AT&T Xperia X10 finally gets Android 2.1 Éclair update

Xperia X10We thought this day would never come. Sony Ericsson has announced that the Android 2.1 (Éclair) update for AT&T customers has finally arrived. This is seven months after the rest of the world’s X10s were updated to Android 2.1. The update will officially start tomorrow, May 31st and we’re sure that for many Xperia X10 AT&T customers, it can’t come soon enough.

Thanks Fred!

48 responses to “AT&T Xperia X10 finally gets Android 2.1 Éclair update”

  1. Has someone let the AT&T X10 owner know? I’m assuming there won’t be more than 1 or 2 people to tell…

  2. Wow!!! Great job AT&T, always on the cutting edge! Now we’re only 2 or 3 updates behind everyone else!!! And with 2.3.3 being released any day now to generic handsets.
    This might be good news if I hadn’t debranded in November 2010 along with everyone else.
    Get a clue AT&T, nobody has your crappy software anymore and nobody wants your crappy “NEW” software.
    And tell me this, when will you be releasing a current version of android OS? Let’s see generic X10s get it late Q2 early Q3? So we’ll see yours Q2 of…. 2016?
    When my contract is up you can kiss this customer and his money goodbye :p

  3. About time, ehh!! I guess At&t customers are very angry with this tremendous service. but probably they are already running gingerbread and nobody is updating to 2.1,haha.Did they tell WHY they delayed that long?

  4. Wow, I didn’t know about that. These corporations are managing to kill all the advantages of free and open-source software.

  5. According to AT&T it was testing the siftware to make sure there were no bugs…. Seven months later, this must be the fastest smoothest 2.1 rom EVER!!!! Lol!!!

  6. Wow, really? It will be real nice for those who are not smart enough to install a custom rom. I am now waiting for the 2.3.3 to come out.
    I LOL at your slowness AT&T.

  7. Orange in the UK are not much better, took forever to get the 2.1 update, they still haven’t released the dual touch update.
    Finally managed to get the computer to agree to me using the flashtool this afternoon.
    Can’t believe how easy that is to use. No more waiting for the network provider, who have as good as said there is nothing in the pipeline for them to issue the GB update. Had to go generic to make sure I don’t miss out this time round.
    Has been buggin me like crazy being so far behind with the updates…

  8. I think AT&T didn’t start testing the 2.1 until recently when SE announced they were working on the 2.3.3 update. AT&T didn’t want to be ridiculed for still keeping it’s customers in the stone age that is 1.6. OR it’s that AT&T had the 2.1 update ready for a while but somehow simply forgot to click on the “post update” button 😉

  9. Shit… Crap… FART… filthy……
    How bad u handle ur customers u M F Kr SE…….

    U guys are utterly waste,,,

  10. I just read it is 2.1.A.0.492 firmware. That is so stupid of AT&T to update on old one firmware version. I feel sorry for X10a users of AT&T.

  11. @ tomo100brt
    No need to feel sorry for us. The majority of folks I’ve encountered with the ATT x10A’s debranded a while back due to the AT&T bloatware. AT&T’s bloatware combined with Timescape just made the phone unbearably clunky. If it weren’t for the XDA crew, this phone would’ve been returned within a couple days. However, as is the blessing/curse of open source, I was able to root, reimage and have a device which I could live with for the few months until 2.1 was released. It may not be too far from the truth that AT&T is appeasing both of their x10 owners who haven’t yet debranded.

  12. Yay? AT&T=E-Tards!
    I’m ashamed of the fact my Canadian carrier even partners with them for service…
    There is probably 1 in every 100 AT&T X10 owners who haven’t gotten furious and moved on in one way or another. Root, Rom, Trade, Upgrade, Abandon, Purchase other Manufacturer’s equipment… My early hardware upgrade is waiting, but I don’t like my carrier’s selection of devices right now. Best they have is Liquid MT, Galaxy S, Arc, Play and Nokia N8. Of those 1 in every 100 on AT&T that still on 1.6, half probably will never upgrade and are perfectly happy with device out of box…Pathetic AT&T

  13. Buy smartphones with carrier sucks, they put the updates when they want or maybe dont, on telcel mexico is the same, im still waiting to have the multitouch update. Sony sell your phones unlocked on sony styles sites…. fuckers

  14. hi G E E K S 🙂 G I V I N G I T L A R G E T O D A Y H O M E B O Y S W H A T S E V E R Y O N E BE E N U P T O L A T L E Y ?

    I A M L I K I N G M Y N E W U P D A T E I T S C O O L


    S A F E

  15. It’s about time! I’m diggin’ the new look and feel of my phone, it’s got far more functionality to it now and looks sexy. Feels like it moves a bit faster now too. HUGE upgrade from 1.6! It might not be the latest and greatest but it’s better than what it was so i’m good.

  16. All that talk that AT&T was testing the software for bugs is bullshit. There is no way AT&T spent 7 whole months testing an out-dated “update” for a phone that reached EOL 2 damn months ago. Screw AT&T, I debranded my phone just like everybody else. Why did they even come out with that crap knowing it was 7 months behind. AT&T is at the bottom of the barrel. Phones now coming out with 2.3.4, and AT&T dragging behind the pack barely bringing out 2.1.

  17. Sony Xperia X10 and AT&T combination is the worst customer experience I ever had in all my phones, never again!

  18. @Rich, Yes, by debranding you will get the latest updates as soon as they’re available through SEUS and not have to wait for AT&T or any other carrier to release there bloated version.

  19. Thanks Brian….I was trying to wait for an answer before I tackled the process but when I woke up this morning it seemed I grew a pair so I went ahead and got it done! I am debranded and rooted as we speak….I hate AT&T!!!

  20. i am going to get my missus an experia arc, its nice and has good things going for it.
    I was going to get on board the romulEN space ship and see things in the GalaXy, like spok and kirk, thats captain kirk, Do you think the roMUlen space craft is any good?
    Or should i be using some sort of other technology, maybe something GERMan? hover ship or magnetic power, uses the force from the sun and the moon.


  21. Runar, thanks for a comment that isn’t completely pointless.

    By reading the rest, I can only assume the x10 cause severe brain damage to it’s users.


  22. Brian:

    It is very likely that this is pre-release software and not final as the kernel should clearly start with a 3, just like the arc and play etc… However, I wont be amazed if SE drops the newest kernel, considering that the x10 was launched with 1.6, and at & t users getting the 2.1 update now :O

  23. If the kernel is as good as the one on the fried chicken advert we will be onto a winner.
    Finger licking good!
    As for the size of the roMulen chip, great, where is the tifford in that?
    I upgraded my mini xperia from 1.6 to 2.1 and its great, i think that was in january, anyway time is passing and i was wondering if they were developing a space phone, one that you can use in a vaccum, this would be very handy for the people on the space station, they could buy aps and things, like google sky map, would that work in space??
    Going to look for a new phone this weekend for my vife, she wants android, i think the arc will surfice.
    And i have pre orderd cod 4, cant wait, i did enjoy black ops though, maybe a sip sifford of lag in some all many games but on the whole its very good.

  24. Yo Yo homes, i got me a at&t telephone, it rox like a bad boy, just give me the freeking updates, I dont neeeed dis shizel in me life now, just going through post pre op gender swap tuck and lift operation and all that, you know, I will be watching alot of tv today as i am not working at the moment, just tv and internet bingo for me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  25. anything new in the hole ???

    31may and 7 that enough time. does it ?

    time for changes.

  26. tell us about 2.3.3 now. I was praying to 2.1 last year. I’d to hear something more updated !!

    BTW what is the point updating to 2.1now if there is 2.3.3 around the corner! just use xda!!!!!!! Simple(s) 😉 !!!!

  27. I remember last time when the was a lot noise about to 2.1 Mrs Rikard Skogberg(where are you we miss you ??? give as good news please x10) give us wide range of video and extended video support and large amount of marketing shit.
    Now they really start working or will this be a big shit and we will until stupid 16 november 2012 lake it was last time. I know they tell there on 31 June that there was a Japan earthquake will this be a good excuses (NOTHING PERSONAL – SORRY) but Iam almost sure that what will happen because i still dont trust SE. Last thing what I am going to do is belive what they are promising unless i saw the the sucessfull update and perfectly working 2.3.3 which will be already outdate by google’s 2.4 but at least it willl have fully working web browser.


  28. Woow everyones trippin at at&t who gives a f*** its not thefe fault,at least we have it nou and itsreally awesome I live everything about it. And its not likr a fail small update its lime a whole new phone. When I got it it felt like I got a new phone alll over again figureing out alll the little thing it had:) props for the update!!!!

  29. @alfonzo… I agree, when I got the update in December it did feel like a new phone. Now I want it to feel like a phone that isn’t outdated with eclair. I want it to feel like a new phone on a regular basis with updates.
    Peolpe are saying better late than never! People saying that and praising this downgrade should be asking how to debrand there phones.
    Anyhow with gingerbread on it’s way to generic handsets, I’ll try there 2.3 and if I don’t like it it’s back to custom roms.
    Honestly let’s get a poll to see how many people are using AT&T branded X10’s. I feel bad for anyone running AT&T crapware
    P.S. AT&T DOES SUCK! Don’t believe me, try checking the box to allow installation outside the market…. Oh that’s right AT&T didn’t give us one!

  30. well wasn’t that fun it asks you to do backup so I download the backup program from sony but the install was blocked for not being from the android market,
    so of course I continued any way and lost everything
    way to go sony couldn’t you have at least made a backup that could be actually used
    ps why can’t I install things from amazon or even sony you would think that because it’s a sony phone I would be allowed to install sony apps maybe you could fix that next

  31. I’m not big on tech I’m just happy this has finally happened. I didn’t focus on what I was missing so i’m not mad. I loved the little arced lock screen and stuff and I had a camera, texting, and calling, so now I’m just getting a luxury upgrade haha. Nonetheless, I’m one those dumb lazy people who didn’t use a different way of upgrading, but I don’t care 🙂

  32. @ relieved I’m curiuos if AT&T included multitouch in this update… Anyone know?

  33. I have an AT&T X10a, but I’m not retarded though, I am running GB-2.3.3 WB that is ever so much smoother than the (CRAP) Stock Official SE 2.3 update. My next will a Samsung branded phone. After this whole X10 update debacle I would never buy another SE piece of SH!T even if they promised me that the phone’s new casing was made of finely woven virgin princess pubic hair! FUCK YOU SONY ERICSSON!!! AND AT&T! I can’t wait until my contract is up!