Sony Ericsson forces us to close

Xperia X10 BlogIt is with great sadness that we have to bring you the news that this will be the last post on this website. Sony Ericsson has filed a formal complaint about the use of the trademarked ‘Xperia’ name in our domain name and have requested that the domain names, including that of, be transferred to them.

Sony Ericsson is alleging that we have used the domain names in “bad faith”. We are stunned and disappointed that Sony Ericsson, a company that we have spent much of our free personal time in promoting, especially the Xperia brand, has decided to take this formal action against us. After all we are just like you, passionate Sony Ericsson users, who have strived to bring the community breaking news and an independent viewpoint.

We do not have the resources to fight Sony Ericsson on this and therefore this is the last you will hear from us. Sony Ericsson has made great strides in its Xperia portfolio, especially in listening to the community. This makes it all the more confusing as to why Sony Ericsson would want to shut us down. We genuinely believe that 2012 could be a bumper year for the company, we just wish we could have been there along for the ride.

All the best.


198 responses to “Sony Ericsson forces us to close”

  1. changge your domain name simple… obviously sony ericsson have the right, they may wish to use it themselves, they got fb to close my fb page also.

    You can easily change ur domain name and transfer your posts…

  2. also i have to admit some of your posts have been pretty critical of them in the past especially with the x10 one

  3. What a sad news.. This is the best site ever for seeking information n news from se.. What a big lose.. Sigh..

  4. Please carry on with a new website. This is a fantastic blog and I very much hope it will continue!


    they should be the solution!! right??
    Wow really starting to hate SE after all they’ve NOT done for the x10 and now this!

  6. so sad. been here since i bought my x10, more than half an a year ago, looking for updates and stuff.

    Just wish you guys the best of luck on your new proyect/domain whatever you plan for the future.

    thanks you sooooo much

  7. You can’t just give up like that! This is the only place I visit daily to get news updates for my device. I want you to change the domain and come back. You shouldn’t give up in front of these rich peeps. They can’t win all they want. Show them that!

    In case you guys would just quit. Thank you for the team.

  8. Sad to see you go. This forum has been an excellent information source for me. Please keep me informed of your new domain name.

  9. The solution is not complicated! just get a new domain and move your host to it. it’s gonna be sad if we wont see this blog anymore. please continue your good works.

  10. Like all the other people here, this is sad news.
    I have read the blog for 1,5 year or so, and this is just one more crapy action from SE.

    If some “smart” dude over at SE reads this:
    “SE, you are just like Apple when it comes to how you handle the “litle” people aka your customers. You step on them, if someone would like to help your users, like this blog, you just send them a “I will sue you” letter.”

    This, combined with how you stoped supporting the X10, when you always have told us you will support and update for 2 years, have made me, a loyal SE customer for the last 9 years, to never EVER! buy your phones once more.

    Keep up the good work of bloging about android and phones, get a new domain and I guess the readers will follow the good stuf!


  11. What a shame.
    Do they not understand that people, me included, would be using you as a source to pick our next xperia handset?
    I’ll just have to follow a bigger more generic site that never mention SE in a good way.

  12. Guys open a new domain, the name doesn’t real matter to us readers. This site is my first stop for SE related news. I never open the SE official blog as their posts are not interesting to us SE customers. good luck team.
    Just change one letter from their trademark like Xberiablog or XpeariaBlog or anything. What matters to us readers is the blogs content.

  13. Very, very disappointing move from Sony Ericsson. I feel they do not value the importance of blogs such as this and, as a platform for sharing user experiences, building and developing a strong community base, and as a general resource for consumers of their products.

    In fact, these blogs are one of the biggest reasons I felt so glad I chose to buy an Xperia handset and keep it for so long (18 months). Some competitors products out there are superior in many ways but they do not have such a fantastic platform for the end user community as these blogs have provided for the Xperia range, and that is a real competitive advantage that Sony Ericsson are failing to see.

    Coincidentally, I am using my Xperia handset to post this comment, and this will be the last comment I be posting on it, as I have a competitors product in transit being delivered to me at this very moment. I have bought and owned 6 Sony ericsson handsets in the last 6 years, many of those being flagship products, and I find it sad that after all their good work of late SE are taking a big step in the wrong direction.

    Goodbye Sony Ericsson, and good luck to all of the team at

  14. God fuck Sony Ericsson and this shitty smarthphone I sadly own!
    I thank this page for giving me tutorials on how to root my phone and make it less shitty! 🙂

  15. what? force close?
    it think SE are boring with his own blog (SE product blog), they just searching some points to show to his bosses that they hardworking.. what i got from them.. i dunno? few month before they introduce new bloggers.. IT’S NOTING.. just a tonne of junks.. i think rikard skogberg much better in update.. regarding Xperia trademark.. technically they deserve to argue on you (
    i hope you will start setting new domain for our xperiax10.
    we always support you.

  16. Can we move to a new domain name? This is an excellent blog. Since i bought my x10 18 months ago i always come here to get any updates. it’d be sad to see it get closed. im sure people can kick in a few bulks if u need funding. 1$ is should do plenty.

  17. WTF!!! this is bullshit… i thought SE learnt sth from CM already.
    This is totally %^%$^%&#%^, i’ll just go for a samsung ICS nexus.

  18. I echo many of the above comments. Keep calm and carry on and get a new domain name. Just be sure to let us know what it is 🙂

  19. This is a sad, sad day for SE. But still, it just sounds like a typically pointless decision from a corporation, who do not see customers anymore, just their wallets…

    However, in an era where everyone is betting on branding and customer loyalty in a market where SE is clearly overwhelmed by Samsung’ (and their Nexus subsidairies) and HTC, this is not only a sad decision, but a dumb one.

    Finally, I would like to join my voice to those who ask that you choose another domain. It would be a shame not to. If you won’t, then allow me to thank you for letting us having the best experience possible with the X10.

  20. Another fail by Sony Ericsson. After the flop that was the X10 I knew that I would never buy an Xperia device again, although this website made it bearable to keep. They need to start copying Samsung… Listen to the online community, thats how you sell more units than you can count.

  21. Yes change your domain. companies are not here for us but for our money. they like being petted, not being criticized. in this case we like their product somewhat with room for improvement, and critique is good. change your domain name and keep on rocking.

  22. WHY????? THIS WAS THE BEST SITE FOR X10 !, the official site of sony ericsson sucks big time and this site was for me a great place where to know all the last news !
    damn SE, now i’m changing to Iphone

  23. Well, this is disappointing news. I think everyone should tweet at SE’s UK acct @SonyEricssonUK and other SE accts to dissuade them.

  24. Matherfuckers…. they fail so much…. i hope you guys will continue with a new domain.

    You did great work!

  25. Fuck Sony Ericsson and their Xperia shit, I’m waiting to change my x10 (BTW my battery its drainning in minutes!!!) for the Samsung Galaxy Nexus.

  26. And to think I was actually considering buying a new SE smartphone.
    I’ll have to find another manufacturer now.

  27. last time I buy a Sony phone or product for that matter and I have quite a few Would be great if they focused their efforts on the important business of the consumer instead of litigation. Bad job Sony, bad job.

  28. Uhh, what? They are shutting down a website where their users and fans went for help and news. Okay.? -.-

    Fellow users,Thanks alot, youve helped alot over the past year and a bit.

  29. I’ve been using SE phones for 10 years. But the X10 will be the last SE phone I buy after being stuck on android 1.6 then 2.1 for months, and now this. Good bye SE, hello Nexus Prime.

  30. I’m so sorry about that. Change the domain and i will follow the site forever.
    Sony, very bad, again.

  31. Aw I cant believe this! This is me favorite blog on my xperia phone series.
    Well good luck guys! Thank you for ur great information

  32. Screw them. Clearly they don’t have a fucking clue. Please redirect to a new domain name, so that we can stay on top of the X10 stuff for once and for all?

  33. Thanks Tej for all you did… I hope you change the domain name or whatsoever….
    This website is one of the sites I visit a few times a day to check if there is any news about my x10..

  34. yeah thanks for all the good things you did on here and the tips and news…. the last straw for me…I will not spend another penny on SE… iphone for me now or samsung

  35. how weird… if it wasnt for this website i would have dropped my x10 for something else and not given SE another chance ever to sell me a phone.

    its been a great ride. great website with all the important news to keep the x10 owners loving their phone.

    i wonder why the company x10 didnt sue sony!


  37. Get a new domain name….can i suggest
    Sad to see you go if you do knock it on the head.

    My x10i and phone deal thankfully ends before xmas and I will be switching to another phone, not a hope in hell I will ever have another SE product.

  38. Sony you’re a big disappointment, first do not disappointed by not x10mini/pro updates and X8, and now with your pressure to
    This is a democratic society and that u CAN’T do whatever you want.
    So before you do anything think about the consequences that will arise … have my (our) support …

  39. You can simply change your domain name!
    Plz don’t just quit, i have been following this blog for over a year and half now and it’s my primary source of X10 information and 2011 Xperias reviews.

    Anyway, thanks for your great effort in making X10 a great phone.

  40. Sony Ericsson. What a fucking bad company.

    After all they want to support the FXP Team because the customers buy htc and samsung phones and now they want to close this great information site?


    They can really take their crappy phones and put them…..

    Sony Ericsson you looooooose.

  41. This is sad news, they just want to shut down the freedom of keeping the community informed.

    I would suggest that you shutdown the site and IMMEDIATELY create a new one under the same name, just post “I love Xperiax10” and KEEP the domain.

    Best of luck on the next blog!

  42. Wow What a blow!! You have done a great job and I always looked forward to your articles. You even did a better job than Sony Ericsson at circulating news about and ideas for my x10 handset. Fingers crossed you won’t let the guys in suits break your spirit! Best of luck with all your plans…

  43. Thanks for the blog, hope you continue somehow as i’ve been following your blog ever since I owned an x10.

  44. Good job SE, please keep doing it until nobody buy your phone anymore.
    Anyway guys, there are so many better phone to choose outside there such as galaxy, Nexus and many more.

    never give up Tej, do something better. maybe next time we see
    Thanks bro.

  45. really a bad move from SE… they’re just like apple now 🙁

    i hope you’ll continue this blog under different domain name

  46. I have rarely check SE official site/blog for they are kind of fucked up,and i couldn’t think of one day i sit in front of my pc without checking the news here,you people have been doing a great job down here by making my X10 like i want it to when SE themselves fail to do so,thanks guys for what have you done…

    as for SE…..go fuck yourself,I’m not going to buy your fucking fucked up products ever again..

  47. And this is another reason why I upgraded to Galaxy S2 and not a SE. What a set of fecking planks. If the turths hurts so much instead of bullying and closing down sites why not do something more constructive about it?
    Ah, fuck it, like I actually give a shit.
    Sorry for those who run this site and the poor feckers who have to depend on SE’s service.

    Good luck, you’ll need it..

  48. Since I got my X10 18 months ago, I have checked this site regularly, and it has been an invaluable source of information. The stuff I have picked up on here has greatly enhanced my X10. Without your advice, tips and recommended apps, I would think less of my phone tbh. Its a great resource for SE customers and it makes their phones better. Why the hell shut it down SE?

    You guys, just move to a different domain. If you decide you don’t want the hassle, I just want to say thanks for providing such a great site for us.

  49. OMG !! This it`s not good !! Wtf ? I can belive that. This latest mobile phone SE that I will buy.
    To many problems with this update…and now that…It`s to much…

    Sony Ericsson sucks !!!

  50. Hey……….!!!
    Change ur domain name dude 🙂
    That’s easy and no need to give up….

  51. I cannot believe this really happens. What a disappointment from you SonyEricsson. This is really bad. Instead of you hire these people and use them to make good user relations you are attacking them. What a fail! What a fail!

  52. I willl say reallly for this website i have read some post and i found my self. I have only 2 times i think visit the official website from SE i was always here to look for new information about my phone. But i think the x10 will dead in some months because its 2 years old next year and then will come new phones from SE and other marks. I Will really say thank you to you. You have done a great job to us. Thanks thanks thanks

  53. I can understand SE wanting to keep a tight watch on their IP but they could’ve handled this differently. Their recent release of handsets to XDA developers was a smart move that regained some ground and support from loyal followers. They’ve lost that ground now.

    Without adequate support from sites like this blog, SE users are at sea. SE’s own site is useless and their phone-in support is frustrating at best and obstructive at worst.

    The X10 was meant to be a great phone. Without the developer community it is a dud. Without blogs like this that help users make their phone work – yes, actually work, like it supposed to – I don’t see the point in owning an X10.

    Good work to guys and I hope you find a way around this. I will continue following your work wherever you end up – at least for as long as I have to put up with owning this X10.

  54. Thank you I liked your blog so much! It has helped me so long as I have been x10 user 1.6 days to 2.3. And your tutorials have been big help. Hope that we get tutorials somewhere that we can watch them if this site go closed.

    And I admit that too. x10 is nothing without great deveplopers. Have now android 2.3.5 cm7 rom on x10 🙂

  55. this is a very sad day indeed i have been following this site since it began,but typical se shooting itself in the foot when this community has done more for the xperia products than they have specially the x10. i would just like to give a big thank you to everyone involved in this great site, and hope you come back with another great site.

  56. Thanks for all of your posts. Even though I moved on to a Nexus S quite a while ago, I always kept this site in my favourites and visited often.

    X10 Running GB
    Nexus S Running GB – Soon to be ICS

  57. You were the reason behind the purchase of SE Xperia X10 mini, which still I enjoy it ..

    Thank You & miss You

  58. my first and last comment on this blog that i follow almost everyday. SE just doesnt get it do they :(, i wonder what sort of backward bunch they must be to close a blog that does more to promote their phones than their hippy green noisy website could every do.

    No more SE for me, i will not contribute towards making stupid people richer!

  59. @ TEJ

    this site has been make great resource for me…
    only this site that give me all round bout my x10 and x10 mini….
    this site have teach me bout root, bout change my rom to gingerbread

    please dont do this SE! I’ll never buy ur products again then and many in here!!!!!! listen to us pls!!!


  60. This site was the deciding factor in me getting the x10. So bad faith! I am loosing mine. The should at the very least pay you for it! M.

  61. Cant believe after all the promotion this site has done for se!
    i brought my x10 because of this site and knowing i could get support

    Just when we thought S.e was getting better:/

  62. Hey Tej,

    You’ve done good work, heck, brilliant IMO for the last year I’ve been following you. But, admit it, it’s the end of the road. There are better phones out there now. What SE has done to you is the final nail on the coffin for me as far as being an SE user. They’re telling me it’s time to move on and, more significantly, AWAY. Will probably see you around on the net in some guise or other. But I’ll say goodbye to SE. Thanks for the ride Tej.

  63. Cmon man!! don’t give up, just redirect to another one.This has been a good site with cool news and info, I guess that is what SE complains about..

  64. Hey Tej, thanks for all the hard work you did for the community. SE should be proud and thanking for your help and work. Good luck on your future plans.

    Rakash = )

  65. Thank you for your great links & posts! Xperia is an old phone anyway, but this site (along with XDA) brought out the best of the X10… what a shame what SE is doing to you guys!


  66. NO more SE phones for me, too. The X10i was not that great of experience after all. Thanks to this site, I was keeping up with the phone. As others said, there better phones out there.

  67. What a sad news. But, don’t ever give up. Please redirect this blog to another domain name. This is the important blog I ever visited every day.

  68. Sad that SE do such a stupid things. This site help SE a lot and provide a lot of information about Xperia Series. This site is the most easiest way to let people know what news about the lovely X10 phone. D_ _ _ SE.

  69. Fare thee well. I actually was upgrading out of my Xperia into an HTC or Samsung….Last Sony phone I ever get…can’t say last Sony product, but I will do my research prior to buying any product next time…any company that spends more time hurting the customers and less time listening to them…doesn’t deserve any business.

    Sony has gone on a lawsuit spree…frankly I hold absolutely no respect for them. They can kiss my @$$ I will take my business elsewhere. I hope Sony goes bankrupt.

  70. This only serves to illustrate that SE, like Apple, is run by lawyers and accountants, parasites who add nothing to their products but increased prices. Perhaps we should join the camps around the world to protest against corporate greed.

  71. Address your complaints over this action to SE. They most likely won’t do a single thing about it but at least someone will at least hear your voices. Most likely no one who matters will read the comments on this blog.

    Companies do have a great way of shooting themselves in the head though don’t they? On one hand they give all the libraries and support to the freeXperia team so we can get CM7.1 on our X10’s and on the other they do this. One part of the company not talking to the other most likely.

  72. This is a very very bad news for sony xperia followers , as we are always very passionately waiting for the next update of Hope team will continue thier work with another domain name.

  73. And that is why ladies and gentleman, Sony Ericsson is bullshit
    what a retarded fucked up gay company, never ever going to buy a shit ericsson product again.

  74. Really sorry to hear this. Owner of 3x Sony Ericsson devices and always trying to figure out how to best use the devices via this blog.

    Cut the losses and move your great things to another webname!

  75. NOOOOOOOO ! PLSSSSS 🙁 renaming the domain is the best way, PLS don’t leave us alone. I always visit your website, don’t kill it easily 🙁

  76. It’s sad for a company to force the closure of a community; is it not possible to stay open under a different name\guise? I do hope that sense would prevail and SE would see that the vast majority of people on this site are helping the company marketing and that really this is a fan page where tools are given to users of their devices to make them last and ideas to make the user experience better. They should be hiring you guys as a team not shutting you down. Personally after the SE product Blog lost Rikard it seems to be going down hill anyway. Distancing users. I hope they’re reading these comments.

    Rob (Ireland)

  77. Maar goli SONY nu yaar, tussi navaa domain lailo….
    always remember!! situations like these give birth to people like Steve Jobs!!! out of the box thinkers….

  78. I was on here cracking up at SE when they said they were not updating the X10 from 2.1 and so was everyone else… They listened.

    So this is an attempt to stop people power… A feeble attempt I might add – change the name big deal the people will still voice an opinion.

  79. Sorry Errorson strikes again! Another Epic Fail! This blog and forum are the best resource fur users and they come along after all this time to play bully to their own supporters! That’s it, I’m going to rake those bitches over the coals on Facebook and their own blogs again just like I did until they finally agreed to update to gingerbread. Bad move S.E., I’m getting a dual core phone next and never buying anything with Sony on it ever again!
    Big thanks to admin here and forums for everything. I hope you do get a new Domain and continue. Best wishes from future Samsung/HTC owner

  80. Guys, you are doing so good job, do not let this legal crap get you down – just change a domain name!

  81. I dont get it. Why not just copy the content to a new domain? I can understand if SE wants the domain name, but do they want the content as well?? If so, then thats a lot worse than just wanting the domain name..

    Why not continue writing somewhere else? Do you want to get paid for doing the work? I would easily pay to be able to continue to read your blog.

  82. What a hell ? thats SE support for clients ??? I Promise, my next phone will be NOT SE !

  83. Thanks for all your hard work. Through your website I’ve learned a lot about my x10 and when the latest updates are coming. This was a very informative website. Thanks!

  84. Thank you for your effort in this blog. I’ve been a loyal Ericsson and Sony Ericsson customer for 14 years, and a great advocate of their products. This stupid move on their part is helping me decide to switch to a Galaxy S2. Enjoy your new domain name, nameless SE lawyer.

  85. Weird, SE would have had your site shut down by now, I think someone is trying to get hits
    Even so, is more of a home for stealth trolls then anything, xda is such a larger community with more fan bases for multiple phones makers, yet this site has more SE haters

  86. I’m very sad to hear this unwelcome news. Shutting down such a prominent community is a horrible decision on SE’s part. Your work here is greatly appreciated and I hope that you change your mind and continue posting on another site.

    All the best,

  87. Really bad news! I don’t understand either why SE ‘needs’ to close that web site that’s a really good help point for any SE Xperia user.

    Anyway, good job boys!

  88. I can’t believe the mistakes such big companies make. They should profit from free publicity and even give you scoops and free hardware to test.
    Rip Sony Ericsson. Samsung is eating your marketshare…

  89. Gutted, but many thanks guys and gals! Let me know which phone company you will give this support to via my email and ill change my phone.

  90. We had already realized what SE is capable, when in spite of having bought a high-end phone, they were treated as an experiment, but they failed …
    (Un) fortunately now use an iPhone IOS5.
    I think I never buy a Sony product again.

  91. Finally, I think we should just rename your website, and continue doing the great work you have done so far.

    thank you very much

  92. I’m deeply unhappy about this. It’s not cool. It’s not nice. It’s not the Ericsson I fallen in love with.

  93. Don’t give up man, I always enjoyed your blog, just change the domain but keep the good work and by the way thanks for all your efforts. Let us know where we can follow your post from now on…

  94. this is most unwelcome news! this was a wonderful blog that easily kept me up to date on everyting regarding my x10
    thank you so much for your work!

  95. Keep the domain, shutdown the website. Then, contact a lawyer who wish to help you. You can get millions in compensation fighting them. All the best.

  96. Yep SE definitely would have had this site shut down by now, I’ve known Sony to shut big companies down, sites go of line within hours, it’s been 2 days
    Well good luck with ya or, I mean I’m sure you’ll be back when You Pull the plug.

  97. What the fuck is wrong with that company? they need the community and on the other hand they want you to close your site? It’s like Volkswagen forces the million fansites to close cuz VW wasn’t asked to.. I just don’t get it, but change your domain and keep it on!

  98. Just change to HTC 😛

    its very sad to see how sony erricson interact with his community.

    im sorry for you guys

  99. Greetings Everyone,

    After careful deliberation with our CEO, we are happy to inform you that you may keep the domains and continue with your website. Please accept our apologies for our premature judgement.

    Best regards,
    Sony Ericsson

  100. Sony Ericsson – NEVER AGAIN!

    This was – again – a perfect example of the way big companies treat their customers. “Please, buy our great new Product! YOU NEED IT! But honestly, we don’t give a f*** about you, your satisfaction with the product, support and the great community that supports us.”

    Best idea ever. That is a great companies vision? Yeah, go on. We’ll meet again in a few years 😉

  101. Sony Ericsson is group of f** A*** like my people say. To , dont close the blog, sony ericsson lose fights every time. My group of people on my site have right, because sony ericssonn has no so popular blog like u.

    To Sony Ericsson : U can’t do nothing if they will continiue this blog.

    I sold my all sony and sony ericsson devices, and i have all with apple now. Never SE !!!!

  102. how it’s posible ? what an idiot you must be to shit on your business ? The Last SE mobile in my pocket.

  103. Hey,
    Tanks for your time and effort. By this move SE lost more customers. Including me and other friends around me!
    Well done!

  104. I do not believe it possible to fully understand this flagship device without your efforts. This site provided countless users across the globe how to quickly get a grip on a rapidly evolving product. Whomever made this decision must have considered it for a long time. Sony is behind, there is no question of that. In this industry it has become cut throat. No longer is it a war of bring it out faster and more modern, it is a fist fight in a court room about who’s rectangle is the prettiest. Sony isn’t too involved in this beauty contest but people occasionally remember how they got a social disease not too long ago from their small rectangle’s cousin. It could have jeopardized their entire existence.

    Sony, your so vein. I bet you think this song is about you.
    It was but now it’s gone. It’s not a good thing. Good luck with being number 2 pretty rectangle. Oh wait, your not. Not even close.

  105. First post on here as I usually just read the brilliant content that this site offered. The countless times I have found the answers to my X10 problems here and I know im not alone. I made up my mind a while ago that I would not be buying another SE phone because frankly the customer service is dreadful at best but this has only confirmed to me that I am making a good choice. I left Samsung to get the X10 but I know where im going back to… Samsung Nexus please….

  106. Just change your name! The name doesnt really matter. people will still read your stuff.

    And NO company allows use of registrered trademark names to be used by others without consent.

  107. Thank for team
    I did enjoy your site, sorry for the news
    I don’t have much power to help you fight back, only thing I can do is stop buy sony product.
    you guy did a good job, Thank so much, I hope I can see you again

  108. A big thank you very much to the team and helpful members of the forum, this site has been a blessed from the very first day i got my x10 . I hope to see the work done at both sites carry on despite this set back

  109. Great blog, too bad the legal shitheads at Sony think it may endanger their corporate image…

    All the best!

  110. If it wasnt for this site I would have given up on Sony Ericsson completely, thanks to everyone who had input to this site

  111. I hate se more and more!
    Change domain and make an announcement!
    don’t let the Fay cat corporate scum silence the people!
    yet another example of failed democracy and people’s rights!!!

  112. Get a new domain dude and transfer ALL the content there. Dont allow them to screw you over.

    Thanks for all the news you have been giving us all this time. Take care man… and dont give up!

    Greetings from Hellas!

  113. it’s all fucked up. as everyone believes you were doing them a service, not the opposite. but not just that, you were doing us all a service too. i was happier and more confident to keep my x10 knowing there is something better for it around the corner. i want to thank you for what you gave us, it’s sad to see it all disappear in a poof. so best of luck tej, with whatever is nxt (like a new site? 🙂

  114. Next time I buy a smartphone, I might buy a Samsung instead.

    Sony Ericsson: This is stupid and much badwill.

  115. Keep it on !

    Change the domain name and free yourself from any link with them, you will be able to review their phones in an objective way.

  116. bullshit one more reason to get the road and switch to Samsung… Thanks Sony Erricsson to help me to decide it =).
    I have this x10 for the last 15 months, and I’m tired about late updates, tough comunication channels… I will pass my phone to my wife and run to Galaxy SII. But I have to say that this blog helped me a lot, and I’d like to say thank you guys for the amazing work “free”… best whishes to all, and to all SN users as well !

  117. I can´t believe they are shutting you down. This blog has made my phone x10 times better. Sony Ericsson obviously have no care what so ever about their active users. So long Sony Ericsson, it´s of to another brand now. What phone are you buying next Tej?

  118. Yes, I wish to add my voice to all those who have thanked you for providing this blog and all the useful info. included on it. So much easier to find and better than the SE site by miles. All SE seem to be interested in is patting themselves on the back about the next model coming out. Whereas your site is useful to all of us who spent our money on the X10 and within 6 months were forgotten about by SE until the clamour on the web, from sites like yours made them sit up and take notice.

    All I can say is it must be jealousy as you’ve managed a genuinely useful site with no funding while their site is hopeless…

    Anyone else receiving spam e-mails from SE on their phone at the moment? They seem to becoming from a post I left on the SE site last year. But, I cannot log back into the site to cancel them!

    My contract will soon be up now and seeing that SE are really annoying me at the moment and including what’s happening to this site, I think I will be joining a lot of others and going with another manufacturer next time.

    Will SE ever learn???

    By the way why not just transfer your site like others have suggested, or are you also moving onto a different phone/manufacturer?

  119. A domain change would be great if you guys are willing to keep working on the blog. I can’t remember how I found but its been a useful site for x10 owners. Rooted and flashed my device because of the simple tutorials endorsed by the team. I just hope I find another blog as good as this one for my next smartphone.

    Thanks for the posts and tips Team 🙂

  120. Thank you so much guys.. You have done a great job promoting the xperia. Sony.. If you are listening here this.. If it wasn’t for the guys here at, I would have thrown my phone into the sewer. You guys never answer to our problems and never let others do so …

    I am very very disappointed with the support you give us and I can see that the future of Sony ericsson as a mobile phone is doomed. The bigwigs at Samsung and LG listen to their customers unlike SE who throw something at us and expect us to take it with whatever problems it has.

    Thanks so much to the team. Pls make a blog for Samsung Galaxy S2 or LG optimus. SE is finished. No R&D also.. They keep thinking that they are the best. Going to go down the drain like Blackberry .. Cheers and thanks once again..

  121. I would like to express my gratitude to the people of and the the X10 community. You guys have been a great help, I always find myself coming back to this site when I run into problems with my X10. As with many other followers, I am very disappointed with SE and will be steering towards other brands. I have been a big fan of SE since the debut of Walkman, but I can’t deny that they’re always one step behind the competition. The X10 is probably the last SE product I will own.

    To Sony Ericssoon, if you are reading this, I have one message for you, ‘Fuck you, I’m going with Samsung’. To and the community, again thank you so much for the constant help and support. I wish you guys all the best, and great success with your new coming projects.


  122. Becuase ofinformative blogs like this I never had to call SE customer support for getting my issues fixed, anyway the SE customer support engineers would not have solved for me or would have taken a huge amount of time. The reason why an online community is much fast in resolving customer issues than paid engineers are due to a simple reason :Passion.

    A a company SE would have had many reasons to ask for a closure and they will have legal rights to do so. But SE should not forget that they are doing this to a very enthusiastic user group who were a reason for recent growth of the company.Assumption is the mother of all screwups.

    Best of luck all

  123. I can only endorse what so many others have said about this terrific site and the community surrounding it. Thanks to them I managed to get my x10 working on 2.2 and make it the phone it should have been all along and long before SE realised how alienated they were making their customers by not responding to them and releasing official upgrades unlike the other manufacturers. I like the phone so much that I’ve just gone for a sim only deal but once I eventually upgrade to a new phone I will be yet another to change brands. Killing communities that buy your products and support them through the bad times not only loses them as customers but guarantees them to recommend anyone other than SE. Congratulations SonyEricsson when we thought you were finally listening and supporting customers you blow us away. Thanks to everyone on here most of all Tej for having the foresight to set this up in the first place.

  124. people Ericsson has been bought out by Sony, hopefully there will be improvements on the CS front. but for me i dont care, as i wont be buying another S(E) phone!!!

  125. I like X10 a lot but my next one won’t be Sony, sorry was trying to decide among several phones include SE, but this shutdown thing helped me making a decision: abandon SE, thank you.

  126. nice blog. Like so many others, very dissapointed by SE. Also since S has bought the E, there will be no more SE phones for me either. I don’t trust Sony on their own. Hello Nokia (I think).

  127. yall jus dont understand its like copyrighting sony if u release info bout their product all its takes is sumone to modify sumthngs and sell it and make money.. thats why sony did so.. i still think the phones are great and i hope they come out with a xperia play that can run ps2 games aswell dont you think.