Judging from our last poll, the vast majority of you are running stock Sony Ericsson firmware, despite the various custom ROM options. Well many of you may not be aware that there is an easy way of enhancing your X10 performance by installing a JIT (just-in-time) compiler.
JIT compilation is a method to improve the runtime performance of your handset. Rather than translating code continuously during every execution, JIT uses caching to minimize performance degradation. The tutorial below shows you how to install JIT and was written so that all of you not wanting to change ROMs can at least benefit from an easy performance boost. We managed a near 60 percent performance boost, you can too by following our simple guide.
Tutorial on installing JIT on your Xperia X10
[The guide may seem a bit daunting, but trust us, it’s all very simple to do. Please read each section carefully before you start. The Xperia Blog absolves itself from any responsibility, please proceed with caution and at your own risk.]
1. Get Root Access
Rooting your handset gives you the permissions necessary to install custom software on your handset.
a) First, you will need to install the necessary drivers onto your PC. Therefore, make sure that either Sony Ericsson PC Companion or Sony Ericsson Update Service is installed on your PC.
b) Download SuperOneClick 1.55 to your PC.
c) Enable USB de-bugging mode on your Xperia X10: Setting –> Applications –> Development –> Tick ‘USB debugging’
d) Connect the X10 to your PC.
e) Open up Windows Explorer and locate the SuperOneClick folder. Start the program by double clicking on the main application. Click the ‘Root’ button.

f) Let the program run and once finished you should see the following prompts.

g) The phone should now be rooted, you also have the option to donate to the guys behind the program. Make sure you restart your handset before the next step.

2. Install Busybox
Busybox is a tool pack that brings additional handy LINUX / UNIX based commands. We need to install this app as some of these commands are needed for certain root level tasks.
a) Open Android Market, search for the ‘Busybox’ app and install.
b) Open the installer, click OK to comply with the license and then click the “Install” button. Once completed you should see the screen below.

3. Install xRecovery
xRecovery is a custom recovery console that allows you to manage backups and install ROMs, themes and applications from zip files. Other functions include the ability to wipe your phone and manage partitions.
a) Download the latest version of xRecovery from post one of this xda-developer thread. At the time of writing the latest version is 0.3-release.
b) Transfer the apk file to your memory card on the Xperia X10. We find the easiest way to do this is via the Dropbox client.
c) Open the file using a file manager such as Astro (find it in the Android Market) and install the apk as seen below.

d) Scroll to your list of apps and find ‘xRecovery Installer’. Click on the app and then click on ‘Install xRecovery’.

e) After a few seconds the installation should be complete and you should see a screen like the one below.

f) Now test xRecovery. To boot into the console, restart your phone and press the back button a few times after the white text Sony Ericsson logo appears. Once it starts, use the volume-up and volume-down buttons to scroll through the menu. Press the home button to select an option and the back button to go back.
4. Install JIT
As described in the opening paragraph, the Just-in-time compiler will help to boost the speed of your Xperia X10.
a) Download JIT Enabler v2 from the first post in this xda-developer thread to your PC. Do NOT unzip the file
b) Transfer this file to your Xperia X10 memory card. As before, we use the Dropbox app and PC client to easily transfer files between handset and PC.
c) Restart your handset and boot into xRecovery as described in step 3f.
d) From the xRecovery menu select ‘Advanced Options’ and then select ‘Wipe Dalvik Cache’. It will ask you whether you are sure, select ‘Yes – Wipe Dalvik Cache’.
e) Whilst still in the xRecovery menu, select ‘Install custom zip’. Select ‘Choose custom zip from sdcard’ to browse where the zip file is located on your memory card and install the file.

f) Once installation is complete, reboot the handset by selecting the ‘Reboot phone’ option from xRecovery.
g) The first reboot once JIT is installed will take a very long time, just like when a new firmware is installed. Give it a few minutes and your X10 should eventually reboot as normal.
You should now have JIT installed on your phone. To give you an idea of the performance boost, you can see our quadrant scores both pre and post the installtion of JIT. A near 60% performance boost isn’t bad for not much work. The best thing is that it doesn’t involve re-installing apps or the use of custom ROMs.
Pre JIT Quadrant score

Post JIT Quadrant score

All credit for this work goes to the wonderful developers over at xda-developers.
200 responses to “Boost your Xperia X10 performance – JIT installation guide”
I think its better just to go for custom 2,2 ROM, then score will be 1200 and flash, because same procedure as for JIT only.
Thank you for the very useful step-by-step guide. They only deterrent for me to not root my phone until now was the lack of a comprehensive guide ! This is right now the money…off to root & JIT Enable my X10 now !!
Two questions:
1. How risky is this procedure?
2. Do you know how this procedure affects the phone’s warranty?
I already have one dead X10 which was refused warranty, therefore I’m a little cautious with risking a second phone.
You probably should have mentioned that SO-01b users should NOT JIT their phones with SO-01b firmware on it.
Untitled, rooting the phone (step 1) may void your warranty (let alone the rest of it)
Hi, does this work for x10 mini pro? Any performance increase is always welcome 😀
@Derek NOBuyuki
You probably should have mentioned that SO-01b users should NOT JIT their phones with SO-01b firmware on it.
Why not ? I understand in warranty case I got SO-01B and it do exacly what i tellto do jit freex10 or even 2.3 every think is working propely
Can someone please mention if this guide also works with the X10 mini and mini pro????….
Thanks in advance
It’s much better to go for 2.2 beta4 –> 1200+ scores on quadrant and the phone’s silky smooth after that, and it’s just as simple as getting root+jit on 2.1.
Well, jit is for superuser. If you think you are a heavy user, and all you want is performance. Either get a faster phone or just flash ur x10 with custom roms but still you have to root before you can flash. The unique of the S.U. is the developers have made it work like an app and it will tell you as a toast or a pop-up notification each time a program want to make changes to your x10 non-user area. Follow the step carefully, make a home study first before proceed to rooting and tweaking your x10. Then nothing bad will happened.
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Nicolai_Imset, Miguel Cardoso, Ioannis Nomikos, EricNitiutomo, Xperia Blog and others. Xperia Blog said: Blog post: Boost your Xperia X10 performance – JIT installation guide http://bit.ly/hhgF4w […]
this is awesome, a lot of people don’t want to install 2.2 atm is because they are still buggy, this will at least keep them happy before custom rom is perfect.
Is samsung galaxy s and htc desire scores for Froyo versions?
i’ve just done the root and installed JIT, i couldnt tell a difference right away but a few reboots and i can now tell its much faster/smoother. is there a guide to get the custom roms on now to get 2.2 etc or to delete the moxier apps that i’m sick of seeing everytime i look in my apps?
how’s the battery performance after installing JIT
i hope this website can release the 2.2 or 2.3 custom rom installation guide once they are all perfectly run and stable!! thank you 🙂
to remove pre-installed apps, look in the market for app called TitaniumBackup or SystemApp Remover. both of this app require root and sorry to say that you have to buy it for a full version. i dont know whats work in the free version. but it work worth of buying.
If you root your phone this way and it goes wrong , can you just reinstall PC companion and repair your phone and use a back up file to recover your data? If so I think I might give this a shot ; recently I’ve been thinking more and more of this. Also does anyone know a good beginners guide to Android system/developing?
Does this work on the x10 mini ???
I just installed JT, and I have to say….wow. At first when you’ve just installed it, it is a little laggy on startup, but after 5 mins or so, u can really tell the difference. Apps load faster, its smoother and more zippy. For such a small amount of hassle you go through to get such a performance boost, this is really worthwhile in my opinion. Not sure if I voided my warranty though….but if I did, I’d rather have a zippy phone now and be happy rather than wait 1 or 2 years with a mediocre performing phone for the warranty to expire.
Whoops, I meant JIT*
The root for mini and mini pro is the same. For installing xrecovery, follow the instruction on this page http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=878427, sorry no automatic installation like the big x 10 and xrecovery file follow the instruction on this http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=902974
You will have roughly quadrant score of 513.
Note, that with cyanogen froyo you will have 1020ish quadrant score and with the cyanogen 7 gingerbread you will have 1200ish. (the former is stable with camera and headjack out of commision and latter not suitable for daily use) You can find froyo the mini pro on http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=943671 and mini on http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=961707, oh and for the mini, the camera is working : ) cheers
1. xRecovery 0.1 is the only version of xRecovery working for both X10 mini and X10 mini pro. And I think you have to tinker something with the chargemon first. you can read up stuffs at the X10 mini section of XDA to find out more.
2. Yes, JIT is also working for X10 mini and X10 mini pro. although JIT v2 doesn’t work.
3. the free version of TitaniumBackup can indeed remove unwanted pre-installed crapware. BE REALLY CAREFUL though, as there is no way to restore deleted apps, unless you choose to make a backup first on your sd (also available on the free version).
4. Bricked X10? you can simply re-flash them using Bin4ry’s flasher. That is, if it isn’t hardware problem. If some hardware broke, i guess too bad 🙂
Thank you, can someone give me a link to a version of JIT that works with the mini w/ official firmware 2.1.1.A.0.6 ?
You missed one Important step just before you install the custom zip. You should clear the dalvk cache first. Then you won’t have the multiple reboot or adjustment runtime issues.
Good point Stan, we thought we’d included everything. We’ve added a step for the Dalvik Cache. Thanks for the spot! 🙂
thanks a lot for this guide !! rooted my phone and installed JIT and omg my phone is so much more faster ! contacts open up the instant i press it ! amazing ! thanks a LOT for this guide !
can’t install busybox… something to do with nand unlock..? can someone tells me whats that?
Help anyone I installed custom 2. 2 from xda but prob was that I was unable to get my network signals. Mean I can’t make any call as there was no network. Is in froyo this issue was on every set or just mine. Any help will b highly appreciated
rooted my phone 4 the first time…..goodness my phone works like bullet
superrrrrrrrrr….but hw do i remove apps like moxier n all
I wrote:
【You probably should have mentioned that SO-01b users should NOT JIT their phones with SO-01b firmware on it.】
marco wrote
【Why not ? I understand in warranty case I got SO-01B and it do exacly what i tellto do jit freex10 or even 2.3 every think is working propely】
It seems you misinterpreted what I wrote. I said SO-01b phones with SO-01b firmware. Numerous threads point out that enabling JITdoesn’t work with SO-01b firmware.
Some threads even noted that there phones had to be wiped out and fresh firmware put on after trying to use JIT. If you are running some other firmware, then that’s moot and not what I wrote.
If there is some new development to allow JIT to run with SO-01b firmware, then that’s good news and I’d love to hear about it.
Excellent guide, how ever for X10 mini pro, please follow instruction given by Devfrost, for that you will also need a program called rootexplorer to install xrecovery. apart from that, steps are just about the same to install JIT compiler; where given file is renamed as update.zip
Thanks for the guide. I was wondering how can I install Android Market Apps into my SD card instead of my phone memory? is there a guide to that as well?
guyes im not able to run xrecovery after reboting im not getting tha xrecovery menu even by pressing back button after tha se white logo plz help me…
where JIT app?
i cant see in my phone.
Great to see how to do it in detail now, THANKS!
I have a few small issues here right now:
1) I already got low space warning after updating branded firmware yesterday and this process incvolves installing several apps. I have already deleted almost everything I am willing to do without and all that’s left are the 2 official versions of Angry Birds.
2) I now understand what to do and how to recover if it fails, but my phone is still in warranty and even a day or two without it would be too much.
3) I believe in my case a little more patience is prudent given that XDA are working on 2.3 for X10’s. When stable 2.3 is released, I believe this whole process will still be used and all the apps or newer ones or new versions will still be used.
Keep up all the good work, I still love this site and how much I have both learned and helped others.
after step 3d, i dont get it, it said exec:cp:not found?
help please
So, do we have to have 2.1 for this? I am on AT&T 1.6 still and I cant even get the root to work….
I have one question for you X10
I finish all the guide and i have the JIT app and all works very well, but… i can remove the previous applications of the guide, xRecovery, BusyBox or Superuser?? without affect the JIT??
Is just to have the phone menu cleaner… Thanks anticipated,
Easier to use the x10 Flashtool found on XDA, root the phone using flashtool – takes one click, then click ask root permissions, then click optimize, thats it!
i am stuck where xrecovery is not installing the files as told in the write up
can someone help please?
@ elie; do a reboot, doesnt say in the tutorial.
@john, reboot did not resolve. any other idea?
Try and uninstall busybox, then reinstall busybox from the market again.
I don’t really notice any difference. I’ve had the JIT running for about half an hour now and its just the same as before. Is there any way to just revert back to default?
I’m the same with Scott. I got 1.6 At&t, does it need 2.1 to do this?!
i just upgraded my x10 which was on 2.1. had an issue with busybox, but once i unplugged cable from pc and rebooted, it found busybox and went over it ok. the speed increase is worth it. i read a lot of specs in .pdf. recent adobe reader has loads of nice features … like a search…. and now i had a recent 2.1 with dual touch….really made the app useful to read specs… just dual touch it to get the right size… but it was slow. now with this jit…godam… search is now usable….rendering web pages in dolphine, moxier outlook mail, adobe reader… all is fast… my x10 is now in with pocket with pride again. thanks to all the people at x10 for telling us… and xda…for the binaries. 🙂
Hey guys. busybox won’t install on my X10….I just keep getting the “please wait” message for about 5 minutes and then it goes to “Status: Waiting….” and underneath it says “your phone is rooted” “busybox was not found!”
????? I’d appreciate any suggestions. Thx.
Oops….forgot to turn off handset after step 1 (that’s why busybox didn’t install!). Sorry ’bout that brainfart.
Does this whole process roots my x10? sorry for asking a noob question..
@Confused, yes it roots your phone, seriously its really worth the try, even if u brick it, you can find ways to unbrick it, it happens to me and now my phone is ok and mod to the max, have fun
I’ve had the JITv2 installed on my X10 but after the last system-upgrade decided not to re-install it. It seems to make the system more instable; I’ve had a lot more crashes since installing the JIT than before. Also, some software doesn’t seem to work quite allright with JIT installed.
So beware: it’s faster, it’s mostly usable & stable, but there are some snags and your phone will likely reboot more often than before.
Does anybody know how stable the 2.2 ROM is at the mo? Been putting it off until it is more stable. If the X10 had a proper flash, and the screen 16m colours (like the Minis) I really do think it would be one of the best on the market. And the best looking. But that’s just me!!!!
@ Kelvin
i have uninstalled busybox and installed it again from the market, then proceeded with xrecovery and installed successfully.
now i will continue with the rest
thank you very much for the help,
Can anyone tell me if it is possible to reverse this and go back to original software? if not is it still possible to get original SE system updates once the x10 has been rooted?
Sorry if this has been posted before, the multi-touch update is already out for Tmobile uk users.
I did this using the Flash Tool .26 by Binary and Androxyde. It’s really make your phone fast. Linpack score will jump from 6.1 to 34.8 MFLOP’s…
@ElNino Thanks for the info. I have been waiting for news on this update!
Just downloaded, however have to say not that impressed!
Why have Sony Ericsson put more apps on my phone which I don’t want and which I cannot remove???
SE, why can’t I remove all these pre-installed apps, I don’t want them, and if I did surely I could download them myself from the market? Isn’t that the idea with these phones? SE, it seems to me you aren’t learning one thing from the X10 users comments on sites like these.
I pity anyone contemplating buying the Arc… SE support seems to be getting worse not better as promised for this year – if that’s possible…
A list of pre-installed apps now on the X10 (after the latest update) which cannot be removed:
Moxier Calendar
Moxier Mail
Moxier Tasks
What’s the point of most of these?
Does anyone use them?
SE why do you make them so they cannot be removed – especially the demo software Wisepilot – Google maps is free and much better, why would anyone want to pay to use this?
Worked great! tnx xperiax10blog and xda guy, you rock!
Greetings from Monterrey, Mx.
In the list above I missed a few:
Sony Ericsson Synch Client Wizard
That’s 13 apps installed on my phone that I don’t need/want which I cannot remove without invalidating my warantee – SE truly pathetic!
What happens when another update hits through the carrier. Will I have problems?
Also, should I disable the debugging after the successful installation?
BTW, phone is usable now, wasn’t any good before.
I have 2.2.1 …. quadrant 1350 above nexus one 2.2 😀 Thx for xda 😉
HELP! I did this guide, step by step, on my phone yesterday, complete every step, no problems as it is how the guide said.
Now ever since then, my phone occasionally reboot by itself. Turns off with no warning, Sony Ericsson icon, then back to lock screen. This is terrible, How do I fix this. If possible I liked to keep it rooted. I don’t mind uninstalling the JIT.
^ Contact me at BigDnm01@gmail.com
@KRISPY just in case i brick my x10, how can I unbrick it?
Killing ADB Server…
Starting ADB Server…
* daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 *
* daemon started successfully *
Waiting for device…
Pushing rageagainstthecage…
2033 KB/s (0 bytes in 585731.000s)
chmod rageagainstthecage…
Running rageagainstthecage…
Getting mount path…
Remounting system with read-write access…
Pushing su…
1641 KB/s (0 bytes in 26264.000s)
chmod su…
Pushing Superuser.apk…
1535 KB/s (0 bytes in 196521.000s)
Remounting system with read-only access…
Running a SU test…
Test failed!
i tried switching my phone off and turn it back on and did the whole thing again. need help on this one. tnx.
Really grateful for this, it works a treat. Thanks!
Thank you!
This works and my phone is zipping around. Typing is finally swift and quick.
Makes me more pissed with SE though. It is so easy!
Wonder how much more under the processing power our Xperia’s have.
I forgot to mention i have R2CA016 firmware.
i tried debranding using SEUS and SEPC methods but to no avail. Yeah, I have both installed on my comp.
All I want is remove crap apps by ATT so I have no Idea which one will work for me. Debranding or rooting?!?!
I really appreciate anyone help.
Gulp. It’s quite a powerful phone, only to be forever crippled by Sony’s ineptitude. Sad thing is I imagine it must be quite easy to port the ARC Gingerbread software over to Xperia X10 – they just choose not to.
I just completed this and yes it did boost up the Quandrant score to 700+. My question is that does it actually enhance the performance for daily use or just give a higher score.
Thank much.
Hi x10,
2 things i would like to know-
1. After preforming this operation, can you still receive SE updates? i want to do this but i also don’t want to run the risk of not being able to obtain the pending x10 update with multi-touch.
2. Can you un-root? If so, how?
Any help would be great.
Thank you.
I have rooted my x10 and running 2.2.1 beta 4. I have installed the JIT enabler as said above and rebooted the phone. I see the sony ericsson on the boot up screen since then. How long does it take to boot? (FYI..its been 30 mins already).
Tks! ^^
@ X10
is it a problem if you forgot to clear dalvik cache?? I forgot to do wipe before installing JIT, would it cause any harm to my current system if i wipe it now??
YEY.. I’m no longer confused. I used UniversalAndroot.apk to root my phone then installed busybox and used superoneclick1.55 to enable non-market apps. For some reason I feel like thanking Krispy…
Do I have to install 3 and 4 steps?
Nice…Quadrant score of 745 after the install! 🙂
What is everyone using for their email program? The stock programs are very disappointing.
Does using another version of superoneclick (v1.65 instead of v1.55) affect the installation process?
You guys are running riot with our phones!
thanks a lot! still need camera, cant use 2.2
Hi Guys,
I am trying to get JIT install on my x10 mini
have rooted my phone,
install busy box
install rooted explorer but when i lanch the rooted explorer and select SDcard the app force closes.
Also not sure of any proper steps for x10 mini
Can someone enlist all the necessary steps so that users like myself can benefit.
Anyone think it may be possible to port the Arc software to the X10 without SE help, seeing as they seem to be not that different hardware wise?
Well, that was easy. Thanks a lot guys.
Advice: don’t do the install on virtual enviroment (virtual box). You’ll get stuck at enabling superuser.
Is it possible to post clear instructions to install dualtouch?
If nobody mentioned it before, it’s simpler and faster to use the Flash tool 0.26. First you root your phone, reboot, then you choose optimize button.
Excelente, grx once again!!
Does anyone know if it works with the new updates giving multitouch with Rogers? And is it worth now,cause mine is a lot faster with the last update…
I would like to ask, after all, can I uninstall everything that installed for the JIT?
I have my original X10i which is running 2.1 updated. And I followed the above procedure and completed all the steps.
Personally, I found that the performance is smoothen a bit.
And I just wonder now, I rooted my phone, what can I do to play as an Super User?
Here’s before and after comparison: http://twitpic.com/3ou1h5/full
plzz tell me hw to delete the useless apps ike moxier n all
please any one explain,i have installed JIT but i jut want know,
how to check JIT Quadrant score
because i cant see anywhere in apps JIT application icon
by Using x10 Flashtool found on XD
Where you can
Root, flash, delete unwanted app
I installed this last night. Wow! A great speed boost indeed. I am happy with my phone. The apps menu’s scroll with no delay. I can install a lot of widgets on my home screens now and not worry about it slowing down my phone as much as it did in the past.
I recommend it highly.
My advice: Follow the instructions exactly. When you have completed the xRecovery install, back up your phone at this point. Its always good to have a version to restore to.
You can always, unroot your phone and uninstall these modifications as well to. However, since Sony isn’t performing any more upgrades on this phone then I think this is the best option until we get a stable 2.2 or 2.3 custom ROM build from someone.
THANKS!!!! now my Xperia works awesome!
hay great work thanks a lot but only one problem with me
my device restart again and again in a day 2 times or 1
i mean if i shuffle on my phone it will direct restart after this i got a new problem anybody help me please……
Soooo fast now… also added a pro’ tuner and the phone runs great, now it runs like the phone i wanted in the first place.
It works. Even though I had the latest Rogers update with dual touch, I got as much score as the poster. Before I was only slightly above the normal X10i
actually my score is a little lower at 720 hmmmm time to uninstall some stuff
cant fint busybox in the market? – what to do?
It’s starting to get really sad that General Android Developers can make a product(Like the x10) perform better than the company that created it. I think it’s the people over at XDA that should develop their own Android phone because I would get it, it would probably be the only phone getting regualar updates and cool enhancements!
XDA please become a phone manufacturer 🙂
i cant download SuperOneClick 1.55
when i click on the link given and enter xda’s web page… ND AFTER I LOGGED IN…it jst say’s {you do not have permission to access this page.}
can some one please help me….or give me a link to download SuperOneClick 1.55…
Any help would great
Thank you.
Its there keep looking.
it did that for me… had to register and stuff then had to go to my email and click the conformation link XDA sent me then I closed the tag with XDA’s page open and tried the link again and it started downloading right away.
I’m using Google chrome I’m not sure if that makes a difference
Can’t find Busybox (using x10 mini) tried searching by name and by author. Help please!
I cant find it?
I got the same problem 🙁
I’m currently using A.0.6 fw and I had to change dalvic cache heap size to 32 mb.
I got a quadrant score of 821 !! Wow its awesome..Even got the ADW launcher & it makes it look supercool..Thnx XDA fr being a life saver….
hay great work thanks a lot but only one problem with me
my device restart again and again in a day 2 times or 1
i mean if i shuffle on my phone it will direct restart after this i got a new problem anybody help me please……
even i got the same problem,
Great ADVICE for the fools stuck with a crappy X10.
4. VISIT http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=947974 AND DELETE THE JUNK APPS LISTED HERE
5. ????
The reason SE did not load the JIT from start is that it in 1/250 cases overloads the battery and virtually melts the phone. This has started happening alot now. There are at least 5 cases in europe where people have been burned to death in their beds.
But I still use it 🙂 Fuck yeah 🙂
why it keep saying status: waiting when installing busybox?????????? please hELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Thx for this post!! yesterday i did it and i’m absolutely happy with the x10 NOW!! 100% less lags and a phone which is working smoothly!!
@huy if you use a newer superuser (i’m not sure which one i’ve chosen) then i think that you don’t need the busybox.. it’s already included
but after i click install xrecovery, there’s a stopped sign, not a tick sign…. please helP!
hey, i have a question. what happens if i select “factory reset (full wipe)” on xrecovery’s boot menu?
i wanna reset my phone’s firmware, i mean i want to delete completely and install firmware again, like re-installing a pc after formatting.
try this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JmS3nk2Nxl4&NR=1&feature=fvwp as I had exactly your problem of stop signs instead of ticks on attempting to install xRecovery. It’s just worked a treat for me 😀
Thank you, yes, I just did all that, my quadrant score is 774!
YESSSS. I think love you now.
Sorry my link above was wrong should have been the alternative way of installing it which is on this one http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mqcLpxT0tQQ
when i use z4 root, only temporary root will give me the tick
permanently root wont give me it???
plesae heLP!
I’m no expert but I gave up trying to use z4root and it seemed to have corrupted and couldn’t get it working again and rooted using superoneclickv1.5.5 http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=10728880 which you download onto pc, extract the zip file then open it like any other programme, connect your phone to pc and then have the option to root etc and it’s done in seconds
@paul, i tried, not working -.- still have the stop sign?
how u get your phone working?
not sure what to suggest but it wasn’t straight forward I kept trying to install the programmes suggested on the guide, uninstalling, rebooting several times, tried to use Titanium backup to remove apps, which wouldn’t let me, then all of a sudden the phone rooted, superuser was working and I was able to use the guide on the youtube video and it worked. All these apps started going wrong after I installed the multitouch update. So whether it was this or there was another application somewhere that was stopping it I really don’t know. After all that hassle I’d decided I’d had enough and went and installed 2.2 beta 4 and have to say it’s brilliant and how SE can say their version of 2.1 is better than 2.2 is beyond belief!
so u tried the beta???
is it faster??
what’s not in the beta?
so far the only thing I’ve found is that video recording isn’t working which is well known and something I’m sure xda are working on. The main thing I wanted over 2.1 was flash player and it’s perfect. The phone is faster, smoother, no lagging and I tried the quadrant app to test it’s speed and showed that it was nearly 3 times quicker than before. If people have managed to get xRecovery working I really don’t know what’s holding them back installing 2.2 it’s really so simple and if I can get it working not being especially technically gifted then anyone can.
OMG, if im not getting the xrecovery work, how can i install this beta -.=
@huy u should be able to install it if your phone is rooted.
Could anyone tell me how to uninstall JIT?
OMG, i told u, for the temporary root, i can, but when i reboot, i lost the superuser( that’s the point of temporary), with the permanently root, i cant =.=
Is there a way to uninstall JIT?
I wanna remove the JIT coz I’m having problems with it. Can anyone help me please?
You can email me at ricomb@gmail.com
It should have been mentioned that Superuser is required to be installed and running… (I know, this may be obvious to some) I also had issues with the Busybox installation, I tried using Titatnium back up to install Busybox, not sure if it worked, but after a reboot, I noticed programs started asking for permissions in Superuser, and suddenly I had Busybox installed and everything seemed to work after that.
First thing I did, even before installing the JIT, I removed most of the stock apps and useless programs that just drain resources… rooting was very easy I should have done this months ago…thanks xperiax10.net and XDA!!!
I am looking forward to more updates and mods!!!
hi guys I’m going to do this tomorrow but I have two qusetions;
1. if it doesnt’ work will I be able to restore to the factory build by reinstalling PC companion to my PC and using the ‘repair’ tool?
2. can I then just use the SE backup and restore for it all to be as if I’d never tried?
sorry about the above typos, way too much coffee this morning!
WOW, WHAT A DIFFERENCE!!! *keep in mind that I rooted for the first time and removed most of the junk, most (If I was the Gallery App, Mediascape or Device Monitor I would be very worried right about now…)
I been using the phone for about 24 hours and all I can say is wow!!! this is how the phone should have been when it was released a year ago… no more ridiculous lag, the phone runs very smooth…like it doesnt take 3 seconds to crop a pic anymore, or 5 seconds to open one, and the unlock thing opens on the first try! clickin on the home button actually brings me to the home screen in less than 15 seconds (1s actually) wow, im sure i can keep goin on forever about how great this procedure has made my life!!!
Sony is a great hardware company, but they are a joke when it comes to software. For example, all their new handycams are interlaced recording (1080i), they do not offer any 1080p cameras (under $2000). This used to be the best video-camera company out there, now I am looking at a panasonic!
Sony really owes it to the XDA devs, without them this phone would be in the garbage can!
Thanks so much for the update guys. I really love my X10a phone now. The guide was so simple to follow. Quadrant rated my phone as 689. Cheers XDA devs 🙂
the superclick file doesn’t open…error msg:
the application failed to initialize properly (0xc0000135). Click on OK to terminate the application.
Please help.
works great.i have score 700 now.
dualtouch works fine as well. nearly one year after buying the x10, i actually start enjoying it 😉
I follow the above guide to the letter. However I have problems installing xrecovery. I had scaled through xrecovery installer, but to install the xrecovery, i got stucked. It wont confirm it was installed, instead, the 3 files were not checked. After several trial, I went back to busybox and have it installed into system/xbin. I then go back to xrecovery, and it was installed. Just in case there is a newbie like me with this kind of problem.
Alright so I got delete happy and messed up market (by deleting semccheckin, qssemcs whatever) and android keyboard (user dsictionary)… so I had to redo this whole process again… here is some advice;
1. When you get to step 2 above, skip it. Instead, install superuser & titanium backup, use Titatnium Backup (under the problems button) it to install busybox, it may look like it fails, but just restart at this point and everything should work.
Here is when you delete the apps!
Anonomous Usage Stats, Back Up & Restore
Creatouch, Device Monitor, Diagnostics Tool
Digital Clock Widget, Asian Keyboards (Chin, Kor)
Live Wallpaper crap, Moxier Apps (if you dont sync with office email)
Music Visualization Wallpapers, Neoreader, Postcard, Quadrapop
Setup Guide, Wizard, Shop
Sony Ericsson Sync Service, Wizard, Support
Timescape (you will notice your phone come alive as you start deleting the 10 apps associated with it)
Track ID, Wisepilot
Next, Proceed to Step 3 as mentioned above. WIth XRecovery I had some issues, but after i rebooted it a couple of times, it suddenly worked. Make sure to give permissions with Superuser!!!
IMPORTANT: If you delete anything else you will loose functionality of seemingly unrelated things…trust me, market will be the first to go…Basically if any other app tries to link with a removed app it will crash..the above list is aggressive but safe!
I cannot thank you enough for this. My phone feels alive again!
How to check my Quadrant points???????
Jit has been very buggy for me. Causes my phone to crash and turn off. Can someone please let me know how to uninstall?
i have done what u have narrated there… my xrecovery says installation complete, but i cant find JIT in my applications and quadrant score ! where is JIT?
please reply.. thank u..
Hmmm so that’s why Sony didn’t enable JIT. I wish XDA would stop messing around with the x10.. Nothing XDA have done has worked and when we follow there work, it comes clear why Sony didn’t do these things in the first place. JIT will cause your phone to get hot too quick just for a bit of speed.
2.2 beta 4 is way better than se 2.1.1, running for a week now, no fc no crash. Ok no camcorer but who needs that really! Quadrant score of 1371, better than any nexus, whoop whoop, and easy to back up stock rom wth xrecovery so can switch back in under 5 minutes! Just do it!
my xrecovery is not runing, why?? :'(
so i really would appreciate a way to reverse this. since installing my performance has not gotten any better (the only real improvement was finally getting rid of timescape) and the battery life is PATHETIC. i am getting 6 hours of barely much usage at the moment. its hell.
so, i may be a once off, but i’m saying do not install this. if i am though, someone shout out with what i can do?
thanks yo
Is it safe to remove the files used for installation after you have installed the JIT?
Thanks for the step by step directions! Made the process pretty painless.
I completed it two days ago and havent really noticed much of a diff in the speed. My phone has also decided that it wants to restart at random points of the day now. Its quite frustrating. Have i done something wrong?
Any thoughts?
Very useful guide. I’ve just complete all above steps on my xperia x10i last minute. Thanks so much !
Hi guys i have a problem I just completed all the steps above and when i try to press on install updata .zip from sd card on xrecovery i have mesage tell me
Install from SDcard…..
finding updata package….
opening updata package…
E: can’t open /sdcard /updata.zip
(no such file or directory)
installation aborted .
also I can’t find the JIT score on my phone , So please anyone help me
[…] follow Step 1 from our previous guide on JIT installation for full instructions on how to gain root […]
I had to re-flash cuzz my market stopped working after about a month…
and i did it the way you did cuzz busy box would not work (new updated version is crap)
and now ive restarted my phone like 50 times and still cant get X-recovery to install!
help :-s
@mora u should choose install custom data
Unfortunately, busybox is not compatible with Xperia mini pro.
What happens now?
Can’t get Superuser to install properly. My antivirus goes off during the root process and says that the Superuser package is infected. I set the antivirus to ignore, but the SU test still fails, and the phone is not rooted.
Any ideas?
Well done, thx very much
Thanks a lot, it really feels much faster =D
I’ve done all the steps, but xrecovery wasn’t booting, so i installed a version i found here http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=950324
then i completed the jit installation but now it gets stuck in the 1st SE logo, it’s been stuck for over an hour..
xrecovery still boots if i want to…
any thoughts?
It was really easy to do. X10 is a lot faster now. Scrolls easily. Everything seems to run more smoothly.
[…] […]
[…] […]
having problems with the xrecovery. It doesn’t start when i push back several times after phone starts on x10mini any suggestions?
THis thing is awesome
like most people out there, i was worried if ill f#*k up my x10 if i root it
but the guide is awesome,,, really detailed
had a bit of problem downloading xRecovery from xda ,,, but then googled to find another site having it
but awesome work
and the performance…. WOW man ,,, really works
i thought 60%, is it really worth the effort
but great work
hope the battery life also improves 😀
Thanks guys,,, wonderful work
problems have started to occur
1) automatic reboot,,, after hanging a bit……….. that sucks,, happend like 3 times in one day since i rooted the device
2) my WIFI does not turn on – get the message “unable to start wifi” …. F!#k,,, help!!!
plz help
hi, i followed all of the above instructions, then read it isnt compatable with x10 mini, thats the phone i installed JIT on, now i try to reboot it and it only comes up with the sony ericsson screen, it will stay on that screen and wont start up. i can open xrecovery and i have tried to restore factory settings, it says done, i reboot and the problem is still there. can i have some advice to help fix this problem :/
nothing happens , zzzzz ”=,=
Very well documented! Just installed, waiting for phone to reboot.. lets see if the performance boost could be felt..
Thanks to this forum(I had already done the root and xRecovery steps) my XperiaX10a on At&t 2.1 ,no custom roms. Runs 2.8x faster than before the JIT files according to BenchmarkPi
i have rooted my phone, i installed busy box , i hav installed the xrecovery , all the files are copied but i am not able get in to console , i tried many time by pressing back key after the white Sonyericsson but it is booting only to the phone fireware and not in to xrecovery console
amazing. thank you.
My phone was already rooted via FLASHTOOL.
Last night i installed JIT in the xRecovery following the procedures written above in the Description.
Now when i rebooted my phone it never went into the home screen. Nothing is happening now, at first it showed the SONY ERICSSON and screen went off, again phone got restart by itself and i saw only SONY ERICCSON and then again screen went off. after couple of minutes the phone screen went completely black.
When i plug the usb cable it enters in the flash mode.
i can only use xRecovery now. HELP PLEASE
i have started up superoneclick and pressed root.I get this far:
Starting ADB Server…
* daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 *
* daemon started successfully *
Waiting for device…
Pushing rageagainstthecage…
1464 KB/s (0 bytes in 585731.000s)
chmod rageagainstthecage…
Running rageagainstthecage…
Then i wont do anything else ! i have been waiting 20 min for it to do something. Is this normal ?
nobody should bother with this anymore, since 2.3 is out now…
this JIT fix gave my phone a huge boost, but at a significant cost…the hang ups followed by the reboot…i found the way around this is, when it does lag, just press the home button…and it should save it from crashing…
anyways, 2.3 has not even rebooted once, I also just did the Quad score of 931! Again, for those still trying this JIT installer, dont bother and just update to 2.3!
[…] are available here and here. Now your phone is […]
Can I follow the above instructions and gain performance gain for my Xperia x10, which has Android 2.3 ?
guys how to increase internet seed on xperia arc
Please help me ..
After successfully installing the xRec software into my x10 mini pro. I restarted my phone and when i boot it again and as i seen SE logo i press the back button around 6 times but i was not getting this downloading screen. Could you please help me on this as i was stuck up in factory2.1 and. setting … please tell me what should i do …?
I’m stuck at the SONY ERICSSON welcome screen at booting
what should i do?
my computer cannot detect my phone
coz’ my x10 won’t go to home screen to slide and tap the connect USB
i can’t fix it to my pc companion
anyone can help me?
my phone keeps restarting on white text sony ericsson while cashe is also wiped and rom is successfully installed. what i do now?
Same issue as x10 user. Please help.
wtf i followed the directions and now my phone jus keeps rebooting n i had custom rom stock based
u kno wats funny, xperia x10 will have 4.0 sony just wants to hide the fact that it can upgrade but they rather make u buy a newer phone to make money.. lyk every other company does seriously look how many android phones are out there it doesnt take that much to make a great phone.. they jus wanna piss the user off to and make them buy a newer phone funny how they say x10 never have 2.3.3 and yet im runnin it lol and i got a mod chip for more ram shhhhhh dont say a word
to neil: It doesnt work, it keeps on booting, just press back key if you see sony ericsson screen, if you have a custom rom in your memory card, install it, and after installation, then its ok now..
This ruined my phone. It’s stuck on the continual reboot loop now. Not even SEUS can do anything about it. It just says that the phone systems are up to date and doesn’t do a thing. What should I do?
will this work for x10i with gingerbread 2.3 ?
I have followed the above blog & missed to clear the dalvik cache before installing the jit enabler, the phone keeps on rebooting after the white sony erricson screen. Need urgent help !!!!
Hello, I’m following this guide for second time with same results: phone is on boot-loop now. However, there is a way to fix it with PC companion: launch PC companion, select support zone, choose phone software update, then click repair phone and follow the manual. When it asks to turn off the phone, simply remove the battery. It worked for me.
It’s sad I cannot install JIT on my phone, don’t know where I made a mistake…
Destroyed my phone.
I was fine with the instructions until I got to JIT, then I scrolled through the comments and installed TitaniumBackup.
For those of us out there who aren’t up with computer speak, TB is a godsend. Pay the cash and get Pro. With that, you can “freeze” apps instead of deleting them, meaning that you don’t trash your phone by accident (easy to do for someone like me).
But, thanks for helping me get the Root thing!!
will this work for x10a with gingerbread 2.3.3 rooted?
>> My Phone is Sony Ericsson X10( SO-01B Luster White),Android Version 2.1-Update
>> After installing JIT Enabler,My Phone stops at ‘Sony Ericsson’ white text and cannot continue.
>>Please help me .
>>Thanks in advance
My Phone is Sony Ericsson X10( SO-01B Luster White),Android Version 2.1-Update
After installing JIT Enabler,My Phone stops at ‘Sony Ericsson’ white text and cannot continue.
Please help me .
Thanks in advance
********I need urgent help*****************
Great, like the recent posts here I’ve broken my phone with this as well. It keeps rebooting. Little bit of research showed that JIT is built within 2.3 android versions, so this entire tutorial isn’t needed (sadly enough, nearly no mention of this anywhere). It’s a pain to see that this tutorial hasn’t updated the information yet, causing new x10 users to fuck up their phones. Heck, this tutorial didn’t even mention backing up your stuff with xRecovery before installing this. Please edit this goddamn tutorial for newcomers!
For users that became victim of the infinite reboot:
There’s no resources on how to remove JIT, but supposedly it’s a line within a file that ‘enables’ this. You’ll have to set this back to the original setting. However, you can’t access your phone memory with xRecovery, so you will have to REFLASH your phone. Yes, you will lose all your settings.
You can try SEUS (the update service of Sony) to recover to an original working environment, or you do custom rom stuff, but don’t ask me how. I went the SEUS way to recover my phone. You can get it from here: http://www.sonymobile.com/global-en/tools/update-service/ just follow the instructions to reinstall phone settings (it’ll say you might have most recent update, but install anyway).
“Thanks” for the tutorial, but now I’ll have to spend my entire weekend trying to fix the bullshit going on here.
I had the same problem with some of you guys…my x10 could’nt start…it was saying “sony ericsson”…so before start the installation of JIT … do a backup from xrecovery…may it take some time but it may save your phone…i was lucky and before do Installation i did a backup…When my phone could not start…i just do a restore system from Xrecovery and then it was fine 😉
I hope i Help
hey,rebooting now,how long do you think this i gona take?
When I originally commented I clicked the “Notify me when new comments are added”
checkbox and now each time a comment is added I get
three e-mails with the same comment. Is there any way you can remove people from that service?
Many thanks!
my usb is broken n beyond repair…is there any way to root my phone?? please do help…
help plz when i chose install from costume zip it says cant mount sd card operation aborted help plz sent from xperia x10i with 2.3.3 ginger bread version
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Cool! i really need to root my xperia x10. .i will sure try this one hope its working. .thanks anyway.
I followed all the steps and JIT installation was successful…but after the white Sony Ericsson text appears it keeps rebooting. What to do ??