Best Buy gets White Xperia X10 exclusive in US

White Xperia X10 Best Buy will exclusively be stocking the white version of the Xperia X10 in the US when it launches this Sunday 24 October. In a bizarre partnership, the phone will come pre-loaded with “The Essential Taylor Swift Experience,” I can’t see where the fit is myself.

This includes two albums (Taylor Swift and Fearless), a new single (Mine), ringtone, video content along with access to her new album (Speak Now) when it launches on 25 October. The white Best Buy exclusive will set you back $99 with a two-year AT&T contract.

Via Engadget.

22 responses to “Best Buy gets White Xperia X10 exclusive in US”

  1. Great, a white version of a phone running a way out of date version of Android. Glad to see SE have been putting their attention to what matters, while existing X10, X10 Mini and X10 Mini Pro users are being left behind the rest of the Android world.

  2. Sony ericsson rocks! US citizens are very lucky to get this amazing device by the time 2.1 will be rolling πŸ˜‰

  3. Throw in some Slayer, Opeth or The Big 4 concert MP3s in it, rather than Taylor Swift.

    Shes pretty though……….

  4. AGREE WITH ζˆ‘ζ˜―δ½ ηˆΈηˆΈ.

    Throw in some Iron Maiden, Moonsorrow <– check these guys out fool, Blackwater Park by Opeth, and I'll buy another X10 in an instant.

    For now, Taylor Swift sucks, and so does SE. Seriously stop with the phone releases and focus on 2.1. It's embarrassing, releasing 1.6 phones.

  5. Never heard of her πŸ™‚ Firs time i saw her on youtube after i saw this post and before i saw it i actually thought it was a guy LOL ahahha

  6. I think they have Taylor Swift’s stuff in there because i believe she recently signed a deal with Sony to do some of their ads. This was probably part of the deal. I think her music is great and I like her a lot, but then again, I’m Canadian πŸ™‚

  7. I find This so funny they are bringing out a old color that has been out un the eu since April u lot in the us must be so happy lol its still the same laggy x10i

  8. @gman

    Do you actually own an X10? I don’t think so, because if you have actually used it, you won’t say that it’s laggy. I been using the white one since July, and never experience such thing. Runs for months with any reboot. Get a life, you’re just a basher…

  9. “This includes two albums (Taylor Swift and Fearless), a new single (Mine), ringtone”

    ring tone? you can not have custom ring tone on 1.6 – can it be it will be sold with 2.1??

  10. @thor

    what you talking about? I’ve never seen a phone since 1996 that didn’t have custom ringtones!

    p.s to all you T-swizzle haters! i’m going to kill you via the internet!

  11. please don’t buy any crap phones of SE, they are out dated . if they launch a new phone with a froyo they doesn’t give you any update for a year,so think before you buy these phones,iam a owner of xperia x10 iam using it from 7 months,and they charged me a lot more for this phone,but this outdated crap is a waste of money.please don’t buy any phones of SE in the future,they have worlds most crap engineers,they take years to release an update.go for htc or samsung or motorola for android,I was a fan of SE before buying this crap and now I hate them.

  12. Att: boonus post.

    Boonus, that jizz joke is funny, good joke. We stupid X10 owners need your kind of humor.



  13. Yes the white X10 lacks speed on android 1.6. I know three out of three white X10s and one black X10 all lack responseness on operating the X10. No matter if rebooted or not. Its a common thing with X10. Example: when call comes in the X10 lacks speed almost impossible to thump swipe to take call. It takes 2-6 tries before it will take the call. And more of that stuff. We are running slim X10 with app killer etc normal stuff like you guys, but the X10 HAVE very much lacks of speed. Today my wife called I tried to thumb swipe 8 times it would not tale the call. She called again 2 minutes later and my swipe worked the second time. So yes some black and white X10s lacks speed. We all have the latest firmware updates from wifi. There may be different speed lacks or none on some national editions of the phone. But I my self use english language on the X10 so it should be almost the same as us editions. I believe when you write you dont have these lacks of speed. But some people have them.

  14. I was very impressed that so many people knew and were interested in an OS upgrade, specially considering that we are talking about a phone. But then I read thorh’s comment claiming you can not have custom ringtone’s with 1.6, and I realized that many people complaining were doing it just to follow the others…

  15. Woow Yasser thanks for the impressive video, it seems that live view will be a must for me πŸ™‚

  16. Mine is laggy as hell sometimes but im confident that it will prevail and so will the virtual key board once the update is here. SONY DOES ROCK !