Xperia X10 on sale for £150 in UK sim-free

Carphone WarehouseIn the UK? After a sim-free Sony Ericsson Xperia X10? Then Carphone Warehouse is now selling the handset for £150 including free delivery, whilst stocks last. This seems like a cracking deal, especially considering SE will officially be upgrading the handset to Android Gingerbread later in the year. Click here for details.

10 responses to “Xperia X10 on sale for £150 in UK sim-free”

  1. goku pants man – you are first here…..your parents must be really proud of you today

  2. cant believe i got £130 for my used one 1 1/2 weeks ago from mobile phone exchange. sweet.

  3. Rojdag, the funny thing about you stupid, dumb, fucking retards is, you still whore this website even though you make out you’ve sold your X10. Nobody cares, it isn’t cool.

  4. chill out people, its only a geeky forum, i like my mini, i just orderd an android tablet! 🙂

    S I X T H 🙂

  5. @all.
    This is a BLOG. Like every other sites, blogs and etc. generally speaking thingies that are internet related, trolls do come out of their closet and spam the s*%t out of them. Point is: DO NOT feed trolls. Who says he’s the 1st , 2nd etc. from now on, is RETARDED, and most of all… GAY(=homo for the trolls who need a synonim). STOP spamming this blog !! it’s your fault this blog is not updated often.
    sry for the off topic.
    On topic: That’s really a bargain. Best deal ever. In my country it is @ around 300 gbp, sim-free. If only i lived in the UK… Would’ve bought 2 more. ^_^ just for the fun of it.

  6. @Fat Mother Fucker

    you are the retard you fuckwit i loved my x10 but it was upgrade time, thats the only reason i changed. i was just stating that i got a good 2nd hand price for it. so go fuck yourself.