Sony Ericsson CEO says “big surprise” coming soon

Sony Ericsson CEOBert Nordberg, Sony Ericsson’s CEO, has promised that “big surprises” are coming soon from the company over the next few months. He was talking at the grand opening of Sony Ericsson’s new US HQ in Atlanta.

Whether this relates to rumours around a Playstation/Xperia branded Android Gingerbread phone remains to be seen. It could also relate to the successor of the Xperia X10, with rumours suggesting cutting edge hardware specs. When talking about rivals he said that the BlackBerry is a “text machine” while Sony Ericsson aims to be an “entertainment machine”. He then went to say that he wants SE wants to become the leading Android device maker.

However, as tantalising as these rumours are, the company needs to learn lessons from the Xperia X10. Sony Ericsson needs to cut the lead time between announcement and delivery of the next flagship (five months in the case of the Xperia X10 was just too long) and make sure it comes to the market with the latest OS. SE’s loyal customers are unlikely to be so forgiving next time.

Via Global Atlanta [via Engadget].

63 responses to “Sony Ericsson CEO says “big surprise” coming soon”

  1. “SE’s loyal customers are unlikely to be so forgiving next time. ” LOL – You are sooo right. If SE does not improve drastically on this, then my X10 mini is going to be my last SE phone EVER.

  2. There full of shit they can get any high end handset right and give up and just bring a new one out. Utter cock suckers!

  3. I bet the big surprise is that SE will discontinue support for the X10 and moving forward to a new phone. 🙂

    And we all will stuck with 1.6 forever………………………..FOOOOOREEEEEEEEEEEEEVER

  4. “I will give you a big surprise!!! No further updates for Xperia lines of phones. We’ve stopped the update because we cannot give you, the consumers a confirmed date so might as well scrapped it.”

    Sony Ericsson CEO

  5. Bright,

    Its the truth…. If you lend me $1,000 & I say I will pay you in Q3 but now left few days to the end of Q3, will you be anxious?

    If I give you a confirmed date, you feel at ease right?

    Same theory. Give a confirmed date or else don’t publish it until the software is ready. Don’t make us “心思思” in Cantonese……

  6. Its 23.9.2010, one week to end of Q3 so the sony ericsson where is the promised update? ceo stop talking bullshits !

  7. Always good reading these blogs for feedback from the public.
    LOL. over a year after launching the X10’s – “Big Surprise coming” from CEO!
    Bunch of idiots working on newer technologies without supporting current products. As main infuence in my company of choosing phones for rollout, I think I’ll scrap SE.

    Good luck to you guys wit X10 range, andd SE.

  8. Pure incompetence! The big surprise will be the announcement of the resignation of the CEO and board of directors for this mess up.

    I had the xperia x10 since april in the mistaken believe that the software update to the latest android will be due very soon. It has been 5 months, and my warranty will last the next 6-7 months without any hint of when the upgrade is coming. Someone has to be held accountable for this.

  9. BIG SURPRISE: We are bankrupt again…sorry…was that expected?? Oh! then it is a big surprise for us…

    I would be plesantly surprised if they gave the encryption keys to the bootloader…and that is all I want from these guys…I don’t even want their support… They’ve given me the hardware…which is really good…now just give me complete access to it…

  10. This is kinda rubbish SE READ YOUR BLOG HERE AND ALL OVER THE NETWORK PEOPLE ARE SELLING THEIR X10 because of you ….you had a great phone and promisess and what you did ? you let all of us down with bull***** politics and updates and stuff… nobody wants the update to include timescape and mediascape everybody wants 16m colors and MT !!! get your act together or your next phone will be complete dissaster ….

  11. We should tie that fat bastard up and stone him to death. But instead of stones we will use out x10’s, cuz thats about all they good for now.

  12. “He then went to say that he wants SE wants to become the leading Android device maker.”

    Can someone please tell him that SE is far far behind Samsung, Motorola, HTC and even LG?
    I wish there was a poll asking people how satisfied you are as a X10 user. Wonder how negative the result is gonna be.

  13. Thankyou for adding another post. Let’s hope this one doesn’t turn into a troll fest like the last.

    Ah, I spoke too soon (I just read the comments)

    Please, do us all a favor and sell your X10’s. Don’t tell us about it. Don’t tell us why. Just PXXOFX…

  14. I am not ready for the surprise really… considering that I spent 700 dollars on my latest phone less than 40 days ago…

    SE, Lets upgrade what I already have, so I can use it for what I need it to, and then I ll be happy and interested in what you want to offer next…

    I mean seriously… your customers are not all babies, air head hotties, and stoned rockers… you know… you have a small percentage of your customers that are professionals, and use stuff like Outlook… and things like PUSH MAIL is really important to them… a lot more than zooming at Mr. Frog… for that I have an Alpha SLR…

    Moxier is crap… lets get native exchange sync support already… thats all what I want 2.1 for…

  15. What’s their big surprise…. Smartphones with an out dated Mobile OS come on SE you used to be the big players in the mobile phones but right now your overtaken by new players like Apple (which is not a mobile phone company but their kicking & screaming), HTC and Samsung & Motorola.

    I used to believe on SE innovations but right now I’m having second thoughts of it and look at those Koreans and Taiwanese their gaining momentum.

    If you sleep enough then your enemies will crash you to the point that you cannot recover from it.

  16. I wont buy another SE phone even if it comes with the hardware from 2030.
    f u SE bigtime, not ever again, u lost urself a loyal customer.

  17. I dont fucking care about an Xperia X12, i got an X10 and i want some improvement for mine! i dont wanna buy another phone, got mine from 6 months!

  18. It just sucks because I have this phone for 2 years. SE said they would keep updating the X10 for the entirety of its life.. I guess they failed to say how long its life would be…not very long by the looks of it.

  19. Phew..this means, x10 user have to give up, there will be a new phone, and x10 will soon outdated and forgotten..

  20. YOU FOOLS.

    Sony is actually about to release Froyo for the X10. That’s the surprise. They make the claim about delay to build suspense, and once they release the update, we will be the happiest customers on earth!

  21. There’s no way it’ll be froyo, one interesting about the list

    nothing about:

    16 million colors
    etc etc

    I wonder if they will release it October 12 – 15 as a way to boost sales and show the new SE windows 7 phones; and by the time networks release the update it’ll be Xperia X10’s 1st anniversary (november 23)

  22. Most companies has been screwing owners for years on new hardware. The X10 is pretty good for Sony’s first smartphone.

    @Bandit lol, in your dream. Sony can’t keep a secret and I believe the rumor of the new psp phone are true because the X10 is behind its competitions.

  23. but it isnt really their first, its just the first they made, they also ran the planning for the x1 and x2, both of which promised updates and then messed them up…

    the x10 was thought to be “we have learnt”
    yet they got the specs wrong, and then took too long to launch “but dont worry we will update a lot, and while there is no multitouch we are working on something else” — well until yuo forget.. pity a lot of us wont forget as we are on 2 year contracts and cant buy the next one for a while. long enough to suffer the memory not to buy again

  24. Looks like the big surprise he was talking about is the Eclair upgrade that will be happening in October. Big faker.

  25. I HAVE A BIG SUPRISE FOR HIM, I’m gonna shove my X10 right up his ASS and buy a Galaxy or another phone!!!!

  26. news from SE
    the big surprise is:
    – X12 with Android 2.1 out in 06-2010 😀
    – Xperia PSP with 3.0 out in 12-2012 hahahah


  27. Hi all, yes I am fed up waiting too, gone back to my p1i, atleast its reliable!
    I’m not too bothered about 16 m colours, I just want to be able to hear the person I’m calling and them hear me, anyone else having same problem? I have to redial upto three times before person I’m trying to call can actually hear anything from my end, SE if you read this could you please let me know anyway I can sort this, it is not a network issu but my x10, I reckon se rushed this phone out without caring about its actual ability, another case of style over substance, I will not be fooled again!

  28. They/re far far way to be lead of android market , once they speend lot of time to release updates, such as android 2.1, while HTC already running. This make SE users, unhappy, and of course I looking to change to another phone.

  29. And the big surprise? The CEO uses a Desire!!!

    I’m kidding!!!

    SE are on track to met the October deadline!!!! October 2011 that is…

  30. Let me just confirm to everyone that is looking forward to SE or their products or the big surprise;

    The Xperia x10 is the last ever sony product in my life. end of story.

  31. Maybe he talks about an Android 3.0 upgrade. Gingerbread will be ready in mid October. Big surprise.

  32. Anymore else surprise? The surprise is maybe regardless on any x10 xperia upgrade. And I have a strong feeling that the 2.1 would be the last upgrade for the x10. They wanna focus on the new device rather than the s u* k x10.

  33. Just sent my x10 back for repair and dug out my 6 year old Nokia 6021. It’ not be turned on for over 2 years and guess what it works. It just works. 6 years old and no problems compared to 6 months and numerous problems with my X10. Does that not just say it all.

  34. ++++++in the near future
    SE CEO: “we were unable to figure out how to upgrade the x10, so we started working on making the x100 instead, which will be sold for $1000”

  35. You whining little bastards. If you´re such wizzards why are you not starting a worldwide faboulous phonebrand with all so perfect goodies yourselves. It seems you are unemployed SE rejects all of you.

    The phonemarket is a too fast evolving market for all participants. It’s not an easy task to put an update out there, they have to listen to the phonecompanies so their junk works with the phone, the customers so they want it, they have to make sure that their own things works whith it.

    If they just send out an update then you would scream that they behave like microsoft and do’nt give a shit.

    So scrap your SE phones and stick to fucking HTC.
    But shut up and get a job

  36. Well folks, here it is. SE has cut short on its commitments to clients and to the future development of its own technology (Xperia Extend).

    Here is the update on the potential SE lawsuit I wanted to bring to life in Canada.
    We currently have ground to sue SE based on the two following and yet simple points.

    Xperia X10 was sold with the promise of regular firmware updates and the assurance that Xperia would evolve alongside Android OS (which is why we bought those bloody devices). This is considered as a contract with the clients and the providers/distributors of the said phones.

    Since this will not happen and is therefore contrary to what we were assured by the company, SE is in ”breach” of contract with clients and distributors.

    But the real point that could enable us to win in Canada is the following. Buying SE Xperia X10 will cause substantial losses to all of their owners (who will have to break their current contracts with carriers and assume the related fees, buy a new phone and finally get a new contract with same/different carriers). For some of us, the total amount in question can reach 1015$ (in my case:I have a 2 years contract with Rogers, so I have to pay remaining balance on my phone 315.00$CA, cancellation fees 400.00$CA, buying a new phone 200.00$CA and lastly new contract and related fees 100.00+, for a big total of over 1000.00$CA). It is easy to prove that those losses are intricately tied to buying Xperia X10, and they would not have occurred had we bought another device. Since our phones are a business tool and we will not be able to use it as needed and as promised, despite what SE advertised and assured, we have ground for a serious lawsuit.

    But to win this in court, we need to make it a collective case against SE, therefore proving without a doubt that we all suffer the same consequences due to misinformation and false promises made by SE.

    It is considered illegal in Canada to make false advertisement, and based on those two facts alone, we have serious grounds, but we need to stand together to win this and force SE to assume its responsabilities towards its clients.

    If you want to join the cause, please contact me at

  37. I purchased a sony ericson experia mini mobile just 2 months ago.It had a battery problem.I submitted the set in Accel frontline services limited, cochin, Kerala, india under complaint id SE311ACH10442 on 21 March 2011 but till date (23 april 2011) no positive reply from their side. I am a regular customer of sony ercsson, due to poor service i will not buy another sony product