Near final Xperia X10 Gingerbread update caught on video

Near final Xperia X10 Gingerbread update caught on videoThe Sony Ericsson Xperia X10 is due to get the big Android 2.3 Gingerbread update in the next few weeks. It’s been a long wait but we’re sure the wait will have been worthwhile. Israeli site managed to get a near final version of the X10 Gingerbread update and shot a video showing us what we can expect.

It’s a bit difficult to interpret the menus as it is all in Hebrew. However, the guy in the video says that the update brings better battery life, performance and call quality. He also claims that the update will land this weekend, although this is unverified. The rest of the video goes through new features like wireless hotspot, apps2sd and the new Arc launcher (which we’re sure many of you are already running). Check out the video below.


22 responses to “Near final Xperia X10 Gingerbread update caught on video”

  1. the notification icons hav moved to left .how …. is this fakeee\ >>..??//
    custom/officials RC

  2. Hebrew support = right to left languages support… That’s always good news for international and bilingual users.

    I believe SE said at one point that 2.3 upgrade will drop the multi lingual support, but I guess this is not the case…

    I am wondering if the 2.3 update will have native support for these languages (like the current 2.1 does) or the localization we see in the video is an add on…

  3. After some mods from xda(ty guys) i dont need this 🙂 But 2.3 with a custom kernel/rom , you can imagine.

  4. For the record, at the end of the video he says the upgrade will be available this week (his words, which week I don’t know) at the service centres of the Israeli operators, as well as on the SE website.

  5. O h cmon,,, hurry the fukk up ,it’s taking agez. I hope they don’t include lame apps as they did with 2.1 which you don’t need and consumes loads of memory. I cannot wait to have this rooted and customized

  6. fake and gay: notification not same as official announcement by SE.
    i suspect it just custom ROM on XDA.

  7. ========================================================================
    pak ya: notification not same as official announcement by SE.
    It’s Hebrew. And you will have to read from right to left dude. That’s why it arranged left

  8. ya everybody, it looks all effed up bc it’s the native layout for that language. don’t get ur panties in a knot.