Seeing as root hasn't been established yet (at least not to the masses), the link that was "removed" is totally useless. Not sure why you need to see it.
Take a look at the. X10 forum in xda. The believe they have finally rooted the x10 but won't let it out untill the x10 mini pro comes out as it should work for all the xperia phones. Anyone knows when it is coming out?
I really hope this is true, especially after all the false dawns. However, it does worry me that they've only had a 25% success rate (i.e. 6out of 8 phones bricked!)
Sorry about the mistakes in last post.. That was sent from my X10..
Yea 25% success rate is something to worry about but he said he is working to fine tune the process so it will be solved..(If the root has been achieved in first place)
Hey guys, im newbie to this phone tech but successful managed to debrand my vodaphone x10i and then update from 1.4 to 1.6, ive been reading with interest on this Rooting business, all i really want to do is get rid of the moxier garbage and the timescape and mediascape apps, what exactly will root enable me to do? I dont want to fire in lots of custom roms or brick my baby, will i still be able to update via seus after root. Im pretty happy with it the way it is apart from the aforementioned apps using up my memory and processing power, any details will be most gratefully recieved. Cheers
This is great news, and a very good first step towards what I am hoping to come in the near future; An Xperia x10 running Froyo! While, I find Mediascape, and Timescape to be nice additions to Android, for me they are not necessary, and do not add greatly to my smartphone user experience. I would be more happy just being able to run the most currently stable Android while having access to all the hardware features of the Xperia. But I know, I'm not alone.
Is there a thread anywhere that details what ROOTing will open up for us and whether or not this would void any warranty on the phone? I am not really clued up on the inner workings etc etc...
If someone could put this in lamens terms for me I would be very grateful!
Well, i'm a proud owner of an X10a, I recently root it, everything seams fine, but i'm missing a bunch of things so maybe you guys can help me out:
1.- I cannot sent/receive MMS (pictures,videos), it just looks that i'm missing that application, because i input the settings right.
2.- Time scape does not contains facebook and twitter accounts i had some other issues before but i was able to solve it, like the 3G connection. bluetooth connections etc.
Now im interested to know how much of a benefit will be to have a rooted phone?? because i'm new to the android world, but i know a few things on UNIX/Linux OS.
So i hope some people can help me explain things better.