Sony Ericsson has stuck to their word. The Android 2.1 firmware update is hitting handsets as we speak. As expected, the update is hitting those mobiles running Nordic first with other regions (or kits as SE likes to call them) to get the update shortly after. We have downloaded the Android 2.1 update ourselves and we can confirm that SE is rolling out firmware with build number 2.0.A.0.504.
it’s a bit too early to give any definitive impressions. However, we’re glad to see that Sony Ericsson has introduced a six-step starter guide that takes you through the process of adding your Google Account, sim contacts, time/date details as well as wireless and Timescape setup. The theme used throughout the interface is a darker blue than the Donut firmware, which is nice as it provides greater contrast with the white fonts making it easier to read. If you haven’t got it yet, hang tight, the update is definitely here for real. Click through for a screen cap of Android 2.1 goodness.

884 responses to “Xperia X10 Android 2.1 firmware finally starts to roll out”
Excellent. Wonder if X10 Mini got the update as well
any info on uk yet ?
Australia—- still waiting :D:D
uk version within a week or 2… hold tight
let the other countries test for bugs sit back and read all posts….
Still no update in Bosnia …
Could somebody say that what languages are in the nordic kit?
A lot’s of people planning flash to nordic026 fw.
France…. still waiting 😉
Already updated my X10 mini pro from Norway 🙂
greece waiting too
If u updated. PLEASE LOOK AT THE LANGUAGES supported.please post it
Generic Global… stil waiting 😀
Any information for update on generic global ?
awesome news! Can’t wait to get my hands on one of those.I just hope that the update will get to even places such as South Africa in time.
Still waiting in Canada… 🙁
I hate you TWM )))
uk….. uk…… uk…..
does anyone know when will the update hit customized ce3 (central europe 3) x10s
Norway, Chess (bought from telenor) is avalible to update now! x10 mini pro, updating this second!
@tiborh – There are too many to list. All the major ones are there, are you looking for anything in particular?
well ill be glad when i get it but knowing 02-uk it wont be til december considering they are ridiculous for testing updates ask htc users whove waited 3 months for an update thats appeared and dissapeared 3 times
Netherlands still waiting..
Thanx for quick reply
Hungarian. What i would prefer. Wating for your post
in France, my x10 mini pro is waiting… and ready 😛
hanging in IN THE MIDDLE EAST 😀
Sweden here, can confim that is ROXX!!!
Waiting for vodafone spain update 😉
Adnane, pomoć please. Piše mi na model info Country:Sweden Brand:3.
Trebam li prebacivati na nordic ili je već na njemu ako mi jeR2BA026?
Čekam 2.1 ko malo djete
Hungarian is not on the language list – im sorry.
I´m in sweden but still no update possible here, how do i update it?
Even if i’m not one of you that has demanded this and craved for it..
i like the update, to bad the app’s is not there when you restore that backup with SE’s backup program, so now i have to think out what i had, only the bought ones shows in the market…
hmm, what about my 20+ other 😉
Of course SE would start with the nordic reigon first, Ericsson is from sweden 😉
/ Andreaz from Sweden=)
Thx for reply.
I will use english. And now flash my x10 to nordic 026 than goto 2.1
Slovakia still waiting . please langue support for chose on nordic FW 2.1 thx
Jasko, nista ne prebacivat, ovakve vrste update-a obicno zavise od regije u kojoj se trenutno nalazis, ili do operatora.
To RA… je build broj koji nema veze sa update-om, kada budes imo update ocekuj da se promjeni Firmware i Kernel, daj mu jos malo vremena i onda opet pogledati da li ima update-a …
Jonas > Ladda ner SEUS från sonyericssons hemsida, och kör uppdateringen där 🙂
[Switzerland] Im waiting for ECLAIR 😀
So! Does it support multitouch? my expectations are ‘no’, but im still hoping….
x10fan> your X10 mini pro is updated?
Brazil.. still waiting 🙁
Omno > No… no MT…
Hvala drug, čekam čekam čekam 🙂
@Dio And what about french language?
ireland still waiting . i am omn emobile.
Brazil waiting too!!
Sweden. Mine won’t update, says i got the latest software while still running 1.6 .. what should i do ?
Please keep all comments in english!
I never buy phone rom SE, this is big fail! Only nordic,,,,,….. wtf all word stil waiting and nordic first . lol i dont belive….
Hey gnllucena, Brazil you guys can wait until the end of november, Is good for you guys, because once i went to SE Brazil blog, and you all brazilians are sucking SE, saying that she did a great job in delaying the Update….. Suck on that Bitches….
Iran , Still W8ing … 😀
i waiting one day, if not SE go out of window!!
salam mj jan.belakhare ye ham zaboonam didim.firmware shoma male kojas?ma ke uk hastim
I have a problem using android market after updating to 2.1
other having same problem?? Cant install any programs
caps is cruise control for cool.
hey guys im updating now im from egypt and my phone x10i 🙂
cyprus is still waiting too. come on SE
here in iran time is 12:54 p.m and im gonna go to sleep ! maybe tomorrow ill have a chance to Update my Little Prince 😛 😀
There are 4 difference French languages supported: Francais (Belgique), Francais (Canada), Francais (France) and Francais (Suisse).;)
“esper October 31, 2010 at 9:24 PM
I have a problem using android market after updating to 2.1
other having same problem?? Cant install any programs”
u have debranded phone? if yes / i mena this is problem for u!
salam ali , az koja bayad befahmam ino ? begoo negah konam ? ghossam gerefte ba zogho shogh az sa@te 7 shab montazere update hastam 😐
guys im w8ing in twitter for live report , please visit here :!/search/xperia
@ Zleepy, kör seus, funkar inte, står bara att jag har senaste mjukvaran…
@Dio thanks dude 😉
croatia t-mobile waiting
I’m in Canada. When will it be out.. and where to find it?
@tiborh – Magyar is listed. 🙂
Multitouch not supported (at least not on x10 mini).
A cool feature which is now standard, is the new lock screen, which now features a battery percentage indicator (that tells you precicely how many percent your battery is charged), and 2 way slider (like you know it from the iPhones): Slide it right to unlock phone, slide it left to switch sound on / off.
The Rootkit app posted on this site does not work on the new firmware – if anyone know of alternative ways too root it, please say so. 🙂
Lol. If Iran got the update before the UK, I’d take my phone to a Sony shop and take a shit on it. I’m already shocked at forgotten countries getting the update first.
I’m just waiting for UK Generic to be released, hope its soon!!
Hungary still waiting! Hurry up guys!
Dere fra Norge jeg har enda ikke fått oppdateringen tilgjengelig for min xperia x10 noen andre som har oppdatert sin x10?
vaghti ke safe locke vali roshane va akse ghofl rooshe bayad be tartib inaro bezani:back-menu-back-menu-back-back-menu-back-menu-menu-back bad to safe ke miyad service info ro bezan badam model info ro bezan bebib che keshvario neveshte
I’m still waiting update in Bosnia.
@ X10 Do you know when the update will hit austria?
now i don’t wanna be selfish here but why isn’t anyone tryin’ to help MEEE !!!!???????
Generic France… Standing by for update with the latest PC Companion 🙂
Znači ima nas još bosanaca 😀 … Imam osjećaj da će SE našim IP adresama namjerno onemogućiti update, čisto da zadržimo titulu zadnje rupe na svirali 😀
anyone knows when update for generic global x10 wud be released
any idea guys??????????
what about uk generic
@floyd, English websites tend to have English visitors. It’s bad enough having to put up with it when ordering a take away or calling are internet providers.
Bosnia still waiting 😀
does anybody know when will the update come to customized cs3 (central europe 3) x10s
Don’t be gaie sparky. Don’t be gaie.
i Hrvatska čeka…
wat abt global generic
any info on that
@Donkey, i was talking to those form Norway and asking if they had got the update, dont see why anyone who is not from norway should have to read that when it was ONLY to those from norway, if you are so curious to know what i wrote, use google translate then.
Any info on Poland yet??
hi guys, i just wana ask is it possible to update my xperia x10 by downloading the update 2.1 to SD card then to my phone? the reason i ask is the USB within phone is dammaged & its unrepairable. please help and many thanks.
Czech Republic – still waiting. 🙁
Dominican Republic still waiting too!!
Polska nadal nic
mexico…………still waiting!!!!!!!!
Pa mi ćemo prije dobiti bezvizni režim nego ovaj update 🙂
@ali : in dastoori ke gofti kar nakard , 4 dafe back bad menu ro mizanam dafe panjom menu badesh back , amma hich peyghami nemiyad !
chera ? man X10i daram 😐
Burkina Faso still no update yet
koj je brand bosne?
X10 Mini Pro Android 2.1 changes! Here’s what I’ve discovered so far.
1. Wifi issues fixed with Android 2.1.
2. New and improved lock screen.
3. New call screen with easy access to speaker on/off and microphone on/off.
4. New GUI with higer contrast and much more user friendly.
5. The Android 2.1 is more responsive and overall graphics animation is smooth.
6. Simplified menues here and there. The overall menu system is a bit more simplified and more user friendly.
7. New browser! Very much improved compared to 1.6 with many new features!. It’s even much more impressive than Opera! Believe or not!
8. New and improved YouTube app. Very nice btw.
9. 3G reception is improved but only a little bit.
10. Batterylife seems improved.
Running SE US here in sweden, it says i already have the latest software but should i run update anyway?
I´m still on 1.6
wat abt global generic any info on that ?
nema brenda 🙂
@floyd, I am on a English website. I expect English. Translate your messages or fuck off.
@floyd which provider do you got? i’m having netcom, and still no updates available
I ovde bosna al onda u holandiju cekam:(
When is the update in Holland? X10i
Ive got the update too i love android 2.1 :*)
germany 22:55 – no update – xperia x10
o boi…:-)
like a Christmas gift
Any news for Asia ? ( i am from India)
UK update is gonna take how long?! Been waiting for ages! This is really, really, annoying.
Czech Republic…..finally updated to 2.1 🙂 (using Nordic firmware)
@x104ever : Where r u ? in middle east we are still w8 for update ! 😐
Does anybody know when Canada gets the update? I’m running a branded rogers phone on the AT&T network here in California. I don’t think I’ll bother debranding it, if it’s just a few weeks of wait time, as opposed to months !
Thanks again!
Had previously flashed my X10 to Global Generic FW, but as SEUS was saying no update available I just flashed to Nordic Combined Generic and hey presto 2.1 is now downloading and installing. Took it’s time getting here but the wait is officially over 🙂
Russia-no update, wtf?!
You’ll probably be waiting another month by the time AT&T have finished messing with the firmware.
Does anyone have any info/rumors about Orange, UK??
@Liberator .. Is there a place where I can find the Nordic Combined Generic flash for an X10a? How hard is the process ?
Poland waiting… Maybe not today 🙁
@Lex .. I bought the unlocked (but branded to Rogers) phone from Canada, about 7 months ago. I didn’t buy it through AT&T. So, I’m assuming I’ll receive the update along with Canada (rogers) ?
Im on O2 UK and SEUS Is currently installing software update… will let ya know if its 2.1 😛
I bought my phone from a Chinese here in Panama and got generic X10i.
I switched language on SESU to Norwegian, and it is currently downloading the update.
To all the guys from the UK…
Do you have any specific information that you are getting an update today? Because AFAIK your Kingdom is not a Nordic country… Please stop busting our @@…
Not sure mate. Haven’t seen any for an X10a. I used the xploid method which comes with Global generic FW, tracked down the Nordic Combined .sin files and replaced them in the xploid FW folder hoping it would work and luckily it did.
no update at Malaysia (6.00 am @ 11.01.10)
Fuck SE….
Romania still waiting …
Yeah that will be the case. But again with any branded phone you’ll be waiting longer than those who have the generic FW as the operators generally customise the each update with their own splashes and apps.
I am in the UK and as I just said there^^, I flashed to Nordic Combined Generic hence why I am getting it
Woohoo! 2.1 on my X10 (fullsized one) is absolutely gorgeous! Finally! 😀 I <3 it! Almost restored a percentage or two of SE's reputation, but still like ninety-eight percent more to go.. Ah well, looking good so far 🙂
Please be patient. If all goes well, the update will be available according to the following timetable:
UK – tomorrow noon
Germany – Monday
France and Benelux – Tuesday morning
Spain, Portugal – Tuesday evening
Italy, Greece – Wednesday
Russia – Thursday
Eastern Europe – Friday, except Poland (because of the NK application incompatibility, which is investigated now)
The rollout to other regions should finish before Nov 15
Izgleda da mi Bosanci najvise kupujemo x10. 😛
@ Timetable
where did you find that info?
stevan lukic
znate kaj je dobro… 🙂
@Timetable : how did you get this timetable ? please define your refrence :'( middle wast 15 days later :'( its so burdensome
India (3:45 AM 01/11) : No update yet 🙁
@ Timetable
Thanks for headsup.
Poland will wait longer after all ;/ Fucking NK app. Hate this fucking portal… SE hurry up with your polish customers 🙁
any ideas on optus australia?
Before everyone goes ape thanking SE for finally getting their collective fingers out just look back at older threads and think what a bunch of Arses !!!!!
More important install it check it out then see if it fixes anyone of the issues you have personally with your X10 then get on the back of SE to sort things out properly and not B?F everyone with outdated software in an ever evolving market, they need to be more on the ball and stop treating people for fools. I WONDER HOW MANY POSTS WE WILL SEE AFTER THE UPDATE COMPLAINING YOUR PHONE STILL HAS ISSUES ??? How about decent bluetotth interaction OOOOO or even voice dialling that dials wht YOU want and not some crappy piece of software thinks you want ??? truthfully does anyone have a number in the contact’s for 99832 ????????
@ 6:15pm (Eastern Time) Canada…. Still no release. Jope to get it by the end of the day. although it seems unlikely … 🙁
@ Timetable
Proof-link, please.
@ Timetable
i thought so too. so germany 23:19 = no update yet.
gonna wait until tomorrow. good night 😉
I have this firmware: R2BA026, and I found on some website that it is nordic, so why is no update? is that list of countries updates by our location, or phone firmware?
good night , im so sad and gonna sleep 🙁
@timetable – buddy .. where did you get the info from? when can we expect it in India ?? Any idea?
Naravno. 🙂
PLEASE HELP, I just want the 2.1 soo much!
Denmark is still without…. just have to wait… i guess…
Double check that you have the nordic version of R2BA026 by going into the secret menu. From the lock screen press the left button once, the right button twice, the left button once, the right button once, the left button twice and the right button once. Under service info go to model info and it will say which country your FW is from.
please shut up nobody asked for you pointless rant let people enjoy the update foolishness
@km I have Telenor N, but does it matter what provider you have? I will sit up all night untill i got the update.
@bsehovac That is From the Uk same as mine tomz noon 😀 cant wait :D:D::D
This is starting to get ridiculous. im From Norway a nordic country and no uppdate has shown yet.
Model: X10i
Country: Switzerland
Brand: Customized
Do I need to flash this thing to some other firmware to change country?
Thnx for tip! 🙂
what about middle east? 🙁
Yeah, you’d need to re-flash to the nordic FW if you want the update tonight. Otherwise it should be just a few days until the Swiss update is release.
in canada, Generic Global firmware on X10a still waiting ;(
Ive been waiting too long for this.
Soon I hope
X19 is right, stfu Shawn.
Thank you Lex, but I can’t wait any more, I’m going to try to flash it, is it possible with SEUS, how to chose right firmware? Does anybody know some tutorial?
omg, why did they say late october? they should of said begining of november, SE are sooooo useless now when it comes to keeping there customer happy, i should of gone ofr the htc desire, people buy android for it’s capabilities that it is open to the user, stop raping the software SE, release the source code for the phone so we can get the update when the update comes out. We will figure out ourself how to make the software work in a much shorter time period. Stop being gay and release the phone!
iran and it says u have the latest version! angry and bored! going to sleep!
@Mizanur Sheikh I like your thinking.
Hello everyone,
First off we would like to thank you for your patience in the delay with the update.
However, due to the recent problems encountered by our customers who have recently updated, we will have to delay the update once more until the end of November.
I apologize for any enconvenience this may have caused you, but i dont care because im rich and your not.
Some Sony guy.
New 2.1 update is nice.
It gets laggy and slow in the beginning but it gets better in 5 minutes…
Really nice work SE!
BTW, the last post is fake XD
lmao… Probably will happen too!!
I’m not sure how to reflash to the nordic version… but this may still work
Due to your recent comments and actions, you’ve been fired.
Good bye.
Folks, the update is here! Please carry on.
His Boss
@indonesia, after done something from this post h**p:// i am finally got an update to android 2.1, it looks great.
no issue as far as I tried.
Lol wouldnt be too surprising. Uk customised and waiting
I’ve got the update here in Denmark as well. Nice to finally pass the 2.x marker, but damn I hate that they trashed the beautiful login screen and the way the complete app menu was opened. So irritating that is is a button now instead of the “swipe” thingy it was before. Otherwise, it seems nice 🙂
First update in Russia…
in asia when is it??? still waiting- Philippines
Wow.. blows ya mind…
wow.. blows ya mind… sorry forgot the url
How do u flash ROMs on the x10? I’m planning to flash a any type of Rom, just trying to get out of R0F1B001!!
Netherlands, still no update. Maybe this week, tomorrow?
Well when will froyo hit xperia family? After all this, i think never.
Ooh and by the way, i’ve read that ROOT doesn’t work anymore
after fter this update. Locked down. Got that from yesterday.
They had a pre-release of 2.1 (via SE contact) and hey tested the root after updating to eclair.
Well, maybe devs will root it again. I’ll update anyway. The benefits are to big.
Good luck!
SE don’t care about us now, we were suckered into buying the phone, we mean nothing to them, there just going to release the replacement and then forget the x10 existed. Even though everyone has an 18 month contract, there should be a law saying that they will keep the phone up to date as long as your in contract on it.
if uve got x10i (not x10a) you can update to android 2.1 –
brilliant! downloading 2.1 now :L
Ask your questions, and he will answer….
Does anybody know if this update erases everything and changes the phone to the first date and i need to use backup and restore app or my files will still remain!?
is there 16M of colors? android 2.1 supports it. SE is shipping with it?
Its like eurovision here. Hello from uk ………………………….. no update yet. LOL
In Denmark and still waiting, and my phone is not branded… 🙁
@X10 or anyone
As with 1.6, is there going to be any firmware, 2.1, that one can debrand their X10 to? Or has SE made it more difficult?
Just debrand to a FW before 2.1 then you can use SEUS to update to the generic 2.1
I’m on Orange UK, still no update….. Does anybody have any idea when will it be available for orange uk users?
when will i get update because i,m in serbia ?
it take a day or two
If you’ve got the orange branded FW then you’ll be waiting longer than people with generic FW as orange will be testing it and putting their own stuff on.
Hello this is Belgium calling….
Unfortunatly I’m still calling with firmware 1.6
Hmmm , Hope it comes to Singapore by this evening . Can’t wait to take vids with my phone =).
It’s available in Denmark and have been since around 20:25. However, SEUS will tell you that your software is up to date when checking. It will also ask if you want to update and when clicking yes, will download and install the 106.1 MB 1.6 update already installed. The second time you check for updates the 120 MB 2.1 update downloads and installs.
So far so good. It appears that Wifi and 3G have become faster. In my case the Wifi appears much faster. Other than that, the most obvious changes are to the look and layout of the screens and menus. There are new long press short cuts to arrange widgets, icons and wallpapers.
Unfortunately it also looks like the LED is not flashing any more when receiving messages, emails or instant messages. I haven’t tried a reinstall to see if that cures the problem.
That is however the only issue I have noticed so far.
Chile Movistar still waiting!!!!
Colombia waiting too
Anyone have any idea about Middle-East Kuwait?
Wow rolling out already! Love Canada bit a bit jealous. Lol, unlike other posters I read the title of it being rolled out to Nordic countries, so no dumb blonde moment here; however, I want to say congrats to those who got it – and aside from a few kinks here and there, how is it?
Also, Hows the weather down there? or up there, haha, jk, I would love to visit anywhere out of Canada. Lol. Lucky folk..
Kim: Sounds good 🙂
Can you tell me when i will get the update my phone is not branded (at least cant find where it says it should be) and i have TDC.
Does TDC need to approve and stuff ?
Update for all X10 now available.
Rikard Cockberg
Perú still waiting!!!!
Is nordic the only update available
Xperia X10 running 2.1 is like having a brand new phone. A bit slow to begin with but once its all set up it seems to be much smoother. Keyboard seems more responsive which is nice, but the layout is different so gonna take time to get used to that.
Sent from my X10 running 2.1 using the stock browser 🙂
Oslo nothing yet
This update better be coming soon! And by soon I mean no later than the end of this week!!!!
Norway here. 2.1 update installed and ready 🙂
The notification light still works, only you have to manually set it in messages, emails apps etc. Had the same problem when I first installed and found the option to enable the light by accident. All good now
Attention Australian X10i Users;
I have an X10i from Optus. I had debranded and rooted with the Global Generic firmware which had been running fine. Note that this process removes all Optus applications from the phone, so if you are attached to your Optus Account app, then you might want to wait for the Optus release. I personally wanted the 2.1 update ASAP so I installed the Nordic combined firmware with the instructions I found in this thread. I downloaded and installed the 2.1 Nordic (Combined) firmware from the XDA Developers website:
I can now report that I am running 2.1 on Nordic combined firmware. If you have an X10a, this Nordic combined firmware is not for you, for X10i only. Please remember to backup your phone contents before proceeding because all information in the 2.1 update is lost. Additionally, these steps are probably best left to people who know basic batch file editing, and are comfortable using Regedit.
I had a few troubles getting the Nordic firmware to apply on Windows 7.
1. DeviceID
The device ID script is meant to obtain the device ID of your X10 phone. This did not work for me. You may need to manually find the device ID and enter it into the DeviceID.txt document to get everything to work. The instructions for this process are on the XDA Development link.
2. X10flash.bat processing
I also edited the X10flash.bat file and put the full path to the java.exe run-time. (Rick-click file, click “Edit…”)
For 32-bit Windows:
@”c:\Program Files\java\jre6\bin\java.exe” -jar X10flash.jar
For 64-bit Windows:
@”c:\Program Files (x860\java\jre6\bin\java.exe” -jar X10flash.jar
The DeviceID script used in the package doesn’t seem to work on Windows 7, so I also “rem”ed out the following line. This is done by typing “rem” followed by a space in front of the line you are going to prevent from running. The @devcon line should be “rem”ed out to prevent the script from failing due to the Windows 7 device ID detection issue. This does require that you manually find the Device ID by searching the Windows Registry using Regedit.
rem @devcon hwids “USB\VID_0FCE&PID_ADDE” | grep VID | cut -d “\\” -f3- > ..\DeviceID.txt
I then downloaded Software Update program from the Sony Ericsson support site for the X10i and the Software Update program detected and downloaded the 2.1 update.
If you don’t understand the above process, you probably best not to attempt the update in case you inadvertently brick your phone. As soon as I have confirmation that I can load 2.1 on the Global Generic firmware, I will be returning to that firmware version to be generic as possible. Now it’s time to stop writing about the update process and time to start playing with 2.1 :)~
TURKEY UPDATE WHAT DAY 🙁 ??????? <<<<<
how to i flash the nordic so i can up date ???
so i have to wait for the 2.1 update if i’m using the branded telstra network, but my phone is unlocked and i’m curently using the optus pre-paid sim, so which brand do i get the update, telstra or optus
Hey Guys. I have a X10 from Denmark with 3 mobile. when i hooked my phone to pc it said that ther were no update. but i still push the update button and pushed “repair” button just to try it out. and now i have 2.1
for my dk buddies….. try it do it…. good night
There’s no need to go for custom firmware or that only Nordic countries are only one to get it.
It’s all been stated and pointed out on SE Product Blog:
Part about getting paranoid with your upgrade is stated in bold 🙂
Has anyone with x10a tried to update yet?
@Adnan Hodzic
BULL SHIT. You must work for SE you dirt bag piece of shit.
After the kind of wait for an OS that upon roll out beginning today is already 1 and almost 2 rev’s behind, everyone should do what ever they want and have to to get any kind of update they can and want.
@ Jonas – Prova med PC companion då?
För jag fick köra uppdateringen två ggr, körde först med PC companion och det slutade efter installtion och uppstart med en ny fräsh kopia av 1.6 så då körde jag SEUS iställe och därmed fick jag 2.1 så man kanske behöver köra en fräsh kopia av 1.6 först och sen igen för att få 2.1 eller något 🙂
can any one tel me the approx update date for INDIA x10i generic (unbranded) ?
any guys or indian guys u know? or updated ?
reply me…
It only took 15 minutes to flash to nordic, and I successfully updated the phone after that!
Android 2.1 in Bosnia! 😀
I’ve got the X10a (Canada) and have been trying to update without success. Hopefully the “kit” for North America will roll out tomorrow… Can’t wait for it …
On a different note … It’s quite sad how us Xperia users have to wait so long and hard for the 2.1 update, considering there are competing phones running 2.2 already … Quite unfortunate, but a great phone nonetheless …
Finally I have 2.1 in the UK
Follow these steps if you do not want to wait for the UK Generic update
Your phone must be rooted. The easiest way to do this is using the easy one click root method.
Then follow the instructions of the link provided above.
It takes 2 minutes to do.
Then connect to SEUS and you will get the 2.1 update in no time.
Its worked for me so
The other flashtool nordic method was complicated for some so this one is easier and quicker with hardly any risks. But again if you brick your phone. Only you hold responsibility.
Once the UK Generic update is out. I’ll just revert back to the UK one.
Is 2.1 available for build R2BA020?
Anyone know when
orange get it please ?
@vmm1703 thanks. I’d try it myself but I’m a little reluctant because it’d wipe all the apps that I have and I’d have to reinstall everything.
I got the X10 because I spoke to an SE insider in Feb and he told me that they expected the update to be available in June. I had no reason to doubt him because I’ve always had a good experience with SE. Still a good looking and workable phone since I can call, text, email and browse the sites that I need to browse when I’m out and about but disappointed in the update schedule.
@2.1 goodness
No dice. In the standard message app there is no setting for the LED, neither is there one in the gmail app. Or the YM app for that matter.
So unless there is a master switch for the LED hidden somewhere in the bowls of the menu system it just does not work. And that’s a right old PITA.
Just called rogers canada hoping to find out any information as to when we will recieve the 2.1 update. The guy said that it should be coming out this week and there will be more details on it tomorrow.
We’ve all been lied to before though…
when i open default.prop when trying to debrand i have no option to edit content, anyone help?
OK… finally…
X10i updated in France thanks to the debranding procedure provided by Matt
bonne soirée! 😉
@ jez
when u long click on default.prop
you will get a drop down menu
go to text editor on that list
and voila!
tried that usman, no text editor on the list, grrrr.has open as text but no options to edit
No update yet in India
7:30AM 1/11/10
SE Says the update will come in a week or 2
Lets wait
Singapore Singtel still waiting! Everyone hang on in there!
How long time this update will arrive in Brazil? I can’t wait more for it.
Sonic: Here is the answer to update you phone without USB connection.
To download software updates wirelessly
1 From the Home screen, tap the applications bar.
2 Tap Settings > About phone > Software update.
3 Tap Update now. Follow the on-screen instructions to update your phone.
man many says update launched in india…is that true i tried but not cmg….since we are generic non branded…reply
@ satyajeet patil how hv u updated ur phone pls tell me
SATYAJEET is that true? reply
@ mohit is update available for? mine not coming reply
India is wating……………….
It seems like only unbranded phones got the update this evening and some of the swedish mobilecompanies are talking in terms of WEEK’s to roll out to the unbranded phones. This may not be the case for countries with a latter rollout since your companies may have had a longer time to brand the update.
Just saying, if you are really in a hurry to get it then go with the nordic firmware. I’m swedish but I still had to do it because of the stupid brand.
This one was so easy that even I that have no experience of rooting and haxxing could do it.
Is it risky to debrand my phone? Is it legal? Will I loose something?
got the update using matt’s method. Portugal
And finally I got x10th with its 2.1 android I just loved it its really wonderful
In writing now from it ?:-D
@goku no update till now 🙁
meena are u frm india x10i? unbranded…when u got upadte reply
I have been following this blog on the update. I’m from Singapore. Waiting for the update.. 🙁
@mohiit yes man..but some claim update is done sathayajit, meena …?
i am giving it a try by repairing the software vcs someone said that he has got it by repairing it
repair guy he did frm europen country…dont risk dude …keep me updated
@mohit…does it work giving repair? reply
@goku not working . we hv to wait
Indonesia still waiting
thanks with your sharing… finally i got my 2.1 at M’sia…
does it work out by giving repair….indian x10 reply
@mohit what abt the matts method..shall we try?
In Hungary, there is still no update. (Who knows how long to wait does?
Don’t be too disappointed if your update is not immediate. There is bound to be a bug or two in such a complicated venture. Better it be someone else rather than you.
Having said that, Toronto is waiting.
it seems the country of my device firmware is : singapore
i want to change it by the instructions from here is i couldnt update by the normal way 😐
My impression on 2.1 so far is …. laggy.
How’s 2.1 running for you guys?
I can’t restore the phone book I backed up with 1.6.
Mine says:
BRAND: Tmobile
i live here in the Philippines. Will i receive the update this week? This waiting really SUCKS! need help pls.. My Software version is R2BA026 GENERIC
can someone tell me if they have the same software and brand like mine? its 11:40 am here in the Philippines and still no update yet.
i’ve flashed my past SE phones (W910, K850, C902 and C905) but flashing X10 is more complicated than my past phones. Dont want to ruin my x10 🙂
Got the update in Iceland, there is a clear speed difference. One bug I have found, it does not detect the internet and mms settings automatically as in the previous version. Not a big deal but inconvinient!
Yes man I did the update but u have to rooted to dothat with one click root app replay if ur roote
Sorry for incorrect spell of my name
Nothing so far in New Zealand :[
acording to the facebook page of sonyericcsonlatinoamerica, the update will hit latin america in november 15
did u root to nordic version?..if we dont root..we cant get rupdate for indian x10? mine generic
brand:customized reply
@Tim Horton
me too, i think the phone was faster with 1.6 than 2.1, and what about timescape? it’s the same or even slower than before… the only thing that i really like in this update is that now i can install apps that require 2.1
how about on our region(philippines)?…
Everything is slower than 1.6 so far.
If this doesn’t get improved, I prefer having 1.6.
cant wait for the update! when will it be rolled out in india.
How to even start or check if update is available!… PLEASE TEL ME!!!
How to even start or check if update is available!??????… PLEASE TEL ME!!!
No I dont flash the phone to nordic I just edited default.prop from system folder and change sone no to the no. From nordic f/w. Thats all I did. U can also do that ifu r rooted as I say with one click root app. Reply
guys anbody frm india…when u get update(without rooting)…make a post…i think its not available in india now…guys post asoon as u get it
i promise when i get
im in usa x10a, no update yet, anyone know when usa, west coast if that helps, will get it? waiting patiently…
when u do that..will it change the countrys name? then hows 2.1? reply
hehe Arsalan, u gotta connect your phone to the computer via usb and “mount” it , then open the PC companion (you need to update it , if you already haven’t) and if the update is available for your phone it’ll tell you
When will the update happen in Canada?
Nothin in india yet
how bout in philippines????????
can i know when the update will be available in middle east….
The same for Dominican Republic …… I just want to kniw when it is goint to roll out in here…
The same for Dominican Republic …… I just want to know when it is goint to roll out in here…
Hi, am from india,, no update yet.. have been checking for update since yesterday night, but in vain.. Am having some problem wid my phone, its not getting charged.. I connected my phone to my desktop few days back and it unexpetedly restarted.. since then, my X10 is accepting the usb and charger but not charging the battery, I mean the led lights up as if it is charging, but it doesn’t charge the battery. Data transfer and software update is working fine though, means the port is working.. I repaired my x10’s software through seus but to no avail.. plz help..
reply plz..
Hi guys can someone help me? My X10 is Optus branded and I live here in the Phillippines. When will I receive the update?
OK so when is USA going to get the update?
“Sony Ericsson Australia You might have heard the news about our Android 2.1 upgrade now being rolled out in some European countries: We’re putting the finishing touches on the Australian & NZ kits and can assure you that our local roll-out won’t be far behind, so watch this space over the next few weeks.”
@mohitk , i also experienced the same problem and puleed out the battery n reinserted after 2 mins after thaqt my phone started functioning normally
lol@ “over the next few weeks”
I really think they want their customers to hate them.
Hey ,
The site-owner please do us all a favour. Start a new post about the countries which have got the update and which haven’t, it will simply stop a lot of queries.
Still no update in South Africa. Patience is where its at. No help getting excited though I am very close to selling and not becausr of update. Just hope it fixes the issues I do have with my x10
when coming to Indonesia?
i used x10 mini n its stuck on 1.6 anroid..
Hi mohit, I have tried everything I possibly could.. 1st I reinserted battery after 2 mins then 5 mins and then after 1 whole day, still not working.. I don’t want to give my phone to sony’s service centre, they mishandle the phones and don’t care abou t them.. Is there any other way to rectify this probem? Btw, am relying heavily on 2.1 update, hoping it’ll probably fix ths issue.. am in new delhi..
mexico. ! hate waiting i wait for no body ,n u S E pips a multi million dollar company comes out with stupid xcuses n shit ,n have us custis craveing for the software .yeah since we already bought the stupid phone . ya SE dont give a f. wath ! the upgrade will have a lot of fuck ups .
Debranded, updated with 2.1 aka eclair woooot!!! 🙂
X10i, India
Debranding Info from here:
USA x10i ..flash to nordic and update to 2.1 .. so sweet, already loving the camera and live wallpaper..
i did it in the early morning and it will not change my country. just give try to ur x10 and it will bu updated reply
Still no update here in UAE or maybe the whole MidEast. Fingers crossed they roll it out this week.. Everybody is excited..
Still no update in Hong Kong also.
India Still Waiting…….
aapne phone ko root kiya???
i dont know anything how did u do it?
aap kaha rehte hai??
Mexico Still waiting….
C’mon SE, you are killing me!
Very important video in order to know how to update your phone properly.
A lot of people are really looking forward for this update, God bless you SE, keep the good work going on.
India still waiting……..
I see that it says Firmware Version 2.1 update 1…
SE have got a good device with the X10. I can’t say much about the mini or the mini pro. I just hope they can release updates for the the same on a regular basis for sometime at least, till the phone supports it. As much as people hate it, you have to use it to know about it…
still waiting-philippines
Hungary has not been updated, unfortunately. Where is this update is so far only because I read that there are no moving so slow If you can not be more than 1 month just does not slip into next year
According to SE Australia on facebook, 2.1 in next coming weeks for AU + NZ
Last as usual.
Guys, please ensure you write down the list of apps which you have downlioaded from the market, cos when you update your phone to 2.1, you will lose them all and won’t even show on the Market in the downloaded section. So just write it donw on a notepad…Just to be safe & make sure you take a backup…
Im in Denmark, and i still, this morning, havnt got the update 🙁
I am located in the US, Installed it about 8 hours ago.
I have debranded and installed Nordic firmware few months ago, because that was the newest edition available at the time. That worked out well for me, because I received the update 30 minutes after it was released.
That also helped me confirm to all of you guys that if you want the update NOW, just debrand and install R2BA026, as explained here
Testing the 2.1:
Pretty impressive, the new look is great, the visibility and feel is 10 times better than 1.6. The 5 screens desktop is a huge improvement.
Life is not all flowers and roses though; the new firmware 2.1 still relies of Moxier to offer Exchange direct mail push support… I am not sure who opted to go with that, instead of the Active Sync natively built in the generic release of 2.1
Furthermore, the built in Moxier is surprisingly old, running version, to compare, the retail edition of X10 is now up to version 2.8.1 (released) – and 2.8.2 (testing)
The Timescape updates are fairly subtle; the only useful one is the auto scroll. And even that, I would probably have not noticed it, if I didn’t know about it ahead of time.
The in-call interface is vastly improved, as you have most of the needed buttons already on the screen during the call; you dont need to open any drawers to get them.
One thing I noticed, I don’t know if it’s just me, or it was indeed worked on, but the proximity sensor that detects your cheek next to the phone, and subsequently locks the screen, seems to be working more accurately now…
For the PDAnet users, 2.1 adds the long awaited Bluetooth DUN profile, now you can tether via BT. I tested it and it works beautifully… the speed is decent as well.
On the down sides: 1.6 is now gone, and along with it it took super users privileges, granted by rooting, unfortunately, all of current APK floating in the internet to unlock X10 WILL NOT work with 2.1. so we wait for the XDA guys to solve this.
The new wallpaper gives the phone a great and satisfying look, but at the cost of performance, and the menus get on the sluggish side when enabled. Still, the difference is not awful, and may not be noticeable for a new X10 user.
These are just few first impressions… I will certainly talk more about the new firmware later…
If you specific question, feel free to shoot me an email to
Still waiting for it here in Denmark…
woooow wooooow wooooow the update is just superb !!! Please you must update now to feel the joy of the new phone with android 2.1, and the hd recording with auto focus is amazing !!!!!
One thing though if you want to get the best out of your phone, just release the cache memory including the ram and your phone will be much faster and smoother.
Yeah waiting for my update!!!
from philippines but i used the root thingy to update!!
nothing here in Nigeria….after today nothing den its nordic
I just upgrade the Xperia X10i R2Ba26 to 2.1 Update1,
M from india and i just did few tick and update using SOny Ericsson Update Service.
@asruhit what trick u did?
# This will only work for X10i, that is rooted!
#You need to have Root Explorer installed
Edit you current system/default.prop file with Root Explorer.
Go in your system folder, press the Mount R/W button in the top right corner.
Long press the default.prop file > Open in Text Editor
Replace the digits (XXXX-XXXX) in these 2 lines:
With the Nordic Combined (B) digits wich is:
X10i CUST-NBC GENERIC 1234-8465
Save & Exit.
Reboot your phone and use SEUS to re-install your phone to 2.1.
Voila, you should now be on 2.1
kating kati na ko!
matagal pa ba!?
So far how do you like your phone with 2.1 ? Also don’t forget to clear the catch and free some Ram because it will make your phone even faster.
feel bit slow …
how do i clean all those?
Sony Ericsson Facebook update (India)
2.1 Update has started to rollout in Nordic region, as of for India, X10 mini pro will recieve update this week followed by X10 and X10 mini in coming weeks.
Hi everyone… SE Australia is a piece of trash can.. rather than trying to release the update, its playing quiz with the customers on its facebook page… Since last 3 weeks i have asked the same question to it 5 times and it doesnt reply, but if any user asks or comments on its quiz question they reply immediately… when i contacted SE Uk they immediately posted replies… Are SE AUS hiring bunch of jokers to just play around with the people rather than hiring technicians who could really answer customer queries????
Is there Thai language coming with 2.1 update?
I for one will wait for my legit update 🙂 I hope the next roll out is united kingdom customized! 🙂
kapeee November 1, 2010 at 5:37 AM
Hungary has not been updated, unfortunately. Where is this update is so far only because I read that there are no moving so slow If you can not be more than 1 month just does not slip into next year
hi I am from hungary too. let’s get flash your phone to nordic fw, and 2.1 will be at U ! no hungarian or central european languages are supported, but i use english, so that is enough for me
From central america nothing yet!
Dude many have flashed firmware to UK or Nordic and have updated to 2.1
But doing this makes the phone 3g not to work
SO better wait until you get the update officially.
Maybe in a week
I copied this from the website in order to help some guys in making their X10 faster with 2.1 :
” ok so im not sure if this is a repost or if everyone already knows this but this is a very awesome tip. when i hard reset the phone and went to the market, i clicked “my downloads” and my apps that i had b4 were all listed and they said “free”, (which meant i had to redownload). so it keeps your history according to your intial google sign in on the phone. ive hard reset bout 3 times just so i lower my market “MB”. im at 3mb on my market and 50mb free of memory. i also have 67 apps installed. i highly recommend to hard reset your phone every now and then. it gives you so much more memory when you go and reinstall all your previous apps from “my downloads” section of the market. plus your contacts all sync to your gmail so you dont even have to worry bout losing any contacts. trust me, it really makes a difference in performance after the phone frees up that much memory. b4 i first did it i had like 27mb in my market and like 45 apps with 10mb of free mem on my phone. man did that suck. every time you go in the market or even when you uninstall an app it will still be eating your memory. try it out and leave some feed back. its really harmless. the only thing is that you will have to set your settings on some apps to how it was pre hard reset. for example, missed call, scoreboard, weather channel, and more. but its really worth it.”
Im from Egypt and my x10i has been updated
I think all x10 in egypt will be updatable
Can u post here the over all performance once u done the change?
How abt the 3G, Edge services working after the update?
Anyway It will take another 2 – 3 weeks to update in India
Still waiting in HK~
Here in Brazil there is no update yet. Damn Sony Ericsson! =(
foollow this to update x10i to 2.1
To clear out your market cache go to
System settings > Applications > Manage Applications
Then search for Market, choose market then hit clear cache and your done.
Trust me this will speed up your phone and make you happy.
Same goes for clearing your browsers cache.
I must admit…
i’m AIN’T impressed, far from it.
It still lags while typing, and sometimes when you open the menu and such…
as I said, honestly i’m ain’t impressed.
holland still no update… can someone please tell me where i can find the information about which country, when?
Can you load back the original hun firmware in case of guarantee issue? If so, how? Thanks
@Rune (Denmark)
wat ’bout hd video capture ???
Estonia is waiting
Everyone not getting the update yet, and wanting it now, please scroll up and read my lengthy entry…
still no update in south africa
Howz timescape??? does it still lag the same way as before????? how is it wen it is set as home????
Hong Kong will not get any update until 2011.
@podani November 1, 2010 at 7:34 AM
theres is a xda developer forum, how to go to R1xxxx fw. I can search if u want. If u want to go back only for the language, than there is a sollution. after R1 u will be able to flash to the newest fw. but with generic global KIT. and that is containing hungarian language too
Videocapture is okay, it’s 720P and looks alright… it’s better than before i can say 😛
i just folowed this xda forum,
and my phone goes to nordic fw. this is right , AND with HUNGARIAN language !!!!
thats folks
so only x10a get the 2.1 update so far???
Timescape is SLIGHTY more smooth, but not WOW smooth..
and mediascape … i still lags like hell, i scroll trough my artists list, and it lags… and DAMN it’s still as annoying as before, but SE said they would do a time/media-scape update… so we will see…
so this update is like … 50/50 good and bad… ’cause I was hoping for a loooooot smoother phone, but i didn’t get that, and the 2.1 i okay … but it ain’t “over the top” just see the 2.1 as a slighty better improvement, not something that is gonna make your dick hard for the next few days
@ tiborh
If i flash my phone to nordic fw,would the language still be english???
here you can change your x10a if u want, to x10i
and after it, you will get the update
Yes you still get english, spanish, chinse, turkie and so on. the most “regular” languages
@ Mark
hk is gonna update in mid-nov
sony ericsson india:
2.1 update alert! Folks, we have started rolling out the Android 2.1
update globally. For India, we will start with the Xperia™ X10 mini pro
update this week followed by X10 and X10 mini the coming week. Please
look for the update on your phones or check for the update at
In Denmark… Still no update…. Starting to doubt that it exists at all…
but people said it wont be able to update ???
are u x10a as well?
Got the 2,1 update running in my X10 now.. works like a charm… !!
Stupid back up and restore, after restore my contact, cannot import from sim card anymore… just ‘ contact partially imported’ —1 contact per time..wat the hell going on with this 2.1 version ?
Updated yesterday here in norway with SEUS (Sony Ericsson Update Services), had to delete the “db” folder under program files->Sony Ericsson->Update Serivce before it downloaded the update.
Haven’t used the phone much, as I have it as a second phone, but it looks like a good update, with no bugs (afaik).
if you are not living in norway
check this
you need root but then you can update, i’m from holland and it works!
Is this plan still avaible or any changes I take fro above
Please be patient. If all goes well, the update will be available according to the following timetable:
UK – tomorrow noon
Germany – Monday
France and Benelux – Tuesday morning
Spain, Portugal – Tuesday evening
Italy, Greece – Wednesday
Russia – Thursday
Eastern Europe – Friday, except Poland (because of the NK application incompatibility, which is investigated now)
The rollout to other regions should finish before Nov 15
Please make some notice or confirm this timetable
please please i would be grateful – some from Se
Many thx in advance!!!!!
Please please again
my one is still in guarannty so I don’t like to lost so please make update in the proper way as well without flashing
WHAT TİME TURKEY UPDATE 2.1 ??????????????????????
@seus lighting x10
This timetable seems to be correct in minimum one point. Poland will wait for update longer because of the fucking NK app (kind of plugin for timescape). That I can confirm now.
@seus lighting x10
can u tel me the day for India south east Asia?
Cheers Man!
Thx Thx Thx Thx Thx Thx Thx Thx
(God Bless you!)
anyone managed to get the update that are on Telenor Sweden?
I still get the message you have the latest Software when i try to update.
Have 1.6
I dont know I toke this from above scroll up and see I just ASK FOR CONFIRM BECOUSE I FROM UK SO I GET EXCITED
there will be two three attempts so wait I concern about branded phone may be is not avaible yet
this is bullshit!
nothing in Australia:(:(:(:(
“this is bullshit!”
So except Poland we follow the plan!
It’s a shame
I feel sorry for you guys!!!!!!
I mean for Polish people that they have to wait don’t now how long!!!
what is NK?
sorry i forgot??
Finally!! I have it. And I Can’t believe that is also a Slovenian language to choose!!
come on australia sony ericsson T_T
On SE update site on croatian just showed up the latest updates. Who knows, maybe it will be today for T-Mobile Croatia? As far as I’ve seen, mine is T-Mobile Generic firmware and last few updates I’ve had on the same day as other parts of the world. And this is probably the first phone ever without T-Scumware.
We shall see, I have waited for this long, I can wait few hrs more. But my advice for anyone in Croatia – I don’t like messing with software (like changing the firmware) that come from T-Mobile because you loose warranty, and thats not good 😀
hope 3 hours left for uk
and there will be more happy people
Finally!! I have it. And I Can’t believe that is also a Slovenian language to choose!!2″
hej master did you get ??
You must becouse you dont respond !!!
Any more bad/good news????
Common guys tell as somethink from the sky (se hq) !!!!
thx in advance!!!
Any one other side??
First I flashed to Nordic and after that i get a 2.1 pdate with slovenian language 🙂
x10i uk customised R2BA026 GENERIC. if timetable is right does anyone know if ill get update today. thanks in advance
Its monday
Where the updatee
Germanyyyyyy SEEEEE
I’m new to forum thing, bare with. I’ve been waiting
patiently but no update yet. My phone info tells me its firmware
version R2BA026, which I assume is nordic firmware from what
users have been saying. But in menu, back menu, combo it says
Phone software version is: 1227-4612_r2ba026 generic.
Am I missing something? Any help would be useful
seems to be they are working hard by now (se hard work 1 quoter of head )
ts monday
Where the updatee
Germanyyyyyy SEEEEE
there is no such away UK will be first!!!
According to timetable
@me X10
Phone software version is: 1227-4612_r2ba026 generic.
Am I missing something? Any help would be useful
my one is same so nothing special and remain sillence! One word from my x10 will be prosecuted accept new update!
my X10 is under arest!!!
@ seus lightning X10
wats thiss
Please be patient. If all goes well, the update will be available according to the following timetable:
[UK – tomorrow noon
Germany – Monday]
France and Benelux – Tuesday morning
Spain, Portugal – Tuesday evening
Italy, Greece – Wednesday
Russia – Thursday
Eastern Europe – Friday, except Poland (because of the NK application incompatibility, which is investigated now)
The rollout to other regions should finish before Nov 15
my one is exacly as you said so can i get excitedddd!!!!
The first attempt of timetabel was on 11oclock in 31oct so means it will be today
god damn hell
I live in asia
but my phone is
..i got generic firmware r2ba026
ill get update according to timetablee of germany or timetable of asia . ?
@ seus lightning
yew mean to say …UK will get update at monday nooon
nd germany later todayy todayy but not noon ,,,may b everning? …… ??//
Update available in the Netherlands now. Will update when I get back home, finally :D.
Sorry but how you clear the RAM?
uk x10i update is here, about time se! lookin good so far apart from the initial lag but seems to have gone.
@stevie, what network and brand?
This is like a really bad Christmas… You’re all excited the night before (31st Oct) only to be told that Santa doesn’t come until you’re asleep. You excitedly go to bed trying desperately to fall asleep and eventually manage to do so in the early hours of the morning. After just a few hours sleep you wake up and immediately run downstairs to look under the tree. But alas! There aren’t any presents. Only a note hangs from the tree:
Dear Child,
Due to the technicalities of delivering presents to children throughout the world, I have decided that I will be delivering presents on a “phased roll-out”. This will be based on location, colour, language and several other factors. As they are closest to me here in Lapland I will be delivering presents to the children in the Nordic countries.
Hey Guys !!!
Did u notice something !!!
its around 396 comments !! AND nothing from ZODIAC !!!
wow!! Wat happened to him!!
He was supposed to come up with some negativity!!!!! ( hope i did not overlook his comments!!)
Well 2.1 is out and it got rooted !!
All is Well !!!
hey i didnt get update till now in india plz gues help me….:(
virgin and brand said customised, gone laggy again and crashed once already wtf
Does anyone know when will update available in Hong Kong.
The SE PC Companion just showed that there was a software update. But I manually pressed on the Support Zone Button and clicked on the Upgrade/Update Now option.
2.1 update alert! Folks, we have started rolling out the Android 2.1
update globally. For India, we will start with the Xperia™ X10 mini pro
update this week followed by X10 and X10 mini the coming week. Please
look for the update on your phones or check for the update at” – Was the quote from SE India.
My phone is currently being update. Hope it 2.1 Update 1. Fingers Crossed. Im in Bangalore, India.
However I would like to say that, when I clicked on the Update Now button in the phone i.e “Settings->About Phone->Software Update->Update Now” It stated I had the latest firmware. Thats really odd.
how about in philippines… plsss tell…..
well thats just racism lex lol
Any news guy when the update will be in UAE?
@ stevie
I know! It does seem somewhat discriminative. Apparently Santa (SE) can get away with a casual bit of prejudice and people say it’s acceptable because he’s (they are) based there. 😛
Thanks tiborh! The 2.1 is on my Hungarian phone :)))
Yeah guys finally got the 2.1!!
its so good hahaha!! but a bit laggy in the keyboard
@stevie, I’m on O2 and my brand is customized, will it be out for me?
I live in asia
but my phone is
..i got generic firmware r2ba026
ill get update according to timetablee of germany or timetable of asia . ? ??
Maybe the 1st in Australia ? flashed with nordic last night, 2.1 update is flashed and working great 😀
Can someone tell me, when the update arrive in Switzerland?
Model: x10i
Country: Generic GLOBAL
Brand: Generic
Thanks in advance
@me of course… i don’t know, i guess it depends what network your on. i know o2 have been slow to update to newer firmware but that said i really dont know much
Hey, I’m from India.
I have Xperia mini pro
I checked my model info and its cominh
No country name or brand.
Why is that?
country: greece and balkan(b)
brand: customized
i’m on romanian vodafone and nothing yet. guess it will be wednesday as someone said above…
you got full sized X10? Im on Virgin with X10 Mini Pro in UK, unlocked/unbranded still nothing on the update on the handset.
SEUS is having problems on my laptop not sure whether it is me or the server.
Did you get a notification? Did your phone tell you there was an update or did SEUS? Are you running a genuine phone or a hacked one?
I switched Sony Ericsson Update Service to “Norks” language,and guess what ? Updating now :D:D:D CAN’T F*CKING WAIT !!!
(got a X10i, in Belgium, but France firmware)
Install has just begun … aaaaaaaaaaaaaarhgh
@Varun Flazer
man i am also frm india…i din get any update via pc comp and update service ……me frm chennai india? reply varun…does update worked?
damn, I red we could update this way, in fact it just installed R2BA026 … ='(
yeah full size x10i, genuine. i just used the update service, no notification. phone went very laggy for a while and even crashed but all seems good now. the most simple things seem awesome but thats just cos we’v waited so long lol.
In Denmark. Xperia X10i. Firmware 1.6 Version R2BA026 nordic. Still no update. How do i update my phone??????
I have 2.1!! Debrand with nordix FW and down 2.1! support all language! I testing – live backgroud is hardcore! all works fine! THX XDA forum!
BASTARDS! These guys are big time bob faggots. I just installed the update. Its an R2BA026. WORST PART IS THAT ALL MY APPS AND SETTINGS. ARE GONE. ALL OF THEM! EVERY SINGLE THING. Thankfully All my photos, music and Videos are still there. Now Im using their Backup And Restore program to get everything back. Such Assholes.
@Goku. No its not the 2.1 Update. Its just a rip off!
Very nice ….
now only in indian sony site they announced HD and software update…..we will have to wait like said in facebook….but whatever dont flash or root and install 2.1…it will AFFECT
3G CAPACIITY of the phone in home country…and also cause problem if we get any regional update…
just checked SEUS with my X10 Mini Pro, Virgin supplied, UK, unbranded/unlocked/generic firmware and no updates available.
Will keep checking. Are you running 2.1 on your X10. Did you get yours from Virgin?
@ stevie + simon ‘theMactivist’ royal
i think our stevie boy is fibbin….
ive got the exact same phone as him..
x10i , uk , customized / not branded AND i got it from virgin
guess what?
no update… yet…
what did you do stevie?
yeah direct from virgin, cant tell if its branded ? running 2.1 now
waste se is totally waste till now no update in India
2.1 is already outdated in market n se is launching now with these type of waste service bullshit…………..
tried pc companion with no luck so tried update service and was available
still waiting here in my humble country,the PHILIPPINES.
just bought the phone on oct28 bluetooth is a hassle.
hope 2.1 will do the job that the phone was supposed to =(
the x10 update is up on the site but i cannot seem to be able to update it … help
I have an x10 mini pro on O2 UK – still no update for me… will it be today?????
Same as TylerDurden, Steve must lying as i have the exact phone and network etc and there is still no update.
still no update for me, though my mate on same network, same phone got the update on my laptop…. now whats all that about????????????
consider yourself “the chosen one” then stevie lol
still nothing…
it seems that SEUS is the best way to check for the update so ive been using that but no luck… 🙁
well if that timetable is genuine then theres not to long to go to wait 🙂
i can tell you stevie is not fibbin, been having a go of his phone and looking forward to my update and baffled how he got it n i havent
tried repairing the update in canada … on the sony ericsson site they have already showed the update but when you go for the update there is not update … sony letting people down
[…] that the Android 2.1 firmware for the Xperia X10 family has started to roll out, you may be wondering what now? After you’ve spent some time seeing what’s new with the update, […]
jus arrived at home, does anyone know if the updates has released in uk yet ? plz do let me know
Facebook page: Sony Ericsson Australia You might have hear
d the news about our Android 2.1 upgrade now being rolled out in some European countries: We’re putting the finishing touches on the Australian & NZ kits and can assure you that our ocal roll-out won’t be far behind, so local roll-out won’t be far behind, so watch this space over the next few weeks.
SE AU WHY O WHY “few weeks”<< from now to ETERNITY
Still no update for me in uk,have read somewhere, uk update will be from noon, is this true. I won’t get it yet at work all day but if anyone in uk gets it post on here what you used, ie. Pc companion or seus.
Everyone, u all should follow this method
I’m from malaysia, sabah and I juz update to 2.1 after root and it’s works!!!
Hey if ur using X10 with android 2.1 does it support Flash player
wat is root, how u get root and wat does it do ? thanx
got mine in hong kong but i’m using it here in the philippines, when can i get the update?
anyone know of the schedule for update in New Zealand? Please tell me we’ll have it before The Hobbit is filmed, edited and released!
i have the same Henrik Im from DK and still no update It is irritating I dont know what to do Anybody can help? i tryied everything
Another New Zealander here… Judging by the lack of VFNZ content on the handset, I’m hoping we get it around the same time as the UK or other parts of Europe…
Hi i am just wondering, am i right in thinking that the update will hit the uk in ten minutes? (1200PM). Also i bought my x10 pro off ebay as a 02 payg phone and put my pay monthly simplicity sim in it, so will i still get the update? Just a little confused and hoped someone could shed me some light on the matter! Email would be much appreciated. Really want to utilise this new bluetooth!
@ Zaryab
wats thiss
Please be patient. If all goes well, the update will be available according to the following timetable:
[UK – tomorrow noon
Germany – Monday]
France and Benelux – Tuesday morning
Spain, Portugal – Tuesday evening
Italy, Greece – Wednesday
Russia – Thursday
Eastern Europe – Friday, except Poland (because of the NK application incompatibility, which is investigated now)
The rollout to other regions should finish before Nov 15
Holland and Belgium are the benelux right? please reply
@ unknown wants to know
U can juz follow from this link, it will tell u everything…
Good to see some of you actually anticipate my comments just as much as you anticipate the 2.1 update. I have said it all before and don’t need to say any more about the x10. There are no big functional improvements with this update. None of the stuff that will make any real difference to me or indeed to anyone is included in this update. So I’ll just sit back and watch you all behaving like small children jumping up and down because I know you have all been so desperate to leave 1.6 behind(even though it makes very little difference from 2.1). After a few weeks when reality sets in, we can once again start having some sensible discussions about the phone.
I have not updated my phone yet and so can’t comment on what minor changes there are.
Overall, I suppose small changes are better than no changes so enjoy.
Yup benelux = Holland & Belgiumm
hw many of UK ppl got the update??//
as it was stated dat it wudd b avalble till noon todayy …
@ abel, thnx for the reply, but by doing this will i be getting 2.1 ?
Thank you Zaryab for the confirmation!
yeah right holland and belgium and luxemburg are the benelux
over here in belgium no update yet !
India.. still waiting for X10 mini pro.
Is HD video recording, bluetooth file transfer and full Screen color usage working fine??
@ Nizella
No Probz
SE Germany kitttt
Me w8n w8n w8n w8n w8n
Please state which phone e.g x10, mini, pro and which network if you get update in the uk please
I have got the update!! VERSION 2.1 O2 UK X10 MINI PRO!! Just got on the website
how do we get on with uk update
Some one from se will be grately preciate to make update on update
I will be grateful to see the answer very soon do we follow timetable.confused with this tommorrow in the time table is for or this tommorow is for today because it was writen in 11 oclock in 31. oct so mean it should be 1.11 .2010 or 2.11.2010
please please please
Thx in advanced
still concering (sorry) the excitment is stronger than patient !!
P.S please
Hi, I’m in Sweden, holding the Back button in for over 20 minutes now, still no update and i am cramping 😉
@ zarayab
model info
generic global
can u please tell me when i can get the update????
i am livin in China now
@ Nick
Im in Denmark and also no update for my x10i
@seus lighting x10
wat do yew understand by monday tuesday etc stufff
y luking at date
😀 if they toking about next weeek mondayyy… dan dey shud hav mentiond the dates too
the update shudd b up ….today
for UK & Germany
according to timetable
philippines still waiting.. i think global generic will have it last cuz’ of many country under it =_=
@HACKER442.M=MC2, im on O2 and haven’t got a update? i have the X10i though. IF the X10 mini gets the update first, the first thing i’ll do is cancel my direct debit and leave the phone rot. That little piece of shit hasn’t been out long and regular X10 users deserve the update before the mini.
Used some other trick, now SE US told me update 2.1 is available, downloading now 🙂
X10i from Belgium
@wat do yew understand by monday tuesday etc stufff
y luking at date
😀 if they toking about next weeek mondayyy… dan dey shud hav mentiond the dates too
the update shudd b up ….today
for UK & Germany
according to timetable\”
hej master could you please be so gratefull and corrent the spelling because I can not encoded what did you write
please do me a favour!
Why oh why is everyone taking this timetable as fact… I’ve not seen any proof of this coming from SE. If someone can provide a link to SE where this timetable has been posted then I’d be more inclined to believe it.
Easy way of getting update early. Root your 1.6 phone first, then follow these steps!!
Posting this from Xda Developers.
The fastest easiest way to debrand your X10 to Nordic firmware fo rthe Eclair update due out today.
1. Root your X10i/a (See other posts)
2. Download Root Explorer.apk (market)
3. Open Root Explorer and navigate to /SYSTEM
4. Push on white button in the right top corner of Root Explorer (This wil change R/O in R/W).
5. Long Press on the file Default.prop and choose “Open in Text Editor”
6. Change in the folowing lines the XXXX-XXXX (scroll for firm codes):
7. Press “Menu” and choose save and exit
8. Reboot your Phone
9. Open PC Companion
10. Choose Support Zone
11. Choose Repair (Your phone will be reset and will update with the newest firmware)
12. When done check your settings in de lock screen (menu-back-back-menu-back-menu-menu-back)
You will need to have the phone rooted with the 1-click root.You need a version of root explorer higher than 2.12.2 as this includes the “text editor” mentioned above.
Change the 2 lines in the above “default.prop” to 1234-8465,reboot and then run the Sony update service.
You`ll end up with a debranded Nordic software version with the latest firmware.
@hacker how do you go about getting the update on the site mate?
I used that one ! but it worked with Sony Ericsson Update Service, I modified default.prop as said, and it worked
I really like to hear info from se with a little be better english writing
I would like to know something about uk update please
its almost 2 o’clock in the evening in germany and still no update. the german se website has already updated the information but i ain’t got any update message from se. hope they let me update my x10i today.
greetings from germany
I got warranty so i don’t want to flashed becouse I will lose it Please tell me somethink more official.
please please!!!
Hey, so it worked yeah? 🙂 I havn’t tried myself yet. I’m busy atm, also, dont wanna have to pay for the root explorer app :\ Guess I’m cheap! 😛 Anyone manage to follow the above instructions I linked without having to shell out money for the rootexplorer download?
Well guys Ive just checked SEUS and PC companion. Nothing yet but there are signs of 2.1 happening today:
When the new software is available, you will receive a message in the notification bar of your phone. To upgrade, connect your phone to a PC and use PC Companion. This will guide you through the entire update process. Information on how you backup your settings and data and how you restore them after the upgrade will also be provided.
If you don’t have PC Companion already, download it via the button below.
New features include:
– Improved Bluetooth functionality with support for sending and receiving pictures, contacts and more
– New backup and restore application with extended content back up
– Automatic synchronization of your contact pictures between Facebook and phone book
– Improved ways of handling pictures, audio, text and numbers in your messages
– Upgrade of the Android platform to Android platform 2.1
Note that availability may be dependant on operator and/or market.
its about time people stopped posting these fucking debrading tutorials everytime some mother fucker asks when a update is out. SOME OF US DONT WANT TO PUT FORIEGN SHIT ON ARE PHONE!
Whoops, heres the source:
@seus lighting x10
what do you understand by monday tuesday etc stuff
why looking at date..
if they talking about next week monday… than they shouldd have mentiond the dates too
the update shoulddd be up by today
for UK & Germany
according to timetable
i cant download root exlorer because i dont have a creditcard, and i must have one to download the app, can i do this on a other way..
i also cant use my usb cable because my x10 has been demaged once i now use a usb charger ( i have two batterys ) to charge my phone..
so can i download something else to root it????
please reply
Food for thought:
What if SE plan to release the firmware at the same time they did as the Nordic regions?
What time was it released locally in Nordic?
And i have some news for holland, yesterday and today untill now, on the website of SE there wasnt a update 2.1 for the x10, now there is so i am going to try it..
Common se I don’t want to do illegal stafff please give some more info (It just fuck info it doen’t cost alot. Doesn’t it? This will impove the cutomer satifation. As long us I concern you going against the business rules where is stated simple the customer is most important and meet the cutomer need and want’s) Other way I will do it . It will be cost of 11 month of warranty (I WILL FUCK IT ) i will do
yup man some ppl realy don’t want to get into rooting flashing stufff changing the region etc
& em 1 of dem
@KkS Cchaos
I so sorry I didnt spot
God bless you
Cheers man
thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx thx xthxthxthxthxthxthxthxthxthxthxthxthxthxthxthxthxthxthxthxthxthxthxthxthxthxthxthxthxthxthxthxthxthxthxthxthxthxthxthxthxthxthxthxthxthxthxthxthxthxthxthxthxthxthxthxthxthxthxthxthxthxthxthxthxthxthxthxthxthx
Y Dont SE update the firmware on there server
nd those who want to download they just download … from SEUS software y fucking w8n for .region operator etc ?
that have to be offical
any one from uk check so it will be before 0:00 today
So for all people in Switzerland.
The update will arrive today.
i debrand and now updating
i had uk first but debrand to nordic
seus lighting x10 are you in the uk? what network and phone have you got?
can anybody knows, that after 2.1 update FROM nordic 026 fw, why is nor working the market app???????????????????????????????
I guess the traffic in the nordic is 200% highest than it was expected by Se they think going to slow us down ???
Seem to be Ha HA
So what will be the consequences for me just a warranty ( Really?)
Can someone tell as about that pleasetell as real consequences
i think india will be getting near the last (nov 15)….
x10 mini pro this week
x10, x10 mini next week
indonesia today??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????!!!!!
That kind of drawback of pushing se forward
So it wil look like
update => update of the update=>update of the updated updated a= everythink will be pushed by updated update over the update and then another few upadte which will update the update and overagain
Wait, do you really think the update will come today just because it says it was released Nov 1st.
Dream on. Try any language you want and it will say the same, with no update in sight
And we will finish in psychoterapist which will have to update our maid becouse i will be crash and then seus will lighting our mind not x10 and there will be
No it doesnt look at region Americas – USA
@ above all
those who are
are giving this link in their native language
for GOD sake yew only translate the page
nd thinks dat its availble for yewr countryyy
follow the ….timetableee.
SE have updated almost every site in every language saying the same message. This doesn’t necessarily mean that the updates will all be coming out today in each of these countries… Sorry to burst peoples bubbles. 😛
Any one which ask about uodate have to go to http://www.mindupdate .net
i see you there
Ja już mam troszkę oszukałem ale się opłacało….
Zainteresowani?? piszcie GG 7335221
The SE Update site ( are showing that 3 of the last 5 latest software updates were released today 01/11/2010 for the X10, X10 mini and X10 mini pro. I’m at work so can’t update yet!!!!
p.s don’t forget to root uor own mind thou
UK O2 still nothing! anyone having any luck
@seus lighting x10
Lol, thats the EXACT reason why Im looking at getting some UK news for myself. except it ISNT illegal to mod your phone. If it is then Ive broken the law 5 times on my own phones alon, and at least 3 more times for friends 😛
Pawel said that he he have it already and he gave number for his polish comunicator so i dont think so u will be able to contact him I will try and if ill get something new i will write
@ kks …
By illeagle
he doesnt mean dat its a crime
by illegal he means that /flashing/modification/patching/rooting all of these process are not launch by the … Company .itself ..
but by some of the hackers.or other XDA developersss
Sweden, When i tried the update through PC Companion it worked i had problem with the updater.
Mini Pro O2 UK.. been trying the ‘update now’ button all morning but no luck.
I thought it was going to be available from noon????!!!
@criz778 no, i not got any luck yet! What phone model you using>?
@superkev so did i, but like you i have no luck. Im hoping o2 are not going down the htc route causing hassle to get updates
Those of you with branded handsets in the UK (Orange, T-Mobile, Vodafone, O2, 3) I hate to tell you this but I doubt you’ll be receiving the updates today, or even this week. With any FW update the operators get the generic one then tinker with it so that you have those wonderful useless apps that no-one ever uses (vodafone 360 etc). Then they have their own testing phase before they roll it out for their customers. I read somewhere that T-mobile are saying expect to receive the update towards the end of November.
@lex how do i find out if im branded? i dont think o2 have any apps they pre install?
@sony x10 pro user X10inot sure if its branded have no o2 apps pre loaded and software info reads R2BA026 Generic
my mini pro is on O2 but there are no apps or mention of O2 anywhere in the menus and everything. Means mine is not branded ???
@sony x10 pro user
From the lock screen press the left button once, the right button twice, the left button once, the right button once, the left button twice and the right button once. Under service info go to model info and it will say weather it is branded.
Googling O2’s pace on the last release I wouldn’t be surprised if you’re left waiting for a while (
Paul the Octopus will be rolling in his grave, still no update in the UK 🙁
took sim out to see if there was a differance. brand o2 monthly. but generic software and no o2 tarnish on the phone. can anyone conform a uk update yet.
I love how people from south africa and so on come on here asking when there update will be released when no one else has a idea when there own country is going to get it. Its like me saying oh i dont know when the UK get it but Indonisia get it 5/11/10!
lex i cant get it up, all i keep doing is coming out of the lock screen and popping up the add widget etc menu
Model X10i
Country: germany
Brand: Customized
Wen i’ll get the updateee
@ lex
yew posted this link
dude 1st of all check the date 😀
15 aug 2010
@ sony x10 pro user
My bad… That was for the X10… The mini pro menu is as follows:
When phone is locked, push a button until you see the prompt to push the option key to unlock but do NOT unlock the phone.
Next, push in this order-while the “unlock now” screen is still visible in one go:
1 time menu button (middle button)
2 times back button (right button)
1 time menu button
1 time back button
2 times menu button
1 time back button
@sony x10 pro user
Turn off any non default lock screens.
Lock the screen then press the button thats on the left of menu (this should wake the screen up) and then try this sequence:
Menu – Back – Menu – Back – Back – Menu – Back – Menu – Menu – Back (where Menu is the middle button, and the back being the one on the right)
Looks like for India , the update is made available :
shows that all the x10 series has update for INDIA ..but when trying to check via PC companion, it tells me that nothing to update. Anyone faced that issue ? if yes , whats the way to make the PC companion force the update ( i have the PC companion setting for update as check for update next time the phone connects).
I know, that was the release date of the last FW update from O2 (R2BA026). I was emphasising how long in comparison to the release of the generic FW (29th July), it took for O2 to release it (15th August).
LEX i looked under model info and it says u20i?
Guys Menu button is on the LEFT, Home button is the middle button
will vodafone uk upgrade today???????????
thanks kk too 😉
Still nothing for me….. and I belive that Denmark is a northen country, correct me if im wrong…
@sony x10 pro user
You need to check under the secret service menu to see if it’s branded or not. U20i merely means that it’s the x10 mini pro.
How are we meant to now? we dont know if anyone is getting it today!
Finaly i’v made it Just rooting and changing XXXX-XXXX to 1234-8645 and everything went smooth 😀
UK should hav got the update by 12.00 pm
any buddy here .from uk having eclair ??//
i gues those who got are busy testin their cell no 1 would reply here
@sony x10 pro user
Check file system and customisation numbers (just post them here) I have a Mini pro as well and have a debranding trick if you are running branded 😉
@Soumendu: you might want to try update using SEUS instead of pc companion. i’m not sure it’s going to work but sometime something work with SEUS and sometine it does with pc companion. good luck and hope you can get it
Sony Ericsson Asia Pacific Hi everyone, thank you for your feedback on the XPERIA X10. We hear you and we’re working on ensuring that we get this update right for you.
We’re not happy as well since this means a longer wait for you. Still, we want to assure you that we’re putting the time to make the best possible experience you can get.
Again, we do treasure your feedback. Do stay tuned to this page for the latest updates from us.
Hey guys!
I don’t really come clear with this “branding” stuff.. If I have “Model: X10i; Country Germany; Brand: my operator”, will it mean, the phone is branded? =((
The software version is R2BA020 Generic, and this is the newest according to pc companion o_O
Clear me
who will get updates first
Branded phones
or ..Non branded
nd is Customized means branded or nonbranded ?/
plz reply hurry
Unbranded will get the updates first. Customised means that the FW in non-branded
@ Lex .. thnxx
did yew get the update
whats the info of yewr phone ..?
can someone tell me in which countries the updates have been released?
and if anybody knows when will the update come to central europe 3?
File system Version WORLD1-8_1.2A.1.174
Customization Version 1237-9703_R7A
does this help?
Mine is de-branded, I live in Denmark, and still nothing, not on SEUS or PC Comp. Any guesses as to what my problem is. And yes, the phone is bought in denmark. Im running the R2BA026 version.
I’ve not got the update yet as I don’t want the Nordic FW on my phone, instead I’m waiting for the update to hit the UK generic:
Model: X10i
Country: United Kingdom
Brand: Customized
Can anyone tell me clearly when Update will be available in India.
Or if I Root it to Nordic from Generic is it legal. Won’t there be any problem later on.
im just wondering when i will get the update
orange uk
i have the x10 mini
i think its un branded
from what iv read its unbranded
any help would be great
hey guys any information about when wil india get the update??
Update out for Uk unbranded!
Sorry I forgot to mention the model. It is Xperia X10
Sorry @zaryab was me… Wasn’t paying too much attention there 😛
In India(Mumbai), i guess all the xperia X10 series mobiles are generic. I have a MINI and datz generic as well. Yes, unbranded phones are liable to get the update. You are right that the update appears in the sony ericsson site as well, just that the screen doesnt fit to size and we are not able to se the button “Get the Update” 🙂
what is a generic and nordic ? any1 plz
@ LEX @ Kk
its s1 boot version is R8A026
@sony x10 pro user
Thats debranded as its the same numbers Im using. I had that confirmed to me a couple of nights ago.
So when me or you get the update, so should the other one (if that makes sense lol)
Update out for Uk unbranded!
Where are you getting that info? Both SEUS and PC Companion tell me I already have the latest software which is 1.6. No notifications of the update on the phone yet !
Is it? According to SEUS not for me
hey does anybody know when Ireland will be getting it? On the timetable posted above, is Ireland included in other countries or in UK? (I’m hoping not as Ireland is not part of the UK!)
Zarylab was yew
We are experiencing problems with the scheduled firmware update (Android 2.1) .
As a result of this firmware version failing our quality control tests, we regret to inform all
UK Xperia handsets owners that we will not be rolling out the update until further notice.
Please see the official SE website and forums ONLY for all correct information.
@KkS If were running the same phones you want to exchange email to see if who gets the update first etc?
@Sanjib : I can see the get update button only in Full Screen mode of IE. Although i have the same PC companion version which the Get update page shows (version 2.01.058
which was updated a few days back ) , assuming that the version is not wrong on that page.
Currently busy with something :(, will try the update and SEUS the moment i get the scope. But certainly looks like that we are just few steps from getting the update installed on our xperia phones.
we w8n lyk desperate
nd here comes sonyericsson Admin UK
Announcing a delay
my mini pro boot version is R8A029…. Is this branded??
Very funny idiot ! get out of here and stop trolling !
Germany ppl will get update surly after the UK ppl
so when yew ppl get any update plzplzplzplzplz 1st place a comment here that yew got it..don’t just get into 2.1 atonce
help others as all of us are fed up off w8n… 😀
f*****g b*****d
im fed up with trying to get this update, im going to have a cup of tea and bust out the xbox 🙂
India getting the update on 11th november!! yeahhhh!!!!
LOL at Ben and Sony Ericcson Admin.
@sony x10 pro user
If you want, sure. My email is
This means that nordic update are didn’t pass a quality test so a I said there will even more fun with stupid update
I don’t see a logic basically there thou !!!
can some actually explain to me this ??
I assume that’s good that i didnt update my phone thou jet !
Is this take long ?
is applicable for every country ?
will ther be any more update?
Will there be more delay for every one?
Please some one form SE ?
fuck you all
@sony x10 pro user
I think I’m gonna follow suit, Nice cuppa yorkshire tea will go down a treat. 😀
I start worry that there will any further update !!!
@seus lighting x10
I think SE Admin is just being a little boy. Sit and wait
I will fuck my self when i get update
Is it really UK admin??
i dont belived
@SE CH thanks a lot bro!
is this been confirm in tweeter or facebook basically i dont have account
Please can you check and where did you get th mister Uk admin ???
When are we going to get remote play for the PS3 on the X10? I’d prefer that to the Android 2.1 update!!!
Zaryab November 1, 2010 at 3:06 PM
stop using .my name get a lyfff MF
The reason, i think for some of us in denmark not getting the update right away is that for example my phone is from 3, and i have an application that is 3 mobile tv, and that is why, again, I THINK i am not getting the update right away, the phone carrier, 3 has to do something with the update so we will still have the application they provide.
that is at least my guess… and i am not expecting getting any update this week because of it.
I’m MF
@seus lighting x10 ??
SE UK on facebook or twitter are saying nothing
Sorry guys, i had to do it, im the only one of not too atm! until then!
Zaryab November 1, 2010 at 3:19 PM
dun yew hav nything else to doo 😀
So i don’t belived!!!
I will belived on 7oclock this evening
there is no link to prove!
there is nothing on tweeter and facebook!
There is not even citation
Uk admin can you proove that to are really admin!!
For UK guys , the site for UK still shows that the update is there . Please try the following link and select xperia as your phone
So not sure if @SONY ERICSSON ADMIN UK is to believed or trusted 🙂
i’m luking fo ne update
I believed becouse i has change before there was 1 november an now is not so it must be true
is it out in asia yet? HongKong
sorry im not right
The update is really nice, have X10. The phone i s much more faster. I recommend ypu all to get the update from SEUS, don´t be afraid when you start the phone the first time, it will be a bit “laggy” but after 15-20 minutes when it has synced everything it´s really fast!!
That some of you have to wait is because your “operator” has to confirm the new update, so don´t blame SE…
lol UK admin is bull shitting, why would they post it here and not on the official SE Site? LOL
Dont want to worry anyone. . . . .
But it is a swedish bank holiday today!
@ SE CH… i can’t update it… it says “Ihr Telefon ist auf dem letzten Stand” but its 1.6 ??? how to fix that?
some response
Hi All,
Quick question to all. I am living in UK and the country on my phone firmware is Germany. So will I get the update when UK gets it or when Germany. Also will it show on my phone that an update is available on the phone when I look for it through Software Update.
No update here – Generic UK
You will get the update when it is released to UK Generic. Also you should get a notification on your phone when it is available 🙂
Dear Web admistator
I will be extremly grateful and will extremly apreciate I will be in if can ask and confirm please please in the HQ in uk about those matter. I sure ther are people from there to confirm in more official way
Best regard
Seus lighting x10
nordic fw and upgrade and now is 2.1 with hungarian. takes only 10 min with downloads.
@CuBz Youre wrong. Why do you think most people that went to 2.1 are from countries like India, Uk etc if its based on actual location?
@Sam SEUS reads wherever the phone is from, so in your case you will get it when Germany gets the update
i have just looked to see when i can get the update it took m straight to the orange website and there i found my phone was being sold with the v2.1 software why cant i get it
Dear Web admistator
I will be extremly grateful and will extremly apreciate could please confirm that Those Uk se admin is trust full. Because this may have relfex on the reliablity of this blog. I guess this blog are reliable doesnt? Thank YUO for futher respond from you
Best regard
Seus lighting x10
(second attempt)
still waiting here. Rogers, Canada
That is riculouse!!!
Same here man!
571 SONY ERICSSON ADMIN UK November 1, 2010 at 2:45 PM
We are experiencing problems with the scheduled firmware update (Android 2.1) .
As a result of this firmware version failing our quality control tests, we regret to inform all
UK Xperia handsets owners that we will not be rolling out the update until further notice.
Please see the official SE website and forums ONLY for all correct information.
Any one make stupid joke or what the fuck is going on !!!!
seus lighting November 1, 2010 at 3:54 PM
571 SONY ERICSSON ADMIN UK November 1, 2010 at 2:45 PM
We are experiencing problems with the scheduled firmware update (Android 2.1) .
As a result of this firmware version failing our quality control tests, we regret to inform all
UK Xperia handsets owners that we will not be rolling out the update until further notice.
Please see the official SE website and forums ONLY for all correct information.
Are you a ghost???????????????????????
@Seus lighting X10
No need to be rude.
We appreciate you’re not English, but it has been said so many times, that “Sony Admin” was just a fake!!!!
For starters, this is a fansite, not a Sony-endorsed site, so what reason would a Sony Admin have for ocming on this site. Plus if you weren’t lazy enough to do this yourself, you would’ve taken notice of the Twitter and Facebook feeds and/or Sony Ericsson website. Jeez.
Otherwise, no update for a UK Generic here.
“Orange Dominican republic
Last Updated by jason yesterday
Mid November”
too long waiting however thx for the info.
I did not mean to you i mean to those guy which make a joke stupid joke
I so sorry
I am from czech republic and have Xperia mini pro. Phone is branded to Vodafone… ANy idea how I can remove branded 1.6 android and update to 2.1 Android for UK ( I really do not want to wait till Czech Vodafone will be on list for roll-out )
@Seus Lighting X10
Sorry, I didn’t mean to sound that confrontational. I’ve been stuck at the computer waiting for 6 hours haha. I don’t think any of us have better things to be doing to be honest.
Update |
More Info on the Updates
First of all – sorry for this blog going and up and down lately, the traffic has been increasing more than expected and we struggle with keeping it online.
Regarding the update it is now out for the first kits, Nordics since yesterday and I’ve also seen that the generic trade kits for Russia, Singapore, Indonesia and many African countries should be up now since earlier today.
There are more kits coming this week and then it continues over the weeks after.
As said earlier I will unfortunately not be able to have detailed information in advance since it all depends on when the different approvals drop in. I will however try to give updates on this blog, probably both in the comments section and as new posts when there are a bunch of new ones available.
There has been several questions in the comments section here but because of the state of the blog I haven’t been able to answer as I would have wanted. I really apologize for not being able to be more active! I have focused on chasing more information around the update and keeping the blog servers online.
I’m from Bosnia and I couldn’t wait for 2.1 update any longer and this is how I got it:
looking at what rikard said in todays blog we got some wait. The networks have got to approve it yet. Thats even if they have it. So i would not hold your breath for today. Have a wank, a cup of tea, a bash on xbox and a bit of soaps and maybe just maybe we might see something this week??
Try- go too settings in pc Companion and set it too search for update next time you run the aplication. mine would not update, said i had the latest verson 1.6 it worked for me,
norway . netcom
Q: Rikard – do you know when kit XY will be released?
A: No, unfortunately not – it depends on the status of all approvals needed (both internal and external) but I will try to keep track and update you as they are released.
Q: Will it have Multi Touch, 16M colors, Arabic language support?
A: No (there has been lots of discussions around this in earlier comment-threads but in short – No)
Q: Android market behaves strangely and some of my download seems stalling, what’s up?
A: As I understood it from browsing lots of forums yesterday this seems to be a general issue with Android Market (at least in the Nordics) and should be temporary.
Q: I have issues with the backup & restore application, what do do?
A: First make sure that you follow the guide in PC companion (while doing the update) to make sure you get the latest version of the Backup&Restore application. The new version adds the benefit of also updating your downloaded applications as links so that you easily can restore them afterwards. If you experience issues with lost data please contact our customer support in your local market. Below is also a video posted by my colleagues at our Customer Service department. This video shows the steps to do when you do the update.
Has anyone in the uk got the update from a vodafone locked phone yet??
are my contact going to be deleted after the update to 2.1???!!
Can someone tell me about rooting the phone to get 2.1, will mediascape still work? Im on Vodafone UK, it will void my warranty right? But since I have insurance would it matter? Is it reversable also? Is it really worth doing?
Sorry for all the questions, help would be great.
Have yoiu actually read any of this blog? Or just posted without looking?
UK generic frimware has not been released as yet. Voda UK firmware will be released AFTER the generic UK firmware, as Voda will need to modify it with their own additions.
Keep checking
@kod989 Everything on your phone will be erased during the update. Your SD card will however be fine.
Bad news… UK FW people… read this and note what they say means another couple of days 🙁
Anyone from Denmark with TDC and have the update?
Its about UK
Wat about Germanyyyy ?
For the personal Benefit of the ever so rude users X 19 and OMNO.
You both told me to shut up earlier and even went so far as to swear at me personally but hey I’m more grown up than that.
So can you tell me after looking through the threads and comments above the SE update to 2.1 has been seamless? have people still experienced Problems? how many threads complain of Laggy phones and backup restore issues ?? I was merely pre-empting the obvious!!!!
I apologise if I caused you an afront to your lives by stating the obvious about this update,foolishly, I thought this site was for making comments I wasn’t aware it to blow sunshine up the arse of SE who have continually Butt Fucked all of us as end users !!!!
Enjoy the update WHEN it arrives.
[Quote] from
We understand your frustration. We are in regular contact with the right people and will have an exact date in a few days.
[End Quote]
It seems that we’re looking at waiting even longer with each message on twitter.
Helloooo SE wake up and let the update come to Denmark… Why say that the update is rolling out on 31/10 when nothing happend.
What are the major issues on the update? When will the states get the update? Will it take longer for at&t users?
Better updating phone through this
then to w8 again :@
i gues they hav only 1 employe for firmware building . 😀 hire me dumb asssesss il make your work move faster
I have rebrand mine with nordic firmware on davinci team 10 euros 5 min
and i’m now enjoying with my new 2.1
I want that old keyboard back. This new one sucks and typing has lag too.
Improvements I can see:
1. Camera both still and video
2. More responsive UI
3. More options to install Apps from market. TweetDeck 🙂
4. The sound seems to have improved as well 🙂 I think it was due to Nordic firmware rather than Asian one
Can anyone confirm that I can go back to Indian kit just like I changed the codes to make it Nordic?
Has anyone tried installing Flash on this one? I heard you can use it on 2.1 as well.
yea right your “se admin” some greek more like. why would a se admin be on a unofficial . if anything they be bloging on there own webssite n00b
Hi guys, just to let you all know, i’ve just download SEUS and plugged in my x10 and BINGO update available! Im in Ireland with O2 branded phone.
Good luck to all of you still waiting, its like chinese Torture.
x10a/x10i owners, follow the instructions on the link bellow and in 15minutes you’ll be running Android 2.1.
@ James D I doubt that VERY much:
Could somebody please tell me when the update will be available i Denmark for nordic handsets? I still get the message that I have the latest version installed (1.6).
How come russia and other crap countrys like sweden get the update first? I’ll bet you my life that, the US and UK have baught more of these phones and waited longer for the update. Funny how companys like microsoft can update millions of xbox’s at the same time all over the world but sony struggles its ass of to update a phone with a old android OS rofl.
Kks Cchaos………….you are right! i download 144mb of the exact same turd thats already on this phone! updated but no real update! the torture contines. This phone is like maria sharapova! looks great but is fairly crap.
Sry for the mistaken info
@ James D, you might want to check before you post saying its out in the UK you dumb, stupid, thick, mongy idiot. A lot of people would of wasted time checking because of you.
Henrik – The update is out in Denmark, waiting for it my self.
But if you havent unbranded your phone TDC or what ever company you have, have to brand it first and approve it and stuff.
I know that telia customers can update and callme – but for now NOT TDC and thats what i have 🙁
What brand do you have? TDC/3/ and so on 🙂
Ive tried but im receiving a message that i cant edit the file… read-only.
What should i do?
Cheesy onion feet or whatever you call yourself, i did state i was ireland, not the UK, and in my excitement of the update that was going on infront of my eyes i thought i’d share the news! So now i’m sorry to everyone except you, you anus breath piss-flap faced back door burgler!
What a shambles. It just once and for all proves definitively that the SE machine isn’t geared up for support. Just marketing.
What does this all mean? Did they just released an untested version for the small Nordic markets to meet the end of October deadline? I doubt very much that any of the major markets will receive the update any time soon( a couple of weeks at the earliest).
There are other companies doing so much better that this will surely be my very last SE (supposedly) android device. Maybe if I consider a WM7 phone, then I might consider SE because that type of closed restricted platform suits SEs business model.
I think Google need to a send a strong signal to SE because the whole x10 debacle is damaging the reputation of their baby. Imagine those for whom the x10 is their first android device. All this can leave a very nasty taste in their mouths driving them into the arms of Apple, Nokia and RIM.
Google wake up and smell the coffee, don’t let SE stem your rapid advancement because of their greed.
@James D, I’m a Packet Of Cheese & Onion Crisp. Get it right. Also, get your mother fucking research done before posting.
I have been a Palm Pre user, I thought if webOS was that great, Android must be unbelievable good.
HTC implementation is much better but I feel robbed with my X10, hardware is good but if I had a chance I would run back to Palm Pre as soon as possible. How is it possible that such phone does not support multitouch ?!?
Updates been released in a timely fashion, I did not need to download million applications to upgrade, backup restore, and God knows what.
there is one thing for sure, my next phone is not going to be SE android platform probably neither yours guys following all our experience so far.
My contract ends in 12 months, if HP does not achieve any sucess with Palm smartphones I will go for iPhone I think.
It looks like there are no more positive feedbacks today concerning the update, beside scandinavian…
UK on hold, Germany the same….
great news guys for uk n germany, update will release at 8pm uk time, so go do somin else while waitin u low lifes
Do you mean “Packet of cheese and onion crispS” as they are pleural Mr i Always Do Perfect Research blah blah. Grow the fuck up! And saying things like Russia n Sweden are crap countries is the biggest load ignorant waffle that could only come from a rude under educated and under sexed anus licker like you.
I look forward to your retarded response
Its like the fuckin eurovision all over again minus Terry Wogan.
The United Kingdom…Nul Point!
@James Dickless, i’m not saying get out a book and read it all night. you could of atleast just waited till you had and saw the fucking update before fucking posting ITS OUT! ITS FUCKINGGGGGGGGG OUT! ITS FUCKING GREAT! :’)
@unknown knows it, is there a point to you posting such false fucking information? this website is suppose to help us, all its doing is wasting ALOT! more of are time due to these weird little earthlings posting false crap every 10 minutes.
Mr Crispy Knob Cheese, firstly, how did you find out my surname?! Secondly i did apologise for that, my excitement got the better of me. Is my apology not good enough for you ?? i’ll call you Captain Hindsight from now on!
This is better than tv
@ James D, I’m tempted to debrand my phone to get the update right now.
@james d
world class my friend!
I have a debranded and rooted phone. Does this mean I can cheat and get the update before everyone else? I’m in Canada, and as far as I know we haven’t received the update yet (argh).
Also, to everyone out there being a horrible dick and whining like a little baby about SE and their updating, STFU. You’re calling them a horrible company? Did you ever think that maybe SE is holding back on their updates and making us wait BECAUSE you’re such awful whiners? All I hear is “wahhhhh I want 2.1 3 months ago! WAAHHH I WANT MULTI-TOUCH! WAHH WAHH WAHHHHHHHHH”
Seriously. You can shut up and wait. Also, multi-touch isn’t even that great. Apple has just convinced you that it’s awesome and that it is completely necessary for a good browsing experience. But really, it isn’t.
When can i expect update for my x10 mini pro in India.
Thanks bro, I just started what you have explain and now is downloading :):):)
Finally, 2.1
From Bosnia, x10i
Packet of Cheese, you do that mate, then ram it so far up ur rectum u wont see it until firmware 3.6 is out and then i’ll ring you repeatedly, n you can write a book on the research of phone vibration in the upper intestine.
@James Dildo Breath, no, you cant repeatedly ring me since you do not have my number (gotz me digitz if your a chav). but yeh, i am tempted to update it right now by debranding it since the cat did fly over the mountain and never got home to the dragons castle. but, maybe it did reach over to the electric fence and never go to the other side of the up the hill down over the car wheel.
I’m on O2 PAYG X10 Mini Pro in the UK and managed to get the update using the method of changing the country code in the build.prop file to Nordic Generic and installing via the Update Service software. I then rooted the phone in 2.1 and changed the keyboard back to UK. Simples.
The info on how to do this is probably elsewhere on this thread but I followed the instructions that are at the forum.
Eurovision FTW! Terry wogan is the fukin don! Lol
Sorry ive been waitin since last night for this fuckin update
I love the phone, just didnt think id get this egar over an
Update since burnout island update lol
Makes me wonder about whats important in life.
But this update bollocks has turned into a big deal now.
This is my first android device and first se device
Shame se dont knock out the updates like they were
Ps3 updates we would all be sorted by last night lol
Amyway good luck all you waiters out there!
For i am one of you lol 🙂
@unknown knows it
How do you know that the update will be out at 8pm.
James D, I forgive you because I understand the hurt you went through when you downloaded 1.6 again as I did that thinking it was 2.1 and I lost all my apps on my phone! :'(
Ok buddy take some deep breaths n try and relax your fingers, you’ve obviously had some kind epileptic word fit. Try n find a brown paper bag for hyper ventilation and maybe a comb to bite down, well use a pillow if thats what your used to mate. If you cant get a hold on it call a doctor and pray they’re not Swedish.
K Se yew not realeasing 2.1 for UK as stated in the timetable
it was stated dat 2.1 will b release for germany da same day wat yew hav to say about dat
where the SE Germany Admin
lets all have fun, and guess the date and time the update comes out for the UK!!
Yeah where the fu** is the update for germany;(
How much i happy that i sell this big big big big big bullshit
Is the biggest bulishit in the world
Common SE move those big heavy ass and do what you suppose to do and release those fucking update becouse you are the (st…id)company how long can you keep those stuppid update. You are egoist Got damn hell
move those head in 1 quoter an then released becouse you are the slowest company i every experienced in my whole life
Is there any national discrimanation in this company or ???
Still nothing on T-mobile Croatia…SE and their stupid kits,another minus for them
Anyone see the update for 3 in Denmark? were the Nordic phone release first? where is the damn thing? SE are really hopeless.
SE Racist company
SE Racist company
SE Racist company
SE Racist company
SE Racist company
SE Racist company
SE Racist company
SE Racist company
SE Racist company
SE Racist company
no update from uk at 8pm
Can anyone tell me how to change build.prop on x mini pro and what I should put there to get Nordic update ? I am really just android consumer and was not able to find useful ( KISS) howto…
Thank you
Still nothing from the Uk HURRY UP !
How can Se be so stuppid
How can Se be so stuppid
How can Se be so stuppid
except racist company
Why world can waist so much resources on this comany?
you are fake !!
Hello: Now its avalible Android 2.1 for all X10a. Latioamerica , y Norteamerica!!
se in scale 1 in 10 of hopelessness is 15
marginal fake company
the most stupid hopeless marginal fakeing laying company which could not be even scaled is SE
Uk sent to the se big fuck you!!!!!!!!
“Uk sent to the se big fuck you!!!!!!!!”
Please include Germany
Please include Germany to this sending
You can suck polish cock for se,11.601563&spn=155.865079,316.054688&z=2
De donde eres Alejandro?? Cuando actualizaste??
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Alejandro, did you upgrade your phone X10a to 2.1? IF so can you please upload the files for us
Yes i can give u all the instructions to do this, just give me a chat page or something to talk!
Soy de Mexico, con Telcel. Actualize hoy en la manana!! Saludos
@ Ben
I guess the update for the UK will be 07/12/10 due to approval problems, both external and internal…….
Alejandro yo quiero saber, soy mexicano y lo tengo en telcel, agregame por favor al msn messenger , saludos y te lo agradeceria mucho.
@ Alejandro, is your phone branded with Telcel or had it flashed to generic?
Ok te agrego en estos momentos, saludos.
guys… i don’t understand why u keep waiting to see if SE are going th release the update for UK and the rest of the world….if you really want it that bad…do the same as I did…root your phone and than update straight to android 2.1 …it sounds bad, but actually it takes 5 minutes….first you need to root your phone with one click…go to “”, and download the file UniversalAndroot into yout phone…open it, install the application and just click on root to root the phone…after that go to “” and follow the instruction…from here it is very easy, you will only need to change some numbers which will take 1 minute and then you are ready to update through SEUS…note ( you will have to pay £2.50 for root explorer application if you don’t ahve it already ). I guarantee that works as I did it myself for my phone and my wife’s too.. so stop getting frustrated and do it yourself, rather than wating for SE incompetent staff…Now I have android 2.1 which is amazing…much better than 1.6.
@Khaled was branded before but now its generic.
To all customers in the UK:
These updates are being held back by the carriers for testing purposes.
Android 2.1 will not be available on the X10 and X10 mini lines until the 10th of November.
Thank-you for your patience.
Alejandro…. como le hiciste… dime..?¿?
can anyone help, im trying to edit text in default.prop but i dont get the option????
Agregenme a
Alejandro, can you please share the generic firmware at XDA developers site, everybody with an X10a are trying to upgrade.
Ok let me post it.
Still nothing in Holland…
DIE SE!! Wankers!!!
@ jez…..when you get into system folder …click on the right hand side top corner on Mount R/W….then long press on default.prop…note..long press not just press…after that you need to scroll down and press Open in text editor..then you will be able to edit the file…
Telcel México— > November 15th..
Source SonyEricsson Mexico Facebook Page
(Fourth comment)..
Para México, el roll out comenzará la semana del 15 de noviembre, para que todos los usuarios con Xperia X10 puedan aprovechar y actualizar su equipo.
thank you Alejandro
Muy bien gente, ya tenemos fecha para el rollout, ya es cuestion de si se quieren esperar o instalarlo de una vez. Saludos!
i cant understand you.. learn to spell properly first 🙂
can anyone tell me how to edit the default.prop on a x10 mini please
boom i get no option to edit, when i get into system folder, click white box (r/w) changes to (r/o) then long press default.prop. only get option to open text
Any news on USA’s AT&T release date?
Once again i am let down by a big phone Manufacturer. After being disappointed by Samsung and their failed repetitions of new FW, i switched to SE X10 as i like SE as a company and previous phones. However I have once again been let down by failed Updates and no answers to any ones questions.
I really cant see how hard it would be to say that any UK updates will not be available until X date, rather than blag that you dont know when it’s going to happen. But with being let down by Samsung so many times and now SE, i think its time to change to HTC, as they seem to know what they are doing with Android.
@jez…do you have xperia X10i ??? cause otherwise it is a bit complicated…if you can’t get it working go to “” and check the answers to the some people have the same problem like you…
Updated to android 2.1…
rooted successfully
Played a bit of angry birds
browsed with firefox browser a lil
tried installing flash player for 2.1 using some tweak mentioned on a blog, didnt work :(.. skyfire is d only hope to play flash videos
enjoyed live wallpapers..
sony ericsson sync aint syncing for some reason.. server overload??
And yes am lovin this android 2.1 🙂
boom ye x10i, cheers ill hav a look. doin my head in lol
I didn,t have upadte yet so i decide to try manual update geus what IT,S WORKKKKKKKK
go here —–>
don,t wait for SE they are morons
does any one know when the update will hit canada?
i envy you alot JZ Terminal lol. having a hard time debranding so i gave up, still no word on USA AT&T x10a. please inform me a date so i can at least still have hope for the android part of my company
hhhhhheeeeeeeeeeeeeeelllllllllllllppppppppppp can anyone tell me how to change firmware on x10 mini please
1 x10i mini on 3 mobile -> no luck yet
1 x10i mini on telenor -> got the update
1 x10i mini pro on telenor -> no luck yet
all 3 phones says GENERIC – user , and WORLD in service menu
they only differ in customization version, and content version, none of them has nordic in the info
I asked why SE haven’t just released the FW to everyone at once and there response was as follows:
Regarding just releasing it. In principle, and especially for you highly interested “power-users” it could be very interesting. However as I understood it it isn’t even legal for us as a supplier since most (if not all) markets need some kind of type approval for mobile phones to be ok to be used in the networks. That’s one important difference to mobile phones compared to many other types of upgradeable electronic gadgets.
I used manual from :
I am from Czech rep and it works perfectly my phone just get updated and I cant see any issue ( YOu just need to change keyboard layout ) it cost 2,5EUR due to root explorer ( need for change buil.prop file )
@ lex
That argument from SE is fine except apple routinely update iPhones all around the world at the same time. Surely iPhone would be subject to the same international approvals as SE?
2.1 is a bit slow… Can anyone suggest me how to make it smooth???
the difference with SE and Apple is…. we knew about android 2.1 coming to the Xperia family like well a long fuckin time ago, and Apple waits until they actually have an update and have it tested and approved before they even announce it, then when they announce it they usually release the update either that day or else a week or so after that and they don’t delay updates.
You don’t have to wait for the update, if you have an X10i, and feel comfortable following the instructions to install the Nordic Combined firmware, then you can get the update today.
Note that all Telstra and Optus applications will be lost. I haven’t bothered backing up my Optus programs as I didn’t use any of them. I have noticed a speed increase after losing the Optus Zoo framework as well as other start-up applications such as Moxier Mail that I currently do not use.
Also; on the X10 Blog main page, you can find the instructions to root the X10 on 2.1 using SuperOneClick. This then allows you access into the phone to remove applications that are protected from being removed through the Manage Applications tool.
Heard SE have released some global firmwares, but try a few times still no update. So decide to use X10flasher with 2.1 Global final. It work on my X10i. Please go there:
It has more language under locale so those needs language like chinese simplified/traditional/HK, korean and japanese can use it. total 65 choice. However, for singapore they put singapore english instead of “singlish”.
err, still cannot get chinese input to work.
oh yeah, 2.1 global, now i know how to select chinese input. It is totally different to ver 1.6. When default keyboard is out, press and hold the test box, then new window pop up which you can select input method.
Frankly sepaking, not so responsive as compare to 1.6.
Lisbon 2:32 AM start the upgrade…. Finaly…
@burdie what country ar you?
Love ur nick lol! Trust me, its a lot nicer here in Canada!
well in india no update yet… although what they said about the mini pro getting the update first an all….. the SE update site says all three are released but oddly it just keeps redirecting me to the PC companion site.
Also somewhere they say that exact date and time will vary from “operator and market”… I’m not sure what that means becauseas far as i know in india we all get unbranded (unlocked) operator independant phones… anyone got any idea on this??
Me fro Malaysia. I didn’t get update from SEUS of PCC. Just use x10flasher with latest global firmware
GOT updated in INDIA with rooting technique!!!!! 2.1 rocks, every thing is smooooth.
thanks to the guy who founded rooting n updating technique!!!
it works!!!!
get in there, finally 2.1 is installing on my phone using root explorer method, hope all is well. uk x10i
with rooting technique
we can’t chek the modell country branded
menu-back-back-menu-back-menu-menu-back) doest work nd
the 2nd 1 which was lyk ,,, *##*4636#**#
sumwat of this kind
it also doesnt work
the font is too much bigg….em gng bak to 1.6 i l update when germany gets the update
nw em nt dat much desperate of getting …2.1 after noing it worth nothinggg
Can someone tell me this,
i have had an discussion about the next thing..
a friend of mine says that its only possible to update to 2.1 with pc companion,
i thought that it isnt a ‘must’ to do it with your usb cable and tht you will get an warning on your statusbar, so you can downlod it just with your x10, so no cables, no nothing..
Is that possible or do you really need pc companion?
“boom ty bro for sharing the easy method of updating xperia to 2.1 1 thing i must say is u can get the root explorer for free now here is the link
Re: Zodiac, Bandit etc:
you have no credibility left on this forum. you’re trolls and all you do is complain and whine.
What shambles are you talking about ? SE made it VERY clear that the update will be rolled out in phases for different regions and markets, in alliance with different carriers and their requirements. if people can’t read and understand that simple statement, or they’re simply being impatient its their problem not SE’s. Besides, We know very well that SE has already released the update to their carriers quite a few days before the general nordic availability. At this point all the branded X10’s have to wait for their respective cellular brands to release the update. I can imagine how it must burn you that SE managed to released the update as promised without any further delays as you were all constantly predicting. No wonder you started belittling the same update that you had been clamouring for , for months if I recall, as soon as it became clear that SE will deliver on their promise this time.
So stop your stupid propaganda , do us all a favor and leave this forum!
try they got root explorer n a whole bunch of android appz 🙂
@ indiaN experia
Oke i have the root explorer now,
what next because i dont know how to edit the system file into the root explrorer…
experiencing the lag of 2.1, hope it subsides!!!