There’s so much (intense) debate surrounding the Android 2.1 update for the Sony Ericsson Xperia X10 that we wanted to brighten the mood up. So what we came up with was a competition that will hopefully take people’s mind off thinking about Android 2.1, multi-touch conspiracy theories, or anything else negative (well at least for a little while).
What we want you to do is simply guess the correct date of the Android 2.1 Xperia X10 firmware release and leave your answer in the comments below. Those that guess the correct date will then be put in a lucky hat where a winner will be drawn. The prize is a 16GB microSD-HC memory card for your Xperia X10. Just to be clear, the winning date is the one where the official Xperia X10 Éclair release hits any region in the world. Please read the rules below before entering and good luck!
Rules: 1) Please leave a valid email address as we will be using this to contact you, 2) once contacted, if we do not hear from you within 24 hours we will draw another winner, 3) only one entry per household (remember we can see your IP address), 4) this competition is open to our readers worldwide.
1,100 responses to “Guess the Xperia X10 Android 2.1 release date and win a prize!”
September 23, 2010!
29th september 2010….!
Hi – The update is going to hit on 25th September 2010.
28 september
21 Sep 2010
Should we leave our entry here or somewhere else?
If it is here, my entry is September 23.
Good luck to all!
I reckon it’ll hit on the 30th of September
It will be September 18 2010
september 08 will start the movement
Let’s go for Sept 21st for v2.1.
I know my prediction its pretty awkward but i just like this number
16 de septiembre
22 September 2010 Wow!!!
Oh, hurmmm, I say.. September 24th!!
1st October. Just to be different. 01-10-10, hmm, maybe I should go for the 10th, haha.
September 24
Perhaps, September 24th 2010
but, what I need is Eclair right here right now!!!, not the Price winning!!, Come on Sony!!!, made it fast!!
My guess is September 27!
the date is september 26th
I’m guessing September 17th 2010,
25. september 2010
uuuummmm, my first selection is busy… then I say that the great day will be october 8th… (my birthday, jajaja)
October 5th
Dat wud b on sept 21…
18 Sep 2010
September 23th, 2010
I vote for september 28th.
15th September.
The release date will be 27th Sep’10
September 30th
Sept 24, 2010
Last day of Q3 – 30-09-10
September 23, 2010
27th of september, 2010
26 september 2010
It will be on September 21th!
24th of September. Nordic Region
My guess,
Sept. 23rd 2010
Sept 21, 2010
24th of september
Hmmm, I think 14 Sept. 2010
It will be on September 23rd.
sept 27,2010
17 september 2010
Monday 20th September 2010.
i am thinking Sept 29 2010
Sep 22, 2010
1st october 2010
25 sept
28 September 2010
Wow!!! 2.1 is coming!!!
i guess it would be 21, September, 2010!!!
1st of October 2010
September 15th 2010.
27 septembre 2010
24 september, just a guess:P
25th of September
Sep 24, 2010
I’m gonna go with September 20th.
I’ve guessed the date would be 21 sep, but i wish i were wrong!!! I wish the upgrade comes tmr!!!
October 3rd 2010…
19th of September
21 September
28 September
22. September
24th september
September 30th 2010
21st of September
October 11, 2010.
september 26th…
[…] ارائه android 2.1 رو برای X10 حدس بزنید ، جایزه بگیرید: Guess the Xperia X10 Android 2.1 release date and win a prize! | Xperia X10 Blog پاسخ با نقل قول […]
September 26… Yeah!
I guees it would be in Sept. 28 2010
22september. Hopefully this year
I think 23 october 🙂
i vote for october 10th 2010
I’m feelin’ lucky, 20th of September
29th of September, 2010
September 28, 2010
2010 sep 24
Hmmm… I’ll quess the 29 september.
September 27, 2010
September 30th, 2010
Sept 22, 2010
27 September 2010 !!
September 30, 2010
15.september 2010
My guess is september 20th
21september 2010
september 24, 2010 Canada
26th september.
2.1 will hitt x10 21-09-2010.
8 september 2010
It’s 20 september 2010 (my brother’s birthday ^^ )
27-09-2010 europe
The update will be on the 23 of september.
20 september 2010
I say September 28th
26 september 2010
Omg, you’ll send the card anywhere in the world?
Great prize btw
September 22nd
23rd September 2010
16th september
27th September 2010.
Lets see 28 september
The release will hit on Sept. the 19th. im a psychic, i know.
Sept 21, 2010
24 september 2010 (i own an x10i @ s.e. spain)
I think September 26th.
Its going to be out on September 21st!!
I am pretty sure it will be on the 24th of September.
I am gonna go with the first release of the update landing on the 23rd of september
27th of September
September 28th
29 september
18 September2010
20.09.2010 🙂
I’m waiting with shaking hands : )
October 4th 2010…. unfortunatly not before :s
7 of October 2010
20-26 september
The 26th of september…
Of course 2010.. Lol
4th October
I think it will be released at the last possible minute – september 30.
October 3rd 2010…
Sept 20th 2010
2. October 2010
I think it will be the 28th September
23 september
sept 27th
I think it is the 22nd September 2010
The update will be released on 15 October 2010.
ermm………27th september!!!!
1 oktober
20th of september!
October 1st 2010
30 September
september 30th.
October 4, 2010
Sept 21st, 2010
September 23
September 21, 2010
september 27, 2010
September 24th
September 30, 2010
29th september
September 23rd
22nd September, 2010
22 september 2010
18 September
21st September
24 September
September 25th 2010
september 30th, 2010
The 2.1 update will come on September 21 2010
20th September
September 21, 2010
Sept 29 , 2010
4 october I guess !
I think October 2nd 2010
My bet is 30, september
What happens if two people pick the same date and it is correct? Or are you guys operating a first come first serve basis? Anyways I’m going to guess Sept 19, 2010. I’ve been on a hunt to get as many phones as I can and sort of expand my knowledge of the mobile world (or lack of). I already got a free nexus one and the MicroSD card would be good to have.
22 september i hope 🙂
September 24
September 20 2010
january 1 2011
Its gotta be the 28th of September 2010!
21 September 2010
2nd October.
September? Lol, poor people.
I already confirmed with a reliable source that the update is coming in october. So…
October 10th. 2010.
Oct 4th
27th September
26 september 2010
September 23,…a birthday present.
27, September
25 september
17th September
28th September 2010.
It will be public September 13th.
29 september 2010 (29/9)
September 23rd
23 September
September 22nd 2010
I think 27th September 2010… i hope 😛
23 September
Sept 21…
Hi. My guess for the first region to see the 2.1 update is on the 20th of September 2010. Bring on the UPDATE! 🙂
1st October
The 26th september 2010.
The 26th september 2010
September 27
26th of september
September 20
25 september
let’s say September 26
19 september
Hi all,
I’d guess the 23rd of September!
Ummm I’d say the 29th of September?
21st of September 2010, that’s my birthday. There’s no other date they can release it!
July 28, 2079
September 17th 2010
23 September 2010
15 sep 2010
Well, it simple the update will come out Sunday 9/26/2010
September 15th 2010.
September 22nd 2010.
19 Sep 2010
13 October 2010 😉
September 28, 2010?
September 30… 2010 off course –‘
23 September
Nice idea, x10 is the best
21 september 2010!
23rd of september!!
I reckon septembet 21st
September 20th, 2010
23rd of september, 2010
Monday 20th September 🙂 Soo hyped for the upgrade even though it is only 2.1
September 22nd
october 3rd
I think the 24th of Oct
I think, 30 september 2010
I’ll join the Sept/22/2010 party.
September 27th………..
27 of September ..
Its gonna be September 30th!!!!
K N N, Sep 21st………………
September 21 2010 for 2.1
21/09/2010 😉
Its gonna be 20 sept 2010 !
sept 22, 2010
Sept 30/2010
September 30.
In Japan, for good measure.
22 September 2010
September 24, 2010
September 22, 2010
September 26th
wild guess.. SEPTEMBER 28
September 21st, 2010
the day of the second coming
September 21, 2010
ANDROID 2.1 FOR X10 IS OUT TO 24/09/2010
Is out to 24/09/2010
23 september 2010
26 September
Update to 22-09-2010
21st September 2010
30th September 2010
Android 2.1 for all X10 out at 25.09.10
24th Sep
september 28 2010
26th September 2010
24th sep i guess,, i hope too 🙂
lunedi 20 – 09 – 2010
If I say never anytime soon in the United States because I don’t think at&t will help let it happen. Do I still get the prize?
My hunch says 26 September 2010
20th Sept 2010
29th September 2010
Ummm…October 25th
4 october
15 September 2010…. please~!
The Xperia will get 2.1 on September 23rd, 2010.
Let’s go..
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
September 25
2.1 coming on 30th Sep 2010 😀
December the 13th 🙂
01/10/2010 😀
update 2.1 will be on 24 September 2010
September 26th!!
2.1 will be fully available worldwide, 19 OCT 2010….. earlier for selected markets…..
October 12, 2010 being the year of course!.
Date will be: september 26th.
update will be available on DEC 25th 2010, a nice Christmas present for all of us, merry christmas to all of us….but i hope im wrong, i hope it’s earlier….lol……jr
12th october
Jokes. September 29th 2010. 🙂
September 29, 2010.
22nd september 2010
gonna be rocks/////
i’d say spetember 23rd! it’s my birthday 😛
May as well put my name in the hat.
Sept. 24, 2010
20/09/2010 ! We’ve all been waiting sony
26th september 2010
20 september 2010
10.10.2010 ist a magic day 🙂
September 22.
10_10_2010 🙂
pretty sure its going to be on the 24th of September 2010
it would be 28 september… 🙂
27-09-10 waiting for this update
its 22nd September 2010
I guess 01.10.2010. (1st Octobre)
i dont need the mmc… i already have 32gig… wat i need is the 2.1 firmware asoon as posible…
Sept 21, 2010
android 2.1 update >>>>>>>> Sept. 21, 2010
It will be on 21 Sept 2010 @ US!
September 27, 2010
september 24, 2010 Most probably UK.
If I’d had to guess it would be 2010-09-21! But I’m hoping for something sooner 😉
September 29, 2010
20 of september !!!! 😀
sincerely :
12 September 2010
30.9.2010 a rovno 2.2 🙂
30 September 2010, end of Q3 (in fact want to guess Q4 201x, see what happen to HTC)
The update hits this Friday – Sept 10th. Yeah!!!!!!!!
October 10th.
September 28! 🙂
28th of September, for sure.
25 September 2010
24th of September
It would be 2nd October 2010.
september 29
September 27
Monday, 4th October 2010 (10/04/2010)
September 27
22 september 🙂
27 September the first one…
September 25th !?
28 September, 2010
26. september, 2010
My guess is 20th of september 2010
27 september, 2010
Definitely Monday September 20th, 2010
24/9/2010 sweeden will be first as they look after there own first lol then uk
September 29th
1st October, 2010
20.09.2010 (20th September 2010)
September 29th 2010 is the date… 🙂
Come on, SE, prove me wrong 😉
SE Spain says the Android 2.1 (Eclair) update for the Xperia X10 will launch during week 38 (20th to 26th September).
The sooner the better..
But knowning SE , am guessing Sept 21st, 2010
Good Luck To All
October 2nd 2010.
4 de Octubre
27th of September.
Would be nice if they released it for my birthday tomorrow though 🙁
September 28th 2010 , time : 21:00
10-10-10 ( Oct 10th 2010.)
AM i so far? just one ahead.
September 24th.
23. 09. 2010
I guess 23rd of September, here in Sweden.
// A
I think it won’t be there until 02 october 2010 !
18th October 2010.
Pessimistic and contradictory to what we are hearing. This is S-E though!
the date is : 2010.10.10
27 Sept in UK 🙂
I say it will land on 25th September, in Spain none the less!
September 29th, 2010!
My quess is 8.10.2010
Oh yeah….September 21….It’s just gonna happen!! Viva 2.1!! Hey, it’s better than 1.6!!!
I guess it’s gonna be the 28th of september
Its got to be 18/09/2010
10th September 2010
I think it will be the 21st of september 2010
September 19th 2010…
18th september ; – )
October 4th, 2010 🙂
September 21st.
it will be 27th September 2010
23rd September 2010
Never, they will upgrade to Froyo… 🙂
September 21 Tuesday
I´m feeling lucky, 20th of September =)
Its 1st of October, mark my words! of october 2010
I think September 23, 2010
Let’s get crazy september 16
31st September!
if the facebook accounts are trusted, I’ll say about September 25
How about today?
I think the 2.1 release date will be on the 21st of September .Dave in Dublin
October 1 /2010
October, 1 !
My guess – 25th September 2010
sept 15
My guess is 27th of September 2010!!
Good luck to everyone!
Awesome post by the way
27/9 is my guess
Eclair will will be released 23th september
25th september
I think it’ll be 29th September 2010
September 17.
10th of September
28th September
1st November 2010
20 September
My Guess September 23 2010
27th of September
30th September
Friday Sept 24 2010
Saturday, 25th September, 2010
“your phone already has the latest software”
24 Sept 2010, v2.1 for the win!!!
September 29, 2010!
i thinks it’s on 24 Sept 2010
Le 20 septembre 2010 🙂
Hmm, 2nd October. Hoping to be sooner but all the previous dates are taken.
It should release on 20th September 2010 🙂
Got my chips on September 27th
I vote on the 20th of september
December 21th
end of year …
22nd Sep 2010
I reckon the 27th of September. Nice start to that week 😉
sept 30,2010
27th of September
22 october 2010
i guess the update should be on 22 september 2010…
October 2nd, 2010
2nd december 2010
26 september 2010
Many say in september!
I guess on 1st October,2010
You look have been good boys and girls, so i will release it on the 25th December…. MERRY CHRISTMAS HO! HO! HO!
22 september 2010
25th o September
September 26, 2010. w00t!
27 september.
October 3th
25 september
September 21 2010
24 september
27 – September – 2010 =D
Good luck everybody!
September 30th 2010
I hope its sooner but I was tempted to say sometime in october 😛
23 september
26.09.2010 X10 Éclair’s first show!
6 is a lucky number in my region.
18th September 🙂
It will be on 28 september 2010
1 October 😀
28 september 2010
September, 25th
you now it,s good that all off you are guessin when dous they release 2.1 for xperia but what well bee the news it,s the same craspp… i mean you gott too waite at least 4 month untell they releas 2.2 what well bee news you can wach flash video from your browers but 2.1 is slower and dous not support flash 10.1
und the releas well bee 20 sebtember or 24
29 of september. TQ
date is 20 sept.
it will be released on sept. 27th.
September 20th
September 26th
September 23rd
September 27th my birthday 😛
9/12/10….I bet everyone would rather see their phones updating to 2.1 on my date rather than getting a 16gb card.
21 Sep 2010
24th Sept 2010
24th September, 2010
Sep 27th 2010….
even exited to know they are releasing this month….
why does it seem to be everybody’s birthday in September who has commented on this post. LOL.
Sept 21st.
September 27th 2010
That would make the most sense, as its the first day of the last week of September.
17 september 2010
19th of september
October 13, 2010
September 19 2010
the magic day will be 20th sept 2010.
I think 21.09.2010 ^^
September 22
September 25 – 2010!!
The release date will be on the 18 september 2010.
27th september
24 September 2010
8th October 2010 🙂
27sep 2010
Update will be launched september 20
September 24th 2010
25 th september
Sept 29 2010
Sept 27 2010
Sep 25 2010
September 20.
If it’ll be sooner I won’t be angry that I didn’t win 🙂
24 September 2010
24 Sepetember 2010 ! =)
2nd of November 🙂 (It’s my birthday)
My girlffriends birthday is 27 september so i have to say that 2010 ofc 🙂
21 Sepetember 2010
It’s my Birthday, and it will be the “Birthday” of SE X10 Andriod 2.1
September 28 2010 🙂
I Guess…….. 19th Sep 2010. Hope I win……..
September 24th 2010
Maybe September 30th?
September 20 2010
Sept 26 2010
September 13, 2010 for 2.1 release on Xperia X10
19th sept 2010!
26th October 2010 (My Wedding Day!!!!!!!!!!!!
More anxious about this upgrade than the wedding… day go figure :p
24 september 2010
I’d say 20th September.
Wednesday September 23rd 2010
27th September.. My wedding anniversary!!! (I wouldn’t mind if it was earlier though!!)
sep 28
sep 24
September 22nd
I Guess september 25th
After stalking astrologer Russle Grant for the past week, I told him I would leave him alone if he gave me the release date of the update. He assures me it’s the 13th of September. He also gave me next weeks winning lottery numbers
13 September 2010
september 25th 2010
september 24
October 7
2010 I hope…
10 Sept 2010
27th September
25/09/2010 the realease date good luck every one, i dont care about the prize or wining but i still hope i’m right even if it comes out earlier would be much better cant wait anymore.
Hi my guess is September 28th.
thanks Colin
October 1st.
September 21st
25 sept
i think 14 sept
I’d say September 25, 2010.
RT @SonyEricssonCA We know that you are all wondering about the upgrade to 2.1 and we promise that we are working on it – we are aiming for Q4 in Canada
September 28, 2010
29 09 10..29th september
my bday!!
19 september 2010
27 September 2010
erm 20th september #2010
September 20
19 September 2010
Id have to say the rollout will start SEPT 27….but since Im on Rogers, Ill probably get it around January or February
September 31st 2010 😉
Though a real guess for me is October 5th 2010.
september 24,2010
Im gonna say the 22nd Of September 2010 xD
My guess is 23rd september 2010
September 67th…I mean, 30th.
All the best evryone !!!
21st September 2010
2.1 might be in the 26th of september ( 26 – 9 – 2010 )
lucky number is 24
24th September 2010
sept 21
September 27, 2010
October 4, 2010 😀
its got to be 24th September!!
LOL thats funny abaout the rogers comment.We are lucky if we get it at all. Ive waited in the past for updates for such phones like the N958gb that never came. Told that rogers didnt approve the update. But I might I might as well guess October 29th.
20 Sept, 2010
December 21, 2012
october 7 2010!!
December 19th 2010
my guess is 20th to 26th September is fed up with slowness and crashing and battery needing to be charge 2-3 times a day, plz help 16gb microsd would help so much i be the happiest and chuffed woman in world .
September 21st.
September 24, 2010
21 September 2010
mmmm ….. i think 20/09/2010
September 19, 2010
September 21st, 2010
September 24,2010
wed, Sept 22, 2010
my birthday 🙂
30 september 2010
October 17th, 2010.
But I hope it will be sooner!
28 September 2010
21 sep 2010
17th September …c’mon SE surprise us all !! 🙂
Sept 30 2010
20. sept 2010
28th September 2010 @ 10.45 am
september 26,at 11 AM
I reckon 26th september
21 september 2010
September 21st!
I think the update will be on October 15 and will have a 3.0 version. However if they are not skipping 2.1 then i speculate that it will be made available on September 20 – 2010.
Date: September, 15.
23rd of September
I’ll go with sept. 25, 2010
Hopefully 10-10-2010
24rd of September
I think the release date will be Sept 22nd, please let it be sooner!
October 12
should be 30th Sep 2010
I think it will be 10/09/2010
It’s gonna be 23.9.2010 : )
I guess 27th September 2010… as thats when I come back from holiday and would love, love, love to update my phone to 2.1 then 😀
today!!! go update now through update service!
23 sep 2010
Well i got an update notification today, and it`s not OTA, so i guess it`s for the 2.1 , or at least i hope so … , well I can`t wait to get home and see what`s all about, keep you posted about it if no one else get`s this too … btw, I`m on orange romania if it has any relevance.
Maybe the prize could be a working phone, with no sounds problems, with multitouch, with a real flash for the camera, with flash player, and a long etc…
Maybe this will be a great prize for xperia users…
I will still dreaming but you should be working for release a really functional quality product, I feel cheated.
15 September 2010 😉
September 16th!!
I’m going to say they’ll give me a nice birthday present on the
27th September…
it has to be doesn’t it??
21 sep
30 September 2010 in Sweden
29 September 2010 in UK
28 September 2010
25 september 2010
28 september
October 11
30 september 2010
18 september 2010 😀 im certain thats it
Sept 25!
October 10.
September 20th for me
September 30th
17th Sept … come on lets be optimistic
thank you SE for the update:
-2.1 maybe 24-9-2010
-2.2 maybe 24-9-2011
I think it’ll come on 11-11-2010 (for The Netherlands at least)….
21 Sept, 2010
September 23, 2010
9th Sept 2010 🙂
Looks like it is out already. SEPT 9!!
may be sep 28
September 30th, 2010 🙂
Sept 25th, 2010
November 11th 2010 for the general public…
september 20 will be the release date……
03.October 2010
September 28th
September 27th
September 26th
September 20th, Like SE spain said on there twitter
15th September GMT
September 24th 2010
October 5, 2010
September 23rd 2010
September 28, 2010!!!
October 6th, 2010
20th September 2010
September 20, 2010 🙂
September 15… out of the blue (kinda like apple) lol
September 27th 2010
September 18th, 2010
23 September 2010
30 September, 2010
10th October
October 1th 2010
Dec. 1, 2010
Sept 27th, 2010…. 🙂
28 September 2010
September 23rd
September 23rd
September 21st and
2.2 out in mmmm never
October 14th
September 14th
September 22nd!
7th sept.2010
25TH SEPT. 2010
OCT. 5, 2010
September 23rd 2010
22 sept
5th October 2010. Hope its true. I could use a 16gig Micro SD card now! 🙂
All The 10’s Baby Yeah.
September 27th 2010
i think it will be update to Froyo (android 2.2) in 20/10/2010
It is out in 20 sept 2010
10.10.2010 is the date *thumbzup
I guess Android 2.1 for X10 will be released on 21 st of September
22/09/2010 for Android 2.1!
The relaease date will 10 September 2010
29 – 09 – 2010
September 3
28 / 09 / 2010 ! 🙂
September 25th 2010
october 1st 2010
I think…06 october 2010
22 September 2010
September 30
September 27th, 2010.
20th September 2010!!
september 26th
24 Sep 2010 in Europe.
25 Sept 2010
26th September 2010
Sept. 21, 2010
September 17, 2010
24th Sep 2010
Announced: September 17th, 2010
September 30th
September 27th! =]
24 Sep 2010
26 or 28 Sep-2010!
september 27 2010 !!
21 , september, 2010
September 27, 2010
October 11 2010 ?!
i think it would be on the 30th of september 2010
September 26.
September 24
september 27, 2010
My guess is the 10th of October 2010. Good Luck to all.
september 12th.
26/09/2010 😀
september 20, 2010
No brainer. Knowing SE if 1st October is still 3rd Quarter, they’ll release it then. But it isn’t so it has to be —>30th September 2010<—
On 27th of September
4th october (even if i hope for today!)
24 September, 2010!
I think the release date will be 24th September 2010.
21 of sept or 24 =]
My guess would be 19th september 2010…fingers crossed hope the update is released much earlier..
Dec 6
september 23rd
haha guess it will be the 25th of Octobre 2010
Sep. 18th 2010
16th September 2010
1 november 2010
Je pense que ça sera le 21 septembre.
Le 21 comme le 2.1
September 19th.
Gimme a nice birthday present!^^
23 September
28 october 2010 in south america
27 september 2010 in europe
24 september
27 september
22 september would be nice 🙂
22 september would be nice ^^
September 30th! It would be a nice birthday gift 🙂
I guess/hope september 22nd!!
The 25th of September!
26th of September
Think the update will be September 24th 2010.
September 23rd
I think it will be on the 27th September 2010
10/10/10 would be nice for x10
September 29.
I think its gonna be September 19th!!
Ok I think its gonna drop on the 25th
OCT 13rd ,,,,=D
I would say 20/09/2010 🙂
Release date will be 21 September 2010.
i will be 28/09/2010 S-U-R-E-L-Y…nahhh i duno but my guess is 28/09 hehehhee
October 18th
26th September 2010
28th October 2010
12th November 2010
its 22nd September,2010
It’s 19th September, as they always release an update on a Sunday for some reason
October 20th 2010 or later but I aim and hope for October 20th tho
Septenber 19th 2010 is the day!
18 september
After careful consideration, mathematical and scientific analysis, philosophical pondering, the official release date as deduced by these comprehensive methods is 28th September, 2010 (Also it was the date of their last major milestone – release of the Satio worlds first 12MP camera phone).
20th september 2010
26th of september 2010
27 September 2010
sept. 29 2010
25th Sept 2010 is my guess 🙂
30th Sep 2010!
14th oct 2010
October 2nd.
I say September 20th 2010! GO SONY! 😛
India – September 27th 2010
the logic would say that sony would release it on the 10/10/10 considering it’s the x10 update….thats my guess anyway….
September 24, 2010
Well, I’m hoping it’s tomorrow :p but, I reckon it’ll be the 26th of September. That’s what automatically comes to mind :). I could do with a 16GB sd card, although I am thinking of having a comp like this on my site, would you mind? Also, is there anyway you can have less comments on a page? It loaded them all (800+), which took AGES :(.
My guess is
the 22nd Sept ’10 for UK release for the X10 🙂
September 24th 2010!
I think that as its named as xperia X10 it might be on the date 10-10-10
as it has already been release to the uk networks it is now upto them after they have tested it on there network then it will be released as the earlest release will be o2 and will be on the 25.09.2010 as sony use there network
2.1 arrives 25th Sept
I say the 2.1 will arrive on 19.09.2010
Release will be 20th October 2010
(The day I get my wisdom teeth out – and have a week off from work to play with the new update)
November 1st 2010
October 10th 2010
24 septembre
My guess? 19 September 2010
September 20, 2010 my reason is X = 10 + the number 10 = 20 of september hahaha!
22.10.2010 android 2.2. gonna come out
i think 2.1. gonna be on 21 of September
( only one entry per household ) sorry ,, mees it,,, any way i was tolking abaut 2.2 :))))
October 27th 2010
Sept. 27 it is!
My guess is 10/10/2010. Hope I am right.
17th September 2010!
October 5th
the eleventieth of septober
September 21, 2010 🙂
Its 31/09/2010
ha ha ha
Sept 21.
September 16 2010 well in California time cuz I think I’m downloading it right now! I’ll check back in a bit to tell you guys if it is and I won 😉 haha
23 september 2010!!!!!
28 september 2010
Jeezes it’ll be on monday, so September 20th…
25th sept 2010 !
the official Xperia X10 Éclair release is 28 September 2010
Date is 04/10/2010
Date is October 04th 2010
it has to be October 24th 2010
The Update will be released 28/09/2010
The RELEASE date for the Adroid 2.1 os on the XPERIA x10 will be 20/12/2012. So in translation…never because sony sucks major
23rd of September
I heard from my friend who work in sony, They will not release because there head of programming team leader died few days ago. They will release 2.2 2012 Q1
I hope son y compony dies along with him too for been so lazy i gueass he died of old age it seems alot of ther costummer have been suffering the same issue off waiting for there crappy uppdate
92010 My b-day 🙂
28th September 2010
October 2nd, 2010…..:)
I think October the 1st 2010
i guess 27 september 2010
30th Spetember release date
September 25, 2010
Wednesday 22 September 2010. Wish me luck! 🙂
september 29th 2010
Friday 15th of October 2010 !
my guess: Sept 20th 2010
21st October 2010
I guess october 1st 2010
22 sep 2010
24 sep 2010 …
Release date of Android 2.1 For Xperia X10 family is 27 September 2010.
Well maybe its Oct 3, 2010!!