Android app installation onto memory card “coming soon”

Android app installation onto memory cardOne of the big benefits of rooting your Android handset is the ability to use something like Apps2SD to install applications onto your memory card instead of the handsets built-in storage. However, it appears that Google may be planning official support for this function. The Google Android Code page has seen the status of issue 1151, which deals with this feature, changed from ‘assigned’ to ‘future release’.

The engineer who made the change left the following note:

Apologies, but I’m not permitted to disclose scheduling information – suffice to say
it’s coming soon 🙂

Sorry for being vague, and thank you for your continued patience – I sincerely
appreciate it.

Happy friday 🙂

It’s unknown when we would expect this to appear, although Android 2.2 (Froyo) sounds like a sensible guess. If so, Froyo will be a packed release that also includes automatic application updates and Flash 10.1 support. Let’s just hope we get switched straight onto Android 2.2 rather than 2.1.

Via AndroidAndMe.

12 responses to “Android app installation onto memory card “coming soon””

  1. If the expected OS upgrade for Xperia X10 will have this feature, it’s gonna be a real peace of mind. By the way, how much does Android 1.6 OS takes the Phone Memory? The system is 1 GB, but when I installed few file manager apps, it shows that I have only 35 MB free in phone memory. Does the OS takes more than 700 MB of space? I haven’t installed huge apps too. Please advice.

  2. to benjamin: my phone has around ten apps installed including googlemaps i removed wisepilot and mediascaape and have 357 mb left

  3. @Benjamin: I have not removed anything that came with phone and I have added 4-5 small games and also few productivity tools (task/notes/etc) and it shows 396 MB free. Yours seems to be a genuine problem. Go check with Sony customer care..

  4. renuka i av the same problem…… i mean there is no file manager in the set so how can v edit or run or even browse the applications to install it dat i copied on SD…. ma id is…… ppl u got to tell me this

  5. is there anyone here know how to install JAVA or J2ME apps in Xperia X10? tnx in advance…

  6. I just Bought X10, and I don’t know how to make music and stuff be saved directly in the memory card or how to move it there , so can anybody please explain it to me

  7. hey i bought a new x10 xperia…i downloaded some games and apps for my mob…and i dnt noe how to open it in my mob..and i dnt noe where to save it in my memory …so plz some1 tel me how to resolve dis problem..??

  8. I recently got my X10, i dont have 1Gig of memory but 388 after retuning it to factory settings and upgrading to 2.1, and i cant find my applications that i transferred to my memory card, this memory card issue troubles me, need help. email address is