For those of you that may have bought your Sony Ericsson Xperia smartphone locked to a network and are looking to free your phone, then you may want to check out a new website dedicated to permanently unlocking your handset. recently launched allowing you to unlock most of the 2010 range of Xperia smartphones for $49 (support for the newer models are expected in due course).
The process is simple enough and involves you installing some software onto your PC through which the unlocking process is carried out. Detailed step-by-step instructions are provided on the website that should allow even the most novice user to follow easily. Once the software is installed, the entire unlocking process should take no longer than 10 minutes.

The software is compatible with all recent versions of Windows (XP/Vista/Windows 7). Also, your Xperia handset must at least be running Android 2.1 (the process will not work if your handset is running Android 1.6).

We tested this recently with a white Xperia X10. Unfortunately this gorgeous colour is an exclusive to the Orange network in the UK. Therefore, a sim unlock is needed to open it to all other networks.

First, you need to download the Xperia Unlocking client to your PC. Once installed, you must install all of the necessary drivers for installation (included in the package). Then make sure USB Debugging is enabled in the handset itself (Settings – Applications – Development). Once that is done, you need to start the PC client with the login credentials supplied, connect the handset via USB and let the Xperia Unlocker do its magic. It’s as simple as that.

It’s all very quick and provides a permanent unlock to your handset. This means that even if you decide to use custom ROMs or mod your phone in any way the handset will remain free and open to all networks.

Given the amount of emails we get asking for such an unlocking solution we would definitely recommend the software. Whilst the $49 cost of unlocking isn’t cheap, it’s a quick and easy way to permanently unlock your handset, giving you greater flexibility for the future. Head over to Xperia Unlocked for the full details.
30 responses to “Unlock your Xperia in minutes via Xperia Unlocked”
49 is a rip off
Join the Sony Ericsson Xperia Arc Page!
in holland you can unlock your phone for 50 or for free after 1 yr, so pretty useless to us… 🙁 this would have been so good if it was free or like 5-10 euro’s!
When I went to Prague this summer, I took my x10 with me and guess what: my carrier charged me freakin 2.99 Euro = 4.33 USD per MINUTE. That’s just majorly messed up. I could have save myself all roaming charges and used a native prepaid SIM if my stupid carrier would have given me the code!!!
Hmmm 49 euros or just over 15 euros. Not a hard one to work out 😉
I looked at but they DON’T support Android 2.3 and higher. I have no idea how to do the downgrade thing to a version below that and I really don’t wanna waste time with this either. What to do? Buy from above site for 49 USD? Any other idea or place you can show me?
Daniel that is quite easy.
Use Flashtool to get back to stock 2.1 firmware, then use omnius, then either go back to your custom ROM or your Android 2.3.3 (assuming you have an X10?)
Plenty of guides available at XDA developers for usage of flashtool
@kkscchaos: can you please show me exactly where to go to? I suspect it will be complicated. From looking a the XperiaUnlocked article above, their stuff seems easy and requires no messing around. But I wanna give it a shot and check “Flash tool”. Can you please please show me? Thanks man. Yes I have x10
Why give them your money, when you can do it yourself for free?
Go to xda and you can find it out!
@Evert: well if it would be that easy I would have done that
I just spent 1 hour researching all these unlock methods and I came up with this: does all Android versions for the models they offer. No rooting, flashing, and god knows what else is needed. Seems easy. Price….well….I guess $49 is good for so someone like me who doesn’t wanna mess with downgrading and so on. Delivery is only a few minutes. Works only for Android 2.0 to 2.2. Requires downgrading and messing with flashing stuff. I get a headache when I look a the XDA developer website regarding “Flash tool”. But for people who know all this stuff, I guess 15.80 Euro = 22.91 USD is a better way to go. I didn’t see any instant delivery though!
Various unlock code websites: they offer just the code. No use of software what so ever. But prices are around freakin 70 USD. I saw 50 something USD on eBay but delivery time of 4 weeks!?!?!? What ever.
Free unlock method: People discuss this on XDA developer but hell that is waaaaay too complicated for me.
I just went with works. easy. no flashing and sh***t required. i like!
It’s good to know Xperia X10 is still have its market value after it launched for over year and a half; someone is still working on unlocking the phone.
I can get my phone unlocked in town for £5, $49 is a total rip off
i have the power to unlock your phone!
I have the P O W E R
F I R S T 🙂
hey Jamie R: i wanted to do that in my city too but here the stores don’t have sony unlock tools. sucks.
on top, my x10 is JAPANESE VERSION from docomo (so-01b). i searched for long time now to find service that can unlock japenese version because is locked on different level. finally i found it. $49 i don’t care. i have money 🙂
Those with AT&T…just speak to any cust rep about un-locking your phone (atleast after 1 year of contract) and they’ll do it FREE for u.
I used XperiaUnlocked for Docomo x10. It worked fast and easy
on you will get license instantly and you can downgrade your phone even with the Omnius software… And the new phones like Arc Neo Play don’t need downgrading, as they use testpoint unlocking (you take a wire and connect ground to some pin from back of your phone).
Yo, rappers in the house, i want to lock down the bootloader, there are too many clowns and geeks out there thinking they can do a better job of the software than the people who designd it?
Horse poop, Any cracked type of software will be S H O I T E !
Full of bugs, not reliable and S H O I T E !
Or simply buy an already unlocked phone… Bought mine more than a year ago from the German eBay for 330EUR unused & unlocked.
Or do it for free using flashtool and xda.
this is for people who were banned on xda
help remove pilot form xda as a mod
It’s lot of money for unlocking Xperia X8. This phone is £70 from Three UK. I won’t pay £40 for unlocking.
Well FastGSM just completed their unlocking solution. It’s the cheapest and fastest Xperia unlocking service on the market today WITH direct support from developer.
Check it out at
y pay wen u can get it for free lol seriously u dont even have to wait a year actually lyk a few months
Hi my xperia 10i has been small problem that is market application are hided or blurry visioned and you tube has latly buffering please to fix the problem please
Hi, I just check the page for my X10i, and found a new price for 20$. I agreed that 40 bucks was tooo much, but for that amount, I will go for it. They are resellers because its using the Jic Tech software downloadable from
The very same applies to, now only 20$.
Spanish = en español
Acabo de verificar precios en las web de desbloqueo para el X10 y en ambas (x10unlocked y fastgsm) son ahora 20 dólares, bastante más aceptable que los 40 del principio. Todos usan un software de tipo JIC que necesita usuario + password. Me atreveré a probarlos hoy.
So I unlocked my Xperia x10 and then tried to do a system update and then A lovely little triangle appeared shortly after. Now even when its been charging all day it still doesn’t work. I then took everything out of it ( simcard, battery, sdcard) And its still is there. Even when i hold down any button it doesn’t go away?! I plugged it into the computer and it doesn’t even show up as being connected to the computer. Idk whats going on. The phone was originally from japan then I got it unlocked in Germany. Idk its really driving me crazy. Does anyone know how to fix it?