For those of you unfamiliar with the older-generation Sony Ericsson phones, there was a great piece of software called MyPhoneExplorer that allowed you to control the phone from the desktop including synchronising your phonebook, organizer, call list, messages as well as editing, texting and the ability to even take screenshots. The guys behind MyPhoneExplorer have now released an Android version.
You will need to download the PC client from the website here as well as the app from the Android Market onto the handset. You can use the desktop software to view data from your phone on your desktop computer. This means access to dialled, answered and missed calls, calendar appointments, alarms and messages. You can find the QR code below.

44 responses to “MyPhoneExplorer brings Android support”
Its actually pretty sweet, worth a try
Anyone know if this works on a mac?
Where’s my update sony? Still waiting, don’t care about this crap.
But I still can’t get it working by Bluetooth, neither by WiFi
waste fellows of se !! out the update dont out rubbish things
@Bandit and @Amber
This piece of software isn’t from SE fyi
how come it keep unsuccessful when i tried to install it from the market???
Finally. Been waiting for this since I bought the X10 ๐
Woooo ~ Hope can spam as many messages as possible on my x10 xP !
A great app, have waited for this since i bought my X10 in april ๐
used it all the time with my K850is, and really love it! ๐
Simply the best ๐
Johnny @ Leave them be, idiots will always be idiots, seeing how they’re incompetent at reading, I doubt they’d even know how to use eclair when the update is rolled out
It is not capable very well under windows 7 x64. The program crash right after connect to my X10
@EiN Why do you care so much that people are angry at SE for not keeping up with updates like other companies are?
granted most retards with an android phone are 16 year old girls or old fools who don’t know shit about them don’t care about updates i.e yourself.
but there are people out there as small a number we maybe who want proper updates and not too be fucked around by some stupid failing company!
Everyone knows the X10 saved SE and only just, they would have been out on the street had it not been for nerds like me and others who told their friends about a cool new SE android phone, and this is how they repay us? not answering questions not providing already outdated and commonplace features like MT, 16m colours AND A RECENT OS!! 1.6 was released over a year ago! and 2.1 was promised to us soon after launch! on top of that they locked the bootloader harder than any other company citing ‘legal reasons’
but I digress, don’t comment this site if you’re too stupid to realise that SE are fking us, they might not want too, but due to their complete stupidity that’s what they’re doing!
SE fuk us, fact.
Does it work with windows 7 64-bit?
Don’t compliment yourself. Real Nerds got Nokia N900 and are busy hacking it as we type.
The almost-Real Nerds got Nexus One.
Then I’ve lost the count, but I can tell that X10 is not in the top five.
As for people like you, who bought the phone and can’t stop complaining about it, there is a name for you: moaners. X10 owners who really cared about Android 2.1 have already sold it and bought something plasticky or other.
Have a nice day.
navvi @ The whole point of this bit of news isn’t related to SE themselves yet they assumed that the software was made by SE
before you start spewing nonsense comments about me telling people to ignore idiots such as yourself and chained it with something not related to what I posted.
I never denied that SE screwed spoiled brats such as you, keep in mind, SE never once promised eclair upgrade (only saying that it’s possible) until about a few weeks after the phone was released, by which their first plan was to publish the upgrade in Q4 2010 (even YOU self-proclaiming as a nerd should know that you’ll be getting the update late)
and the website where most of you complained at is at the Product Launch Blog, people such as Rikard or Sumit wouldn’t know anything more than what they were told nor what they currently in possession.
and FYI this website is for people who wants to know information regarding X10 or anything related to it, idiots like you who thinks complaining here (at a website not made by SE themselves) and think that your whining here can make a difference should not comment at all.
Ive been using it all day on Win 7 64 bit, no issues at all – connected as soon as I installed the pc software.
I purchased this phone when it first released, little did I know that it would be different from other android phones, had I known, yes sure I probably would have got some other android or even symbian phone, but I’m stuck with this now. I’d rather complain loud and proud than be satisfied with a inferior product, guess what I call that kind of person: Simpleton.
again this website is for information, but I work in mobile sales, and the amount of people that buy this phone cause “it looks like an iphone, but isn’t, that make me twice as cool as the people that buy an iphone” drives me slowly too insanity everyday. those people, won’t be on this site, they’re happy with their laggy RF14 FW and carrier applications.
I guarantee that most people that frequent this site, have at least unbranded there phone and upgraded FW at least once. the Xperia is SE flagship phone, you don’t think they have the marketing dept and dev teams checking this website, aptly names after their flagship phone? If they don’t (which to a degree wouldn’t surprise me) that would be just tragic.
What us ‘moaners’ are doing is something that should have been ingrained in you when you where young (unless you where born in like PRC): Consumer Advocacy. SE are messing up and screwing with the loyalist of loyal customers, but they don’t care cause they’re catering to the large group of moron mentioned above. We don’t expect the world from you SE I atleast understand if you have genuine reasons for delaying new OS but why the fuck can’t you just communicate with us?!
@EiN, @Untitled
Navvi, I completely agree with you 100%. But take it from me, you can never reason a die hard SE fanboy. Even if it was proven that the X10 gave you Ebola they would still love phone and think nothing was wrong with it. Also that part that EiN said that SE never promised us Eclair, just said it was capable of it is a load of bull. Shinanagins! SE did promise us that SE would upgrade the phone to 2.1, it was the only way Rogers was going to sell it. Check this link out that SE says it WILL upgrade the X10.
Straight from the horses mouth. As for all the “whining” and “moaning” we do, it is called free speech and we all get to enjoy it on the internet. Whether you like it or not, the X10 is a deeply flawed phone, as a smarthphone power user, I see them all the time every day and I’ve listed them here before. My personal favorite is how my phone turns itself off and on again, and this is my second X10 that’s done that. My old Blackberry 8900 ran much smoother than this phone does. As does my buddies Milestone running 2.2, even with its much lower specs, it smokes the X10 in every single way. Other then the screen size obviously and the Camera, but this camera isn’t that great, my friends iPhone 4 takes way better pictures. Go navvi go! Keep speaking up! As a former SE fanboy, we can see the light, I’m mean what’s the point in continuing support for something that shipped broken for many users. I remember someone on this blog say something that SE should have put out the 2.1 update months ago and not months from now, so true, also no SE fanboy can argue with the fact that 2.2 will more than likely never come out for this phone. Sickening. I don’t have to be an insane hacker, and hack some stupid Nokia to know when a phone sucks. Lame reasoning. Also if you SE fanboys need to belittle us, please go right ahead, we all know that you need to build up your self esteem somehow…
Rod H @ read again, as the title of that link you gave reads out “X10 will be upgradable”, the question is to what? It can be those minor updates that they’ve been releasing.
Sumit himself asked the members of the public of what they want to see in 2.1. They were “considering”, eclair upgrade was confirmed, in development and promised AFTER the phone was released. If you can find anything posted in that link you gave indicating that they really “promised” an eclair upgrade before the phone was released, I’ll admit loss and stop replying.
Nothing similar for Linux?
Dammit!! I am as frustrated as everyone else about the delay in the release of the 2.1 upgrade for the X10 but I’m also fed up with having to filter through every forum where 50% of the comments are about SE failing to come up with the goods on a completely unrelated topic. I agree with your right to free speech but whilst these comments may be an exercise in free speech to you, to others they are just irrelevant, unnecessary distractions from the main topic and more akin to spam than intelligent discussion.
Thank u Itsme, i’ll try it, but i would to use a linux native tool. Its a dream?
Sync-ML+2hunderbird could be great
The article is good, and the wars are also good, it’s just like pc suite.
Without the tethering
Is it capable of full synchronization with Outlook (contacts, calendar, tasks!) via usb or internet?
@ EiN – It was actually promised by Sony Ericsson that the X10 will be upgraded to 2.1 in Q3, I have read countless articles on it, I also am friends with a rep for Sony Ericsson and have been working in the mobile phone industry for 5 years now.
Anyways, I am hoping the 2.1 comes out soon, I am a SonyEricsson Fanboy and while i am frustrated at the flaws of the X10, I have been waiting patiently, but I wouldnt trade the phone in as it is actually a very good phone, just for android alone. Googles Navigation is excellent, I also use Layar etc etc.
And the Timescape feature is one I am truely happy with.
As for the software I am going to give it a go and test it out, looks quite good ๐
@Asahi yes it is!
I’ve been using it for the past few years now, for my other SE phones – and it was always better and faster than the original SE PC-Suite Software. I’ve been waiting for this update since I got my X10, and I’m glad it’s there now.
I’ve been waiting for this. I am Still in office, has any one tried syncing contacts ? Does it work.
Thanks for the Linux install link. I use Ubuntu and was looking for something like this. Too bad it runs off Wine, would be great if it were native binaries. Running it off VmWare player seems like a better option here, I’m not a fan of Wine. Too bad it isn’t open source or I could have repackaged it as a .deb ๐
You must thanks @Itsme:D.
I’m searching a bridge between my phone and thunderbird. I have discovered this:, its the best way to sync contacts for me, but i hope that its addon works on linux too. I have tested free version on win and it have some problem, if someone test full version can post his impressions…
Guys, Gingerbread aka android 3.0 is releasing in like 2 weeks if not by early november.
Now ask, my phone is getting the Android 2.1 upgrade in late october. What’s wrong with the picture. Some article I read said, sony ercisson lags behind 2 upgrades late, and if it continues that way, they’ll never be able to catch up to the stock upgrades released every 6 months by google. This goes out to HTC sense,which is applied on top of it.
Google wants to stop with the late reach of their latest OS to consumers, due to manufacturers applying their own stock applications/UIs so they’ll release a new OS with restriction on some parts of it.
I feel srry for you guys , I used to own xperia x10 but I sold it on ebay while it’s still time.I got tired of using 1.6, not that the phone was bad, but I felt I was held back. This was my first sony ercisson phone. Never again!
I’m waiting for the new HTC phone or maybe the 2.0 ghz motorola phone at the end of this year capable of running 3.0 … I doubt you guys ever will see the light of the day on xperia x10 even with 2.2 let alone MT, 16 million color. I have friends with iphone, hero, nexus 1, desire, galaxy and they all rock in their own terms. However, as of today, if you are tech person, you should be using froyo 2.2 at least. you shouldn’t have to pay high enough money as a pc and then get OS from early 09′ while everyone is using latest OS.
I hope you guys get 2.1 upgrade soon, but that’s all you’ll get. X12 will take over from where you guys are left off, and it’ll come with 2.2 and be upgradeable to 3.0 down the line.
I guess we were the guinea pigs for sony as testing the waters of android phone. All here on from now will get better specs/OS phone released by Sony.
Just be informed buyer from now on and learn from your mistakes. Read tech news/ blogs/ financial tech sites (WSJ) and knowledge youself.
Don’t let someone fool you twice.
Nice day to everyone and hope the upgrade comes to you by christmas from Santa and not SOny…they’re EVIL.
p.s. 4 second boot time is so sweet ๐ look it up on Desire HD
What a great software. It’s working just fine with my X10 and Win7 (32bit). Finally I can easily sync my Sunbird with the phone! Thumbs up!
How old are you 16?
Firstly, that’s a load of rubbish regarding the Gingerbread release.
Secondly, we don’t even know what gingerbread is or whether it will ever make it to manstream phones.
Thirdly, you know Jack shit.
Fourthly, grow up you buffoon.
I love it one losers claim that they work in the mobile industry just to back up what they said! Go get a life bitc*es yes you read it right bitc*es. Because only sluts complain 24/7 about a lousy upgrade! Ok we understand your frustration and we know your angry, but brining the damn topic in every single news even if it’s not relevant just makes me sick! And make me realize this world is still full of losers, no wonder why most people just live a simple life. Because most people are simple minded, just like the bi*ches that are complaining 24/7 about the update. But don’t cry about it or feel sad, because there are many dummies that think the same way you do.
You don’t like the phone just sell it and shut up! uselss bit*ches.
@ Post 36
I completely agree with the point you are making, but you need relax bro ๐
My phone can’t access due to some problems in my country, is there any other way to download and install myphonexplorer client?
edit post38: “can’t access android market” ๐
For those getting that are having issues upgrading or installing apps from the market do the following. Go to your settings and click on applications then manage applications. Find MARKET same click in it. Then click on UNINSTALL UPDATE. That will fix the issue for you. The market will tribal the update after a few minutes but I haven’t had and issues yet since the reinstall. Hope that helps!
it rescued me !!! after upgrading to eclair, Sonyerricson’s backup and restore app said it couldn’t read its own file !!! but because I already had my SMSs on my PCs archieve I just made a backup and tadaa !!
Works great for me. No problems installing. Had been missed since I bought SEx10.
How on earth can I connect my mobile to My Phone Explorer? It’s a Sony Ericsson Xperia 8!
I would LOVE some help with a synch problem. I have successfully synched my Samsung Galaxy SII to my Dell laptop running Windows XP Pro with about 1,450 contacts, all of which are categorized, as well as my calendar. My wife has a Samsung Galaxy SIII which I want to synch to her laptop PC running Windows 8 WITH THE SAME CONTACTS AND CALENDAR. My plan is to force my PC data into HER phone and then force the data from her phone into her PC. When I try and synch her SIII to my PC I get error message “My Phone Explorer OBEX error code:DO Internal Server error” It appears to be running on the phone and PC but it does not synch. Can you help?
Also, each phone has different photos and video on them which I would like to synch with the computers. Yesterday when I tried to synch the SIII with my PC I could see the photos synching but now I can not find them on my PC. Can you help with this also?
If I have sent this support request to the wrong place would you please forward it to the right person? Thank you very much.