There are many that have still not rooted their Sony Ericsson Xperia X10 handsets mainly due to the perceived complexity involved. Ever since the root for the Xperia X10 was first announced the process has got easier and easier. The recently announced Exploid root method for the X10 mini and X10 mini pro handsets already works perfectly for the Xperia X10, but now an even simpler method has emerged.
All you have to do is download and install the UniversalAndroot apk. Once installed, all you then do is click the root button and you should have a rooted handset. The apk also has an unroot button, so if you don’t want it for whatever reason you can always revert back. The benefits of rooting are numerous and include being able to run root-only apps such as Titanium Backup and Barnacle Wifi Tether that turns your X10 into a wireless hotspot.
Update: For those that cannot get this method to work, then you can try an alternative apk courtesy of xda-developer member ardf69 called X10Root.
210 responses to “Root your Xperia X10 and X10 mini in one click”
I’ve been waiting for SOOOOO long to root my device, that was, WAY too complicated for my skills, i just did it and i’m SOOOOO happy ! EXTREMELLY SIMPLE !!! do it guys !
fighting for freedom !!!!
Barnacle Wifi Tether doesn’t work for me
Is it because I have WiFi Manager installed? Or something else?
@Hott Dogg – Try this. Launch Barnacle. Press Settings –> Interfaces –> LAN. Type “athwlan0” in the pop-up box (without quotes). Hopefully this should work. 🙂
the app says i’m root but barnacle is not working ! any idea people ?
Cant download it 🙁
Hi..i have a unrooted X10i…….what are the benefits if i root it..what can you do with an rooted phone…?!
[…] […]
Does not work with the latest firmware on the x10. The App says that i got root, but titanium backup for example won’t work. What did i wrong?
@Alex – Click “Problems” in titanium and let it download the latest version of busybox.
I makes no sense for 99,998% of all Xperia owners to have a root access.
Who really needs to connect to the phone via WLAN and SSH?
Who really needs an ftp server on the phone for data exchange?
It’s only needed for nerds.
I disagree Huffy Puffy. The wi-fi hotspot is ideal for me when wanting other gadgets to be wirelessly ‘tethered’ to the internet when out and about. It works supremely well with the iPad!
there are tons of use for an ftp server, i use it to transfer files from my computer to phone and way around, also with another peoples computer, that way theres no need for cables to be used.Tether is just amazing how i can be and the bus and Im still watching streaming tv om my laptop.
Android was build from nerds for nerds, im one of those, too bad u cant see true potential of the android os.
A couple of questions:
1. Does rooting the device allows to uninstall preinstalled apps?
1. Does rooting the device allows to install a more recent version of Android?
I have the same problem as Alex. I got the R2BA026 FW and this app say my phone is root!!!
not this is not Root.. nothing work.. do I need to unroot and try root again??
is someone got 026 fw and get this root metode to work pls answer me here..
Tommy and Alex, same here. This app doesn’t work on my X10 (original, not mini) with the latest firmware. I just followed the exploid instructions, and that has worked. It’s easy enough to do.
Also, the following solutions did work for me to get Barnacle and Titanium working. Thanks to X10 poster.
Launch Barnacle. Press Settings –> Interfaces –> LAN. Type “athwlan0″ in the pop-up box (without quotes).
Launch Titanium. Click “Problems” in titanium and let it download the latest version of busybox.
026 here too, it said it worked but even if I rebooted or not, SetCPU and Titanium Backup both force close when they’re about to request root.
from where to download barnacle wifi tether for free????plz any one post d link..plz…
I have R2BA026 too but this methode work die me. Tryed it with root explorrer, i can add the data folder and other protected ones. I got a x10i generic de (german)
for barnacle also change ur dns in ur computer settings to with above mentioned settings,
same problems as others and ive tried everything. i have a generic x10i uk with generic fw 026. it says i achieved root but clearly i havent. tiatnium back up doesnt load, it fails to download and install busybox. busybox is not in the market. barnacle starts a connection and then straight away closes it by saying i dont have permission. clearly my x10 hasnt rooted using this more simpler technique. any help will be greatly appreciated. xx
hai, i have question, if i root my x10 can i still update from seus?
what happen if i update from seus? is my x10 get unroot?
It seems like the guy that wrote made this post has caused more frustration then good! He didn’t test the apk himself, nor did he verify if it worked! Why post something that you don’t even know if it works or not! what a joke! what kind of blogger post’s unreliable information?
I already had root on my R2BA026 X10, I thought i’d test it. Turns out that it doesn’t work! Is there any contact details for the dev so we can make him/her aware of this?
I guess I got do Root the old fashion way!
Check out for all your (reliable) android news.
Not really interested in gaining root until the bootloader is rooted and it’s possible to install a custom Froyo ROM on my X10. Although, with the recently discovered Android security vulnerabilities, I’m kinda glad that the x10 is the most secure android handset so far.
I cannot download it – tried OTA from twitter link
Downloaded it to PC and transfered to phone via PC companion, cannot open it.
I have build R2BA026 – is there anything else i can try ?
i have the generic german R2BA026 , i installed the root.apk, and run it.
Afterwards i installed titanium, and busybox, and was able to deinstall all the moxier things, the playnow, the track id, and the korean and chinsese keyboard. Thats enough for me.
Then i deisntalled busybox with titanium, deinstalled titanium, pressed unroot in this root.apk, completely erased root.apk, and titanium.
Then rebooted, and there was nothing left from root. And the whole moxier, playnow and so on, was still away, and no more to find on the X10.
So for me it worked perfectly, several virusscanners didn´t found anything suspicious, so for me it seems to be ok, for now.
BTW is this a fake ?
What a disappiontment, uninstall!
I cant even open the file
I have tried via phone and PC
both does not work
tell me please .. would luv to try this thing 2
Thanks :p
heres the link to the apk, thanks to finalcut:
heres the link to the apk, thanks to finalcut:
wow this make my x10i work 😀 and this is root now iam on nordic generic 026 😀
Doesn’t work. It says I’m rooted but I can’t uninstall the pre-installed apps.
Trying now, but MediaFire is screwing me over.. Can’t download.
Same problem here as Josje has. I have x10 mini pro and this app doesn`t work. Will try “manual – ” root later and will post results. Anyway, thanks for great work 😉
Hey guys just downloaded this off the link above, and it worked BRILLIANTLY 🙂
Just a note though, I tried the ” UniversalAndroot.apk” and it worked on my xperia x10i with the R2BA026 (Sweedish branding) and ran it on my phone.
Then I installed Titanium Backup and used it to get rid of all of the things that annoy me (moxier, chineese language pack, korean language etc), and it all removed perfect.. NO MORE MOXIER!
just to be sure though that I could revert it all back to how it was, the app UniversalAndroot has a “unroot” button and tried it out to see what it would do. and it all went back to how it was… with the benifits of having removed all of the **** from my x10 🙂
just thought I would share my 2 cents, thanks to blogger for you’re great work for keeping us all up to date for so long
[…] Xperiax10. Android, Smartphones, Sony […]
I also doubt if it really works. It says my mini x10 is rooted, and the Superuser also pops up and asks permission for Bluetooth transfers, BUT that’s it. I still can’t copy files to the system folder.
Doesn´t work, forget this app!
Doesn’t work on my X10i with UK R2BA026 firmware.
Its not work in X10 Mini pro
I root using this app and instill Market Asses to asses the andoird maket still I cant do that. I living in UAE.
great Titanium Backup donate version is so great this backup my entire system from my x10i 😀
if u have a x10i with R2BA026 FW use this version
this one work I have testet it and everything work 😀 now my phone is ad free 😀 and root!
i live in israel and i own an x10 bought from vodafone uk.which is updated to the latest software.i seems too to have the same problem.ive insatlled the app and run it and it did said my phone is rooted but the titanium says i dont have root.root for my phone is extremly importent becuase i dont have hebrew fonts.can anyoe help?
I had the same problem where titanium said i did not have the root. what u can do is run the root program, do Not close it, run the titanium, click problems and download busybox. try 1 or 2 times and it works…u can uninstall moxier etc..
.026 xperia x10i
Yes thats important, install busybox with the button “problems” in titanium, but before you have to activate USB Debugging in the X10.
It worked for me perfectly my moxier shxx and playnow and trackid is away forever.
X10Root – worked Hurraaaaaa – no more bullshit moxier!!!!!
@mav @tommy
Thank you so much. It works now, but then i got warning about virus or something that i should uninstall the program.
U guys just leave it or do it?
dosent work yet.i tried the second solution the x10root after runing it it says reboot now.what does it means?
the universaladroot just wont work.
btw how do you delete moxier?
When you start Titanium app, if you have been granted root privleges, then click BACKUP/RESTORE, you’ll see list of applications and processes, click on Moxier and UN-Uninstall.
make sure u simply click it once (short click) and not a long click..if u know what i mean
Please Help me, I have a X10 Mini pro (country UAE – blocked Android market) I rooted my phone using this app & instilled MarketAccess. Please tell me how to download apps from the market. I try using QR but it didnt download.
@Jenry yes you get a virus warning because its an exploit an C Source File which is harmless without an installed C Compiler.
But after i deleted the moxier trash i unrooted and deleted all. Just for to be secure, then i run several virus scanners, and they all found nothing.
I just deleted with titanium backup the moxier trash, trackid, quadrapop, and playnow and the korean and chinese keyboard. That was all.
Then i klicked problems on titanium, deinstalled there the busybox, afterwards deinstalled titanium, then klicked unroot in the root.apk. Then rebooted and deleted the root.apk, and titanium. After that the search for viruses was ok. Then i deinstalled my virusscanners
and how do you reboot?
I try root using the two ways , but anyone work !! I received the message ok in the final process but i can´t remove any aplications default. My xperia is X10a and have the original firmware 016, why this not work ? Help guys ! Hope !
For those, who can’t get this to work on X10i (generic UK *26 firmware) try the latest build [1.5.3] from creator’s website:
quick link for *.apk:
Regards, Martin.
the universalandroot didnt work for me but the x10root did.
I have as well an x10a, titanium worked well and deleted moxier on my phone.
I am having trouble with Barnacle tho…
i get it activated and all that stuff.. ipod touch can detect my x10a but and it connects to my x10a as well.. but the problem i am having is that the ipod touch cannot connect to the internet, youtube, etc..
can anyone help me on this one?!
Universalandroot, titanium, and busybox download worked.
I am running the latest x10i generic french fw build (the beloved r2ba026 baseband 1.1.31) running in the US with T-Mobile and this works if you follow the simple steps of:
1. Download and install universalandroot.apk.
2. Open Universal Androot from your launcher and click ROOT.
3. From Market, download titanium backup * root.
3. Run titanium. if it fails, click the Problems? button. Click OK to download busybox. after the installation, close titanium and relaunch it. having a task manager installed helps with this.
4. Run titanium. click the backup/restore button. select an application to remove.
I removed Serve.Me (comes with the generic french fw), and facebook. I kept moxier as I use it for work email.
Everything works great. I hope this helps some folks out there.
BTW, x10 is about to launch in the US. Better have 2.1 with it or SE will be a huge failure here.
Hi. So I tried your method and it worked. I removed moxier and used wifi tethering. Now I want to unroot but there is no unroot button. So how do I unroot my x10 after using your method? Is it possible. In another apk. it has the option to root and unroot but that apk was not working for me so i tried your method and it did work. if there is any way to unroot now. can u please either write it on here or send me an email @ Thanks man 🙂
hi my method work fine for me… there is root and unroot.. I have try unroot after that..
barnacle and titanium not work anymore… so u can uninstall barnacle, titanium and superuser.. everything work fine here.. but I will keep my phone root.. becuz of titanium app 🙂
p.s. this virus from this root app.. is hamless without c complier.. so u dont need to be worry about this virus!! on yours phone if u keep it as root mode.
[…] flagging the one-click root method for the Xperia X10 family over the weekend, there are still users that couldn’t get it to […]
Help an newbe.
1 – why root?
2 – when rooted, how to delete apk’s?
That’s all, thanks.
Hi, thanks to the unknown hackers, good job. The second apk worked for me. I now have a terminal app with superuser/root on the phone, and was able to delete the unwanted apps.
The next thing I want to do is to change the theme/wallpaper: Not to change the normal wallpaper, but the background that is displayed behint apps, sms etc.
I found the path to the homescreen directory, where a “semcdefault.jpg” is stored:
I can copy it to the sd-card, and then on the pc, and change it. However, I did not try to store a changed background back into /homescreen, because I read in another forum, that someone tried and it did not work. I do not know if he rebooted, and assume, that should be done. I am also not sure if a different filesize makes a difference here, and I want to be carefull to not brick my phone.
Does anyone have any further information about how to change semcdefault.jpg / the app background?
I also read in another forum, that someone managed to change the boot animation by changing the .png-files in the animation-directory. Can someone confirm this?
Reboot = switch phone off, and on again
Benefits of root: your phone is a computer running linux, you become administrator and can change anything a normal user must not change. Also you can brick your phone easily, so be careful with deleting stuff you do not know. Deleting Game Trils is no problem.
Another question: Why should I unroot my phone again? as far as i can tell, it is only in root mode when an app is granted permission for that, i.e. my terminal app now allows to be su. But when I type “exit” in the rootshell, it changes back to the normal “$” prompt, and has no su rights. So what is the benefit of unrooting?
[…] |, […]
[…] pourquoi une solution très simple est apparue sous forme d’APK à installer simplement. UniversalAndroot est une […]
How to you launch the apk ?
[…] via Leggi gli articoli correlatiRoot Xperia X10, nuova guida per lo sblocco del telefono Dopo la guida uscita a fine Giugno (link root xperia x10) su XDA è apparsa una nuova procedura per ottenere i permessi di Root sul proprio Sony Ericsson Xperia X10. La guida al root è …Xperia X10, i permessi di Root sembrano vicini! Ottime notizie per i possessori di Xperia X10! Sembra la possibilità di root per il nuovo Android Sony Ericsson non sia del tutto persa. Un gruppo di sviluppatori su XDA è infatto riusc …Xperia X10, arriva in root finalmente?Che sia la volta buona? Dopo le iniziali speranze di root di alcune settimane fa, grazie ad uno speciale Box, arriva una nuova immagine e speranza per il root del Sony Ericsson Xperia X1 …Guida Root Sony Ericsson Xperia X10 disponibile! Finalmente dopo i primi sviluppi e i primi tentativi arriva una guida completa per eseguire il Root su Sony Ericsson Xperia X10. La guida non l'abbiamo testata in quanto non abbiamo il …Guida Root Xperia X10 Mini e Xperia X10 Mini PROFinalmente è arrivato anche il Root per la gamma Mini di Xperia. Da ieri è infatti possibile eseguire il Root su Xperia X10 Mini e Xperia X10 Mini Pro attraverso un exploid che è stato s … […]
To delet Phone apps you have to have this titanium or not?
[…] Visto aquí […]
[…] a few different downloads to choose from that should get you going. Head over to enthusiast blog Xperia X10 to learn more. Click To Share This! Hide Sites $$('div.d4216').each( […]
Which one (Universalandroot 1.5 or …) correctlly works in x10 mini pro!!!
Please tell me….
PLEASE HELP i am technically challanged so please bear this is mind when replying!!
In simple terms i plugged my x10 that is 7 weeks old into the laptop to transfer pictures before doing so i was prompted to update my phone so i did, i got right to the end practically when it said update failed THEN i have a yellow triangle with a exclamation mark through it, ive managed to save my numbers and pics by placing the sim and the memory card into another how do i now fix this triangle thing i think is called bricking after reading other forums that make no sense to me and they are all speaking jargon I DO NOT UNDERSTAND. ive plugged it into computer pressed and held the back button for an eternity and at somepoint it powers up and back to the triangle screen ! HELP PLEASE ps ive also deleted the pc suite from my computer so what NOW
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My xperia mini pro (french) show good :
“generating exploit…[ok]
generating su…[ok]
generating superuser.apk…[ok]
generating root script…[ok]”
but after, the “su” entry respond “permission denied” !!
after reboot too..
Otto, could I contact you privately? I also live in Sweden, so I was hoping I could get a little guidance from you. Jag pratar svenska förstås. 😉
Thanks in advance!
To jo_54: look here: and D/L latest version of Androot.
“Fix error in (file permission / file existence)”
How can i have Barnacle Tether and titanium backup? how can i install it on my x10i? do i need wifi for that? waaaaaaaahhhh sorry.. pls help me.. my phone is rooted now.
[…] The second method is following the article HERE […]
Uninstalled successfully, following Sam’s extra tips. Thanks very much for the info.
One problem though. I’ve verified root status; Barnacle+Titanium work correctly, and Moxier+Timescape are gone. However, I still can’t get rid of several apps (Creatouch, Spotify, Windows Live Messenger).
Any ideas? Do I need to debrand as well, and will the process for this be any different after rooting?
hi guys, can someone please tell me if i root my x10 will i still be able to download firmware updates from sonyericsson? many thanks
Guys Help!
I downloaded the .apk to my note and sent by mail to my gmail account, opened the mail in my X10a mini and click on visualization button next to attached APK, then received an analisys error message, saying (translating to english) There’s an problem with package analisys ( in portuguese) “Há um problema com a análise do pacote”.
Any clues about it ? Did I done anything stupid ? Jeez, I’m such a pathetic noob!
At least I didn’t bricked the phone (yet…)
My x10 mini is brand new, haven’t instaleed anything from market yet.
Sorry about the noob question guys, any help will bem much apreciated since I really need this barnacle tether working ASAP.
Thanks in advance, sorry by my poor english skills and Best Regards to all.
Hi, just tried x10root and work perfect. Titanium installed, Barnacle installed flawlessly. Just wonder whether possible to change root password and anybody can tell me how to get command line shell (i.e. Linux shell)? Well done, thank you!
just got 1 question please how to install (UniversalAndroot.apk) on my xperia x10 ????????
What a silence!!
I can’t say I’m surprised.
It seems the people here are everything but helpful.
Noobies shouldn’t expect any help here.
Try xda forum instead.
ive got the file now but i am sory still no idea where should i put this file ? should i put on my sd card or where? if in my sd card which folder should put it in???please
Hi guys, i’d like to know if my x10 mini is rooted, that I can update from Android 1.6 to Android 2.2?
ehh i removed some google related apps with titanium backup looking for a way to remove those horrible google ads instead i ended up with android market that doesnt want to run no more it quits now when i try to open it.. can anyone help me out.. ty
@YankeeDude hey mate lol sorry I dont speak sweedish!!!
Nor do I live in sweeden!! Sorry i just had flashed my phone using the sweedish softwares.
But if you have some questions you can ask me, its just that im not that great with tech stuff but I have learnt alot about my xperia x10.
Sorry about my late reply have had absence from this website
Thanks for sharing
Very benefit
Before my Titanium application not work. Now is working properly
i just want to install some apps from memory card on my x10mini, but i couldn’t find any memory card files from my phone. please help me to solve this
hi…i just bought a new xperia x10 mini pro and it does not have ‘market’ icon… also tried downloading appbrain as a substitute but cant download that either because its asking me to download application via android market!!!! i am badly stucked – please could someone help! PS: have revovered phone to factory settings, updated the software but still no luck…. HELP!!!!!
how i can sign out from my Gmail account and from google talk from Xperia mini
how i can sign out from my Gmail account and from google talk from Xperia mini ? please help.
What this post lacks is some clear and concise instruction. It is very easy to do, and all you need are a few simple apps.
1. download the UniversalAndroot apk. Save it on your X10 SD card
2. go to marketplace and grab File Manager, and Titanium backup
3. using file manager, go to save location of the apk and install ( you must make sure under applications you allow installation from Unknown Sources, and under development you check USB debugging)
4. Install apk, and also allow Superuser to be installed at the same time
5. if successful it will say WOOT you have rooted the phone 🙂
6. Open Titanium back up and go to the backup and restore tab. Here you can select and uninstall any application listed….yes even Moxier 😉
It is that simple!
how to make the phone as a modem?
Have the phone unrooted, removed all Moxier things, the playnow, Track ID, and the Korean and Chinsese keyboard… Everything look fine until I found out that Timescape no longer updates & can’t download anything from market? Anyone has the same problem and solution? Thanks
Forgot onething, I did remove Google Talk as well. And now, everthing I turn on the phone, it says ” The process has stopped unexpectedly…”? Can anyone fix it?
[…] AW: Root 🙂 ah, ich habe schon selbst eine alternative gefunden. vielleicht interessiert es jemanden:…-in-one-click/ […]
ultima versionde xperia x10 con acceso a root , y funciono de maravilla solo deben colocar donde en configuracion luego lan y escriban “athwlan0” sin las comillas ,y listoooo
I too deleted the GoogleTalk and now get this ” The process has stopped unexpectedly…”
I see a lot of questions being asked… Pretty few answers being thrown out there.
These places only work if the ‘informed’ help out the UN-informed
Hi I deleted gtalk and messed my phone up lol. I fixed by saving all to titanium. Going on my laptop going in my laptop and connecting the xperia. Update via the se update service. Now your back to unrooted. Root again and get titanium back…restore what you want but leave gtalk. There is no way of putting gtalk back again that I know to. Hope this helps.
Do not remove gtalk! It kills your market. Moxier, keyboards, games are fine. Get titanium, set could and cachemate. Enjoy faster xperia! Just don’t delete things your not sure of.
Hi, as many Android users I made the mistake of removing gtalk. I followed your instructions using pc companion. I had to click on repair and … the good thing is that it cleared the error message, the bad thing is that it erased everything. We learn by doing mistakes. Thanks again for your simple solution not requiring Android knowledge. Enjoy !
[…] }()); Recently i discussed about the best root apps that one should not miss after Rooting his Xperia X10 or any other Android Phone for that matter! One of the Benefits of rooting your Android phone is […]
For whatever reasons, my x10 cannot install any .apk file, keep getting the error message:
“We are sorry but is not available for any application to show the file solicited”
What does that mean?
hi guys…jus bought a new x10 couple of days ago..been a loyal nokia user for switched to SE…there r few things i need help for…i need to download few apps…so i tried to install ASTRO by downloading it frm my fone browser…nw its asking me to sync it wid google…i do hv an acct wid its cming up wid an error…”check data services”…nw i m sure internet’s wrking on my fone..i cn browse thru sites…nd nw bcoz of this same google sync problem i cnt use calendar..its asking me to sync…nd it jus wont sync…cn sme 1 tell me wat exactly the problem is…plzzzzzz…
hola a todos tengo un xperia SO-01B
y quiero instalar bernacle pero no funciona
i download games for my xperia x 10 mini…from my pc…but i dont know how t transfer them on my phone so that they play :/
I bought a new x10 mini some few days ago.i have tried to install ASTRO by downloading it frm my fone browser…now it is asking me to sync it with google.i do have an acct with google..but its coming up wid an error…”check data services”..but i am very sure internet’s working on my fone.I browse the internet, but everything i do does not work because i have to sync with google which always fails, my bluetooth, wireless etc dont work, I will be very grateful to receive help cos i am beginning to hate the phone,
[…] linked me to rooting Xperia 10? It wasn't me, but this looks easier than some other methods.…-in-one-click/ hippy will know if its any good or not…..I'm hoping he'll chime in with sage […]
Works perfectly on my Mini Pro. Couldn’t have been anymore simple. Barnacle works well, as does Titanium; after following X10’s advice.
Finally free from all of those useless trial programmes which came with the phone. Glad to get rid of them.
Thanks, to the programme developer!
“impossible to copy exploid”
hi i dont have market on my x10 how to get it plz reply to my mail
trying to root my x10 mini, but can’t find the app in the market.
I used Universal Root , it said it was rooted but Titanium said it wasn’t, so I uninstalled Universal Root and installed from here instead:
This seems to have worked. I thought once rooted I could input a Vodafone Ireland APN on a X10 that was locked to Orange UK, but it dosen’t seem to open the page for me either as I get a blank page when I go to Access Point Names.
Anyone able to tell me how to do this as I’m new to all this?
Thanks in advance.
Excellent – was able to remove Peggle and the unwanted apps within 5 minutes, using Rootx10.apk followed by Titanium. Thanks!
It says the file is unavailable wen i try to download the universal androot app mentioned above?
Hello all,
I have had my x10 for 2 months now. I havent have much time to try stuff on it as I’ve been travelling a lot and been busy.
I have tried to root my x10, but I am not sure if the rooting works. I am not even sure how to walk through the rooted phone, once my phone is rooted. I have used Universal root. It shows that the phone is rooted in one click, but I am not really sure if I have a rooted phone. I have tried to look for video guidelines, but I haven’t really found anything which is simple and can be understood by someone who is not that tech savvy.
I would really request someone to provide me with guidelines/links/blogs where I can understand the rooting process, review my rooted phone and use the benefits of the same. The simpler your provided links would be to understand, the better it would be. Like I said earlier, I am not a techhy guy, but the smart phone has interested me a lot off late.
PLEASE HELP!!!! Thanks in advance!
For those asking for Barnacle, now you shouldn’t use athwlan0, instead use only wlan0, found in xda.
hey well if i dont have lenix and i only have window is it anything that can work on it
I accedently deleted with titanium backup my video.. Thought that it was promo videos, but I can´t use my video camera anymore!!!!
Someone plss?? how to restore?
hi friends, 🙂 am krishna nag & I bought sonyericsson minipro for using internet access on my pc through this mobile. but now am really disappointed because that mobile not support for internet access to pc. but sony ericsson c510, and other phones is supporting to internet access to pc. so pls inform me how can I get internet conection to my pc through xperia minipro. I am waiting for answer with hope “pls help me ANDROID.”
hi friends, am krishna nag & I bought sonyericsson minipro for using internet access on my pc through this mobile. but now am really disappointed because that mobile not support for internet access to pc. but sony ericsson c510, and other phones is supporting to internet access to pc. so pls inform me how can I get internet conection to my pc through xperia minipro. I am waiting for answer with hope “pls help me ANDROID.”
Hi x10
I hv one doubt here.
If I use the wifi thethering will I be able to share the internet connection which is currently running on my PC with my x10i ?
I need to connect my phone to Internet using my PC wireless.
Is that possible?
I have a Japanese xperia x10 from DoCoMo. All I want is to install Hebrew fonts, but to do that I need to get ‘su’, and I get permission denied. I downloaded both UniversalAndroot ans X10root, but both failed.
Very frustrating.
Will the root work if you already updated your xperia x10 to android version 2.1, because I’m reading some comments saying the root doesn’t work and that they have android 2.1.
hi i have just got the xperia mini pro i have downloaded some apps and now the phone is telling me low memory and would like to kno how you save or transfer the apps to the sd card.
this doesnt work on my x10 everythin runs ok but after generating exploit it says failed! no~~~fu goo~~~ any help with this please ????
hey guys,
need help i cant install apps on my se x10i coz it doesnt show any root folder to install apps n cant even see them files in manage apps how do i do it?? got galaxy tab its freakin easy on dat jus clik my files n do it
i,m updat too new version …but thise sofware not workd in new version build :2.0.2.A.0.24
hlp me plz
Hi Guys
I have 2.1 installed and just unrooted phone using z4root 1.3.0. it worked first time.
at the bottom of post is link to z4root 1.3.0
then installed barnacle wifi and working fine
How do you install on your phone??? I download but it is blocked from installing.. that is why I wanted to root so that I could install 3rd party apps and upgrade to 2.1… Any help???
“Failed ! No ~~~ Fu goo ~~~” what to do??
Same error for me:
“Failed ! No ~~~ Fu goo ~~~”
Same response for any OS version, and if I don’t install Superuser.
Any ideas?
were do u put the download one’s uve downloading it were do u put it on the memory card please some one help plzzz
Need Help!
Got a message Failed! no ~~~ Fu goo~~~
What to do????
Yasmin, I get the same as you! Does anyonehave a solution????
use z4root and you root your phone easy x10 😉 perm or temp up to you
in my x10 mini it say. failed! fu goo
I downloaded the universalandroot but when i run the process in my phone, it doesnt finish the rooting. It shows “Failed! No ~~~ Fu goo ~~~”. I tried rebooting the phone and running the root bu it still didnt worked. Can someone help me about this?
please can you tell me how can i delete gmail accounts i created on EMAIL ACCCOUNTS,without resetting the mobile.
Thank You!!!
I just finished rooting my x10a. It worked perfectly. Many thanks to those responsible for this…
BTW, for those people who are having problems,
1. Download sideload wonder machine
2. Download UniversalAndroot.apk or x10Root.apk
3. Run SWM then follow instructions how to use SWM
4. Run Universal AndRoot on your phone. Super User icon will appear on your phone if this works for you.
Hope this helps.
I’m still having problems on how to install non-market apps saved on my sd and how to uninstall AT&T preloaded apps? i’m using astro file manager to browse through my phone files and still cant figure how.. ANyone who can help me???
i just Bought the x10 mini and its awesome!
however i have a problem, i cant connect to android market, Gmail, and google talk. everytime i try to make an account it says it cant connect to the google server.
this is wierd beacuse i can use facebook and internet. and WIFI connection is fine. can it be my SIM card that doesnt support the google server or? something?
I want to root my X10, but I’ve tried this file plus the X10Root alternative also linked to in here and on both occasions the programme shows that root has failed.
Are there any other suggestions that might help?
Many thanks.
Heya, i got the x10i here, and neither universal androot or x10root works for me. Dunno if i did something wrong, but yeah, basic same problem with everyone else.
I have an Xperia X10a running android 1.6 and when I download the apk, it says install blocked. I go to Setting > Applications and then there is no button that says Allow Unknown Sources.
While using gtalk on my experia x10 mini pro the incoming chats are always displayed at the top and I always have to scroll up to view the reply.
It appears as below.
me: hi
me:how r u
where as it should be displayed as
me: hi
me:how r u?
imcoming : fine
can someone please help me to correct the settings
Want to know , that if I root my phone, and if ders any updates from sony guys, do I need to unroot the phone or the phone will be updated normally.
also after the phone is updated, do i need to root the phone again??
Hope you got my query
how can i view normal webview version.. not mobile view… can somebody help me…????
i’m getting this message ” for security , your phone is set to block installation of applications not soured in android Market ”
help please , i’m having the same problem when i install any other app like teamviewer
hi i read a lot of forums about rooting and also read different answers about whether rooting the phone will void the SE warranty or not. some no it won’t, a lot yes it will.
has someone really confirmed it? i called the service center in sony ericsson and they said if the phone was broken because you installed a program from a third party, then the warranty is void. that’s all. they even don’t know what’s rooting (i’m quite disappointed at them)
but i’ve read that you can unroot the phone. but will SE be able to trace if the phone was rooted or not?
I have a lot of images, musics and videos in my SD card, will the rooting wipe them all out?
I can root my phone with the x10 root app but then I won’t be able to unroot it with the same app…so later can i use the universal androot to unroot my x10
hi, how to root x10 mini 2.1 , i try all root tool also can not.
To guys who got no fu goo error(androot.apk) or exploid failed (X10 ROOT.apk) error —
fellas’ y’all got sick. of these errors because ur. android ver is 2.1.1 or 2.1 update-1 try ising super click one 🙂
Using* my keybord sucks sometime — x10 mini unrooted
Follow the link to root your Xperia X10 mini pro
and turn your mobile to wifi hotspot
Guys, this post is from aug,7, 2010!
It’s out of date. Try this:
Just doesnt work !!! X10 2.1 ??? Anybody ???
il est très agréable sharing.thanks mon cher ami.
I use an Xperia x10 mini with 2.1 update-1 build 2.0.24. I have tried very many ways to root my phone but none has worked. I’d be glad and very grateful if anyone will instruct me on how to get my phone rooted successfully. my email is
tried with universal androot, but it said it failed
didn`t work for me, but this one did:
Hi..i have a xperia X10 with 2.1 firmware version. what are the benefits if i root it..what can i do with a rooted phone…?! how do i root my phone.
On notification bar…..low on space, phone storage is getting low. how can i avoid this? how to deleted unwanted apps in my phone memory?
give me a solution
Yes, it worked on my x10 mini with 1.6 firmware version.
i am having xperia x10mini.i tried all the rooting methods,but i can’t able to root.can anyone help me please.its getting irritating
ok.trop cool et je reviendrai la prochaine fois.
Hi all, friend just sent me his sony x10 xperia cell phone bought in France to use while in France. We are leaving next week. But alas he did not send any instructions with it and I haven’t the foggiest idea how to use it. He is unavailable while traveling, so I can’t reach him. Just basically need it to make and receive phone calls. Don’t need a lot of other fancy stuff. Have it charging now from my laptop. Would appreciate anyone sending me some basic info on how to use the phone. Can’t find any user manual on the internet that doesn’t want a lot of money. Someone, anyone, please help. Thanks, Steve
Please respond to
rooting for first time
universalrootapp ..just freeze while rooting
x10 mini e10i
android version- 2.1.1 or 2.1(update 1)
windows 7 — 64bit
serious help needed!
and please suggest me other apps to root android version 2.1.1
I bought Xperia X10 from Saudi…nw am usin t n INDIA…bt i dont ‘ve Android Market installed n t ..somebody Pls help me to install…ll rooting help….Thx..
vous fashion.thank pour le partage
Je suis tellement contente de vous revoir! ^ _ ^ J’espère que tout va bien!
my one stops at:
wifi on.
can anyone plz help me..what is wrong with my phone..i can’t root it..i’ve try universalandroot but at the end it say `failed! No ~~~fu goo~~~’..can anyone tell me what is wrong..?
To everyone having problems rooting their Xperia X10, use SuperOneClick. Can be found in XDA Forums and it worked like a charm for me.
It´s pretty much a “Click-One-Button-And-You´re-Done” program.
Here´s the link:
I´ve installed CyanogenMod 6 and it´s running really smoothly on my phone.
Only thing I seem to have problem with this ROM is wifi not working properly.
Otherwise it´s great. And it´s Android 2.2.1
CyanogenMod 7 is based on Android 2.3 I think, but it doesn´t support Xperia X10 (yet).
There´s a lot of guides in the XDA forums too on the process of rooting your phone and installing a custom ROM etc.
But I suggest you read some about rooting first. If you brick your device your warranty probably won´t help you very much. So do it on your own risk. I did. And I couldn´t be more happy I finally tried it!
It looks like everyone have trouble.
I tried the link to, and ended on a pokersite, then i read all the posts, and those who have other solutions, also have problems themselves.
I am extremely disappointed, and will have to find help on another site.
I hav downloaded x10root,universalAndroot,Z4root
but I cant root my x10 mini……
Can anyone help mee…..
hav downloaded x10root,universalAndroot,Z4root
but I cant root my x10 mini……
Can anyone help mee…..
Hey guys, My Xperia X10i is having version 2.1-update 1, and i have downloaded the Universal Androot.apk and using it and it gets “Failed! No — fu goo —” what should i do?
[…] Fuente blog.23corner, Xperia x10 […]
tried both universal androot and the x10 root, both dont work. . . . . any suggestions??
Hi, I’ve rooted my X10 and back up my apps with Titanium, wanted to download more apps from the market but I can’t anymore. Who can help me PLEASE!
Regards Pauline
I have X10a and have found a site with easy downloads excellent support and IT WORKS FOR SURE if you want to debrand/flash, root, update. Do search for DaVinci Team and you will find their site search for your phone and the rest is history. Happy downloading
heres is the link for the davinciteam
Rooted my X10 using SuperOneClick (v1.5.5) – easy peasey. Load the app onto windows, press the root button, it does it! No SDK’s and other complicated installs and command line excecutions.
Downloaded Barnicle Tether from the App market place for free, installed it and within two minutes had a fully working wireless access point for use with my ipad and other mobile devices.
Thanks again to focused technical people for good advice and great solutions.
gan…mau tanya gmana sih caranya xperia x 10 mini pro dijadikan buat modem ???
trima kasih
i push “root” botton and it’s sais: “faild! nofu goo”
what shud i do ??
Holq, soy nueva en esto y quiero saber si descargo el archivo de Megaupload al Pc,despues como sigo? Si me podes ayudar por favor te lo agradezco mucho, decime paso a paso como hacer. 1000gracias.
Disculpa tengo un x10 mini
hi, how to unroot, if we dont unroot, is there any problem?
Installation failed! No ~~~ Fu goo ~~~
what did i wrong? ):
Hy..i have a problem…. I delete Android OS from my x10 mini pro….and now, how to reflash it? I reset the phone befor to “browse for ROM .zip file”, and after restart, my phone display “sony ericsson”…and does nothing! What`s the solution? How to instal the android platform again on this telephon?
Pls. help me!!!
i want root to me xperia x10 mini pro give me a apps to me e-mail thc
me e-mail is
madarchodo kyon apni bau chud wa rae ho.
Cool. I removed some of the stuff but I’d like a list of stuff NOT to remove.
Basically I don’t want to remove any stuff that might stop my X10 Mini from working.
Hi, Again,
There’s quite a few apps on my X10 Mini but I don’t know what a lot of them are for. For example, what’s ‘Timescape’ and do I need, (or want), it?.
Just recently my X10 Mini started ‘eating’ the battery power. It dropped by about 4% in one hour. I ‘killed’ as much, in the way of apps, as I could and then re-booted. Now it’s better and the photo browser runs faster as well. I don’t know what was eating the power.
what do i gain by rooting my experia x10 mini ?
do i have to upgrade first ?
Universalandroot and x10root dont work/failed on my device x10mini,i cant use my sd card to install apps,my phone memory are runing low
hey dear friends i treid my level best to my knowledge, but i fail hot to root my experia x10i, so please help me
i have xperia x10 i tried to root my handset with the second link u give “x10root” but it fails
all messages it gives me are
“copying the files…
exploid copied
busybox copied
superuser.apk copied
files copied
exploid chmod ok
eploid failed” what should i do now?pls help
i have a Xperia x10 mini ( with firmwork 2.1 updete) & used x10root ,universal& root & z4root .. but my phone is not root-ed yet . plz helppppppp me !!
im getting many problems using wifi in sony ericsson xperia x 10 mini how can i get wifi password please help me
my phone is not getting rooted!! 🙁
I bought an x10 that originated for the Chinese market, i have therefore not been able to access the full features of an android phone e.g.; I have no access to the Google play android market, cant install gmail, youtube and all other google functions. Would someone please help me?
i try it but
send this error: FAILED!no~~~fu goo~~~
universal androot failed to root, showing no fu goo….how to root it my device?
just help me to root my device….
Plz x10
why is it that i get stack at step 3? am waitin 4 tha contents under step 4 but nothing appears. i hav waited for like 30min now… please help,me wana rooted ma device so badly