Sony Ericsson Japan has released a fancy new home launcher called AmbientTime Home. AmbientTime Home offers live wallpaper on your Xperia X10, 5 homescreens and a very fancy new lock screen. This follows an Android clock app called AmbientTime Lite that SE Japan launched this time last year.
It’s really quite beautiful to play with but whilst it’s a nice diversion, there are a few sticking points that mean it’s difficult to recommend over more mature launchers such as ADW (at least in this v1.0.0 release).
Problems include lag on the new lockscreen as well as the fact that the default lockscreen appears when receiving a call. There is a distinct lack of customisation and wallpapers cannot be changed. We’ve also noticed some widgets also have bits cut off when using AmbientTime Home. However, it’s at least worth a download just to pass some time whilst waiting for the Android 2.1 update.
Download the AmbientTime Home apk here.
Via CoolAPK.
Thanks Pappy and Patrick!
111 responses to “AmbientTime Home Launcher brings Live wallpaper to your Xperia X10”
Actually, I’m been using it in my mini pro for a day and there’s no lag at all. I don’t really understand why gadget simplified and you said that there is. It is smooth. In fact, the transition from the lockscreen to the homescreen is the fastest I ever seen in my phone.(Compared to dxtop’s, lockbot’s, stock’s etc) Though you can’t do preview like ADW and others, you can click on the screen marker in the bottom to quickly go the the screen you want. And the lockscreen’s live paper is fun to play with. Can’t say the same about the homescreen’s as it is only animated wallpaper AKA not reacting to any touch.
Albeit, once, I got a problem of the lockscreen and homescreen fusing together, causing the phone to brick for a while before it finally reset to normal.
And no widget that I saw has been cut off and yes the default lockscreen show up when there’s a call but I can live with it as I don’t do much call anyway.
OMG first time contacting you guys with a tip off and i get a thanks. WOOT WOOT
Thanks Guys
Keep up the good work
hi can anyone can teach me how to download it to my phone?
Download the apk, copy it to your phone
Use installer file manager (I use Es file explorer)
Install it and treat it like any other home launcher.
thanks guy i am loving this home more than the creeepy default
@lalaine – First of all make sure Settings –> Applications –> Unknown Sources is ticked. Then make sure you have a file manager installed from the Android Market (e.g. Astro).
Connect your phone to your laptop via USB. Then go to the notification bar and mount the USB. You should then be able to drag and drop the file from your laptop to X10. It doesn’t matter where you dump it, although remember the folder (I normally use the download folder).
Disconnect the phone and open Astro (or your chosen file manager), navigate to the directory where you installed the file and tap it to install the apk.
Once you’ve installed the launcher, I would recommend installing Home Switcher that allows you to switch between launchers easily.
Alternatively, I just use Dropbox to download the file to my handset, it saves on the hassle of connecting the phone to your PC.
Cool! Thanks a lot!
The Live Wallpaper looks nice and it suits the phone!
The deep black makes the phone’s screen look a lot more gorgeous!
Loving it! Thanks you guys!
Btw, it doesn’t lag on my Xperia X10 though I find that the unlock screen seems to be a tad bit troublesome.
But luckily we have the option to use the default lock screen. Great! 😉
Just to clarify – we haven’t noticed any lag on the homescreen just in the new lockscreen. The new lockscreen can always be disabled in the settings.
What do you mean by troublesome?
I think the lockscreen is the best part of the launcher and I use it smoothly
Sony Ericsson!
if you has time to implement this home app,
please release Android 2.1 update ASAP in global!
please consider how to use multi-touch function on Xperia X10!
please make an effort to make your fan happy!
how to install it? i copied it to my phone.. but cant install.. how?
It says it has 5 home screens, how do you change them? Thanks
cant download!
@Dev Haha! You are right. I tried the lock-screen and it is good.
The thing is, I prefer to use my thumb to navigate through the screen and typing and thus found the default lock-screen to suit perfectly for my thumb.
The area your thumb has to reach to unlock the screen on the launcher seems to be a bit too high. But after hearing your comment, I gave it another go.
It works well though you would still have to move your thumb straight up instead of the default’s lock-screen of swiping from bottom left to top right which seems to be a bit more realistic for a movement of your thumb.
And as X10 said, yes, there seems to be a bit of a lag upon unlocking when using the launcher lock-screen.
But overall, this launcher makes this phone feel like new! Thanks again! 😉
wallpaper ain’t mean nothing without multitouch and 16m colour…
SE sucker… think it… malaysia
Nice App! that is just great.
I like it. I had no lag with it whatsoever, but like Pappy and Patrick states, it lacks customization and some widgets are cut off. I’ll pass for now but maybe it will improve in future updates 🙂
The home launcher is pretty cool at least with an X10 running Android 1.6 you can get a similar look and feel of a live wallpaper and not to mention 5 homescreens pretty impressive.
The lock screen is also nice.
Come on SE release the Android 2.1 update your drag X10 users too long
Useless…. uses about 70% of the cpu at all times…this means big battery drain….
Sorry what do you mean by “I just use DROPBOX”
I don’t know what dropbox is?
This is wiked!!! thanks. yeah the black background makes the screen look very slick.
I’m lovin this.
thanks guys
@Tomy – Dropbox is cloud storage. Go to the website and install it on your PC.
Then go to the Android market and download the ‘Dropbox for Android’ app. Sign in with your account and your Dropbox folder will be synced between both clients.
Cheers! Never knew about it! looks like it could come in handy! thnx for the link and the post!
awesome awesome awesome
Noooooo! its says file temporarily unavailable when I click the link, I really want this! help? haha. 🙂
Wow, this home screen is billion times better than original X10 mini pro. Thank You very very much for share!! Finaly I have more widgets on screen and usable application browser, this is so gooooooodddd!!! *happy*
looks so nice,
@paul, it is also available on android market! search it by its name and you will find it
it has some issues with widgets indeed! specially weather widgets! it always cut off from the bottom of widget!
i tried “WxWidget” and “Beautiful Home Weather” anyone found a working one?
and oh yeah! never forget the daily doze…”FUCK YOU SE!!!!!!!”
@26 NEVERMIND, After much refreshing, I got it. I’m actually so pleased. Live wallpapers are the cows chickens! 😀
Really big thanks, it’s an so nice app. And the best is … that is works on my X10 mini :).
So against thanks to have share it with us and thanks for your beautifull and intersting blog.
Quick look on this new home!!
found this video on youtube 😀 enjoy
Doesn’t take long for the “update” retards to make an appearance. First they want live wallpaper, now they don’t ?? Next they’ll be whinging about 720P
I like the app but it needs more setting options e.g hide task bar, change wallpaper. Trays are completely useless so I like that idea.
P.S Good to see the Japanese getting on with the job instead of complaining like a bunch of 12 year olds.
Death to SE except SE Japan 😛
Pretty cool only thing I dislike is the cheesy unlock blob thing and it gets “kinda” laggy when you open the notifications bar. BUT its pretty cool.
Guys! Here’s a trick.
If you have the launcher’s lock screen on, you can actually change the colours that are spinning around just by simply tapping anywhere on the lock screen.
And if you tap and hold, you can move the colours around by moving your finger around.
It’s really cool and interactive! 😀
Great app! I love the extra screens!
Should have more wallpapers tough.
Strange no-one has made a wiget that does this:
Display a picture of a selected contacts (i.e. my gf) on 2×2 squares.
Allow me to send text to this contact by pressing one point on the widget.
Allow me to call this contact by pressing another point on the widget.
Think 50% of having the phone is about coordinating things with her and a few other contacts. Would be extremely handy to be able to do this quick and easy… and ofcourse I love seeing a picture of my GF on my handset.
I’ve been using it all day on my x10. There has actually been a little lag. Not that bad to notice. The one thing i have noticed is that my other alt home i have been using before this has been showing up once unlocked. And the stock unlock screen as well. It is very pleasing to the eye though. I do injoy it
How do i change and preview live wallpapers?
I have a question, I’m trying to install this app but it keeps telling me that “INSTALL BLOCKED” your phone is set to block installation of apps not sourcedin Android Market” is it because my phone perhaps is locked?? I bought it from AT&T, do I need to root my phone???
Please help
For AT&T Xperia X10’s, AT&T has the Settings > Applications > Unknown Sources disabled so that you cannot normally install applications that aren’t on the Android Market. Even worse, they actually filter apps on the Market so that you don’t get access to everything there either.
But the way around that is to sideload application APK installation files. This works great and doesn’t require rooting (so no warranties are voided for those who might be afraid of this).
Here’s what you do (at least through Windows):
1. Make sure you have Microsoft .NET 4 installed. If you don’t, you can get it through Windows Update.
2. Download and install the Android SDK from Google (
3. Once the SDK is installed and you have it set up, make sure you check the ‘Available Packages’ link in the Android SDK and AVD Manager to download and install any updates that might be available.
4. Plug you X10 to your computer.
5. Download the latest Sony Ericsson PC Companion ( Installing this software will also install the needed Windows drivers for the phone.
6. Download the Android Central Sideload Wonder Machine (
7. On the X10, go to Settings > Applications > Development and enable ‘USB debugging.’
8. Uninstall Sony Ericsson PC Companion. Don’t worry, the drivers for the phone will remain installed in Windows.
9. Download APK installation files that are normally locked out by AT&T (such as Ambient Time, Angry Birds beta, etc.) and save those files in some location of your choosing.
10. Launch Sideload Wonder Machine (AndroidCentral-SWM.exe).
11. Click the ‘Choose a file’ button and find a APK installation file for an application you want to put onto the phone.
12. Click the ‘Go’ button to start the installation. Follow the on-screen instructions.
If all goes well, the application will install without issues. You can then disable ‘USB debugging,’ remove the phone from your computer, and enjoy the newly-installed application.
If you need to uninstall an application installed through Sideload Wonder Machine for any reason, you can do so through your phone (Settings > Applications > Manage applications).
Have fun and enjoy!
How to install after i copied the folder into my phone?
I tried all the steps u mentioned.. but I cant find anything to tap with to install it.
Hahahahahahahahaha! So funny! I’ll burn my manuel with ya!
Love it. no lag at all.. Thx SE Jap.. SE HQ-u shuld learn a lesson from these chaps.
This is trash. As soon as you add widgets to the screen it lags and doesn’t respond.
Xperia X10
Warning to all who uses this Launcher, it constantly eats 80% cpu time so that means if u leave this baby running, u lose battery much much faster…. And many widgets dont work well with this launcher… they have to rework their code….
what a bunch of simple minded fools you are. SE are screwing with you releasing a garbage application to “keep the natives happy” while waiting for the 2.1 upgrade that will nevr happen.
can u change the live wallpaper or is it just one?
it lags, and sometimes freeze…. garbage. but i was enjoying it, this is nice, but contains bugs 🙁
To stupid to use?
It works like a charme. with different widgets (e.g. Weather Pro, Battery Left, APNdroid, Pure Calendar).
Problems start to occur when u load widgets into them…. but overall, the stability is fine without widgets… i think after a few tries, this actually does work…. but the default SE lock screen does come into play whenever a new sms comes in or when u have a call… so its quite irritating… but generally quite manageable…
You’d have to be a dimwitted nincompoop to actually use this. Sure, play around with it and have fun, but do not be using a buggy, laggy, unstable garbage that eats are your battery life in a matter of hours.
Mark my words, I’d be surprised if SE releases the 2.1 update by Q1 2011 and it will be the last update for this phone.
Wholeheartedly FUCK YOU SE, I thought I paid for a high end phone jam-packed with “promised” features.
Oh, I see.. So you’re after a stable phone. The delay by SE now makes sense, as they don’t have to deal with morons by releasing an unstable update.
Fuck off you trolling halfwits. You belong with the rest of the imbeciles in the HTC community.
I WISH I WAS PART OF THE HTC COMMUNITY. Hell, I’ll trade my Craperia for an HTC any day and I’ll put $100 on top of it too.
Everyone else is getting 2.2, and their phones are fast, stable, and you’re able to hear the person on the other end. That’s what phones are for if I’m not mistaken.
According to you, we’re getting the update so late because SE wants to make sure its stable. Nice explanation. Is it just me… ummm… correct me if I’m wrong…. but didn’t they have …. THE ENTIRE YEAR TO DO THAT?
Look around you you numbskull you.
let’s be honest se are shit and have failed big time. but this app is cool and does give you extra screens so it has solved my beef by 10% but no excuse for such delays in updates, I don’t know of any decent phones that don’t do multi touch, even the sharp Japanese phones have multi touch. is apple suing them, no so it all sounds like bull shit to me.
Here is the link to same fiel on Mediafire:
Enjoy guys
Great App! WTF isn’t this the default home screen? I have experienced no lag or widget problems on my X10. Good stuff, would be good to see some more wallpapers too.
Be carefull friends, this app ask for the permission to make phone calls!
Anybody found the direct link from SE-Jap? Are you sure about the real author?
Now enjoy your live wallpaper.
Sorry to ask but am I the only one that doesn’t get a different lock screen? Mine stays on default? I installed this and the only thing it did was change my home screen but no lock screen? Somebody please explain me what I am doing wrong 🙁
Thanks for the UL btw !
it was worth a look its less functional and more pointless than adw. Myself I can handle waiting for 2.1.
The direct link from Sony Ericsson Japan?
If you want it from them, you can just get it from the Market.
I doubt they would legitimately distribute it through any other channel.
I just checked the market right now and downloaded it.
AmbientTime Home
“AmbientTime Home is a cool and useful Keylock/Home application.
– Easy-to-see time expression
– Smoothly animating objects
– Cool objects shown in background
– Useful application list
*Support: Xperia(TM) SO-01B
Here is more information.
Version 1.0.0 1.26MB”
When I open that link in my phone’s browser, it gives a page full of screen shots and information for the application and has a market link pointing to market://details?
From some of the comments above, people seem to forget that Sony Ericsson Japan is a different from Sony Ericsson.
Its okay…it freezes a lot..ive had some times where i can’t even use the phone
Finally the one good piece of news in a streak of horror. Now the wait wont be as dreadful.
Installed & used for 1 day.
1. Few times force close.
2. Few times screen freezed.
3. Sometime it seems to reload the homescreen.
4. Sometime Default Lock Screen appear before Ambient Time Lock Screen (ie. 2 lock screen).
5. Sometime a bit lag.
Exactly, all we are looking for is a STABLE phone, something the X10 is not. Perhaps you have a great and stable phone but for many of us, it’s NOT stable. It has happen a few times where I meet someone, even a stranger with an X10, and the one thing we have in common is how much we “whine and complain” about how unstable and unreliable the phone is, how we regret not getting an iPhone 4. We don’t really care about MT, 16M colors or even 2.1 for that matter, we just want a phone, a nice stable phone. Also we have all determined that it’s our last SE phone. And before you call me and all of us “whining and complaining, trolling halfwits” again, please get off the high perch SE has given you and be proud that the internet is one of the great places for freeness of speech. Please notice that many of us are just frustrated at a phone that just isn’t much of a phone for us. I know this is off topic, but I can’t stand SE fanboys who can’t seem to realize that their favorite phone can and does have flaws. I know of some SE fanboys that do realize the issues! I should know, I used to be a SE fanboy!
I attempted with the method above for at&t’s X10 but its not working for me. Can’t even install the .apk file
well said Rod H,
we have the right to be frustrated!! SE think they can calm us down by a buggy eye candy!!
just saw my friend’s 2.2 HTC desire, OMFG!! WE ARE MISSING A LOT!! ><
Then buy a desire. It’s that simple in case you didn’t know
What took them so long? This should’ve been part of the launch. It’s much better than the stock home screen or the timescape homescreen. the lock screen is also better than the stock lock screen. If SE were working on things like these and possibly companion widgets, rather than wasting time on Timescape, they’d probably have 2.2 out by now.
>Also we have all determined that it’s our last SE phone.
we ALL huh? Look, I myself do understand some flaws of the phone, but the positives gives me the satisfaction. IDGAF if you call me a fan boy, I still love the phone.
its always like this:
A) i hate my x10
B) then buy another phone!
A) but i’m stuck with 2 years contract
B) then why you bought it?
A) because i thought i bought the top notch phone with a promise to be upgraded
B) i’m happy with my phone!, no body cares about 2.2, 16M or MT (etc) except you!!!
(and its keeps going on and on…)
i suggest to build a FAQ tap here, i’m tired for the same replay again and again…
for “B” side people, either you are working for SE (planted here) or you are very simple minded persons! living in caves and accept everything and be happy about it!!
seriously, i can’t understand why you defend it that blindly!!??
@loco, thank you, wow i never thought about that before!!!!!!!! 🙂
I can only say that SE does do very heavy customisation with their android builds…. HTC does very light customisations, so its easy to push stock builds after stock builds….. come on, HTC sense is jus a reskin of the basic launcher + beautiful widgets…. nothing else extra is inputted by HTC….
@WTF: but at least they are already on 2.2. heavy customization by SE is just making the device stuck with 1.6. And have you seen the last htc sense?they even have offline maps and some sort of task switcher from the notification bar. I love my x10 but saying sense is just light modification is sort of surreal. and btw, after i install this ambient time home, my phone just died. had to send to SE service center.
today DOCOMO japan announced Galaxy S for sale! with 2.2, flash support, 3.0 bluetooth and my beloved MT!
to hell with my shit-eria x10, and its 2 year contract!!!
i’m gonna buy this tomorrow (too bad all shops are closed now)
minna sayonara~
Battery hungry app
It just decreases battery life even more
But looks good
I don’t understand, we must beat down sony ericsson just because YOU are simply not satisfied with it? Give me a break man…
You gotta start accepting that some people are really happy about the phone… not just supporting SE blindly… Stop thinking that your opinion is everyone’s opinion.
Also, You don’t need to express yourself that you are getting a new phone, because i (personally) just don’t give a fuck. I mean yes you can express it, but just letting you know its really childish. Just shut up and get a new phone.
buncha scabeating moneygrubbin baboons!
screw this! I dont want a cookie I want 2.2 fully functioning now!
cool i liked it !
I know this message is placed wrong, but I really think Music is one of the main experiences with my phone, and I would very much like to know if it is possible to change Play Now to Spotify (as is apparently done by the 3 network in the UK and a swedish network).
Is there a module I can download or something?
This is actually more important for me than the upgrade to 2.1. etc, because I love music!
It amazes me how a post about something goes off into a tangent about the 2.1 delay, again. Can we not just discuss the post in hand, and leave the SE bashing and 2.1 delay bashing to the posts that are actually about that. I think part of the problem is that, they are some avid SE haters now, which in turn, are making more people SE. I have an X10. I love it. Sure I want 2.1 and multi touch would be nice. 16m colors I don’t care.
I’m starting to hate my phone though and I’ve realised, it’s because of all these hate posts, I’m sure it’s creating more hate for the phone than is needed. Heck I’m half tempted to swap it for a HTC Wildfire, yes, a Wildfire, something not as feature packed! Because I’ve played with one today and it’s sodding awesome :D.
I’m glad there are some comments about the actual app here though. I was going to give it a go but, I think I’ll be giving it a miss now. Good post though, glad of the info :).
And psssh, the HTC community are imbeciles? SE fanboy/girl much? I’m all Sony (check my avatar and my link) and even I don’t think like that. Those who do are the true nitwits ;).
Ey one question aaaammmmm this homescreen its a SE original release or it another company customisation????? because i dont feel like im gonna put that app on my if its not an original one jeje or just wait 2.1?????
Have anyone with AT&T X10 managed to install this?
Yes. I have an AT&T-branded X10 and was able to install AmbientTime using the Sideload Wonder Machine method. I put steps in comment #39.
I hope it works for you.
I just sold my Xperia X10. This was my first SE phone and I had high hopes.
I can’t be called fanboy, but I think the phone was great hardware wise. I had rooted it, played HD games on it, watched movies, used my camera. However, you can have a great hardware and be held back by software. I think SE should before even launching or any of the manufactures, take into account the available resources on the market, and implement them.
SE should have put 2.1 at the least during the late release or update it after a month. HTC is know for fast updates. They should observe competition and try to outbeat them.
Well I think it was a good love and hate affair while it lasted, and I wish all of you with xperia x10 get the late and awaited v2.1 on it soon. I’m getting HTC Desire HD, because personally I have friends with Samsung Galaxy, HTC desire and I love that they can do much more with their phones while I’m help back with limitation of the software.
I’ll post update on how HTC Desire HD runs once I get it in few weeks.
Good luck to all the Xperia owners
I tried your method, but it seems like it’s not working for me for some reason..
If someone wants help rooting or any other software questions, email me at
The X10 got a two out five on Attack of The Shows gadget pron. That’s being nice.
i don’t give a fucking damn shit about your opinion too!!, i’m talking to other frustrated SE people and whom might be interested in X10 in the future! they have the right to be aware of this retarded shitera x10, SE is investing A LOT in advertisement instead of actual software development!! which may mislead so many (like my self).
go’n just enjoy and keep swiping your SE ultimate proud time fucking scape fanboy
i wish i knew about this free speaking site before buying this shit10!!
Dude chill man… I’m gonna tell you straight up, I’m not a fan boy, period. I well understand what this phone is and is not capable of. Of course It does have negatives.
I’m just saying is that at probably 80% of the population is here is a SE fanboy, what’s the whole point of mentioning that this phone sux?
Also why the hell are you still here? you clearly said SAYONARA. That means goodbye.
I never was commenting directly to you anyways.
Whether the phone sux or not, they decide by themselves anyways. I think that’s the best way. Yes you do sometimes have to listen to some people’s opinion, but there is some nicer way to tell them you know.
Just ignore him. He keeps coming here because you mind him. If you’re happy about the phone, or whether you are not, so then be it. Don’t over exaggerate your feelings about the phone. That’s why all this shit is going on. START REALIZING.
If you simply like the phone I suggest you to not come here anymore.
If you simply hate the phone, then just leave, because you don’t belong here.
If you cannot handle these type of conversation, then leave.
These kind of shit goes on every time, and I’m pretty sure these kind of conversation is very uncomfortable for those type of people.
sometimes we have to match the other side level of conversation to give your point, some people are using “rudeness” and some are reasoning politely with you, i had to match your level.
i agree with you that they should decide by themselves, but still they have to read and hear all about it first!
if you are interesting why i came back here! it’s because all the shops near me still didn’t got any galaxy’s shipment yet!
you have to bear with me a bit longer.
you excluded everyone!! 🙂
Found it very laggy. Had to uninstall. I guess its another memory hungry program that tips the balance over.
Hey I have the APK and used astro, es and io file explorer’s each time i click install it just jumps back to the same screen and asks me to install again… Ive had this problem before with apk’s like swype
Any ideas?
anyone trying to figure out how to install this… dont even bother.. i had it for 2 days , battery doesnt last for more than 10 hrs.. and thats with no fone calls or anythin.. its super laggy… and no options of animated background… just another bullshit app that sony ericsson has given us in place of the 2.1 update we should of got a month ago!!!
but thanks to who ever posted it… takin nothing away from u.. i along with everyone wants 2.1 NOW!!
Wait, battery won’t last 8 hours
I’ve been using it for two days and it last for a day as usually with some browsing and reading. I don’t understand how your phone can run out of power that fast.
does anyone know were i can get a white xperiax10 with upgrade 4 att? anyone
how do you know this is from SE jap? Im always sceptical of files on megaupload 🙂
better app download a snes emulator and go online and find a free rom site for old snes games i play mario on my x10 but what about multitouch???, just change the keys for left and right to the volume key and jump key to the shoot key for camer and there you go easy way to play any snes game
Well folks, here it is. SE has cut short on its commitments to clients and to the future development of its own technology (Xperia Extend).
Here is the update on the potential SE lawsuit I wanted to bring to life in Canada.
We currently have ground to sue SE based on the two following and yet simple points.
Xperia X10 was sold with the promise of regular firmware updates and the assurance that Xperia would evolve alongside Android OS (which is why we bought those bloody devices). This is considered as a contract with the clients and the providers/distributors of the said phones.
Since this will not happen and is therefore contrary to what we were assured by the company, SE is in ”breach” of contract with clients and distributors.
But the real point that could enable us to win in Canada is the following. Buying SE Xperia X10 will cause substantial losses to all of their owners (who will have to break their current contracts with carriers and assume the related fees, buy a new phone and finally get a new contract with same/different carriers). For some of us, the total amount in question can reach 1015$ (in my case:I have a 2 years contract with Rogers, so I have to pay remaining balance on my phone 315.00$CA, cancellation fees 400.00$CA, buying a new phone 200.00$CA and lastly new contract and related fees 100.00+, for a big total of over 1000.00$CA). It is easy to prove that those losses are intricately tied to buying Xperia X10, and they would not have occurred had we bought another device. Since our phones are a business tool and we will not be able to use it as needed and as promised, despite what SE advertised and assured, we have ground for a serious lawsuit.
But to win this in court, we need to make it a collective case against SE, therefore proving without a doubt that we all suffer the same consequences due to misinformation and false promises made by SE.
It is considered illegal in Canada to make false advertisement, and based on those two facts alone, we have serious grounds, but we need to stand together to win this and force SE to assume its responsabilities towards its clients.
If you want to join the cause, please contact me at
Does the phone function without future updates? Yes
Is support for the phone provided through firmware upgrades? Yes
Has Sony Ericsson provided these firmware updates? Yes
Did Sony Ericsson at any stage state unconditionally that the phone’s operating system will be upgraded to the latest Android platform? No
Does Xperia extend provide additional functionaility over and above the standard platform released by Android? Yes
Have Sony Ericsson failed to honor their promise of supporting the phone through “Xperia Extend? No
By not updating the phone’s operating system to Android 2.2 did Sony Ericsson breach the terms and conditions of the contract? No
Is there a clause in the contract which states Sony Ericsson or the mobile carrier have the right to withdraw support for the phone at any time they choose? Yes
Was any damage or loss suffered as a consequence of Sony Ericsson failing to update the the phone’s operating system to Android 2.2 ? No
Did you enter the contract with the express understanding that the phone would receive an upgrade to the latest available Android Operating system? No
Does the failure by Sony Ericsson to upgrade the phone’s operating system to Android 2.2 render the contract you signed with the telephone carrier unworkable? No
Is it reasonable to expect that additional features incorporated into Android 2.2, including “Flash 10.1″ ,”wifi tethering” and “Apps2SD”, would be reasonable grounds to terminate the contract with a phone carrier, and by Sony Ericsson failing to offer these additional features, does this breach of contract disadvantage the plaintiff to the extent that he/she is no longer able to carry out the remainder of the contract in a fair and equitable manner? No
Just a few of the questions to look forward to during examination.
I have tested this interface for a week, and I eventually had enough lag that I decided to remove it.
Granted, the interface looks great, it offers the very handy 5 home screens, arranging shortcuts less densely, and in more logical order, such as a screen for media, one for games, one for phone tools, etc.
In theory, this interface makes the phone much more efficient and accessible, thus, the concept of 5 screens instead of 3 was adopted in the actual 2.x android release…
The real life experience tend to be less satisfying than it is on paper, the interface made the phone rather laggy, there are many instances where the phone has to “pause and think” about what you just asked it to do…
Furthermore, the interface suffers from a small bug; the new unlock screen does not completely take over; I often had to unlock the phone twice, once with the SE unlock, and then again in the new interface unlock, before I could use the phone…
Another great feature, that I hope it makes it to the final SE official 2.1 release, is the ability to uninstall apps from the home screen, rather than going through a plain text list of the apps. to uninstall, you simply activate the uninstall screen, that gives you a table of your shortcuts, but with a small X next to them, just touch the unwanted app, and uninstall it.
All in all, the interface looks great, and provides great functionality in lab environment, it provides a very solid ground for the next generation interface to be built on, but real life testing in more critical scenarios, such as taking calls from customer, and trying to look up something during a meeting (while 5 people are waiting on your research results) shows that this interface needs extensive tweaking to flow properly, and as smoothly as the OEM SE interface.
In fact, testing this interface made me find some excuse for SE delay in releasing 2.1, While I waiting eagerly for incorporated Exchange capability, and Bluetooth DUN capabilities (associated natively in Android 2.1) I certainly will not be interested in a SonyEricsson Android 2.1 interface that would suffer from the same lag as this Ambient Time …
Installed and loving it. I had my doubts about the program being a resource/battery hog when I saw the “animated” wallpaper, but it has proven to work much better than expected.
I have a rooted X10 and with Astro installed. Astro doesn’t report the 80% CPU usage others claim…in fact it shows that AmbientTime runs in the background and uses 0% of the CPU and 30M of memory (Apps tab) while the Services and Processes tabs respectively don’t even list AmbientTime at all. Could be Astro, could be me…but I’m not seeing it.
Also, I attribute most of the lag I get from using Beautiful Widgets as the weather animation would hang on the stock launcher as well when swiping between home screens. I am currently using a Pandora widget, a battery monitor, MixZing and Google search. I would say that after 2 days of use my battery life is no better or worse than before the install. Funny thing is that my X10 has always seemed to have a mind of it’s own IRT battery life…some days it would be awesome, some days it would be hanging on by it’s fingernails to get me through the whole day. Dunno…things have seemed much more stable recently, though.
I moved from a Softbank (Japan) Iphone4 because coverage in Okinawa was *horrible*. Softbank wasn’t great in Tokyo but it was definitely tolerable. Docomo has the best coverage in Japan but up until the Xperia, it had the worst phones (no smart phones to speak of). When they offered the Xperia I went with the superior coverage and decent smartphone/android performance, so in a sense I really had no choice but the X10. Android is *just* catching on here (heck even AU is releasing an Android!).
Anyway, I *hated* the Android platform over my Iphone, but had to keep using the phone. The more I played with my X10 and the more research I did I started to like it more and more. Now, I will not go back to my iphone 4 even when Docomo offers service to unlocked phones in Apr 2011.
I can honestly say that, for me, 1.6 is at least par with my iphone 4 experience and AmbientTime went a LONG way in making the phone feel 100% more polished…in fact I suspect as others posted here, that this may be the default 2.1 home launcher for the X10. While I eagerly wait 2.1 (finally able to Skype!), I can say that this has satisfied me until that day comes.
Hi guys,
Well firstly I cant find this app at all on the Android market as mentioned above so I will direct my question here.
I love the live wallpaper and screenlock but I dont want the rest of it(the 5homescreens) so yesterday after I had installed the app quite accidentally I got my wish and had my old 3 homescreens back and the nice ambient time live wallpaper and screenlock……quite perfect!!
BUT…..this morning I wake up and the damn 5 ambient time homescreens are back and I dont like them…….How can I have it set up like yesterday with just ambient time wallpaper and lockscreen but my own hoemscreens(xperia default)??????
I will check back for responses and I show my gratitude in advance.
Is there a setting to reduce the number of home screens? Five is too much to slide around with…
We have compiled a list of detected errors and deficiencies with application.
Omissions and errors:
1. Regular appearance of a standard lockscreen.
2. Occurrence of errors leading to the closure of applications.
3. Minimization of application when “back” was pressed several times.
4. Wrong placement of widgets in a home screen grid.
Wishes list:
1. Selection of home screens number.
2. Homescreen Landscape mode.
3. Customization option and wallpaper change option.
4. Option to add shortcuts over the “dots” at the bottom scroll panel of homescreen.
5. Some usefull widgets in the same style as launcher.
6. Option to select smoothness of scrolling screens.
I set an unlock patter to it but my X10 got laggy and it did not recognize my pattern correctly. I tapped “Forgot pattern” and it asks me to log in using my Google account. I tried logging it but it says incorrect username and password. I made it sure that I put the correct username and pw. Is it because I do not have internet connection? I tried turning off the phone. No luck. When it turns on, it asks for signing in again. If I could just revert it to the screen where it asks for the pattern, I’ll do it carefully this time.
Oh. I relaized. there’s nothing indicated there that it’s a google Account. it just asks for a username and password. I do not remember setting up an account for this app. PLEASE HELP.
OKAY. my bad. It asks for Google Account! I AM REALLY SORRY. BUT I REALLY NEED TO FIX THIS ASAP. T.T
I dont hav andriod market in my xperia x10i…. Guyz help plz
Its pretty nice actualy but I can’t download it why ‘?
You are so nice for strangers wtf am I talking about lads I mean I am nice lol