Marazao wrote:Well, i'm a proud owner of an X10a, I recently root it, everything seams fine, but i'm missing a bunch of things so maybe you guys can help me out:
1.- I cannot sent/receive MMS (pictures,videos), it just looks that i'm missing that application, because i input the settings right.
2.- Time scape does not contains facebook and twitter accounts
i had some other issues before but i was able to solve it, like the 3G connection. bluetooth connections etc.
Now im interested to know how much of a benefit will be to have a rooted phone?? because i'm new to the android world, but i know a few things on UNIX/Linux OS.
So i hope some people can help me explain things better.
Are you a X10a
If so did you do the additional root steps to patch the X10a APN and stuff