Generic UK ‘R2BA020’ firmware released for Xperia X10

Generic UK ‘R2BA020’ firmware releasedJust a quick post to let you know that the generic UK (R2BA020) firmware update is now rolling out. This hopefully means that the generic updates for other regions (Nordic, German etc) should be out very soon too. The update should be the same as the Swedish Telenor-branded R2BA020 I tested a few days back but will obviously by clean of all the unnecessary Swedish apps/widgets that were pre-installed.

Let us know if the update is working for you in the comments below. We’d also love to hear what you think of the new update in terms of performance, battery life etc. Finally, if anyone would be kind enough to upload the generic R2BA020 firmware files, we could then release them to the wider community. Cheers!

Update: The SE Product Blog confirms that this update will be “gradually rolled out across our markets over the coming weeks” and that it is already “live across selected markets” as we have already reported above.

Thanks syanide!

115 responses to “Generic UK ‘R2BA020’ firmware released for Xperia X10”

  1. My frimware is R1FA016 and i tried to update by update menu in the phone and its says ive got the latest software installed … has anyone did the update ?

  2. Tried updating but it says I got the latest version installed which is the 14 one
    I’m on orange btw

  3. As a generic UK handset user, I can confirm this. Update exists OTA. I haven’t checked SEUS.

  4. I’m downloading the software as we speak and will give my impressions as soon as possible. It is taking its sweet time downloading though…

  5. Hey Guys

    Does anyone know if and when this firmware would be released for the North American x10a???

  6. I’m an unlocked handset user, and am updating from the 016 firmware as we speak.

  7. I’ve completed the software update and the phone is up and running. I’ve not had to reinstall any of my ups or contacts, everything is working as it should.

  8. I’ve been downloading the update and i can confirm that the touch screen is way more responsive, this make a good diference for the keyboard, i can feel a little more speed from the phone but its still slowlish..! i dont know about battery life im charging and test it after, overall its pretty good ! im happy with that !

  9. X10i Debranded on Vodafone UK . Updated over the air. Every thing fine . All apps working not had to install anything.

  10. I have a question about updates and such. For this smaller update, if we have rooted our phone, will it still be rooted after the update, or does the whole thing reinstall? And as for the bigger one coming up I am assuming that the whole rooting process will have to start from square one, right?

  11. just done my x10i it’s unbranded uk had to ota as sues was showing no update, all seems fine.

  12. How about SMS threading? I’ve heard complaints that SMS threading doesn’t work properly for some users in the Teleonor firmwares?

  13. Tried SEUS and OTA both saying I already have latest…but I dont…..UK – Orange user – Anyone with the same probs as me?

  14. Hello,

    Is it still possible to root the x10 after the new SE update has been installed?

  15. When does the update come in the Netherlands? I’ve X10i with firmware R1FAO14?

  16. @ darren

    if your x10i is branded to orange you have to wait for them to mess with it and approve it this update is for unbranded x10i’s

  17. The rooting team is busy putting up the R2BA020 Generic UK root method right now! As of this moment, the files needed for rooting are up (posted just minutes ago), but the R2BA020 UK firmware itself isn’t (AFAIK).

    To answer some questions:

    1. No, you do not have to debrand your phone. “Debranding” simply means to flash your firmware with a generic ROM. The first step of the rooting process is to flash your firmware with a different ROM, so it wouldn’t make any difference.

    2. As far as I know, if you update the phone, it will no longer be rooted. I don’t know if it will even allow you to do an over-the-air (OTA) update on a rooted phone though.

    3. The “old” rooting process (which actually uses the Japanese Docomo firmware) works on the X10a (I just did it last night), but it labels it as “X10i”. All you have to do is download the modified X10a files (called “step3a”). This changes the “baseband” files to the X10a version. There should be a similar fix for the new method.

    However, somebody said there was an issue where he couldn’t use Rogers On Demand to watch FIFA, and the suggested fix was to change one of the files (default.prop) to make it say “X10a”. Don’t know if it works though.

    4. Just reinstall Swype using the installer. It seems to break whenever you install new firmware.

    Keep watching the rooting thread (posts 1-6 are by the root devs):

  18. the pc software said my phone was upto date, but when i selected used the phone itself to update its software, it did.
    all my settings and texts remain. really good update process.

    but other than a back up to the sd card what does it do? there were no new keyboards added, i thought that was a thing that was changing?

  19. Can anybody help me? I have ran the ota update on an unbounded x10 and after so long I get a picture with a phone and a big exclamation mark. I have left it for a while but it does not chaby and I have to flash back to 016. Seus does not show an update available. Can somebody please help. Thanks Andy.

  20. Just got the new firmware. X10i uk on virgin. Media scape seems a bit more responsive, new backup app seems to work. Still no app downloads via play now though. Default keyboard does seem more accurate too.

  21. So far so good. Nothing too surprising after teh various chagelogs that have been doing the rounds.

    I decided to use the backup/restore to give it a nice factory reset.

    However, I am a little confused about the backup process. It did everything it said on the tin, but one thing it said it did was to backup the applications, but there was no tick-box to choose ‘applications’ in the backup process. And when I restored, none of my applications were there.

    Luckily, I had backed up my applications with Astro File manager and managed to resotre with that.

    So, just a beware, that’s all. Apart from that, on the whole, NICE ONE SE!

  22. **************no update for me =-[ on orange and i just got x10 i. ************

    also i found one of many bugs . when i connect my phone vi bluetooth to handsfree. it starts to dial last number call on my phone.


  23. What a farce. Even when you finally get an update it’s dependant on the carrier fiddling to wether you get it or not. Sigh. Fuck Android…time to get an Apple. Nice try Google, but if you can’t learn from Microsoft’s mistakes, then you don’t deserve to be in the game.

  24. Hi,
    my phone is offering an update from R1FA014, (Australia, Virgin mobile)
    size: 41 656 929 bytes
    But ATM the moment at least it says download gets “network error” message every time i try to update over 3G.

  25. I’m wandring is it gonna make any difference if I used OTA method or SEUS?
    Because OTA doesn’t delete any thing from the phone!

  26. Anyone has the files for download? Somehow OTA doesn’t work for me?!

  27. Anyone try update it using SEUS? It wont allow me to update through there but from the phone it works fine. You need to have your simcard in to have it search for the update. otherwise, it prompt “network error”.

  28. I got a x10i running on T-mobile USA. Nothing from OTA yet and nothing on SEUS the last time I checked…

    still waiting

  29. I have successfuly updated trough the phone with R2BA023 version. The phone went with the upgrade flawlessly so now I’m on 1.1.27 version. The SEUS or Companion did not give me any updates available – only my phone.

    The phone model is X10i branded on T-mobile HR with Android on Croatian.

  30. I’m wondering if this update is for x10a phones or not. Can some please let me know?

  31. @mr t….

    your orange x10, did it have orange firmware on it, and did it come with an fm radio adaptor?
    i had cpw on behalf of orange offer me an update the day after the x10 was launched (they have an agreement with orange to coldcall people 2 months from the end of the contract) and agreed the right deal with me… the phone i got was unbranded and seemed to be cpw universal stock with a “orange” sim deal pack dropped in the box, rather than an orange package version…

  32. Still nothing from singtel singapore….. hopefully anytime soon…. singtel is notorious for bad customer service….

  33. Nothing on o2 yet. Not sure if we’ll see this on branded o2 for some time yet, to be honest, with iPhone 4 having just been released, that is all o2 uk cares about. If ur not an iphone customer, o2 doesn’t consider you that worthy a customer 🙂

  34. Just flashed my x10 with the method in the xda forum and wondering why moxier is stil on the device -.-

  35. maybe cos u didnt run the last bit of commands?

    CLEANUP(as this is an full rom you have to remove stuff by yourself)
    @adb shell rm /system/app/mox* <— removes moxier shit
    @adb shell rm /system/app/off*
    @adb shell rm /system/app/play*
    @adb shell rm /system/app/track*
    @adb shell rm /system/app/EManual*
    @adb shell rm /system/app/SemcIME*
    @adb shell rm /system/app/LatinImeTutorial*
    @adb shell rm /system/app/AndroidQuadrapop*
    @adb shell rm /system/app/LatinIME*
    @adb shell rm /system/app/SEMCTouchPal*
    @adb shell rm /system/app/se-supp*
    @adb shell rm /system/app/Launch*
    @adb shell rm /data/app/*.zip
    @adb shell rm -r /etc/semc/startupshow
    @adb shell rm -r /etc/semc/preset/app

  36. Nothing as of yet for Spain (and my X10 IS debranded)… Anyone any idea where to download the R2BA020 Generic firmware so I can manually update?

  37. For all those that there doesnt appear to be an update for. i ran pc companion and repair and i got the new firmware even though it said my handset was up to date.

  38. if you have already updated to r2ba020 do you still need to go through steps 1 and2 or can you jump straight to 3 ???????

  39. My unbranded X10i updated ota last night, update was not picked up on seus. Definitely seems snappier, few xtras-playnow in mediascape etc

  40. I got the new version ending in 23, but had to use WiFi to download as I kept getting network errors when trying to use Australia virgin 3g. Sony update kept told me no update was available.

  41. After the update the phone is definitely quicker although one drawback I’ve noticed is that when trying to swipe up the list of apps from the home screen doesn’t always recognise my touch first time, sometimes I have to try 2 or 3 times to get the menu up. The touch screen interface is definitely now a bit less accurate & responsive than on the previous firmware.
    Oh and when are SE going to sort out the low in call volume…?

  42. @ Rathalos: thx a lot for that info, but when i want to do this the terminal says that it is not able to delete this file because it is a “read only filesystem” 🙁
    But i have root access,what can i do?

  43. Missing a few commands:

    @echo off
    @adb shell mount -o remount,rw -t yaffs2 /dev/block/mtdblock2 /system
    @adb shell rm /system/app/mox*
    @adb shell rm /system/app/off*
    @adb shell rm /system/app/play*
    @adb shell rm /system/app/track*
    @adb shell rm /system/app/EManual*
    @adb shell rm /system/app/SemcIME*
    @adb shell rm /system/app/LatinImeTutorial*
    @adb shell rm /system/app/AndroidQuadrapop*
    @adb shell rm /system/app/LatinIME*
    @adb shell rm /system/app/SEMCTouchPal*
    @adb shell rm /system/app/se-supp*
    @adb shell rm /system/app/Launch*
    @adb shell rm /data/app/*.zip
    @adb shell rm -r /etc/semc/startupshow
    @adb shell rm -r /etc/semc/preset/app
    @adb shell reboot

    Copy the above text into a file and call it Cleanup.bat or Cleanup.cmd (doesn’t matter which). Make sure the phone is connected and Debug mode is enabled (which it should be already). Double-click to activate. If there aren’t any errors, then no messages will be shown. The phone will reboot and the window will show “Press any key to continue”.

    Here’s a rundown of the apps removed. If you want to keep something, delete that line.
    mox* – all Moxier apps
    off* – OfficeSuite
    play* – PlayNow
    track* – TrackID
    EManual* – SE X10 Manual
    SemcIME* – SE standard keyboard (including Japanese?)
    LatinImeTutorial* – Latin keyboard tutorial
    AndroidQuadrapop* – Quadrapop (game)
    LatinIME* – Latin keyboard
    SEMCTouchPal* – Chinese and Korean keyboards
    se-supp* – SE Online Support
    Launch* – Standard Home screen (replaced with ADW.Launcher)
    /data/app/*.zip – WisePilot data
    /etc/semc/startupshow – SE logo animation
    /etc/semc/preset/app – something about uninstallable apps?

    Note that if you delete the WisePilot data, you also have to uninstall the WisePilot app itself. Just uninstall it from Settings > Applications > Manage applications > WisePilot, or use ExUninstall.

  44. i dont know about anyone else but since this upgrade my battery is hardly draining at all. its been on all day with over 2hours call usage, medium texting and internet usage and the battery is still at 35% with no juice defender running. before i was only just lasting till the end of the day with juice defender

  45. When i open SEUS there is an extra handset labeled SO-01B with a picture of a x10. Does anybody know what this is?

  46. there’re no update yet here in Norway, but I got this update when I changed my x10i to the UK Generic X10i Firmware (R1FA016). so do this too, if you don’t want to wait.

  47. I have a white X10i on Orange network(uk). I looked on the orange website for updates and it links you back to the SE website.
    I also called Orange who told me my phone was a Phones 4 u branded phone.
    So how do i update or where sould my download come from ?
    Do i need to debrand?? Will this invalidate my warranty??
    I have also tried updating the phone through the phone settings and through SEUS both say my software is up to date i have build no. R1FA014.
    I have so many questions but dont know who to ask so appologies if there are to many here and i hope someone may be able to help.
    thanks in advance 😉

  48. Glad I could help. 🙂 A few corrections:
    EManual* – User guide
    SemcIME* – SE Standard and Japanese keyboards
    LatinImeTutorial* – Android keyboard tutorial
    LatinIME* – Android keyboard
    se-supp* – User support
    /data/app/*.zip – WisePilot data, PlayNow extension, Creatouch

    Actually, /data/app/*.zip could include a lot of things. If you update PlayNow and then use it to download Creatouch, don’t use this line. It’ll screw up both of them. You can do this after step1, step2 or step3. If you have an X10a, PlayNow stops working after doing step5.

  49. Bright,

    How do you do it? why mine still stuck at R1FA014?
    please guide me..>!

  50. Just updated to R2BA020 OTA Wifi, I’m in UK on Orange. feels more responsive and quicker.

  51. Anyone else noticing that the screen doesn’t turn off automatically anymore, even after you reset the frequency in the settings menu?

  52. I update to R2BA020 firmware, and now my babe x10i runs faster than before. but to bad, no update yet in Norway, I just got this update when replaced my x10i from Nordic to UK Generic X10i Firmware (R1FA016). thanks to the owner of this site.

    I see that they improved battery usage and timescape. there is no need for Home replacement UI now…. Timescape runs smootly and faster now, you will be able to change Theme color too…

  53. Got the update today. Already noticing the battery life is better, the new transition between screen is a nice touch

  54. Jean July 1, 2010 at 3:11 PM
    there’re no update yet here in Norway, but I got this update when I changed my x10i to the UK Generic X10i Firmware (R1FA016). so do this too, if you don’t want to wait.

    Finally I got this update thx for this great information 😀 I have x10i in Denmark but now I use urs guide now I got this UK R2B version 🙂

  55. Well at least some of you guys are luckier…. down here in the Philippines we’re stuck with R1FA014… 😛

  56. Question guys. I’m new with the X10i in USA, how do you get the firmware? Thank you. Mine is unbranded ..i think, bought it online and use it on T-Mobile US

  57. ^ Hey pablo

    I’m in the exact same predicament as you. Bought X10i unlocked online, set it to T-mobile US with 3g. So far I haven’t seen any hint of update for the phone since I updated from R1FA014 to R1FA016

    If anyone out there using the x10i in the US found a way to update the firmware, please let me know. I greatly appreciate it.

  58. @Pablo

    Same situation X10i on T-mobile USA and I have R1FA016. Over the air, and using the windows software won’t update it.

    I don’t think it’s out yet for the unlocked X10 yet, since I did the “repair” option, and it still installed R1FA016. Its only out on a few foreign carriers right now.

  59. R2BA020 is available for X10a Canada on SEUS now (but not OTA, apparently).

  60. Hey Philip, I got my x10i unlocked with nordic firmware here in norway. it was also unbranded when i got it. but R2BA020 firmware is not yet available in norway, so i had to change my x10i from nordic firmware to the UK Generic X10i Firmware (R1FA016) in order to get the latest update without waiting.

  61. Im on Orange UK. Just checked for updates using WiFi, it found an update. Am downloading it right now almost 30% done…. Lets see wts new wid dis update . . 😛

  62. Well, all done.

    My X10i’s build number upgraded to version R2BA020, same as talked about here. My Baseband version also got upgrade from 1.0.14 to 1.1.25.

    There came an additional software “Backup and restore” as well.

  63. I have a x10i on o2 in UK and updated OTA and everything seems fine except my MW600 Bluetooth headset buttons don’t work in mediascape anymore

  64. @ Andy , i ran both PC Companion & SEUS & Updated/Repaired but still with the old R1FA014.Looks like we will have to wait much longer to get the OTA Update. 🙁

  65. Philip, if u already unbranded ur phone you could just replace the file in your db folder n try it. Mine working great and the timescape seem much responsive and faster.

  66. @Lee did you get a message in the notification bar? Im on 02 and have yet to get the update yet the wife who is with Orange updated yesterday!

  67. i bought my X10i from expansys I’m in the US and use T-Mobile. How do I get the upgrade?
    I see people talking about changing to UK firmware, how do you do that. I tris SEUS and is telling me I’m up to date…Thanks

  68. Well I am on 3 uk and I am waiting for this update yet no one seems to know when it will be coming to the 3 network !!!

  69. In the US, x10i unbranded generic french fw, running on T-Mobile. Just got the update. 1.1.23 baseband, R2BA023 build number.

    So far things are OK.

  70. @pablo

    My phone finally found the update. It’s downloading OTA as I type. My phone is a x10i bought online and running on T-mobile USA network with 3g. If mine’s downloading it should mean that the update is definitely available for other Tmo USA x10i users as well

  71. Update: all went well. Phone is faster. Battery is waaaaaaaaaaaay better. Keyboard is more responsive. It is worth the upgrade!

  72. I rang 02 and they didn’t even know anything about the update!! Just said that Android 2.1 was coming in October!

  73. The battery life is much better; it lasts over a day!!

    However, if you put the handset to your face, the proximity sensor turns off the touchscreen, but you now need to double tap to get back control. Also, you need to press the green dial key after selecting a contact instead of it being dialled automatically.

  74. This update is better for battery life but why won’t it connect to my car stereo..used to pop up in notification bar ‘connected to usb’ and had mount or unmount underneath..also used to charge while connected but now nothing just the little lcd goes green for 1second then nothin…

    Why change something that works!!..pisses me off!!!

    Other than that an extra app I don’t want or need!!

  75. seriously getting peeved with 02 its nearly the end of the month and all other networks have gotten the fiormware update but not 02 im not debranding my phone due to the warranty just wish i knew what the hell 02 are playing at keeping this update from customers

  76. If anyone does know how to get round the car stereo problem i would also like to know – used to rely on my phone on long journeys, gutted to set of without cd’s and then realise it no longer worked!