t even give us the 2.2 FROYO to us!!

  17. only by using a custom kernel but they are still in beta at the moment and i dont know much about them so i havnt dared mess with them.

  18. @ant1001 the x10 custom kernels are really bad atm. They cause battery drain and wlods… we just have to wait for a few months i think

  19. cant believe it i cannot upgrade to v2.2 on my xperia x10 mini pro,
    Why is this happen, aren’t SE glad because customer/user like us really support your product meanwhile on your side you just sit down there,get our money for buying your product but didn’t make something about our main problem..SE should find any alternative way to make SE Xperia family could be upgraded to v2.2..

  20. what is the point of duel touch on this phone, i have big fingers and i cant see what i am dualing, i have the mini and its fine with the normal touch screen, get real

    H o m o s

  21. waiting for gingerbread update!! phone is quit slow wid low memory!! wanna shift apps to sd

  22. i think the only reason SE didnt release it for anything other than the x10 is because only mini pro could have it mini and x8 have to have the fake one

  23. So. Sony Ericsson updates x10, we all have dual-touch. BUT there is just one tiny problem: when you cross your finger near the X or Y axis, it fails hard. The devs over at the xda developed dual-touch for x10 mini. And they didn’t have the SE problem, with the axis. Really? I mean… i thought SE was a company that respected itself, but now i see they can just deliver partly modified or ported (from other companies) software. I`m so happy devs exist and the xda community is offering their help for this kinda forsaken xperia line. SE really mocks us. Hopefully they will get rid of the fps cap limit, they’ll enable 16M colors and make dual-touch work as it should on their gingerbread update.

  24. I left my x10 last week it was a sad day for me.
    but i got £130 trade in and sgsII 🙂

  25. Guys, the newest update for cyanogen 6 for xperia mini range is stable with full features. It is very stable especially if you don’t set the oveclock speed more than 700 mhz.

  26. Hey guys, anyone in the uk on Orange ??

    STILL waiting for the pinch zoom update ….. can’t find any info at all from Orange….

    my handset is branded orange uk, 2.1 – update1 firmware

  27. Hey guyz can any 1 tel me dat which android version is goin n fo xperia mini pro..?? Here sony people r tellin stil 1.2 nly d latest version..!! Is it true?