As news of the Xperia X10 Android 2.1 delay filters throughout the globe, many regional offices have been providing their own response to local (frustrated) X10 owners. We’ve come across two such pieces of communication one from Sony Ericsson France and the other from SE Brazil. Whilst much of the detail has already been covered, they do add some additional colour on what to expect with the Android 2.1 update.
Sony Ericsson Brazil confirmed that the update will land from early November for sim-free phones and late November for operator branded handsets. David Mignot, Marketing Director of Sony Ericsson France, has told French X10 owners to expect the Éclair update in late November. The update is expected to bring with it over 100 improvements with the main ones listed below.
Main improvements from Android 2.1 Xperia update:
- 30% increase in battery life: Due to Android 2.1 as well as better OS task management.
- Each homescreen will now display 20 app icons instead of 16. There will be 5 homescreens overall instead of 3.
- Improvement in the dialler: Applies to application of text messages and e-mail that will help to simplify and streamline operations.
- New lock screen displays battery level.
- New start-up wizard: Helps configure the Xperia X10 easily when first setting up. This includes steps to import contacts, setting up Wi-Fi and Gmail account as well as synchronizing with Google sync.
- Single inbox for multiple emails (Gmail and other).
- Live wallpapers: Sony Ericsson will offer a selection of 11 live wallpapers to choose from.
- Ability to import contacts from Facebook and Twitter: Profile pictures will be imported too.
- 720p HD video recording with autofocus.
- HTML 5 support and Bluetooth 2.1.
Android 2.2 (Froyo) on Xperia X10 undecided
A decision regarding Android 2.2 has not been decided yet. One of the reasons against upgrading, generally speaking, is due to hardware limitations that can result in lag, crashes or further bugs.
New generation of Xperia Android smartphones
Sony Ericsson will continue to differentiate their offering via design, multimedia (photo, video and music) as well as UI. One thing that can’t be denied about the X10 family is that they are gorgeous devices. Hopefully this focus will continue into the next generation.
Sony Ericsson is working on launching new products with major innovations in the coming months according to David. He went on to emphasise that as part of Sony Ericsson’s close collaboration with Google, their new range of Xperia handsets will launch with the latest Android version available. Let’s see if SE keeps to their word on this one.
Other reiterations
- No plans to include multi-touch on the Xperia X10
- The bootloader will not be opened
- The Xperia X10 will only display 65k colours
- No plans for Flash, unless Android 2.2 comes to the Xperia X10 (currently undecided)
- No plans to improve the camera features
- No PS3 interconnectivity is to be provided. [I hope this doesn’t mean that DLNA is scrapped]
153 responses to “X10 Éclair update hitting France in late November plus more details on improvements”
Its november again…
good bye SE!
iphone4 here i come!
OMG indeed, September, then October, then November…
Late november in my case (France) !!! Is SE waiting for 3.0 to be out for spreading the old 2.1 ????
That’s really shame, X10 is said by SE to be their major Android device and that’s definitely not the cheapest one, we can’t even get the latest version of Android !!
Well what about an integration to apps2SD! That’s a important one. Could be done within the update of Android 2.1.
I guess that nobody will get their xperia Eclair update in october!!!
Another trick and a lot of honey to keep us dreaming for a while, at least for a few months.
It’s like the story about the mule and the carrot in front of him, but he can’t reach it. Keep hoping for the day that you can!?
it will be november or even december.
Good luck with your patience.
Sony Ericsson sucks. I work for a Rogers Wireless retailer in Canada and I can almost gaurantee Canadian customers wont be seeing this update till sometime in December.
I can also gaurantee that I will never sell a SE phone to anyone ever again, already talked 4 people out of getting the x10. Once you tell them how full of shit SE is they usually want nothing to do with the phone. Wish someone woulda told me the same 5 months ago….
I have already sold my x10 😀 iam really happy to get ride of it, and get a iPhone4 and now I waiting HTC Desire HD too 😀 no more SE phone for me, and will never buy there phones again SE you really sucks in Android world WTF are you guys thinking!!!! Wake up
send me one xperia for free :-)…i lust for the luster white xperia…dont mind about the updates…all i want is to get my hands on that beautiful and amazing gadget…
It’s like a good book, with a sad ending. you wanne quit reading but you can’t.
Chapter after chapter you become a slave and it play’s tricks on you.
A lot of sadness and frustration, and hopefully you’ll be happy at the end comming from a long road of patience.
This is for the diehards 😉
no multi-touch? no flash? come on SE… don’t shitting on your pan..
what a loser…. ermmmm… anyone want my xperia for free?
Look like HTC is better now… Malaysia
Disappointing… Again. I don´t understand why SE keeps doing the same mistakes over and over.
I can’t understand that how SE can be so unsuccesfuly! What a team they are loser! Change the developer team or we will change your poor phone.
Shame SE. you have always been lieing to your x10 customers. Unfortunately i am one of them. One of my worst decisions in life were to buy this expensive phone with such a crappy feautres. I have already compromised on not getting multitouch then it will not get 2.2 and now you tell it will not even have a 16M colors display. its really a shame. We still can not install applications to SD? i really wanted to swear you people but as being a gentleman i feel not do so. But you are really making your customers suffer and more importantly these are those who were early adopters.This was my last SE phone. R.I.P
So first it’s September, then October and now already November … LiveView only works with Android 2.x so they release an accessorie which won’t work with their own devices. I start to wonder if Sony Ericsson is realy interested in their customers. The X10 will definetly my last device of them and I’ll probably sell it close to X-mas to make at least somebody else happy.
Brilliant!!! November!!! Cant wait!!! SE keep giving us good news everyday I feel like buying 100 X10’s for myself and building a house with it.
I’m not too fussed about not getting 2.2, but not having 2.1 still is a joke!!!
What would save the X10 is if they implemented something in the phone that is not possible with any other android phone/platform combination like PS3 compatibility. They really need to take a leaf out of HTC’s book of customer satisfaction, since I for one am very unsatisfied and I’m sure that so are 75% of all X10 owners, the other 25% who are satisfied are probably the monkeys who developed the phone!!
I think SE can do 2 things to redeem themselves; firstly and definitely most importantly unlock the bootloader since majority of android users use android phones because it is an android phone and supposedly open source, so open it up. The minority of users get this phone because it looks nice,obviously thats not a bad reason, because the X10 is the best looking phone ever created, however, it doesn’t negate the fact that a majority, who have more brain cells that they enjoy using, exist!
Secondly, if the phone is marketed for Person X, who likes it cos it looks nice, then 16M colours would be an obvious addition, how can that be taken out of the plans! If you ask me, that is a stupid decision since it effects ~100% of all owners!!! 2.1 has live wallpapers, which is only there to look nice, not colours merged and blurry and crap colour gradient. Think SE!!! Think!!! You have loyal SE fans that your going to lose no matter how good your next phone is, just because your gaining a reputation of chatting crap and making shitty phones with shit OS’s and not caring about customer satisfaction. Remember your competition is HTC, Motorola and Samsung, who have better phones and better customer satisfaction.
Lets hope your next announcement about the X10 will put a smile on peoples faces!!
Fake again. I was a Nokia’s customer, and this is my first and LAST Sony Ericsson phone!!! I’m sorry for me… I should bought and iPhone 4 or a Samsung Galaxy S. I go to sell this crap!!!
Haha.. what the….
zuri, I’d like to get your X10. 🙂
I don’t mind about 2.1 or 2.2. But i think the X10 is just beautiful. The problem is, that I can’t afford such a high-end phone. (I’m a student) 🙁
Off course, i would give you something for the sending (via paypal?), if you’d really give it away. 🙂
I just want to say,chose x10 is my worst choice since I cane to the world.
It makes me disappointed again and again.I have nothing other can say to SE.
AND,I hate the style of work of SE,always slow to do for consumer,always break its promise.
I promise x10 is the last phone of SE.
[…] […]
아 미친놈이네 ㅡㅡ
serious?? says late november in the 2.1 update going to be out at least SOMEWHERE by late october?? then the de-branded ppl can get the update at least.
o..but iphone4 does seem a lot more appearling atm..
You should buy the cheapest SE phone instead of the most expensive one, and you don’t have to worry about a thing 🙂 Everyone should be happy.
The third week of September, and then end of October, and now end of November.
I don’t know what to say…..
SE’s really difference. But up side down, lolz
Every new message about the upgrade is worse news than the one before. SE is losing customers on and on and on. What were they planning to be? The world leader in Android phones? Sure, but only on older versions of Android since all the other companies moved on. Too bad SE, this was my first AND last Sony.
Wow…everyone needs to take a step back and realize this is a phone. Yes i get that others have 2.1 or 2.2 and multitouch, etc, but this phone still has many great features. No wonder iPhone users get laid the most its cause u all are geeks!
Get a life.
I believe SE the day my phone prompts me to upgrade to 2.1 and I find all the goddies they promised after having updated. Not a minute sooner than that, neither on the ETA nor on the content of the upgrade. My personal bet is that we won’t see any update in 2011 (they’ll postpone it again in late october and than again in december). It wouldn’t surprise me, would make me selling my Xperia, though. What’s the use of great hardware if the software is outdated? Btw, so’ll be the 2.1-update, it will be outdated the day it hits our phones…great job, SE.
its a geek phone the x10, and sony ericson seriously believes that the customer is buying this?
no more sony for me, never again no tv no camera nothing anymore, if every owner would do this the x10 would be in a month 2,2 or higher, but devide and rule is their moto
This is just balls, the upgrade is just crap, why would they make a phone which wont work well in the future? The upgrade wont be worth the wait 🙁
why are you on this blog then? go and bash off over your iphone
fuck you se ! i will never buy a product with the fucking name of sony nothing and never. your so a fucking group of bitches what do you think you are ? i tell you – the fucking shit inder my shoes. i wait since the release of the x10 for the update and i tell you all it wont be come before 2011 and before that fucking se drop the x12 or something else with gingerbread or so. allright fuck of it i wait for the new desire hd and sell my very beatiful but outdate phone shame on you
Can someone please contact giz
modo to maybe help us they would get us some attetion to this ddelema
hate u sony
[…] And i said Bye bye bye SE laut…-improvements/ soll das 2.1 nun nicht im Oktober sondern eher im November kommen ? kann das sein dass die bei […]
An expensive phone that is stuck in time.
as i said before in other posts,
i am so glad that i preordered the HTC Desire HD,
my old X10 goes to ebay, or i´ll go on the range and fire some rounds on it…. thinking at the damn CEO of Sony Retard Ericsson.
Go bash yourself you bobo. I own the x10 and dont have a problem with it. My point is you geeks just complain about the update all day. “Oh its so late” “SE are liars” Guys get over it. The phone functions fine as it is. Yes i am sure the update will improve the phone but get a god damn life.
Also the point with the iPhone is you dont see those consumers complaining about the lack of flash. Only geeks like you do.
Bunch of bobo’s
Found this blog informative too
Everbody say: “Good Bye SE #SonyEricssonFail” on Twitter
@ jimmysans
Considering I paid nearly £400 for this phone back in April on the promise that it would get 2.1 shortly after release which then shifted time and time again I think I have a right to be pissed off. My X10 is currently back getting fixed for the 2nd time because the fkn OS crashes for no reason. I’m glad your happy with your X10 but you really should try the HTC desire before you see why people are so fkd off. Oh and yes Apple customer do constantly whinge about not having flash the thing is with iphone that’s about all they have to whinge about because the phone is a lot more stable.
First and last SE phone really disappointed considering i can get @ 99$ Galaxy S from orange here… why bother… with this crap… they turned a beautiful OPEN platform like Android into crappy locked up SE shit…
for jimmysans because morons like you these moronic companies get away with this kind of crap they just say “why bother update if the morons buy our shit even if its outdated…” , its a fact that there are more morons than smart people on the planet thats why NOKIA crap lasted so long so my QUESTION why change go buy nokia “THAT WORKS” and leave us alone… so we can identify you morons of the street and leave you in your moronic Fantasy World in witch you think if it works its good enough…
shit ! i will use my x10 as a symbol of assholes (SE)
ive read almost all of the comments, from the frustrated users, about the eclair delay for x10 family. . though I too has been affected by this I was not able to express by frustration by such words rather it makes me think again and again why se is very silent amidst all these cry !!
if they are really ‘customer focussed’ then they ‘should’ have stepped in to calm down their customers with an ‘exact’ solution to this issue. .
Any word of Rogers getting newer Android phones in the next 6 months?
Like the Motorola Droid Pro (I’d like to have a a qwerty keyboard)
HW Upgrade time for me is Jan 1st, and I’ll be picking very carefully, or waiting patiently.
30% battery improvement would be nice if it is true…
Not really expecting to get this until Christmas…
No PS3 interconnectivity is a shame. I rather like the idea of being able to use my X10 as a remote control for my PS3 blu-ray player.
Hehe.. Looks like se wanna keep the bootloader until he lose all the android se customers? SE, you have your good looking device, we buy because of it’s a beautiful ANDROID device, not because it’s a beautiful sony device. Keep your bootloader properly, don’t let anybody crack it. But I personally think that, the x10 will boost up the sales once the bootloader is release to ruhr public. Hehe.. Only don’t know who is insist on something that not really make the things right.
Goodbye SE, looking for a new android.
Mty Mx.
I am a supervisor for customer services on rogers wireless bilingual.
This morning, Rogers choosed to discontinue the X10 as it will not be available for new customer.
For all who don’t believe me, just call up customer service, and have an agent update you on the “whats new” in their database, it is clearly showing that Rogers is discontinuing this device.
This is at the end, not a bad idea… Sony ericsson give so much of a poor service, that phone carriers suffers from it. So better stop selling it.
instead of listening to their customers, listen to them and their shareholders and that’s a big mistake, never, your first android patients never buy a sony ericcson on principle, but this lack of response to their customers should take it as a lack of respect for their early adopter users, my mother does not recommend phone, I do.
really, fuck you sony ericsson, What a bad shopping experience!
if SE gives each x10 owner a free liveview when the update comes they might be able to keep some customers, yah crazy idea but i think its good for SE’s reputation cuz its kinda gone with the wind by now. i mean if the 2.1 comes late then its not worth coming out anyways.
Fake again. I was a Nokia’s customer, and this is my first and LAST Sony Ericsson phone!!! I’m sorry for me… I should bought and iPhone 4 or a Samsung Galaxy S. I go to sell this crap!!!
i dont know if you understand me but i can only say this in spanish…
yo soy de mexico tengo 16 años y aqui el speria x10 esta en alrededor de 7900 pesos en plan de prepago (630 USD), estube ahorrando mas de medio año para comprar el x10 ya que se veia como un telefono funcional y novedoso, cosa que realmente es aqui en mexico(realmente es como el segundo mejor telefono de mexico, aqui no hay tanta variedad), sin embargo esa politica de mentiras que sony ericsson esta tomando no les ayudara en nada a mejorar la calidad de sus telefonos y mucho menos a ser el lider en el mercado de android, no tirare mi telefono, no soy tan extremista ni tampoco millonario, solo dire que me siento victima de la publicidad y la mercadotecnia…
…and just like mickael jackson said…
I gave up – love android – never want to wait again – so bought a nexus one. Will miss 8M camera but need real android. The only answer for SE and all lame android carriers is there should always be an option for vanilla android at the newest rev. Besides HTC’s sense ( which I can install on my NO), I have yet to see one manufacturer or carrier app worth having, no less waiting months to upgrade for, including mediascape and timescape.
All people who can not take the criticism on this blog, go and get a new life somewhere else!!!!!!!! LET PEOPLE blog whatever they want to! It is a free world, respect that or go home. Yell at your wife or dog in stead!!! Thank you very much.
Now when that is said. I just want to express my worst feelings for SorryErrorson again. I guess we get the ooooooldschool Android 2.1 update at new year……. in 2013 perhaps
if we are lucky!!! I’m sorry, but I don’t have the SonyEricsson spirit anymore!
I tried typing on a brand new Apple iPod Touch yesterday. The touch keyboard was reacting MUCH MUCH MUCH better than both the standard X10 keyboard and all the other keyboards from Android Market. The iPods keyboard is “intelligent” and learns you way of typing. That is very far from what I have experienced on the X10. The standard X10 keyboard and Android Keyboard has no ÆØÅ (the tree danish special characters) only in long-press. I have tried two other keyboards som Market with those keys and danish dictionary. All those keyboard SUCKS big time compared to the iPod Touch! I’m NOT a iPhone, iPad, iPod fan at all. I hate Apple’s policy about not allowing Adobe Flash Player on those. No Flash, no iPhone! And the navigating through iTunes on the iPod is completely and utter rubbish trying to find the already downloaded podcasts! But the keyboard is far superiour than the X10. That I will say.
Then we have all the much known bugs on the X10 with very low volume in call. The X10 low response to the thumb-wipe when call comes in…. Some of these bugs might be corrected with the long waited oldschool Android 2.1 update. We have to wait an see. If not I might call for a refund of money from SE DK. Then the phone is useless when having too low volume in call. I now know of tree X10’s all having too low volume in calls. That is 3 out of 3. Two white and one black all of then updated to latest firmware. So that IS a bug in the phone or Android OS.
The sad thing is, that there is really no other Android phones right now that is much better than the Xperia X10 hardware. Yes yes some other have Android 2.2 already, ether with less hardware specs, real ugly design, bad camera or something else buggy features… There is no DREAM-Android yet. So manufactors PULL YOUR SELF TOGETHER!!!!
I’m looking forward to see all the new Android phones from HTC, Motorola etc… That has much better hardware than all the Android phones of today. 4,5-5,0″ Multi touch hi-res OLED display, 1,5+ GHz dual-core CPU, Super GPU, 1+ GB ram, 4+ GB fast internal storage, 64+ GB SD card, push out full QWERTY keyboard, 802.11g/n WiFi, Adobe Flash Player in webbrowser, Full 1080p AVCHD video, DLNA, Much more battery capacity, Android 3.x etc… That’s where it’s going to be far better than it is now. But I guess we have to wait 6 month or so before seeing some of that caliber. But it would be nice though.
Take care
@Mike M
The rogers website is now accepting pre-orders for the Samsung Galaxy S Captivate. Pretty sexy looking phone.
Hoping that they also get the Acer Stream. Thing looks sick – 512 RAM, 512 ROM and 2gig internal storage plus will take up to 32gig microSD. 3.7 amole multitouch, FM Stereo and HDMI.
May b SE stand for “super extreme” instead of Sony ericcson. Super extreme slow… Outdated… Sucks… F**k!!!!!!!!
@Jay1972 Yes I’m aware of the Galaxy S Captivate. My prev phone was an unlocked AT&T Samsung Blackjack2. I gave that phone a beating inside and out and it still goes.
I’m getting use to Android and Touchscreen, but I think I may want that HW qwerty keyboard still.
Maybe the Stream is coming to Rogers seeing that you can get the Liquid E for like 29.99
i think sony is preparing about android 2.2 but, a lot bugs, crash. because RAM capacity is very small.. 384, and mediascape and timescape eats more RAM…
Seriously, there should be legal action taken against SE if they advertise it as an android phone. I mean your not allowed to sell computers with windows 98 and say they are top of the line. Why should SE do anything like this and get away with it. Making an android phone means you will need to keep the software up to date or your users suffer security, battery, memory and just general issues with there mobiles
People, you all really need to calm down. It’s just a fucking mobile computer with a phone functionality, which you use mainly to entertain yourself. Camera to shoot some pictures of your drunk friends, music player to listen to some downloaded mp3s, browser to surf the net if needed, some tiny useful apps. It works just well. It lacks some latest features, ok, but it’s not that important, really.
Please try to not to be THIS frustrated. If your phone means the world to you, then you’re fucked up, not the SE.
hey guys if you all want to like sell , give away your phones , might as well give it to someone who appreciates it , like me 😀
HAHAHA(disgust laugh), Was I really surprised about a delayed update being delayed?
NO.. wait til november comes, Headlines will read ” MONKEY BREACHED INTO THE SE LAB. DELETED IMPORTANT TIMESCAPE & MEDIASCAPE (no one gives 2 shi&& about) , SO UPDATE WILL BE DELAYED TIL’ MARCH (HAPPY SIGN) ”
I’m selling my FIRST AND LAST SE PHONE..god to think, I came from N95 to this..that thing was a heaven compared to this in volume, media wise.
BUYING HTC DESIRE HD from my free rebate money. go check it out on (It’s a Killer phone, with the NEW HTC sense UI and faster boot time to 10 seconds..yes)
NO more looking at SE logo for 1 minute during boot time. just go watch it.
Have a nice day and best wishes to all you faithful guys. Hope Update comes during christmas as free gift from santa and no SE… 😉
Are you reading you simple minded buffoons?
Stop having high hopes, you only make a fool of yourself. Don’t expect an update until very late this year/early next year. Just don’t.
<>I have a white xperia x10. Very good condition. Email me
I am willing to post worldwide.
We are looking for Android developers. We had only one Android developer, who was working on Xperia update, left suddenly and joined HTC. We, hereby, request all experienced Android to forward their CV to Just to mention, we can only afford to have only one developer. Salary US$500 per annum.
People have a right to be frustrated. SE has promised them a new Android version BEFORE the X10 even came out. Working close with Rogers wireless, it was well know that SE had to promise them and other carriers that 2.1 would be out soon or they were not going to sell the phone. I know it’s annoying that people complain over the same lack of features, but it’s there right to do so, and like the old saying says, “the customer is always right, even if they’re wrong” applies here. SE has not been known lately for their customer service. Even if what people are asking for with the phone is unrealistic, the constant push back of the the new Android version that should have been out months ago, not months from now. What bothers me is that they keep pushing back the update and more and more apps require 2.1 (angry birds) or even 2.2! The new and amazing Gmail app (saw it on my buddies Droid) Requires 2.2, it is really awesome and it makes me sad that I may never be able to run it, and even the hardest core SE fanboys on here have to admit that really does suck. One more thing, I find the line about there being hardware limitations that will make the phone lag, crash and other limitations a line of bull. The droid (Or Milestone, same phone) has substantially lower specs then the X10 and it runs 2.2 amazingly, speeds up the phone tons and overall runs smother, (as told by the same buddy) so, that means one of two things, either SE is extremely stupid that they don’t know how to handle Android or that they are extremely evil and are lying to us about that and don’t want to put out 2.2 to save money on development. I think it’s probably a little of both. I know that I do love my X10 and I am very pleased with it, despite it’s many flaws. However, if it comes to public knowledge that SE will not put out 2.2 on this phone sometime next year, then I will sell this phone, and go to a different Android manufacturing company, or dare I say it an iPhone 4, apple is not that bad as you all make it to be. But if there is no 2.2 for my beautiful phone I will part ways with SE forever.
ha ha
SE, do you need all 12 months in your wish list???????????????
it starts from end of 3rd Quarter, that means Sep, then Oct, now Nov, it may be Dec or Jan….
Guys I bet you they are not gonna release on Dec too. To get it world wide it will take 2-3 months from the first date of release….
So just think the date the update reaches our hand?
“I am sure it is not with in 4 Months”
SE, so when you are planning UXP update (2.1x update), after Sep2011 ?
Seriously SE, Sack ur developers. Take from freshers and give training to them, they will deliver much better than current shit developers…
@marc how can u appreciate it if u never had it haha
@ Sal
You can get Angry Birds on your X10 without Android 2.1. Follow the instructions on to do it.
WELL done SE u have done it again should have known this was comming and i fell in this hole(x10,x1) again for the last time
SE you guys are so fucked…i wish to all who bought the shitperia like me to sell or exchange the phone!
this is getting really frustrating. the only reason i chose the x10 over the LESS EXPENSIVE Desire was my loyalty to SE and the promise of this update. im now starting to wonder why, im pating more for a phone that does a lot less and paying into a business that are delivering false hopes. its a bad business plan and will put me off buying the next SE
I don’t care anymore. I’m done with SE
I still like my X10 ! when I bought it, it had OS 1.6 , no multi touch, no flash … but I bought it because of it’s large screen size, high hardware specs, and great camera … so those who say they wanna give out their phone for free, I am willing to accept your pain in the a** and recieve your x10 xD
Thanks for the link! 🙂
For the love of god. Sony you SUCK!!! Atrocious insult to your customers. I hope the peope of France stamp on Sony’s shitty little viral marketing cars and trucks!!
Get HTC. They are much better than this crap. SONY are killing itself with this pathetic delay.
Jesper Simonsen, Denmark:
The Norwegian version of X10 has ÆØÅ correctly placed on its keyboard. It also sort it alphabetically correct in the contact lists etc. Very strange if the Danish version does not have it, and if it does not, I am 100% sure that you could fix that with apps.
This does give your comments less credibility, and this does not get fixed by an upgrade to 2.1, 2.2 or 3.0. Not even on the upgrade to 7.0 that we can expect sometime in the year 2525.
I’m bored about Xperia X10!!!!!
So, how about AKB48? LOLOLOL
Everybody who changed his x10 for a fuckin iphone,put that overpriced,overhyped gaystick into his shiny asshole. Apple sucks!
Hardware limitations my ass!!! 1Ghz Snapdragon and 384MB RAM is enough for sure for 2.2… as for the lag.. 2.2 meant to be faster up to 400%!
Bullshit SE! Bullshit!
SE all i want is FLASH on this gorgeous phone and HD! Something that all phones should have!!!! Come on and get a grip and just give us the lay down on when the update is TRULY coming instead of annoying your customers even more!
Honestly, i dun think we will see the UXP upgrade at all… SE will cite coding difficulties etc and immediately place X10 under “end of life” status once it has been upgraded to 2.1 and focus all their efforts on the new flagship device X12….
check it out
wt is it abt?
can’t watch it on my phone.
btw confirmed on official fb that the update is gonna be in mid-november.
Actually, I don’t mind waiting a little longer, as long as the result is what Sony Ericsson promised and there will be no further compromise to the updates. As long as the wait makes sense.
And I surely hope they will continue to bring software updates and will continue their development to Android 2.2. I mean how is a 1Ghz processor considered a ‘limitation’? Explain!
I hope you’re reading this Sony Ericsson, because I need a reason not to feel disappointed.
(And to think I almost bought the HTC Legend, but I didn’t…)
I mean in hk
@ “?” that is not true multitouch…google maps is recognizing the two touches on the screen as a double tap…if you look closely…it only zooms in…when it should zoom out (because of the gesture given)…and it “only” zooms in not out…it really is an old trick 🙂
ive given up on sony a long time ago…im relying on the developers only…if any of you are developers…please contribute to the community that is trying to crack the bootloader…
I remember years ago when sony branding was a mark of quality and reliability, expensive, premium pricing but you knew you were getting a quality product. Virtually everything I had was sony, tv, PS1/2, stereo etc etc then I became involved with an independant games shop and found that sony didn’t care about the ‘little people’, just the big boys, the amount of xbox’s I sold after recommending over the PS2 and after seeing all those ps2 customers coming in with their broken consoles which had broken after 12mth and 1 week of ownership and sony didn’t want to know.
Needless to say my tv is now not sony, my console is now not sony and after my contract runs out in 19 friggin’ months my phone will not be sony. The number of things I am disappointed with on this phone increase by the week, rumours of multi-touch when i bought, now not, no flash on camera (fix with 3rd party software! wtf), low call volume, disconnected calls, crappy swipe lock, still on android 1.6, and personally I am not impressed with the camera either. I am now on countdown, 19mths and my ownership of sony products is over unless they come up with something exceptional, but then I will wait, never to be an early adopter of SE products again, SE will have to impress to regain my custom on any of their products.
Sony sort yourselves out, you used to be a premier electronics company, personally I cannot count you as such now. bye bye and enjoy working damn hard to regain my custom.
Q4 was always the designated release period for the 2.1 update. The Q3 announcement was just a cynical marketing tactic. I don’t even expect it anywhere before the end of November so those hoping for October’s end will be disappointed yet again.
Anyway guys, the best thing to do is to accept the x10 for what it is and just use it like that until you can get another phone. 2.1 is already outdated, and when the first gingerbread phones show up with new features added, x10 users will feel even more despondent.
Like I said forget about updates and just accept the phone what it is(a bad mistake) and get on with your lives.
you guys are really screwing your customer base over and losing fans due to your ignorance over the updates, not just that, why hasn’t. the android been updated with a standard module that will allow Java applications???? I have had my x10 for 4 months and I have lost interest in it, solely cause you guys have lost interest in us. . . wake up SE!!!!!!!!!!!!
I honestly dont give a shit about 2.1. The only thing i want are the multi touch and improvement on the web browser. Flash is slow as hell and html5 is always an option.
X10 would have been a great phone if SE give what people want and not useless shit.
You know im a true sony fan or i was…..i watched and watched and couldnt wait for the x10 to hit Ontario.. i have always had a sony phone and totally believed in them. I have to say im truely truelly saddened and disappointed at mostly how they will not or have not mentioned the incoming call volume issue which being able to hear the person on the other end is why u use a phone in the first place.. being a true sony fan not to mention i played everquest for 5 yrs truely breaks my heart.. im truely disapponited in you Sony.. I really expected more of you.. 🙁 It hurts me to say i now wish i had bought a iphone 4 🙁
So, how does Google Maps allow pinch-to-zoom on the X10 if the hardware doesn’t support it? If someone can explain that, I would be pretty thrilled.
The Samsung Captivate is already getting group from AT&T. I chose the X10 over that phone a while back. I feel like a fucking idiot.
I meant froyo not group. Stupid phone.
That’s just a bug related to its double tap zoom. It isn’t really registering two points of contact.
F*** u SE! Have an x10 for sale.
I must say that I was supporting Sony Ericsson but now I have turned. The communications have been quite clear that X10 was an experiment in the Android market and they will abandon the X10 users for their newer devices.
I brought this phone because I wanted the use of open source software with a good brand. I choose Sony Ericsson beacuse I have always like their phone. I must say that since reading this blog by views have changed. I have reccommended this phone to at least 5 other X10 users but if I had the knowledge I have now I would have suggested an alternative Android device.
The bottom line is that this is a Sony Ericsson phone running Android software and although it should have support for at least 1 year there will only be 1 software update (2.1) within that time. The real problem is that Sony Ericsson are pushing Mediascape and Timescape. Although mediascape runs very slow I love it and find it very useful that I can go striaght to youtube to find other song. I find Timescape USELESS, I tried it for about a month and apart from slowing the phone down it doesn’t really add value.
I understand that Sony Ericsson needs to keep fluid by making new devices but I don’t see how a flagship phone can only have the shelf life of 1 (maybe 2) update(s) when its running the Android Operating system, I thought that was the whole point of Android.
If the the X10 stays are Android 2.1 (Eclair) I believe they should include a unique update for Sony and I dont mean Timescape or Mediascape. Sony have a wonderful entertainment machine called the PS3. They should inlcude full interactivity with the X10 and the PS3 like they have with the Anio. I think they have missed a trick here.
I still love my X10 phone but I am dissapointed that its classed as an Android device but really its a Sony Ericsson device running limited functionality of Android Software. I’m sure that there must be somthing in the Trades Description Act to say that it should be an Android as it will be giving Google a bad name. If Android is suppose to have a featureset then I do not see how a company can release a drop of software without that featureset.
I agree with some people (including myself in previous posts) saying “Get over yorself” & “Stop behaving like babies with your moans” but we have been sold a nice looking phone with a very limited upgrade path.
This is similar to buying broadband which states “2Mb – soon to be upgraded”. 8Mb gets release then 20Mb. Your still on 2Mb and can still use it while all the other houses around you are upgraded to 20Mb. You are then told that you will get 8Mb in one months time and then one week before you are told it will be delayed by another 2 months and you will only get a 6Mb service meanwhile you have heard romours that they are working on a 24Mb service for new customers. Most people would be very angry.
Just my 2 pence. Sony Ericsson, I hope you read and respond to this post.
@x10 king
cause i have the x10 mini pro
To: John, Norway.
Hi John, thanks for the post. I know what you mean. I’m not lying though, allthough I understand you might have through so if you got the X10 with installed norwegian keyboard. Perhaps your dealer/provider had installed another keyboard before you got it. When I set the phone to danish language or other, I cant configue ether the Standard keyboard (SE) nor the Android keyboard to have danish layout. I have again for your sake verified my X10 on the keyboard matter. Non danish keyboard on the phone from the box. I have the App scandinavian keyboard. Installed with danish layout. It work with danish keys. I bought the phone from my service provider without contract, so no bindings. It is fully unlocked. I gave 3500 dkr. fore it. It is very true what I write about the keyboards. The Apple keyboards have much much better software to drive the keyboards. They feel much smoother to write with. Try it your self. My youngest son just got the new iPod touch. That is why I know, I have configurated it fore him and helped him with it. (his only 2nd grader). The android keyboard software is not intelligent like Apples is. Im sorry about it, would like better driven keybord on my X10. I didnt think there was difference with touch keyboards, but there is! I dont care if it is a android or SE bug. I just want the best.
Tip. Have you tryed the “WiFiKeyboard” from Market? It works great typing on computer keybord and the text comes in on the X10 via wifi, cool! You need to install a little progrsm from developer site on the computer.
Take care.
To. Dave J.
I agree with your latest post.
Only thing I would like to mention. I dont like people telling other people that they should shut up. Those people think they know better etc… I like the freedom of speech. So I would respect both negative and positive posts. If owners feel badly serviced by se. Then they can freely post their harm. If people love the phone. It is also good by me. All free to post anything anytime. Just like you just did.
Take care.
I am wondering then…if France is to get the updates in late November, who then will get the updates in late October as mentioned by SE?
SE must reveal the release dates, else I will lose faith in what they have to say, ever!
@Sony Ericsson,
It is so sorry to hear that you had only one Android developer who had left suddenly and joined HTC…. I think it is time for you SE to change your strategy in the develop of your android platform. One developer is not reliable.
I think it is a good idea to invite the XDA team to help you to develop the update.
@Sony Ericsson,
By the way, are you kidding???
An Android developer’s salary only US$500 per annum(=US$ 41.67 per month)???
SE you are too stingy. It is no doubt that you will lose the developer . Go the the hell.
im gonna wait until the update, if we dont get a “surprise” like 16m colors or something, like fixing the fucking volume in a call im going to sell this thing, the htc desire hd seems a really nice phone but its a bit expensive, i regret every dollar i spend on the x10 anyway.
No new items, No surprise, No hope, but only schedule will be delayed.
I’m boring.
Bah… Just… Bah… Wonder how long X10 Mini needs to wait? Anyways, as long as there is updates I’m happy ’cause that means they haven’t forgotten about us X10 owners. Still, the most important things to me is to be able to save apps to my memorycard ’cause the phone gets filled in an instant, and also to be able to grab better apps in the Market. That is, if Android will survive that long, they really have to find a way for us to be able to pay for apps so that programmers will be interested in making great apps for Android too and not only that stupid Apple-crap.
I wonder why they don’t employ more developers to make work in time. Hardware limitation is just a bullshit since Froyo running on G1 very well. Considering that G1 is even older and much slower than X10 mini. Froyo is even much more faster than 2.1, that’s well known fact. I think they just want us to buy new phone which makes me feel cheated. Why support “old” models. But this is very bad marketing strategy. We can see iPhones. They support iOS 4.1 even for quite old 3G models and still have good sells .. just because people know what’s good and that Apple is really care about their customers. To be honest, I like concept of X10 mini however I would rather see something between X10mini and X8 (X10 with slightly larger screen). But still. But what I don’t like is some equipment like original headphones with player control .. good idea but their sound just sucks. Common SE, let’s go do good phone because satisfied customers return.
I think SE’s strategy is going to design more new handsets with latest android OS, and stop upgrading the old products to the latest Android version any more.
(i.e, X10 now is only 1.6, and “2.2 currently is undecided yet”, and “SE is working on launching new products with major innovations in the coming months” )
—– If SE is going to apply this strategy, no one will buy their new generational products any more as their new products’ destiny will be like X10 one day.
—– It is time for SE to study other brands how to make their customers satisfied not frustrated, just upgrade the old products up to date ASAP, or SE will lose more.
SE, do you think people will buy your products with the latest software now and becoming an antique sometime later ( according to your brilliant strategy ) ?????
It had been blind and stupid for me to buy the X10, I regret it million times since knowing your brilliant strategy ….
I fell like I had been deceived. Stupid SE, you are full of stupid strategy and liars…
Bearsom: the avarage life expectancy of a mobile phone is… less than 2 years.
john: I agree with Bearsom, and dont think its abt only 2 years for a smartphone.
X10 hardware capability is more than any other phone currently avail in market.
SE really sucks in update release. They can be No.1 but being last by having the latency of update release.
ok, i’m shocked by a few things.
One of the things is: 65K and not 16m?
@Zuri: i broke my x10 x-( would like to buy urs if u still haven’t sold it..!! 😛 😀
SE sucks what planet are you living on. The x10s hardware capabilities when compared to other phones in same price bracket are the worst. It has a poorer screen and less RAM. Please don’t start talking about camera. That is neither here nor there with respect to smartphones because the 5mp cameras on other phones do very nicely for what cameras on mobile phones are meant for.
Well, as far as I can see, I just like the X10 as it is. However, I would like to have that update but it really doesn’t matter to me so much when it will be finally released. Especially, when I look at the GUI of the other “current” phones. They might have the shiny newest versions but usually (in fact, ALL that I looked at) have a just crappy GUI. No wonder, they can be on the update train as first passengers.
I just don’t mind to much as to the date of the release but more I think about the quality. Because the quality will be the one thing you are stuck with once the update is out. And once it’s out, I do not expect too many people to still complain about the date but more about a possible lack of quality when the development still needs to fix truckloads of bugs.
So, I guess, we should just wait a little more and then get a fine GUI with only the minimum number of maybe some minor bugs.
Sorry, but this is just too much. Even when the update finally comes, it is too little too late. There is no fun in having a smartphone that is running an OS from last year and is not getting due updates. If SE hadn’t locked down the bootloader so hard then at least I could have relied on XDA-developers for updates, but as it is I’m getting absolutely NOTHING.
So I bought an HTC Desire instead. Slightly worse hardware and not as beautiful, but the custom ROM community and better in-call audio quality/volume more than makes up for it.
Bye, bye, SE. You have disappointed me and I’m not likely to buy another of your phones again.
This is now getting beyond a joke, Got my X10 through T-Mobile when they first came out and was assured by the staff in the shop that 2.1 would be released shortly and that when it cam it would have multi touch. 6 months later Still waiting and no multi touch in sight at all.
Seriously considering getting trading standards involved now – SE have sold phones on false promises and lies.
Just been checking the Consumer Direct wesite which says this:
Your rights
If you have bought a mobile phone, it must be of satisfactory quality, fit for its purpose and as described.
When a mobile phone doesn’t meet some or all of these conditions, follow the advice below:
If you have only had the phone a few weeks or haven’t had a reasonable opportunity to check it, you are probably entitled to a refund for a fault or poor description, or alternatively you may request a replacement.
If the fault is only minor and can easily be put right, it is reasonable to accept a repair. This won’t stop you claiming a replacement or refund if the repair turns out to be unsatisfactory.
If you have had the phone longer than a few weeks or have had a reasonable opportunity to check it, you are probably still entitled to a repair or replacement. A repair should be carried out within a reasonable period of time and without causing you significant inconvenience. Any repair should restore it to a satisfactory condition. If this does not happen, you are entitled to a replacement or compensation. This could be a sum of money or the cost of having somebody else repair the phone.
If the phone cannot be replaced or repaired economically, you are entitled to a refund. The trader may make a reduction from the price you paid to allow for the use you have had from the phone.
If you are out of pocket in any other way, you may be entitled to compensation over and above the price of the phone.
The trader must sort out your problem, not the manufacturer
Remember, if you are entitled to a refund, replacement, repair or compensation, it is the trader who must sort out your problem. The trader cannot tell you to go back to the manufacturer or to claim through a guarantee or warranty.
The first line says must be of suitable quality and as described – I would say we all have a good case to say that this is not true, think a trip down to the T-Mobile store might be in order.
I dnt believe anymore, bye SE u never satify ur clients
And you thought we had it bad….
I don’t know why I changed my phone from HTC Legend to this lame Xperia X10 (where the HTC legend UI was FAR better than the crap called Timescape or the stock X10 one).
I guess I’ll wait for a 2 GHz HTC phones because that compnay actually knows how to produce high quality products on par with apple (if not better).
Let me also say that HTC and Apple actually POLISH their products much further and more than SE.
Shame on you SE this is the last phone I’d ever buy from you (Had several SE phones in the past and used to be a big fan of SE, but not anymore after the X10).
what!! another delay!
are they planning on releasing this ever. I have always had SE, but this is ridiculous!!! when will the update hit INDIA?
@SE.. u really need to buck up! firstly taking out an outdated OS..2.1 instead of 2.2 and then taking a hell lot of time on it? u guys really want to get rid of this phone?
i just bought the X10 2 weeks ago without knowing anything…no front camera,no multitouch screen,1.6 android…then i bought the iphone4..after using both phone i decided to give my bro the iphone4…camera of the iphone4 sucks..i have to out on the bumper for iphone in order to receive excellent signal;which destroy the sleek n classy look..wanted to get some nice songs from my friends is impossible as u need your own itune to do the job…even when i buy an earphone it has to be specially made for iphone..which mean i cant use it on other device even though it has 3.5mm if anyone of u thinking of getting iphone4 over the X10,you’ll definitely regret…yes is true SE keep delyaing their updates but look at what they did with the android..timescape…its somwthing others dun hav..i bet the coming updates will have even more…be patient=)
Wasted money on SE.
Should have bought iPhone 4.
patience is a gift i have, but it relies on trust. when i cant trust a partner i don’t go any further with this partner. that’s why my x10 is now for sale. for half i payed for it new, then half a year ago. and it gonna cost me the same again for a new phone. just one thing for sure its never gonna be a Sony product again. how good it looks, looks can deceive a deer price for a learning fee but it will come back on me with credit
I’m from brazil and posted several topics in SE blog.
Most of then, have some critic to SE (they aren’t agressive too) and others I’m just asking for explanation about the late updates, etc…
They have never been published.
If you translate the comments section in SE brazil blog
all you will see are comments like this:
-Wow SE you are the best, tks for the upgrade
-Cool SE you don’t treat us like garbage
They DO censor all bad comments and critics!!! SHAME on you SE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Why se
Sold my phone as well. When you’re big on performance and want the latest and greatest. Frankly Sony Ericsson, won’t be there to support you with there bad promises and unwillingness to keep the customer happy. Who cares how the phone looks. If it doesn’t have the software, performance to back it up. They f$^ked up with everything on this phone. Won’t even bother going into details because everyone already mentioned it.
All I know is? Last phone EVER from SE. I made the mistake of buying into their “name”. Will never recommend this phone to anyone also.
That’s gonna be a nice gift for you from Sony for Christmassss!
Fuck you Sony…No respect for your customers.
No more sony phones,cameras,tv and other sony’s crap for me.
Samsung,here i come.
They should at least add 16 mill. colors if the hardware can support it. I will wait for those great phones coming up next year but im stuck with this for now. Hope Eclair worth the wait.
the 30% increased battery life, does this applies to x10 mini too?
I only want 16m color
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Well folks, here it is. SE has cut short on its commitments to clients and to the future development of its own technology (Xperia Extend).
Here is the update on the potential SE lawsuit I wanted to bring to life in Canada.
We currently have ground to sue SE based on the two following and yet simple points.
Xperia X10 was sold with the promise of regular firmware updates and the assurance that Xperia would evolve alongside Android OS (which is why we bought those bloody devices). This is considered as a contract with the clients and the providers/distributors of the said phones.
Since this will not happen and is therefore contrary to what we were assured by the company, SE is in ”breach” of contract with clients and distributors.
But the real point that could enable us to win in Canada is the following. Buying SE Xperia X10 will cause substantial losses to all of their owners (who will have to break their current contracts with carriers and assume the related fees, buy a new phone and finally get a new contract with same/different carriers). For some of us, the total amount in question can reach 1015$ (in my case:I have a 2 years contract with Rogers, so I have to pay remaining balance on my phone 315.00$CA, cancellation fees 400.00$CA, buying a new phone 200.00$CA and lastly new contract and related fees 100.00+, for a big total of over 1000.00$CA). It is easy to prove that those losses are intricately tied to buying Xperia X10, and they would not have occurred had we bought another device. Since our phones are a business tool and we will not be able to use it as needed and as promised, despite what SE advertised and assured, we have ground for a serious lawsuit.
But to win this in court, we need to make it a collective case against SE, therefore proving without a doubt that we all suffer the same consequences due to misinformation and false promises made by SE.
It is considered illegal in Canada to make false advertisement, and based on those two facts alone, we have serious grounds, but we need to stand together to win this and force SE to assume its responsabilities towards its clients.
If you want to join the cause, please contact me at
xperia 10 u aldığıma açıkçası çok üzüldüm keşke galaxy s i bekleseydim. 1 yıl önceki işletim sistemini yükseltme olarak sunuyoesunuz ama android 3 çıkacak yakında bu kullandığım son sonyericsson telefonunum olacak güle güle sonyericsson
I love my x10, yeah it has bugs with the keyboard not registering when I press l sometimes. Some aspects are not ideal, like the flash. But I really do adore it, everything works fine I use my apps and they’re quick, my battery lasts all day nicely. I think some people are over reacting about the update but then again I don’t have any issues with mine
Here is a good advice for all of you: do not buy SE product if you do not want to throw out your money like trash.
Seriously. If you wana buy something from them, first you should read the sonys own blog abaut the last flagship of them.
See it with your own eyes.
Which makes me wonder – if the update is just 2 weeks away, why releasing X8 to the market now, and not waiting 2 weeks before the update is ready. No guys, there will be no update in October. Hold your horses.
Redundent SE. quit with your false hopes to your EX customers.
I will make it my business to get as little as possible people to buy the Xperia Vibrant X12
due to your constant lies to Xperia owners.
my work starts with Facebook at the end of the week to decrese your business for what you have done to ppl making them spend the money they did on any Xperia phone.
No Live Wallpapers,still only going 2.1, no 65million colours.
Listen everyone,they built the Xperia family and iv heard it cannot be properly updated due to software and hardward problems that cannot be ever fixed.
Just sold my X10 and will never give Sony Errorson business again.
Uneducated morons.
sony ericssons twitter still confirms that the update is still coming in october. this is the UK version baring in mind
I have owned the P900, P910, the X1 and now the X10. SE you have completely lost the plot. I have tried to give you guys a chance but this is not the first time. SE is all about baiting you into buying their device by making you think you will have the latest features. But their devices never do. Even if the X10 was running 2.1 it would change little. SE’s flagship device does not even make the top 20 list.
I feel so ripped off by this phone that I will never buy another Sony, Ericsson, or Sony Ericsson anything!
The X10 is total crap. You would think that since SE lack the ability to get the X10 current that they would open bootloader and let the public fix this BS phone on our own. But they simply want to push you into their next device. SE suck!
I hope the rumors are true about Gingerbread blocking UXP’s. Manufacturer added UI skins are ruining Android. If Android doesn’t make it, it will be the fault of the very companies that have agreed to partner with them. e.g SE!
[…] of Eclair. Having said that I have to stress that if there is 30% improvement in battery life as SE claims, it would be […]
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